Sunday, February 09, 2003

Officer shoots, kills suspect
Details from the press conference. The preliminary view I would take is that the use of force was reasonable. I am sure that many in the black community will have a field day with this case. I hope the city is prepared for this and makes plans for all contingencies. This case will most likely not get the same outcry mainly because the person killed was 34 years old in stead of 20, and was an ex-convict having been released last July after serving 14 years for aggravated robbery. This police officer will be threaten by many ignorant racists, but hopefully he will not be vilified. I hope tomorrow that the CBUF makes a public statement holding judgment at minimum or supporting the police review at best. I expect the CJC and the bigot parade will be out streaming for blood. They would find guilt in a police officer for doing anything, so their opinion will hopefully be ignored.

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