Saturday, September 30, 2006

What does it Take?

Coining a phrase like predatorgate is shear genius. On the whole Foley thing I am going to sit back and watch. The House GOP leadership is looking as bad as bad can be.

The only thing coming to mind is a quote that I am sure many are thinking of
"[I could not lose unless I was] caught in bed with a dead girl or a live boy." Edwin Edwards.
I think in this case it appears to me that the House GOP leadership was attempting to prove this wrong, but failed.

Live From Kaldi's......

As the arrogant bastard I am, I shall declare myself the official blogger of the Downtown Hop Around, seeing that I am right now sitting at Kaldi's with friends. Stay tuned for updates throughout the night.

UPDATE 6:30 PM: Ok, got a beer, going to order soon. The crowd is light, but the sun is still up.

UPDATE 7:40 PM: Dinner was good. A meatloaf sandwich might scare people off, but the horseradish sauce that comes on it really is freakin good.

We are playing Uno, or rather everyone else at my table is playing while I am watching/blogging/drinking.

The Uno game has expanded. I am feeling the coolness just ooze out of me!

UPDATE 9:22PM: Things have picked up a little bit, but the Uno game goes on!

I am not pleased about being here and having to pay for wifi. I thought lily pad worked here, but not tonight.

UPDATE 10:08 PM: We are now debating the strategic elements of the game of Uno. Hop Around is technically done, but we all may be hoping someplace else.

Northern Main Exposure

20/20 kicked off last night and I spent a large portion of the evening hanging out in a very large RV parked on Main Street. It was a rather surreal experience, with Gothic Hula Dancers keeping me inside the RV with their sidewalk performance blocking the doorway. I passed the time chatting, marveling at the long sleeve monkey-face t-shirt I wanted to buy, watching TV, and listening to every Techno satellite radio channel available.

The consensus among those hanging out in RV put the night on par with a Northern Exposure Episode.

Watching the dancers do a routine which included a headhunter theme and something akin to light saber fight added a flair to the night.

20/20 is about the arts and the individual expression of ideas. You have 19 more days to experience it. Get out there and going.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Downtown Hop Around

Get out tomorrow night and check out Downtown. Cincinnati Advance is YP Ambassador at Kaldi's, so drop on by and say hello. You can't say there's nothing to do and you prove you are not a panic stricken ninny who watches too much local TV news and fears leaving your driveway.

Do What I Say, Not What I Do

Let's first review:
From Plagiarism: "Using ideas, plots, text and other intellectual property developed by someone else while claiming it is your original work."

So what is bad for students is ok for Politicians. If I had bought a term paper from someone in a different high school, then turn it in, that is fine according to the Enquirer! Oh, wait, its, not ok to them. It's OK if their choice for Congress does it, but kids shouldn't do it. So, "do what I say, not what I do" should become Jean Schmidt's new campaign slogan?

Yes, this is bad. It shows Schmidt is lazy, lacks a thought of her own, has a badly run campaign, and sets a bad example for kids.

And finally, let's talk about skipping over the issues....Why did the Enquirer skip over the big issues of misleading the public over the War? Instead of running trite stories like covering dumb kids wearing scandals at a campaign rally, we might have learned about Bush's lies to the American public. Those lies continue to the this day, but the Enquirer doesn't care about lies. Well, unless you lie about a BJ. When Clinton comes to town on October 24th, you know you are going to hear about that. You will not hear about Chabot's negatives, they will be filtered out. Clinton will be headline news on October 25th's newspaper, mark my words. (Now, if I should be wrong, I'll gladly claim someone at the Enquirer was trying to spite me. LOL)

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Inside Take On MidPoint

Sean Rhiney gives his take on this year's Midpoint from the organizer's perspective. He ends the article with the good news, they will be back in 2007. Where Midpoint will take place will be a much pondered notion for the next 10 months or so.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

My Fountain Square

I really like the Fountain Square website. It shall be a new link on this page shortly! Check it out. They do need a mailing list I think.


Why would anyone want to transfer their grief over their son's tragic murder into a misguided political campaign? The father here needs to avoid trying to quell his emotions by seeking revenge against innocent people who had nothing to do with his son's murder.

Calling this "internal terrorism" is just sad.

I can understand a parent emotionally reacting over a child being murdered, as I am sure most of us can. If he is doing this alone, then he needs counseling. He made need counseling even if he is not. It is far more likely that he is being exploited by others for political/personal gain. Those using this man and his son's murder to pursue a campaign based on bigotry and racism possess no sense of decency, honor, or sense of respect for humanity.

WOXY Lives On!

City Beat is reporting that WOXY has found a White Knight and will be returning to the air. Great News for Indie music and great news for Cincinnati.

Puppet Schmidt

The Schmidt campaign reportedly states itself that an editorial publish in newspapers under Rep. Jean Schmidt's name was not written by Schmidt, and instead was written by the House Republican Caucus.

Does Schmidt have any opinions of her own, or is she just a puppet congresswoman for the GOP?

Bodyguard Showdown Looming?

City Council is starting to push back on Mayor Mark Mallory. The Finance Committee has passed a motion making the mayor include his full time bodyguard, police officer Scotty Johnson, in his office budget, instead of in the police budget.

This will come for a vote before the full council and will test Mallory's support.

Monday, September 25, 2006

MidPoint Summary

The Enquirer has an overall roundup of the festival. I had fun. That is what the festival is for afterall. I was not blown away by any of the acts I say, especially on Saturday night.

The rain really hurt and I think made the Saturday night gun shy. This year Midpoint Staff did a monumental job just getting the festival off, but stepped up even more with the hurdles thrust at them.

I am concerned how it will work next year. Where it will be is going to be a question that shall linger all year long. For now, play the CD's you got from your favorites, keep supporting local original music, and get out and see some more shows this weekend.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Heimlich-Pepper Debate

The debate happened last week. Did the debate have a clear winner? Local debates rarely affect races much, but might sway a few attendee's views.

DL Hosts Happy Hour for Kos

Join Drinking Liberally this Friday Night for a Kos Happy hour. Nationally known blogger Markos Moulitsas is in town and DL is bring the blogger to the people. Local candidates will be hanging out as well fighting to gain his counsel or a little more attention on his blog. The details: 5-8 p.m. at O'Bryon's Irish Pub, on 1998 Madison Road in O'Bryonville.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Midpoint Day Two

The Night was wet...and that's an understatement. My golf-size umbrella came in handy. While dodging the rain, I got to see several bands. Top of the list were the States and ..:SHIROCK:...

Tonight, not sure what I am up for. The Hiders, Apollo Up!, and Ellery look interesting.

CEA's Nominations For Music Are Out

CityBeat's Cincinnati Entertainment Awards Nominees for Music were announced last night. The Heartless Bastards and IsWhat?! Led the nominations with 4 each including Album and Artist of Year honors.

The Bigot Bar Owner in Mason Carries On

Anti-Muslim Hate boils just below the surface in much of American society and this juvenile statement from an adult in age only is a prime example. That hate of Muslims stems mostly from 9/11 and is an under current of what is a common held sense in many circles (high in conservative circles) of wanting to get revenge on Muslims. It's a tribal or clan like reaction. It is not a civil reaction and is being exploited by the Bush Administration as well as many Republican policy makers.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Midpoint Day One Recap

Lauren Bishop has her take on day one here.

I was most impressed with singer/songwriter Ellen Cherry who appear upstairs at Neon's. She had a sharp wit, is really cute in the coffeehouse gal kind of way (to mimic Lauren: not a slam at all), and her red polkadoted top reinforced her girl next door visual image. That image played that took me in played me for a fool, her dry sense of humor sharp songs give you a multi-level gut twist.

Tonight I'll be starting off at the Cincinnati Advance Midpoint Fire-Up! Party. Please come on down and support us. We made City Beat with it, twice!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Going to Midpoint Tonight?

What bands are you going to see? Note their locations and times if you can. I don't know who I am going to see tonight, yet, so I would love some suggestions.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

CinAd - Midpoint Fire-Up on Friday!!!

Get Fired Up on Midpoint Friday!

On Friday September 22nd, join Cincinnati Advance for a Midpoint Fire-Up party at the Know Theatre of Cincinnati . From 6PM to 8:30 PM warm up with a drink and dinner by the bite from VINYL and Washington Platform before you engage in a night of cutting edge original music. Take the time to converse with your fellow music enthusiasts and plan out your night of shows, while partying in an actual Midpoint Venue. We'll start the night of music with the sounds of DJ Empirical ( ). Cost is a low 5$ with a Cash Bar. Please note that admission to the party does not include the cost of admission to Midpoint. The Details:

What: Cincinnati Advance Midpoint Fire-Up!
Where: Know Theatre of Cincinnati - 1120 Jackson Street
When: Friday September 22, 2006 - 6PM to 8:30PM

Food Sponsors: VINYL and

Venue Sponsor :

What are some of the bands playing Midpoint Music Festival Friday September 22?
Kim Taylor @ Know Theatre 10:15 p.m.
Triage @ Blue Wisp 12 a.m.
Ryan Adcock @ Kaldi's 12:20 a.m.
Fairmount Girls @ Guido's Corner Tap 10:15 p.m.
Jake Speed & The Freddies @ Arnold's 12:15 p.m.

CinAd members are looking forward to Midpoint. Some of our favorites on Friday Night:

Bridget Huseman: "I'm looking forward to seeing the Fairmount Girls on Friday night. They opened for the Heartless Bastards at Southgate and are pure fun. I want to see more of them!"

Brian Griffin: "I really enjoy Jake Speed, so I'll try to see the Freddies at Arnold's, but at Midpoint I don't want to waste my chance to see bands I can't see often, so I'll try to see The States at the Know Theatre."

Jay B. Kalagayan: "Triage is a great blend of funk, jazz and motown. It's a musical treat to catch one of their rare performances."

For a complete Midpoint Music Festival Schedule, CLICK HERE.

Starting Early

Craig Scheidler is learning the hardway that politics is about money. He has personally helped raised over $2,000 for Dr. Victoria Wulsin who is running the Ohio 2nd.

Help Wulsin and in turn Craig's effort to be a good citizen and get rid of a bad Congress person.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Oh, My

The hair style is not something I'd keep.

Hartmann's Answer a Sign?

Is how you answered a question on a job application for a public job a sign of your trustworthiness? Yes it is. Is it a big one? Likely not a big political issue, because the Republicans will contradict themselves again on points of legality, dismissing them as unimportant. We all know what that is. Well, we do if we can remember the meaning of "is."

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Is Fairfield Safe????

Is it safe for you and your children to walk outside a bar at 2 AM? Tune in tonight to see how you can avoid being shot on the tough streets of Fairfield.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Daily Kos at the Mercantile Library

Great news for blogging fans:
Markos Moulitsas, the man behind the world famous Daily Kos blog, will be appearing at the Mercantile Library on Friday, September 29th at noon in order to speak about his new book. The event is FREE, but we do ask that you RSVP (click here to send us an e-mail, or dial (513) 621-0717 if you prefer the old timey telephone device).
I am unable to make it, but add that to Ira Glass coming the next day, and you have a great representaive of the progressive media in America visiting Cincinnati. Wonder if the Enquirer will notice Kos's visit?

Thursday, September 14, 2006

100 New Cops?

Adding more cops will not change anything now, it's a long term issue. To affect crime now, police need to act more now. Citizens need to act more now. Adding more cops in the future is not going to do anything but make City Council appear that they are doing something, something other than their basic job of coming up with a budget.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Retreads? That's All They Have to Offer?

If all the Democrats and Republicans have to offer as candidates for City Council are former members of council, then someone at the parties needs to start screaming. What human being could vote to endorse Sam Malone for a GOP nomination? Yes, I know, saying the GOP are humans might be a stretch. Seriously, are they that callous to endorse the guy, just because he can get the child abuser vote?

Interesting Article On Shadowbox

I haven't been for a while, but Shadowbox is making a few waves by using a better business model. No radical changes, just improved efficiencies.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Local Blogger Gets Mention

Mario Delgado, of Porkopolis, got a mention in Tech Trends.

Ghiz On Film

Council Woman Leslie Ghiz is featured in a documentary about the 2004 election. I don't know how the film premiered, or if it will show in Cincinnati. If it plays the Esquire, someone please let me know!

Monday, September 11, 2006

Remembering 9/11

How are you remembering 9/11? I plan on trying to avoid all politicization of the subject (which includes pushing terrorism at this time) and I plan on avoiding the faux patriotism.

I will remember the bravery of Firemen and Police Officers who ran into the WTC Towers.

Jack Quinn's Closes

Why didn't Jack Quinn's proper? Claims in the article include:
Lack of parking, worries about safety, the scarcity of nearby attractions and competition from Newport on the Levee and the Crestview Hills Town Center all contributed to Jack Quinn's demise, Bowles said.
That sounds kind of weak. The Covington of Mayor agreed:
Covington Mayor Butch Callery disputed that. He blamed the once-popular pub's demise on poor management.
It is a great building. It hopefully will find a good use.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

City Beat: "Where’s Phil? Indian Hill."

Kevin Osborne from City Beat exposes the outright snobbish gall of Phil Heimlich. Hamilton County Politics 101 states you DO NOT skip the Harvest Home Parade to hold an Indian Hill Fundraiser with fat cats like Bob Castellini and John Barrett.

If you are a blue collar Republican from the West Side, this is the reality of the GOP. Yes, Pepper is the kid of a rich fat cat too, but he marched in the parade.

'Homeless" Showdown

I am going to take a hard line here with those being described as homeless living by the river. The term "homeless" has a meaning in society which means something different to various people. To the guys who run the Drop In Center, it means anyone without a home. To others, like me, there is a difference between a homeless person and a bum The guys living on the river sound like bums. I have little sympathy for bums. They need help, true, they don't need to be coddled like children. Worrying about hurting their feelings shouldn't be a concern when their lives are intruding on others, as is the case with living by river and dropping a load where ever you want.

I don't want a showdown. I want quiet, professional action. Ask them to leave and offer them help. Most have addiction or mental health issues. If they refuse to leave, be more forceful about asking. If they still will not go at the end of the day, move them by force. Do NOT use kid gloves, if they are not going to go willingly. Sure, it sounds brutal, but sometimes you have handle people when they are unable to handle themselves.

Some activists will howl at the moon over this. City Beat and Brian Garry likely will rumble a bit. At the end society will have a better run Tall Stacks, the bums with hopefully get the help they need. If not, they'll be crapping someplace else until they bother somebody else.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Alchemize Review

Brian Butts from the Enquirer chimes in on opening night at alchemize. I haven't made it out there yet. Hope the sound is as good as Brian says. Parking is never wonderful in Northside. Anyone else made it out?

(If you are going to comment on Nick, save it. I will delete your tripe, and mock you if applicable.)

Smoking Hot Soccer Mamas

Soccer Moms Plead No Contest To Drug Charges.

Purgatory Closing This Weekend

I actually thought the club had closed a while back, but learned otherwise after recently seeing ads for events there.

Boycott Still Dead

The Enquirer reports today thatRev. Jesse Jackson to headline event at Freedom Center.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

We Are Safe

We are safe folks, you are not going to be killed in Cincinnati. When I say "you" I don't mean you if you are buy or selling drugs. Murders happen to innocent people very very infrequently. Foster Parents are not going to kill their foster Children, just because it happens, does not mean it will happen to you. Fear mongering is not going to make things better, unless your goal is to drive people away.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Blackwell vs. Strickland Round 1

Any take on who won the first debate? Did anyone pay attention to make it matter?

POWR PAC Shows True Stripes

No matter how many times Pete Witte bob and weaves, he can't deny that in the end POWR PAC is a Republican Group. They dance around that by backing city council Candidates like Cranley and Thomas because they have no other choices. The GOP has given up on the City, not backing enough candidates to even take a majority on Council.

POWR PAC is burning bridges here. Is this group about the West Side of Cincinnati Residents or is this about National politics? Steve Chabot isn't doing anything for anyone in the 1st district. Putting your weight behind him shows they are not about City Politics and working together. Instead they are about being foot soldiers in the national political fight.

Local Democratic candidates should denounce POWR PAC's actions and they should not seek their endorsements in any local elections. That will fall on deaf ears. It shouldn't, but it will.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Public Service Announcement to the President

You can't remind the U.S. that the country is at War when Congress never declared war. There is no state of War. We are not on a War footing. This is not 1944. If Bush is going to throw around words like War and Freedom, I wish he would do it without trampling on the U.S. Constitution. I mean, Hell, if Bush is a literalist on the matters of the U.S. Constitution, as his love of Supreme Court Justice Scalia suggests, then he should be first to admit that his administration is claiming powers reserved for the President during a declared war. These powers have only been used in the time of actual war, which by the way, the last one ended over 60 years ago. If he wants to be FDR or Lincoln and ignore the Constitution in time of War, then he better get of his bum and ask Congress to declare one.

20/20 Line-Up Announced

20 Days and 20 Nights has been announced. Look for more information here:

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Live Blogging Riverfest

The Enquirer has reporters on scene giving frequent updates on the crowds, sights, weather, and traffic surrounding Riverfest.

Interesting idea for the Newspaper to do this type of thing. I give them credit for trying something new. Much like showing the fireworks on TV, I wonder how much of an audience there is for this. Live Blogging other events that a lot of people don't go to might be a better way to expand reach of the Enquirer's blog, and actually give a reason why you need to visit their blogs over just watching TV.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Heartless Bastards Show Rocked

With the biggest Southgate House crowd I have ever seen, the Heartless Bastards played a great set at their CD Release Party. My vantage point from the balcony was excellent. Erika's voice was strong and is wonderful on the new album's songs. The live set of the new album's songs are much harder then the studio versions.

I could have done without the guest violinist, though.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Long Live WOXY

WOXY is going silent on September 15th. There is reportedly a very small chance someone might buy the Internet radio station. I expect this is end of the future of rock and roll. Sad.

Pellet Gun Halts Mail Service

How does what sounds like a few kids cause mail deliver to be halted for three weeks for portions of three streets in Evanston? I know that pellet guns are not in the famous phrase:
Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.
, but come on. Get a police escort while delivery in going on. Just park the officer on the street. I would think that would suffice.