You're not going to read about this in the Enquirer, but Miami is #1 in the nation in College Hockey.
Love and honor to Miami,
Our college old and grand,
Proudly we shall ever hail thee,
Over all the land.
Alma mater now we praise thee,
Sing joyfully this lay,
Love and honor to Miami,
Forever and a day.
Get an interesting take here on Miami Hockey from a North Dakota fan, the #2 team.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Sam Malone Owes Son Money
First He was charged with whipping his son with a Belt, but now he was spending his son's money too. This time the courts ruled against him. What is most horrible for this man to have done is the report in the article that alleges Malone used some of the money that belonged to his son to pay his legal fees in his defense on the charges for beating that same son. I guess Malone was going to take it out of his hide in more ways than one.
BRINK: A New Music Showcase
The Southgate House has a great line-up for this Saturday Night (Nov 3rd). If I can get gang to go, I'm going to check out the likes of: The Pomegranates, White Girls, Lions Rampant, Jon Justice, Kinsey Rose, The Read, Eat Sugar, The Delusionals, Eclipse, Cash Flagg and Nathan Holscher.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Council Supports Banks
All Nine voted in a joint subcommittee meeting to support the Banks plan. An assumed formality vote in a full council session is expected later in the week.
It appears like something is going to happen. I'm still foggy on the details. If they are out there, I've not seen them blanketed around for all to read. I'm worried about its success. It still appears to me that all of the political leaders are missing something about development of any area in and around Downtown: you need people to live there. Residency is the key to the Banks, to Fountain Square and to OTR. If you don't make it easy and attractive to live in Downtown, then these new projects will not make it.
I also see the double edge of the Banks. I hope everyone understand what the Banks is going to be: a play ground for the suburbanites. What they want is a place to play before and after the game. That is what is driving the Banks. Sure, it exists now in Downtown or over in Covington/Newport, but people are actually that lazy as to want it within yards of the stadium.
I think the Banks in concept is good idea, what I hope people don't do is see it as anything more than a loss leader. It is the way to give people a taste of the City, but what will make everything work is having thousands of new residents in Downtown and OTR. That will bring the retail everyone clamors for. It takes people to build a city, not an ESPN Zone. When I hear John Cranley joking about drinking beer in a big national chain restaurant, all I can think of is McMain Street.
What the city needs to attract now are two thing: residents and employers who like having residents live near by.
It appears like something is going to happen. I'm still foggy on the details. If they are out there, I've not seen them blanketed around for all to read. I'm worried about its success. It still appears to me that all of the political leaders are missing something about development of any area in and around Downtown: you need people to live there. Residency is the key to the Banks, to Fountain Square and to OTR. If you don't make it easy and attractive to live in Downtown, then these new projects will not make it.
I also see the double edge of the Banks. I hope everyone understand what the Banks is going to be: a play ground for the suburbanites. What they want is a place to play before and after the game. That is what is driving the Banks. Sure, it exists now in Downtown or over in Covington/Newport, but people are actually that lazy as to want it within yards of the stadium.
I think the Banks in concept is good idea, what I hope people don't do is see it as anything more than a loss leader. It is the way to give people a taste of the City, but what will make everything work is having thousands of new residents in Downtown and OTR. That will bring the retail everyone clamors for. It takes people to build a city, not an ESPN Zone. When I hear John Cranley joking about drinking beer in a big national chain restaurant, all I can think of is McMain Street.
What the city needs to attract now are two thing: residents and employers who like having residents live near by.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Police Union Assault
Once again Peter Bronson is attacking a union for fighting against the actions of large corporation, one run by a hard right Republican. I am still waiting for Bronson to write a column calling out the FOP for its assault on people of Cincinnati for its 2001 slowdown. Bronson is against every union there is, except for a chapter of the FOP that pushing GOP political views every change they get.
Prediction Monday #2
With media endorsements starting to come in: Enquirer, Downtowner, we can have round two of Prediction Monday. Here is how I see it:
Cranley, Qualls, Crowley
Almost locks:
No One
Likely on council:
Bortz, Harris, Winburn
In the running:
Berding, Ghiz, Monzel, Thomas
Long shots:
Kaup, Eby, Fischer
The rest of the field has no shot. The betting man's game will be on who will come in last. The bottom usually has the independents, so look for one of them to take the last sport, but this year there are several endorsed candidates who haven't done campaigning to get the votes. The "honor" of being last should garner some type of award. I may create one, just for such an achievement.
Cranley, Qualls, Crowley
Almost locks:
No One
Likely on council:
Bortz, Harris, Winburn
In the running:
Berding, Ghiz, Monzel, Thomas
Long shots:
Kaup, Eby, Fischer
The rest of the field has no shot. The betting man's game will be on who will come in last. The bottom usually has the independents, so look for one of them to take the last sport, but this year there are several endorsed candidates who haven't done campaigning to get the votes. The "honor" of being last should garner some type of award. I may create one, just for such an achievement.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Enquirer Endorsements Are Out
The Enquirer has picked their Nine and there are some interesting picks and non-picks. The list:
Chris Bortz
Laketa Cole
John Cranley
David Crowley
John Eby
Leslie Ghiz
Greg Harris
Chris Monzel
Cecil Thomas
The Enquirer did something very honest when it comes to Cole. I would surmise they had picked her prior to the story about the "physical altercation with another woman" came out last night. They didn't revoke the endorsement, at least not yet, but in the article's paragraph she got 2 postive sentences, and then 4 sentences on the scandal, ending with a call for Cole to give a full explanation. I hope that if Cole doesn't hold a press conference with a reasonable explanation by the end of the day Monday, the Enquirer should step up and revoke the endorsement.
The main surprises to me was in who the Enquirer did not endorse: Qualls, Winburn, Berding, and Fischer. All fit the traditional pick of the Enquirer, being more of establishment candidates. Harris and Crowley are two that I am very, very pleased they endorsed, but it goes against type for the Conservative Enquirer to pick two Progressive candidates. I am glad they have a better mix than their 2005 endorsements, which was a very Conservative Slate.
The endorsements from the newspapers in the past have influenced certain voters, but in recent years that influence has wanned. In a year with more than 9 candidates who can make a case as qualified choices, will voters pay more attention to who the Enquirer, the Post, and CityBeat pick for council?
If I were to pick one candidate who may get on council because of this pick it is Greg Harris. Greg has been running a very strong campaign. He has been in the mix in most polls so far, giving him one of the lower half of the 9 slots. This kind of backing I think will solidify his hold on what the polls have been saying. He has reached a great position in the race with about 10 days to go. Some hard charging and as much media buys as possible and I think he gets on.
Ghiz may also back into a seat on council, but she will have to get the Westside Conservative vote. She has lost most of the moderate and progressive votes she had last time. Westside Conservatives read the Enquirer.
Who else is hurt or helped by the Enquirer?
Chris Bortz
Laketa Cole
John Cranley
David Crowley
John Eby
Leslie Ghiz
Greg Harris
Chris Monzel
Cecil Thomas
The Enquirer did something very honest when it comes to Cole. I would surmise they had picked her prior to the story about the "physical altercation with another woman" came out last night. They didn't revoke the endorsement, at least not yet, but in the article's paragraph she got 2 postive sentences, and then 4 sentences on the scandal, ending with a call for Cole to give a full explanation. I hope that if Cole doesn't hold a press conference with a reasonable explanation by the end of the day Monday, the Enquirer should step up and revoke the endorsement.
The main surprises to me was in who the Enquirer did not endorse: Qualls, Winburn, Berding, and Fischer. All fit the traditional pick of the Enquirer, being more of establishment candidates. Harris and Crowley are two that I am very, very pleased they endorsed, but it goes against type for the Conservative Enquirer to pick two Progressive candidates. I am glad they have a better mix than their 2005 endorsements, which was a very Conservative Slate.
The endorsements from the newspapers in the past have influenced certain voters, but in recent years that influence has wanned. In a year with more than 9 candidates who can make a case as qualified choices, will voters pay more attention to who the Enquirer, the Post, and CityBeat pick for council?
If I were to pick one candidate who may get on council because of this pick it is Greg Harris. Greg has been running a very strong campaign. He has been in the mix in most polls so far, giving him one of the lower half of the 9 slots. This kind of backing I think will solidify his hold on what the polls have been saying. He has reached a great position in the race with about 10 days to go. Some hard charging and as much media buys as possible and I think he gets on.
Ghiz may also back into a seat on council, but she will have to get the Westside Conservative vote. She has lost most of the moderate and progressive votes she had last time. Westside Conservatives read the Enquirer.
Who else is hurt or helped by the Enquirer?
Cole's Drama Outlined
Joe Wessels outlines more of the drama in the Laketa Cole scandal. It appears her boyfriend has a bench warrant for missing a court appearance.
Isn't Sam Malone single???????
Isn't Sam Malone single???????
Friday, October 26, 2007
Cole Train Derailed?
Council member Laketa Cole allegedly got into a fight with a pregnant 23 year old woman. What is most interesting is that Cole allegedly tried to have police keep her name out of the police report. It was thought that she was both a victim and suspect in the incident, so the confusion is pretty thick at this point.
What will this do for her chances to win back her council seat? Will anyone care she got into a fight and that allegedly resulted in scratches to the face of both the 23 year old as well as to Cole herself? Does this maybe move her from a lock to the bubble? Does this in some minds make her a better candidate? Scandals make the political world jump, but does the public care?
What will this do for her chances to win back her council seat? Will anyone care she got into a fight and that allegedly resulted in scratches to the face of both the 23 year old as well as to Cole herself? Does this maybe move her from a lock to the bubble? Does this in some minds make her a better candidate? Scandals make the political world jump, but does the public care?
Give Me Fat, Or Give Me Death
Yates is going way too far with a bill to ban "trans fat". I understand we need to be more healthy, but this idea goes way over the edge.
Now, I am sure the smokers bitching about the smoking ban will take glee in saying this is the next slippery slope, but sorry Joe Camel, smoking doesn't equate to a form of food.
Now, I am sure the smokers bitching about the smoking ban will take glee in saying this is the next slippery slope, but sorry Joe Camel, smoking doesn't equate to a form of food.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Ok, there has been an anouncement of a deal on the Banks, but we don't have the details. We also don't have approval from City Council or the County Commission. This article implies something has happened. The Banks project has many hurdles ahead. I wonder if it will be set up for a pre-election approval vote? I hope the Mayor prevents the council from making a bad decision, just to get a good photo-op.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Prediction Monday?
Anyone want to predict council, yet again? I'm thinking the locks are:
Cranley, Qualls
Almost locks:
Cole, Crowley
Then the rest are just to close to predict, but those in the running:
Bortz, Berding, Ghiz, Monzel, Thomas, Harris, Winburn, Cooper, Fischer
Long shots:
Kaup, Bates, Eby
Who am I missing?
Also, shall we do this weekly until election day? Refine the list down a bit by Nov 5th maybe?
Cranley, Qualls
Almost locks:
Cole, Crowley
Then the rest are just to close to predict, but those in the running:
Bortz, Berding, Ghiz, Monzel, Thomas, Harris, Winburn, Cooper, Fischer
Long shots:
Kaup, Bates, Eby
Who am I missing?
Also, shall we do this weekly until election day? Refine the list down a bit by Nov 5th maybe?
Friday, October 19, 2007
The local GOP should be ashamed of the candidate they endorsed. This is the candidate who has been accused twice of domestic violence.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Fountain Square Campaigning
Did anyone go to Fountain Square Candidates Meet & Greet? I am more than a little concerned about what TV commercial Sam Malone is going to air that will appeal to women. Does beating your kid with a belt appeal to women? Is that something new in the modern woman that I've just not picked up on?
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
$102 MillionStreet Car Plan Announced
The Streetcar plan has been outlined to City Council and the 5 member economic committee voted its support for Streetcars.
Details on the financing are here.
Details on the financing are here.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
E.W. Scripps to Split into Two Companies
By splitting between a newspaper company and a TV/national business company the big question remains unanswered: Will the headquarters of either company leave Cincinnati? I would guess the TV Company will certainly move out of town. It appears to have not been run out of Cincinnati anyway. Will the Newspaper company stay in town is the bigger concern. Without a local paper, will they stay?
Ding Ding: Streetcar Plan's Coming
Today we'll get the plan for streetcars. The streetcar is the cornerstone of what will take the revitalization of Downtown and OTR to the next level.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Cincinnati Crime is Down
Crime is down in the City. There are a few neighborhood pockets were crime is not down, but OTR, Downtown, and West End have had significant reductions.
Will any Council candidates point out this decrease? Likely if you are someone like John Cranley or Cecil Thomas, you might champion this issue that what Cincinnati is doing to fight crime is working.
This also blows holes into last year's murder rate. It appears clear that the murders were narrowly sourced and not part of wide spread crime wave.
I will be interested in how this will be spun by the campaigns.
Will any Council candidates point out this decrease? Likely if you are someone like John Cranley or Cecil Thomas, you might champion this issue that what Cincinnati is doing to fight crime is working.
This also blows holes into last year's murder rate. It appears clear that the murders were narrowly sourced and not part of wide spread crime wave.
I will be interested in how this will be spun by the campaigns.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Ignorant Fools
In the Letters to the Enquirer one exposes the massive ignorance of the public where Gary Taylor of Oakley pines about Al Gore getting the Nobel Peace prize. His main beef is that Ronald Reagan didn't win one. Well, let's review a few facts. First, Nobel create the prize, in part, to make up for the military use of his invention, dynamite. So Reagan builds up the Military by building a ton of new bombs and weapons systems. This goes against the origin of the Nobel Peace Prize, so why would anyone but an ignorant fool think Reagan would have have one or deserved to win the prize?
Fountain Square Graeter's Opens Monday
More great news for Fountain Square as one of Cincinnati's most popular establishments opens a new location downtown with a seven day a week schedule:
6:30 AM to 10 PM Monday through Friday,It's starting to get cooler, so ice cream isn't going to be the hottest seller this fall, but the full bakery and limited candy selection should offer a nice treat when you are on the Square to watch a Bengals game.
7 AM to 10 PM Saturdays
11 AM to 7 PM Sundays
Question for Republicans
Do you care who your Ohio State Rep endorses in the GOP Primary for President? I certainly don't care who Dale Mallory is endorsing in the Democratic Primary.
"Fire the Fiscal Five" Video
Here's another video I was linked to. I think there was a similar video a while about the five. This may be the same video, anyway, an interesting piece of propaganda.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Mythos Mania
Another new self proclaimed "middle-class" restaurant is opening on 4th Street in Downtown.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
PSA for Sam Malone
I think Sam Malone needs to read this post in CityBeat to learn about how to be proper parent. If he learned that "Real Men Don't Hit" he might become a respectable human being.
Cranley Care
CityBeat is reporting that Councilman John Cranley is teasing the electorate with a health care plan that would provide a means for low cost health insurance for City Residents.
The plan on the first glance lacks enough detail to determine if it is just way to expensive or if it more of a pea shooter firing on an artillery range.
One of the problems that comes to mind first is what will happen when an employer wants to pull out of the insurance plan or if they can't afford to pay their portion or they just go bankrupt. If having a job is a requirement for the insurance, then it can help the working poor and working class, but if they loose their job, it doesn't help fill in the gaps.
The fact that the plan will not be "officially" brought forth until after the election makes this a massive trial balloon. Cranley is not in danger of losing the election next month. If he has his eyes on running for Mayor in 2009, then this might be a way to build up an accomplishment before a future election that at this point has many viable candidates being mentioned as running.
The plan on the first glance lacks enough detail to determine if it is just way to expensive or if it more of a pea shooter firing on an artillery range.
One of the problems that comes to mind first is what will happen when an employer wants to pull out of the insurance plan or if they can't afford to pay their portion or they just go bankrupt. If having a job is a requirement for the insurance, then it can help the working poor and working class, but if they loose their job, it doesn't help fill in the gaps.
The fact that the plan will not be "officially" brought forth until after the election makes this a massive trial balloon. Cranley is not in danger of losing the election next month. If he has his eyes on running for Mayor in 2009, then this might be a way to build up an accomplishment before a future election that at this point has many viable candidates being mentioned as running.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Bandwagon UC Fans
Ok, I am getting sick of the bandwagon UC fans who all of the sudden get upset about UC football. Hell, as a Miami fan, I bet I've been to as many UC football games over the years then a large portion of UC alumni.
If they were not ranked, few would have cared what was on Fountain Square (I think only a few care now). When UC is no longer ranked, they will go away. I really can't stand fans who jump on the bandwagon only when "their" team is winning. It is yet another thing wrong with sports today.
UDPATE: Paul Daugherty Chimes in.
If they were not ranked, few would have cared what was on Fountain Square (I think only a few care now). When UC is no longer ranked, they will go away. I really can't stand fans who jump on the bandwagon only when "their" team is winning. It is yet another thing wrong with sports today.
UDPATE: Paul Daugherty Chimes in.
Harris and Eby Cooperation
Something fairly new for Cincinnati, a Democrat and a Republican have come together to promote a plan for the city: Common Sense Cincinnati.
Monday, October 08, 2007
Cincy YP PAC Endorsements
The endorsements are out and the list is very underwhelming. I agree with logic behind Harris, Qualls, and Bortz. Cranley's prior mocking of YP groups does nothing to demonstrate he cares about the efforts of YPs to help the City. Cranley is a YP himself, which makes it more troubling. Berding, Cole, and Fisher all I feel are not championing the 5 issues Cincy YP PAC lists as the most important.
Joan Kaup clearly is one I would say is on the side of YPs, I would be interested in knowing why she did not make the list. I might trough George Zamary into that camp as well, with him being a much better choice to reach out to the Republicans than Pat Fisher.
Bottom line, I was very disappointed in the picks. Politically, if you are trying to spread your eggs into many different baskets, that has some logic to it, but in the long run helping the candidates who are not squarely in your corner will comeback to bite you in butt.
Joan Kaup clearly is one I would say is on the side of YPs, I would be interested in knowing why she did not make the list. I might trough George Zamary into that camp as well, with him being a much better choice to reach out to the Republicans than Pat Fisher.
Bottom line, I was very disappointed in the picks. Politically, if you are trying to spread your eggs into many different baskets, that has some logic to it, but in the long run helping the candidates who are not squarely in your corner will comeback to bite you in butt.
Louisville Dises Ohio
Via the Urban Louisvillian:
If any part of Kentucky really wants to compare cultures with Ohio, I think they are in way over their heads. And yes, we have plenty of women in Ohio with tattoos on their butts. The key difference is that they are not our sisters.
If any part of Kentucky really wants to compare cultures with Ohio, I think they are in way over their heads. And yes, we have plenty of women in Ohio with tattoos on their butts. The key difference is that they are not our sisters.
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Ghiz' Westside Digs
A Hyde Park Republican, Leslie Ghiz, is having open house at her HQ located in Westwood, the heart of the Westside. Did the Eastsider locate her HQ way over there because she desperately needs to get every Westwood vote she can get, or was the short term office rent cheaper?
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Charity for Charity's sake
Joe Wessels has an excellent post on the misguided "do gooders" are trying to do something, instead of doing what is best.
FOP Endorses Man Who Beat His Kid
It is remarkable that the Police Union in Cincinnati is so blind they overlooked Sam Malone's arrest on domestic violence charges (he was acquitted). Malone's son testified in court that his father repeatedly whipped him with a belt.
The Cincinnati FOP has ignored the actions of Malone and endorsed him for City Council.
Never mind that they endorsed nearly all of the Republicans running, which is a given with an organization that has recently be a shill for the Republicans. How can the union representing the law enforcement agency for the City support a man who has never denied he hit his son with a belt. It is disgusting that the representatives of the local police force would let a man who uses violence as tool to control his son represent the City in any capacity, let alone at its highest level.
The sad part, this isn't a surprise.
The Cincinnati FOP has ignored the actions of Malone and endorsed him for City Council.
Never mind that they endorsed nearly all of the Republicans running, which is a given with an organization that has recently be a shill for the Republicans. How can the union representing the law enforcement agency for the City support a man who has never denied he hit his son with a belt. It is disgusting that the representatives of the local police force would let a man who uses violence as tool to control his son represent the City in any capacity, let alone at its highest level.
The sad part, this isn't a surprise.
Friday, October 05, 2007
Roebling Point?
Will a new marketing plan help put the "other" Covington entertainment district on the map?
Thursday, October 04, 2007
If He Were a Democrat....
Si Leis would be run out of town on a rail for this kind of crap if he was a Democrat. Talk radio would want his head. Peter Bronson would be calling for him to be put into jail. The Enquirer would be pushing for a recall vote.
What is sad, is that this has been Si Leis's style for years. It surely is not the first time he has done this. The problem now is that the far right wing in Hamilton County are against Leis on the Tax issue. That makes him a target and they have had this kind of dirt on him for years?Wwhy wait until now to bring it out? What people will do to put their political views forward on a tax issue is really remarkable.
What is sad, is that this has been Si Leis's style for years. It surely is not the first time he has done this. The problem now is that the far right wing in Hamilton County are against Leis on the Tax issue. That makes him a target and they have had this kind of dirt on him for years?Wwhy wait until now to bring it out? What people will do to put their political views forward on a tax issue is really remarkable.
Change at CinWeekly
CinWeekly's Kari Wethington is moving over to the Enquirer to cover news in Northern Kentucky. This I believe is a plus for Kari and I hope helps her career. What she should be doing, at least part time, is writing about local music in Cincinnati on a regularly. The way the Enquirer has been assigning reporters, I find it more likely she will only have a geographical beat, not a topical one. This is an Enquirer trend that is not a wise way to build up the skills of reporters. It is instead a way to use them as machines to churn out copy.
Furthermore, I hope CinWeekly does not drop coverage of the local music scene. We didn't have a local blog coverage this year from Cin on Midpoint. I would surmise that Kari's move caused a gap that left open the coverage. Cin needs to step up to the plate and continue the level of music coverage Kari was providing. They could still do more! The Enquirer has no care about local music or much of any local news. Cin has many issues, but one of their highlights has been Kari's music coverage over the last few years. I for one will miss her weekly column. I do wish her well on her new job.
Furthermore, I hope CinWeekly does not drop coverage of the local music scene. We didn't have a local blog coverage this year from Cin on Midpoint. I would surmise that Kari's move caused a gap that left open the coverage. Cin needs to step up to the plate and continue the level of music coverage Kari was providing. They could still do more! The Enquirer has no care about local music or much of any local news. Cin has many issues, but one of their highlights has been Kari's music coverage over the last few years. I for one will miss her weekly column. I do wish her well on her new job.
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Over Kill?
I think the issue here is that some kids are acting like jerks and not getting out the way of the car. I mean, where did "Car! Game On" come from? As a kid we played whiffle ball and football in the street all the time. We did it on side streets and we got out the way when cars came down.
All you need to do is get a few of the kids parents to drive by and give them crap for not getting out of the way. This is a parenting issue, not one the city should be worry about.
The exception is on busy streets. It should be a rule already that you just can't be out on medium to high volume streets. That is simply a safety issue. Practically, no one is foolish enough anyway to be out playing touch football in the middle of Reading Road.
All you need to do is get a few of the kids parents to drive by and give them crap for not getting out of the way. This is a parenting issue, not one the city should be worry about.
The exception is on busy streets. It should be a rule already that you just can't be out on medium to high volume streets. That is simply a safety issue. Practically, no one is foolish enough anyway to be out playing touch football in the middle of Reading Road.
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Winburn has started his campaign of fear. I've not seen the ad, but the article claims he wants to bring down violent crime. Again in the article is states violent crime is down 12.6% from last year. What magic bullet does Charlie Winburn have to get crime down? Is he going to perform a mass exorcism to rid the City of violent demons or something?
Monday, October 01, 2007
Blog Debate
The Enquirer's Editorial Page Blog is holding what can best be described as a blog debate among candidates for Cincinnati City Council. I'm confused how this is going to work efficiently, but it should be interesting.
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