A 4.25% LOWER turnout than on 9/11. Our City is that apathetic that we could not match 9/11. Some I am sure will claim that patriotic fervor caught some, including myself, but no that's not valid. Voting in the City has dropped massively over the last 20 years and even more so on these Mayoral Primary days. We are choosing not to vote in massive numbers and it is a shame. The numbers were better in the General Elections both years, but still not good. Tens of thousands of Registered Voters who vote in Presidential Elections don't bother to vote in local elections, even in the local General Elections. I know some apologists will point to voter suppression, but these are people who can and do vote, just not for local races. They are choose not to vote. This is not one party, this is a problem in every precinct. Calling this a primary may contribute to problem, as those who refuse to participate in the full on partisan primaries, but that is not much of an excuse. People just feed on their ignorance. They don't bother knowing details about national politics, but so many are even more foolish when they don't have a clue about local elections which they could have a much more direct impact on their lives.
Sunday, April 11, 2021
What is the State of the Cincinnati Mayoral Race?
A 4.25% LOWER turnout than on 9/11. Our City is that apathetic that we could not match 9/11. Some I am sure will claim that patriotic fervor caught some, including myself, but no that's not valid. Voting in the City has dropped massively over the last 20 years and even more so on these Mayoral Primary days. We are choosing not to vote in massive numbers and it is a shame. The numbers were better in the General Elections both years, but still not good. Tens of thousands of Registered Voters who vote in Presidential Elections don't bother to vote in local elections, even in the local General Elections. I know some apologists will point to voter suppression, but these are people who can and do vote, just not for local races. They are choose not to vote. This is not one party, this is a problem in every precinct. Calling this a primary may contribute to problem, as those who refuse to participate in the full on partisan primaries, but that is not much of an excuse. People just feed on their ignorance. They don't bother knowing details about national politics, but so many are even more foolish when they don't have a clue about local elections which they could have a much more direct impact on their lives.
Thursday, April 08, 2021
20 Years Later, Peter Bronson is Still Terrible.
It is 20 years after a Cincinnati police officer killed an unarmed man, Timothy Thomas. The Enquirer solicited a wide set of opinions from people who dealt with much of the events in the days, months and years after that tragic night.
The choice was made by the Enquirer to include Peter Bronson, former Enquirer columnist and Editorial Page editor, in this project. On the surface, it makes sense. He was part of the newspaper’s coverage back then and it is logical to think he would have a perspective that would have insights that add context from a conservative point of view. For all of Bronson’s right wing drivel he out out during his career, he had a one on reputation to be a reasonable person, especially compared to the Republican media of today. Plus he’s prose and one might think he has learned something in retirement.
Well, instead of insight or reflection or evolved wisdom we got a pissant FOXNews type column (not going to link to it) filled with cheap shots, mistruths, and wannabe Tucker Carlson blather that appears to have written for the Dusty Rhodes cabal of Old Cincinnati.
That cabal filled with the crusty old men, mostly men, who are now mostly near death or retired from public life, as the new phrase goes, and held Cincinnati back from being a growing vibrant city 30-40 years ago. These are men that pushed self righteous hate on everyone they could.
That type of old mindset kept our country from learning from our mistakes and just repeated them, often out of spite. That Old Cincinnati is done and needs to not be heard from again.
Peter Bronson should retire from public life. He is not a good person. A good person does not write that column. A good person can gain some perspective. Bronson, like Rhodes is a bitter old man who has no value to society.
I think puzzles and shuffleboard are the most we can expect from Peter. I expect he cheats at both as he has demonstrated he has no class.
The Enquirer should never print another word from him ever.