The results for Hamilton County shifted slightly towards Republicans in the Presidential race. The table below lists out the Cincinnati neighborhoods and County municipality or township.
The data used for the Cincinnati Neighborhoods are approximations based on assignment of each precinct to one neighborhood. Therefore the underlying totals do is not exactly match the defined boundaries by census data. The County municipalities and Townships match up as precincts are tied to municipal borders.Tuesday, December 03, 2024
Hamilton County, Ohio Presidential Election Results by Neighborhood
Thursday, November 28, 2024
2024 Hamilton County Election Turnout Analysis
Tuesday, October 15, 2024
There is an Election Next Month, Have You Noticed?
Saturday, December 09, 2023
Hamilton County 2023 Turnout by Generation
Hamilton County voter turnout was the highest level for a local election in recent memory. Abortion rights drove most of the additional turnout. Here is voter turnout by Generation:
These numbers are based on the updated voter registration data, not the final results, so there is a small variance. Below are final summary turnout results in the county. First broken down by City vs Non-City:
Wednesday, November 23, 2022
Hamilton County Voter Turnout by Generation in the 2022 General Election
Turnout in the Hamilton County Overall was down from 2018. Here is the generational breakdown of the turnout by generation in the County, the City, and the non-City portion of the county in the 2022 General Election.
These numbers are up a bit from the final election night totals. I pulled them from the Voter registration lists which have been updated with references to those who have voted. These are not official totals. I presume the increase is due to additional mail in vote arriving and with the provisional votes. The increase in the number of votes was 8,025 for the full county. The data I am using is not "official" yet. The Hamilton County BOE meets today to approve the provisional ballots and certify the results.
2018 overall turnout in Hamilton County was 57.52%. I unfortunately do not have the same voter file data from 2018 saved to get a full comparison. I do have a comparison of 2020, 2021 and 2022. This data is more difficult to compare year to year, as turnout has the variation between Presidential, Local, and MidTerm elections. To make up for that I added a measurement of Share of votes to the Share of Registered voters. This is a totally made up ratio I created, but there are a couple interesting things:
Wednesday, November 09, 2022
How Greg Landsman Defeated Steve Chabot in the Ohio 1st Congressional District
- In the City Landsman was able to increase the Democratic result compared to both 2018 and 2020. This blunted the 9.5% drop in turnout compared to 2018.
- The Eastern Hamilton County suburb's Democratic support grew significantly. The chart above shows a narrow loss, but in 2020 and 2018, the Republican candidate got 56% and 55% respectively. Chabot being a new candidate to most of this portion of the county was one cause for the loss of support for the Republican. The likely bigger factor is the Republican brand is more and more that of extremism and anti-women. Chabot did nothing to defuse that image. Turnout here matched to Warren County.
- Warren County turnout dropped ~5% from 2018 and the Democrats picked up a point or two on the results. Warren County has pockets of variation, but is largely a monolith.
- Not having a Third Party Candidate made the choice clear and gave the anti-Chabot vote a place to go. This vote could account for the increases is the spread for Landsman in the City and Warren county. It would be less apparent in the Eastern Suburbs, when as part of OH-2 those areas did not have third party competition.
Saturday, October 29, 2022
Early and Absentee Voting Trends for Hamilton County Slightly Up on 2018 Rates, SO FAR...
Through Friday October 28, 2022 Hamilton County data, Early and Absentee Voting totals combined are up in comparison to 2018. The increase, however, is small at .69% (less than 1%). Early in person voting continues to be much higher 66.24% up, but mail in (drop off) absentee numbers are -11.8% down.
By political party all in person early voting rates are up, but surprisingly the rate increase for Republicans is by far the highest. By Total number count, Republicans are still the lowest group of in person early voting.
With numbers fairly close to being flat to 2018, that is a concern for what total turnout will be in 2022. The reason for that concern is that the portion of the early/absentee voters of ALL voters likely will NOT be the same to 2018. After COVID the portion of people voting by mail increased. That number is down. In person early voting is way up. That increase may be affected by COVID on a small level, but more likely the increase relates to the convenience factor or those who have a 2020 holdover fear of making sure their votes counts. I don't think the making sure you vote count factor is a big deal, by any stretch. I don't think it ever was. I believe the reason early in person voting is up is because those with cars find it easy to vote early. Those without cars and who use the bus lines and are dedicated to voting can make it happen. The question is are those voting early those who wouldn't have voted otherwise?
The only hard data I have to answer that question is: 16.2% of the votes cast thus far are by people who didn't vote in 2018, at least not here. Only 5.5% of votes cast thus far are from people who did not vote in 2020. Can we draw any conclusions from that? I think the main take away so far is that the new registrations and new voters have not yet turned out in comparable numbers to the regular and highly consistent voters. A second take away is that overall Democratic party turnout is up, Republican and Non-Party turnout is down on the Early/Abs voting overall. There are two reasons I can see making this true: 1) More Republicans being against mail voting or 2) Are deaths of older people reduced demographically the number of Republican voters who voted in 2018 via absentee mail?
Today (Saturday 10/29/2022) is the first day of weekend in person voting and will be one of days that is key for early turnout. The expectation is that the volume would greatly exceed both the average daily number of in person voters, 1,029 and the correspond 1,708 voters on the first day of early voting in 2018. I think for turnout to be higher this year, we need to see a big day of something approaching 3,000 in person early voters. We would then need more next weekend, which has Saturday voting and Sunday Afternoon voting during the final weekend before the election.
Saturday, October 22, 2022
HamCo Early and Absentee Vote Totals by Generation as of 10-21-2022
Early and Absentee votes are starting to come in for the November Election. Numbers are significantly up in comparison to the last MidTerm election in 2018, but those numbers are pre-COVID so making any predictions about turnout being up for 2022 is not something I believe the data supports. A simple logical presumption is that since the 2020 election, Early and Absentee voting has become a more popular option for Democrats. Looking at Party ID in the early numbers, there is an uptick for Democrats vs Republicans, so that could explain some or even most of the increase in voting.
That being said, one reasonable conclusion to make is that there is no evidence of a drop off of the Turnout level from 2018. That year was a high MidTerm turnout, with Democrats generally exceeding Republicans that year. In 2020 turnout of course shifted for the Presidential year, so what if any affects that election brings with it for turnout is unknown.
Generationally the votes so far seem typical. There have only been 8 days of early voting so far, so these are only preliminary numbers, but for all votes so far, here's how they break down:
The Silent Generation would be expected to be a large portion of the Absentee voters as the older voters rely on mail in voting much more regularly than younger voters. The poor showing for Millennials and Zoomers (Gen-Z) is still very troubling.
For comparison, if we look at only in person early votes, the numbers look like this:
The in person early voting does show a tilt for the younger voters, but the Boomer voters still dominate. The number of registered Millennials is the largest segment of all voters in the county, but they continue to not vote. They should be numbers be much higher. The generation covers everyone in their 30's right now and they registered to vote, but can't find a way to vote. Look at the voter registration in HamCo for this election:
The single biggest voting block in the county without question and they can't muster up 150 votes per day of in person voting to exceed GenX early voting. Is the Millennials so uninformed on the election process that they just don't get how to vote? How and why did they even get registered to vote in the first place? GenX's turnout sucks too. I won't deny that, especially as a member of GenX, but the Silent Generation still edged out Millennials with in person voting. That is embarrassing. More people aged 77 to 93 were able to get to Norwood and vote during the first 8 days of early voting than those 26 to 41. There is plenty of time to voting, but Millennials really need to get off their duffs and vote.
Monday, September 05, 2022
There are Signs of Hamilton County Turnout Being Strong in 2022
There is no easy way to estimate voter turnout. It varies by election and by location. One factor that can be an indicator is voter registration. I've done a simple analysis for Hamilton County of the voter registrations on the current listing and have compared the 2018 voter registrations to the 2022 voter registrations YTD though July.
This data has some limitations. The first seven months of the year is not the height of registration, that happens in September and very early October. My reason for limiting the analysis to the first seven months of year is largely due to is where we are so far. Additional problems come from the current registration listing. This does not include those who are no longer listed as registered in Hamilton County. It also does not include all of the rejected registrations as the time. Also, these registrations may not be new, they could be re-registrations. I chose 2018 to compare as it was the last Midterm election and as one that was very strong for Democrats. That time frame makes 2018 a skewed year as well, but the last Midterm election before that, 2014, was even more skewed as that year was nationally some of the lowest turnout ever, but locally it was influenced by a county wide ballot issue. With all of these flaws in mind, I still see two key inferences to make about this data.Sunday, December 12, 2021
Cincinnati Neighborhood Populations From the 2020 Census
Understanding Cincinnati's neighborhoods is a complex undertaking. Knowing the boundaries of each neighborhood is a contested concept before any other considerations are made. The population of each neighborhood is therefore going to have criticism. I've taken a leap and come up with an updated population summary based on my determination, down to the block level. I used a 2010 set of maps from the City of Cincinnati's website with census data breakdowns that included Tract and BlockGroup details per neighborhood. I compared that information and made adjustments based on changes to the 2020 census that included changes to the Tract, BlockGroup and Blocks designations.
That was annoying. Why the United States Census Bureau would change tract numbers within an old city like Cincinnati is beyond my knowledge. I'd surmise it would beyond any reasonable logic available. If you know why, don't tell, but still let me know, my hairline could use an additional reduction. Anyway, I made my determination. Here's what I have in alphabetical order for the population of each Cincinnati neighborhood based on the 2020 Census:
So, there are some obvious notations to point out: 1) My chart only shows 51 of the 52 Neighborhoods. That is what they City did after the 2010 census, so I followed that pattern. The missing neighborhood is the Heights, which is basically the University of Cincinnati Campus, but what it includes beyond that is more debated. It is included with CUF in the chart above. 2) The block level variation comes down from two sources within the census data, the voting precinct data provided and the municipalities that split some BlockGroups.
If anyone has a variation and would like to compare data, I would be more than happy to exchange information. Leave a comment, email me, or reach out on Twitter.
Bonus chart: Here is the same data set, sorted in descending order by Total Population.
Update: I found a few errors and have corrected them in both charts. Additionally, here is a comparison to the 2010 data I have. There still could be some additional changes caused by variation in the Tract and detailed groupings.
Friday, December 10, 2021
2021 Cincinnati City Election Generation Turnout
Democrats won a Mega Majority on City Council this year and nearly as many Boomer's voted than GenXers and Millennials combined.
I just don't know what to say about this. The classic notion is if you don't participate, then you have zero credibility if you complain. I will be sure to find a way to point that out to annoying young leftists on Twitter that bug me.
For comparison here is the turnout in 2020 for the same set of registered voters from 2021.
Wednesday, November 03, 2021
What was Turnout Like in the 2021 City of Cincinnati Elections?
The simple truth about the 2021 City of Cincinnati Election turnout is that it was historically low. There is no question that a large majority of registered voters did not want to vote in this election. Why it is low is not easy to answer with out more data. People will make lots of claims about why, but they will be either anecdotal or speculation. What I have below are some statistics based on turnout data from the BOE's live turnout tracker. I have created these based on two data points that are derived on other data I have compiled.
The first data point is on the race demographics of each precinct. I used the 2020 census data that provided population by race within each precinct. I made a determination of which race was a clear majority of each precinct. Where there was not a clear majority or the numbers were close, I considered that precinct a mix.
The second data point is neighborhood. I have assigned a single neighborhood identification to each precinct. This assignment is very much an approximation. Four neighborhoods are not represented as I determined they are a minority portion of another precinct. This was done by reviewing varied maps provided by the City and by the County's CAGIS map software. These assignments could certainly be debated and if someone sees an error, please let me know.
The first chart I have looks at turnout grouped by the majority race of each precinct for 2021 compared to the turnout of 2017. Please note the numbers listed are NOT a total of people who are of a particular race. The numbers are the registered voters and those who voted in precincts that have a majority of a particular race. I am sure most people get this, but unfortunately some people don't like to read the details and will just point to parts of labels and extrapolate bad data. I hope that does not happen.
The biggest take away I see here is that the reduction in turnout compared to 2017 was overall fairly equivalent through these segments. There is a larger decrease in turnout in black majority precincts, than white majority precincts, but oddly enough the mixed precincts changed nearly the same as white majority precincts. There could have been an effect on the election if the turnout was more closely aligned, but at best that could have affected the ninth spot in the race. The lower turnout in black majority precincts is in line with the 2020 election where each of the segments had turnout of 56.35%, 57.64%, and 68.81% respectively, so there are no factors that would be variant with other recent elections.
The next chart dives into a comparison of the neighborhood and ward turnouts. I included a comparison to 2017 turnout rates and a vote total retention number as well. As I stated before, these neighborhoods are approximate and they are broken out by ward, as several neighborhoods are split between more than one ward. In this detail you can see many neighborhoods and wards did not drop in turnout, as compared to 2017, as much as others. It's difficult to see big patterns, but you can see that certain neighborhoods had a bigger impact on the election. Hyde Park is regularly an important neighborhood for elections and this year that continued. I will be examining the success of each candidate in the neighborhoods as I compile more data from yesterday's election.
Monday, November 01, 2021
Historical Data from Cincinnati Council Elections from 1991 through 2017
Historical data from the Cincinnati Council Elections from 1991 through 2017.
Early reports from BOE indicates that turnout will be in the 30% to 35% range for the county. That likely puts it on the lower end of that for the City, so it would be in line with recent elections. One known point, the number of registered voters in 2021 is about 216,186, so less than 2017, but fairly comparable.
The most interesting facts:
- The average number of votes cast per ballot have historically been relatively consistent around 6.
- The top winning nine candidates have received at least 57% of all votes.
Monday, September 28, 2020
Generational Voting Segments in Hamilton County, Ohio
I know there are other nerds out there who wonder which generations vote locally? I let loose a little bit of my Nerdiness on a spreadsheet and created the chart and table displayed below. They detail the last two federal elections and breaks down the generations listed on the Hamilton County Registered Voter listing as of 09/25/2020.