Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Blitzing Price Hill
The City is putting effort into cleaning parts of Price Hill using "ode enforcement officers, police officers, beautifiers and social-service agencies." Will it work? Will it be effective in the long run?
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Have You No Shame, Peter Bronson?
Peter Bronson must learn to leave someone like Johnny Cash and Cash's lyrics out of is trite columns.
I have to ask Peter Bronson something, and I have sent him an email asking, we'll see if I get a response. If he is so pro-freedom to allow smoking, where was his column attacking the anti-freedom anti-gay marriage ban in Ohio 2 years ago? The Text of my email:
I have to ask Peter Bronson something, and I have sent him an email asking, we'll see if I get a response. If he is so pro-freedom to allow smoking, where was his column attacking the anti-freedom anti-gay marriage ban in Ohio 2 years ago? The Text of my email:
Peter,I patiently await his reply.
Question for you: If you are so pro-freedom to be against the smoking ban, where was your column attacking the anti-freedom anti-gay marriage ban in Ohio 2 years ago? It is far more "un-American" than the smoking ban, which is far less restrictive than how alcohol sales are anyway. Nice to see your selective support of freedom is still unchanged.
Brian Griffin
More City Council Battles
The mood is getting very sour in council these days as the majority 5 are getting rather rambunctious. My question is on this section:
Since passing the budget in December, Bortz said, the city has had an additional $1 million in expenses for a police contract that will be more expensive than what council budgeted for, and he said upcoming contracts for firefighters and other city union workers are likely to add costs.Is this a new police contract just negotiated or the same crappy one from before?
Monday, January 29, 2007
Get Out the Blind Fold
Jennifer Brunner, Ohio Secretary of State, is formulating a plan to draft election poll workers. No details on who would be eligible for the draft and if they could refuse or if employers would be required to give people time off if called up.
NAACP Mahem?
Nate has a very detailed description of an incident at last week's NAACP meeting were Justin Jeffre was allegedly physically thrown out of the meeting.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
She's a Gypsy, the Acid Queen
I made the trek out to Northside last night to check out a new place, the Gypsy Hut, located at Spring Grove and Dane. My attraction to this particular night has to with the band playing, the High and Low, almost as much as checking out a new venue. The band is becoming one of my new favorites of the hour. They have a mix of styles that give them a sound I really enjoy.
The show was good, but the atmospheres of the night were much more of the star. When we got there at about 11:00 PM we took a self guided tour of the place, which takes about 45 seconds, ending up in the main room, which is off to the left as you walk in the main door. It's a good sized room. While there I scanned the crowd looking for people I know or at least recognize from around. I saw no one I knew. I did see this odd looking fellow with straight shoulder length black hair and black Buddy Hollyesque glasses. I had to confirm with my friend that this indeed the bass player for the Greenhornes and Raconteurs, Jack Lawrence. The guitarist/singer for the Greenhornes and a former member were slated to be the DJs after the show. I honestly don't know if I could recognize the rest of either the Greenhornes or the Raconteurs, even Jack White not in costume. Jack Lawrence stands out. If the rest of the Greenhornes were there, I didn't know.
The Gypsy Hut is a nice dive. Pretty good selection of beers, there was no cover, and an interesting crowd of Northside/local music regulars makes for fun night out. Parking wasn't too bad, but there is only street parking in what is the edge of an industrial part of town. I spent a few moments watching a couple of trains drive by in the near distance while sitting by the front window. We had one of the only two tables in the front room, which is the place to be situated for watching the interesting hairstyles (blue feathers???, clothing choices (mostly rock-chic), and drunken flirting (not with or by me).
One of my friends described the image he first thought of when told about the new club in Northside. The image of a classic Pizza Hut building propped up on one side with a giant chicken leg is what came to mind. That might be a great graphic for the place to use, assuming they avoid the inevitable lawsuit.
The Gypsy Hut is a strong addition to the Northside Bar scene. It is a little bit of a hike away from the main hub on Hamilton Ave, but it may be the tipping point to establish the neighborhood as a rising locale for nightlife in Cincinnati.
The show was good, but the atmospheres of the night were much more of the star. When we got there at about 11:00 PM we took a self guided tour of the place, which takes about 45 seconds, ending up in the main room, which is off to the left as you walk in the main door. It's a good sized room. While there I scanned the crowd looking for people I know or at least recognize from around. I saw no one I knew. I did see this odd looking fellow with straight shoulder length black hair and black Buddy Hollyesque glasses. I had to confirm with my friend that this indeed the bass player for the Greenhornes and Raconteurs, Jack Lawrence. The guitarist/singer for the Greenhornes and a former member were slated to be the DJs after the show. I honestly don't know if I could recognize the rest of either the Greenhornes or the Raconteurs, even Jack White not in costume. Jack Lawrence stands out. If the rest of the Greenhornes were there, I didn't know.
The Gypsy Hut is a nice dive. Pretty good selection of beers, there was no cover, and an interesting crowd of Northside/local music regulars makes for fun night out. Parking wasn't too bad, but there is only street parking in what is the edge of an industrial part of town. I spent a few moments watching a couple of trains drive by in the near distance while sitting by the front window. We had one of the only two tables in the front room, which is the place to be situated for watching the interesting hairstyles (blue feathers???, clothing choices (mostly rock-chic), and drunken flirting (not with or by me).
One of my friends described the image he first thought of when told about the new club in Northside. The image of a classic Pizza Hut building propped up on one side with a giant chicken leg is what came to mind. That might be a great graphic for the place to use, assuming they avoid the inevitable lawsuit.
The Gypsy Hut is a strong addition to the Northside Bar scene. It is a little bit of a hike away from the main hub on Hamilton Ave, but it may be the tipping point to establish the neighborhood as a rising locale for nightlife in Cincinnati.
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Mallory Marches Against Iraq War
Mayor Mark Mallory is in DC today at the anti-war rally. Here's the press release:
Mayor Mark Mallory is attending a peace march in Washington, DC today. In DC for the Winter Meeting of the US Conference of Mayors, Mallory met up and marched with Councilman David Crowley and a delegation of over 100 Cincinnatians. The Cincinnati delegation was organized by the Intercommunity Justice and Peace Center, located in Over-the-Rhine. The group of citizens from all over the Cincinnati area traveled overnight on two buses to participate in the peace rally and march.It should be a who's who among national progressive politicos.
“I am here today with to support our troops and to stand up and say enough is enough. It is becoming increasingly clear that the situation in Iraq is not getting any better. I do not believe that putting more of our brave men and women in harms way is the best idea at this point,” Mayor Mallory said. “This war is draining resources from our cities around the country that we desperately need. We need those resources to keep our cities vibrant, healthy, and safe.”
Friday, January 26, 2007
Top 10 Rejected Enquirer Niche Websites
Recently, the Enquirer launched a website called, targeted at, you guessed it, Cincinnati moms.
Smoking Ban Penalties Cover Smokers
Business Owners are not the only parties who can be sanctioned for violating the smoking ban, smokers can as well. The fines are much less, but $100 bucks for a second offense is still no bargain.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Here's Berding Looking Bad
The Enquirer Politics blog documents council infighting and nearly everything seems to involve Jeff Berding. Is Berding becoming Mr. Confrontation?
Sex Survey Battle - City Beat vs. Cin
Best Of Cincinnati 2007 - Voting is Up
City Beat's Best Of Cincinnati 2007 is now accepting votes. Vote early and often! Don't forget your favorite Blog!
New Day to Day Enquirer Boss
Hollis Towns is the new executive editor of the Cincinnati Enquirer. Tom Callinan has moved upstairs to help manage the various Enquirer entities. Callinan has been in Cincinnati for 2 and a half years. He came from Kalamazoo (K-A-L-A-M-A I got a gal in Kalamazoo), MI. I don't see the Enquirer changing much, expect more of the same movement from news gathering entity to a press-release driven publication.
Cole Courting Westwood Concern
In what can be considered nothing but a total shock Cincinnati City Council Memember Laketa Cole spoke at Westwood Concern's January Meeting this week. I wonder if Mary Kuhl dared shake her hand?
Great Story from Greg Korte's Blog. It is good to see Greg on local politics again, especially this kind of a strange bedfellows occurrence.
Great Story from Greg Korte's Blog. It is good to see Greg on local politics again, especially this kind of a strange bedfellows occurrence.
Fountain Square Filling Up, But With Whom?
It is great news that Fountain Square has filled up the retail space with either signed leases or letters of intent. What we still don't know is who has signed on the dotted line.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Streetcar Reader Response
Yesterday's Enquirer had a series of letters discussing their weekend editorial about adding streetcars in Cincinnati. Interesting breakdown, there was only one outright anti-streetcar letter and it was from someone who lives in Sharonville. That's outside the City for the non-locals.
State of the Union
I didn't watch, listen, or read the State of the Union last night. Did anyone? Was it the usual BushCo drivel?
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
I applaud the attention the Southgate House got, but the reporter could have researched music venues in the area just a little bit more, instead of writing something like this:
I don't like looking at a gift horse's mouth, but I'm irked. Was Kari Wethington consulted? Seriously, did they bother asking a fellow local reporter who likely goes to half of the shows at the Southgate house and other music venues around town? This type of problem is not uncommon to a majority of reporters, but this one is catching my wrath today.
"It only takes one visit to know that this isn't your typical music venue."OK, what is a typical music venue? There are not that many to begin with in this city. None of them are typical, unless you want to count a typical bar with a typical cover band playing.
I don't like looking at a gift horse's mouth, but I'm irked. Was Kari Wethington consulted? Seriously, did they bother asking a fellow local reporter who likely goes to half of the shows at the Southgate house and other music venues around town? This type of problem is not uncommon to a majority of reporters, but this one is catching my wrath today.
No Courage On Mason City Council
In a sign that you can't question anti-Mexican bigotry in Warren Country, Mason City Council Caved into the 'Citizens for Legal Communities' demand to cleanse the City of Mason. They are going to study creating laws that are out of their jurisdiction, but Hell, if you can't quell your hate by oppressing others, why bother living?
Monday, January 22, 2007
'Minute Men' Take Root In Mason
'Citizens For Legal Communities' is not calling themselves a Minute Man group, but they might as well be with their level of bigotry. What is amusing, yet sad, is that the long line of idiots will likely chime in with their trite comments saying something to the affect "Why are you calling someone a bigot for wanting to enforce the law?" That is a diversion as is the effort to "enforce the law." Why are they picking this issue as a "legal" issue to focus on? That is the where the bigotry comes in. There is plenty of crime with real victims going on in this country. If 'Citizens For Legal Communities' wants to worry about law breakers, then they might help people more if they pushed on the government to solve white collar, fraud, and theft crimes.
Niche Enquirer
Ok, why does the tame, bland Enquirer have to target a publication to "Moms" when the rest of their publications pay tons of attention to mothers and children as it is? The problem with this site, it is not for Mothers, it is for Mothers who currently have young children. Where's the section for Mothers of 25 year olds? They are clearly moms too.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Traffic Is Flowing
City Streetcars
The Enquirer Editorial board goes on and on about the concept of a streetcar system in the City, but they are worried about convincing people that we need them. Who are they worried about convincing? I think this quote answers my question:
But a new streetcar loop would require broad buy-in across this region. That's why it is important that the discussion be as broad, thorough and reasoned as possible.We don't need the rest of the county or region to get this done and it will not get done if we have to rely on anyone outside the City. Unless this was a Street Car connecting Mason to West Chester, no one in Butler or Warren counties would do anything to help it. Non-City Hamilton County residents would have the same feeling about it. Leave it to the City and private sources to get this done. There is one cold fact around this area, if it doesn't affect you directly, then you don't care about it and won't fund it.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Hackett Cleared
Joe Deters did the right thing and publicly cleared Paul Hackett, something he didn't have to do. That likely is his way of making up for the leak of the incident allegedly being put before the grand jury.
The questions is still outstanding: who pushed for the investigation and why?
The questions is still outstanding: who pushed for the investigation and why?
Friday, January 19, 2007
New Entertainment District: Fourth and Plum?
The makings are there now and will be increasing soon. Will 4th and 5th Streets be the hub of Cincinnati Nightlife? Granted, this club is going to be a high end niche place, but that high end market can drive things on. What other locations in the area are ripe for opening bars?
This article puts another nail into Main Street as entertainment district concept, but one thing that I am not sure if everyone is seeing with the decay of Main Street is that the Main Street horde split into its own splintered locales. This club will pull the heavy dollars of the "VIP scenesters" who have been highly sought after by many area establishments. Other crowds went their own way to Northside or Covington or Mt. Lookout or even back to Mt. Adams. This club alone will not bring back the horde, but if the volume of bars can match Mt. Street at it height it could bring back many, mostly those who you would classify as the Cin Weekly target market. Yea, that is not a pleasant thought, but that is business. (Thank Zeus for Northside!)
Bringing back the hipster crowd is likely a lost cause. That group overlaps with the creative class and that is of course the key to building up the city. What I think the powers that be still don't get is that encouraging the people that live here to break out of their bubbles and do something is not really that big of a help, at least not a long term plus. Getting people to move here from outside the area is what we need and what in the long run will work. Fourth and Plum will is a good foundation to have. You need a mainstream place for people to go. Just don't let the mainstream flood the vibrancy out of Downtown.
This article puts another nail into Main Street as entertainment district concept, but one thing that I am not sure if everyone is seeing with the decay of Main Street is that the Main Street horde split into its own splintered locales. This club will pull the heavy dollars of the "VIP scenesters" who have been highly sought after by many area establishments. Other crowds went their own way to Northside or Covington or Mt. Lookout or even back to Mt. Adams. This club alone will not bring back the horde, but if the volume of bars can match Mt. Street at it height it could bring back many, mostly those who you would classify as the Cin Weekly target market. Yea, that is not a pleasant thought, but that is business. (Thank Zeus for Northside!)
Bringing back the hipster crowd is likely a lost cause. That group overlaps with the creative class and that is of course the key to building up the city. What I think the powers that be still don't get is that encouraging the people that live here to break out of their bubbles and do something is not really that big of a help, at least not a long term plus. Getting people to move here from outside the area is what we need and what in the long run will work. Fourth and Plum will is a good foundation to have. You need a mainstream place for people to go. Just don't let the mainstream flood the vibrancy out of Downtown.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Temporary Jail For Women
5 Council Members and Todd Portune have a plan to build a 500 bed jail. The big question that will surely cause conflict is WHERE will it be built. That was left out of the announcement. It likely was left out because that will be a very contentious point.
Other interesting note: The Jail will be for women.
Other interesting note: The Jail will be for women.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Chris Bortz, Private Eye
There's a joke Tin here somewhere, but I don't have time this morning find one. Something with finding more arts funding maybe?
Desiring Streetcars!!!
This will be met by idiotic opposition but a streetcar system would be a great boost to the city and be a vital key connection between a successful Riverfront and Fountain Square District. I would expand its reach to Clifton, Northside, Hyde Park, Mt. Lookout, and the new Columbia-Tusculum Square. I would like to add Mt. Adams, but I don't think a street car could be used on the narrow winding streets.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Premium Condos Becoming Scarce - Where Are the Middle Market Condos?
On Sunday the Enquirer ran an interesting story about the current shortage of high end condos in the Downtown/Urban Core/Riverfront areas on both sides of the Ohio.
This is of course an overall positive sign for Downtown and Urban Core areas of the City. I don't know if it bodes as well for building up a wider socio-economic group of residents. If the goal is to building up residents of downtown, we'll have to take what we can get in the short run, but is that good for the long haul?
What downtown needs more of is not only high end, but middle or lower end condos. If you want to attract YP you must understand that the majority can't afford to buy a condo for 250,000 plus, when they can buy a house at the same price or less with at least twice the square footage. I don't know what writer Jeff Newberry defines as a YP person, but this paragraph gave me pause:
What I feel has been the overall problem with the housing efforts in Downtown is that they focus on people making six figures ($100,000 and up for those a bit slow this morning). Single people making $40,000 to $99,000 would often jump at the chance to own property below Central Parkway, but can't afford the prices. Sure, those making closer to 100K could afford the higher end if they budget correctly, but that assumes they've been making that kind of money for a few years and have savings and other means to make that kind of purchase. Saying they should is the view from the realtor and developer, not from people thinking long term and not from those who don't want to see people lose their condo when they lose their job.
At some point the high end market will dry up. We need to think middle class here. The middle class makes a community, but they can't afford to start it.
This is of course an overall positive sign for Downtown and Urban Core areas of the City. I don't know if it bodes as well for building up a wider socio-economic group of residents. If the goal is to building up residents of downtown, we'll have to take what we can get in the short run, but is that good for the long haul?
What downtown needs more of is not only high end, but middle or lower end condos. If you want to attract YP you must understand that the majority can't afford to buy a condo for 250,000 plus, when they can buy a house at the same price or less with at least twice the square footage. I don't know what writer Jeff Newberry defines as a YP person, but this paragraph gave me pause:
Market researcher and consultant Michael Dinn said the supply of central city condos is getting thin, especially those selling for between $200,000 and $300,000 that many young professionals can afford.Newberry is likely using the old fashioned YP definition of Doctors and Lawyers.
What I feel has been the overall problem with the housing efforts in Downtown is that they focus on people making six figures ($100,000 and up for those a bit slow this morning). Single people making $40,000 to $99,000 would often jump at the chance to own property below Central Parkway, but can't afford the prices. Sure, those making closer to 100K could afford the higher end if they budget correctly, but that assumes they've been making that kind of money for a few years and have savings and other means to make that kind of purchase. Saying they should is the view from the realtor and developer, not from people thinking long term and not from those who don't want to see people lose their condo when they lose their job.
At some point the high end market will dry up. We need to think middle class here. The middle class makes a community, but they can't afford to start it.
Monday, January 15, 2007
Wes Flinn Has Moved!
Well, his blog has moved to a new location. Adjust your blog rolls and favorites.
Cincinnati Magazine's Pork Roast 2007
The spit is ready, so enjoy The Pork Roast (pdf) from Cincinnati Magazine.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Mega Coffeehouse Faux Pas
If there is something you just don't do to an independent coffee house, then it is to come into the establishment drinking Starbucks. Ok, sure, you purchased something, but sitting in a good coffeehouse while drinking McCoffeehouse brew is a sin to the coffee gods that can't be forgiven.
I am witnessing said act as I type. The two women are sitting very snobishly at the next table. If they don't gag on their quiche, it will be a miracle.
I am witnessing said act as I type. The two women are sitting very snobishly at the next table. If they don't gag on their quiche, it will be a miracle.
I believe a commenter in a prior thread asked me if I would allege that murder victim and anti-violence activist Richard Muhammad was involved in drugs. At the time, I assumed no, that he wasn't, an assumption that helped explain why the public remembrance and grief were so high.
Instead, I was totally wrong. Richard Muhammad was murdered during a drug deal gone bad. Muhammad had a crack cocaine problem, according to the coroner and police. It is a sad case, but not a unique case on the list of people murdered on Cincinnati streets. Most of those murdered were involved in buying or selling drugs. This is the underlying problem. To use a metaphor: if you don't put your hand in the fire, you won't get burned. This is not a 100% guarantee, but it is rather an indicated that people who don't buy or sell drugs shouldn't have irrational fear of being murdered in Cincinnati.
Instead, I was totally wrong. Richard Muhammad was murdered during a drug deal gone bad. Muhammad had a crack cocaine problem, according to the coroner and police. It is a sad case, but not a unique case on the list of people murdered on Cincinnati streets. Most of those murdered were involved in buying or selling drugs. This is the underlying problem. To use a metaphor: if you don't put your hand in the fire, you won't get burned. This is not a 100% guarantee, but it is rather an indicated that people who don't buy or sell drugs shouldn't have irrational fear of being murdered in Cincinnati.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Grand Jury Leak?
Will there be an investigation into the alleged grand jury leak regarding Paul Hackett? His attorney would like to know (pdf).
This raises a couple good questions. Who tipped off the media to this story and why? How does anyone know the Grand Jury is investigating Hackett?
This raises a couple good questions. Who tipped off the media to this story and why? How does anyone know the Grand Jury is investigating Hackett?
Shhhh! Don't Tell Larry Gross!!!!
Add another option for dinning and entertainment to downtown Cincinnati. I know this won't get much attention from City Beat's Larry Gross, so I'll make sure to spread the word here.
[Hat tip to CincyNation (yep, shocked me too)]
[Hat tip to CincyNation (yep, shocked me too)]
Friday, January 12, 2007
Smoking Ban Still Little Impact?
This article missed getting the Ohio side of the story so we still have no reports of a negative impact from the Smoking Ban. I was bowling last night (a 106 and a 119) at Madison Bowl and they still allow smoking, but not that many were actually smoking, so with every lane full it didn't seem to be a problem.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Beckham to USA
This reminds me a lot of Pele, but I welcome the influx of the world's most famous athlete playing in the MLS.
Bad Move. I want to call Bush Don Quixote for his charging at wind mills, but he is just not a noble person.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Witch Hunt
Well, the Enquirer smells blood and are going after Paul Hackett too. Why don't we get any questions as to who and why this was put before the Grand Jury?
On the other hand, Hackett sounds like a bit of a hot head for allegedly keeping what was described as an "assault rife" load and within reach at 4 AM. If Paul wants to become a moderate Republican (some say he is), he might get nominated for something again in rural Ohio.
On the other hand, Hackett sounds like a bit of a hot head for allegedly keeping what was described as an "assault rife" load and within reach at 4 AM. If Paul wants to become a moderate Republican (some say he is), he might get nominated for something again in rural Ohio.
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
They Don't Have Metal Detectors
For all of the fear of Cincinnati Public Schools that exists outside and inside the City, a small fact needs to be known: CPD schools currently don't have metal detectors. I say this to make sure people know that the schools have been existing through riots, through poverty, and through much troubles, but they have protected students successfully without them. Monday's incident includes effort brave effort from Assistant Principal Dixon Edwards who did not shy away from his students and was put at risk for it.
I don't want metal detectors in our schools. If it saves a life, it may be needed, but I want to make sure people know that before the debate on getting them begins in earnest, it is 2007 and we don't have them. Other school districts in this country have had them for more than 20 years.
I don't want metal detectors in our schools. If it saves a life, it may be needed, but I want to make sure people know that before the debate on getting them begins in earnest, it is 2007 and we don't have them. Other school districts in this country have had them for more than 20 years.
Monday, January 08, 2007
Playing Politics?
Someone is looking to nail Paul Hackett for allegedly showing a gun to a pack of dumb ass young adult males. These same young punk kids reportedly were in a car that hit and damaged Hackett's fence. This happened two months ago and is just now coming to light. It sounds like some parents over protecting their kids or trying to score a political point by pushing or likely exaggerating something to hurt Hackett.
If Hackett did this, well he'd be a putz.
If Hackett did this, well he'd be a putz.
Loving the Nati
Joe Wessels column from Saturday points us to some positive thinking about Cincinnati. It comes not from someone who has lived here their entire life, but instead only 18 months.
Check out Maggie Van Cantfort's Love Letters to Cincinnati project. Add your own thoughts about what you love about your city. If you hate the city, go back into your cave and cry some more.
Check out Maggie Van Cantfort's Love Letters to Cincinnati project. Add your own thoughts about what you love about your city. If you hate the city, go back into your cave and cry some more.
A New Day For Ohio
This morning Governor Ted Strickland took the oath of office and ended the long rein of the GOP. It will be a long road to improve Ohio, but the Governor has the right attitude. How he is able to work with the GOP control legislature will be is true test and with them where the fate of progress rests.
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Default Answer on Arts Funding
I've been left wondering about the details of the "Fiscal Five's" budget in regards to arts funding, but this article spells out what has been rumor. The City Budget cuts funding for arts programs to a sum of around $400,000. That money is, according to the article, going to be made up through a private grant from the Ralph and Carol Ann Haile Foundation. I hope this new foundation is open to all types of arts organizations. The article raises the most important question, will the city use this as a future excuse to permanently reduce funding?
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Speaking of a Negative Press
Newspaper headlines drive eye balls and is part of the game, but I honestly would like to know what editor wrote this headline: "Ohio lags in student success rating," and ask them to justify manipulating the story. Read the first couple paragraphs:
A nationwide study released today shows that Ohio is ranked 27th in the nation for its students’ chances for success – below the national average – and 10th in the nation for K-12 achievement – well above the national average.If Ohio is lagging, what about Kentucky? Ohio maybe had mixed results or disappointing results, but to say we are lagging is a monumental bias that has no basis in fact and no clear purpose. Maybe the headline in the Kentucky Enquirer was different, but somehow I doubt it. Cut the Laziness!
Kentucky ranks 41st in the nation for chances for success and 34th for K-12 achievement.
City Council - Election Year - Let the Beatings Begin
In case folks are forgetting, this year City Council is up for grabs. We have one member Term-limited out (Jim Tarbell) so at least one seat will be open for the taking.
Who is running or presumed to be running:
Greg Harris
Chris Smitherman
John Cranley
Laketa Cole
David Crowley
Cecil Thomas
Leslie Ghiz
Chris Monzel
Jeff Berding
Chris Bortz
Rumored to be running or names that have been put out there:
Charlie Winburn
Brian Garry
Damon Lynch III
Pete Witte
Wendell Young
Eric Wilson
John Eby
Sam Malone
Who else is possible or who else has actually announced?
Who is running or presumed to be running:
Greg Harris
Chris Smitherman
John Cranley
Laketa Cole
David Crowley
Cecil Thomas
Leslie Ghiz
Chris Monzel
Jeff Berding
Chris Bortz
Rumored to be running or names that have been put out there:
Charlie Winburn
Brian Garry
Damon Lynch III
Pete Witte
Wendell Young
Eric Wilson
John Eby
Sam Malone
Who else is possible or who else has actually announced?
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Important News vs. Top News vs. Just Making Crap Up
I was very entertained by the many mistaken comments and posts about "Most Important News Stories of the Year" post on Sunday. Let me point out some of the fallacies and major misunderstandings people have raised and clarify several misrepresentations.
- This was not a post of the "Top" news stories of the year. This was list of stories I believe were the most important to the Cincinnati region.
- The Marcus Fiesel was tragic, sad, and horrible. It was way over-covered. It got national attention not because it was important, but because it was dramatic Most crimes like these always get lots of coverage because it sells more papers and gains more viewers.
- I'll stand by my belief that those who are pushing the crackdown on illegal immigrants are doing this based in part on bigotry/hate/racism. Why? Simple - How is this crime (not even a state crime) more important than trying to stamp out theft? How many theft crimes go unsolved every year in Butler County? Those crimes affect people directly. You can make the argument that they are "taking our jobs," but honestly if illegial imigrants can live off lower wages, do as good (often better) than their native counterpart, then why can't the American workers in those industries keep up? They aren't and I don't know why. Much can be blamed on employers manipulating the situation, but in most cases it is not the big corporations doing it, it is the middle and small companies who seem more willing to risk the crime for increase profits. As soon as the Butler County sheriff has solved all state and local crimes and done much to prevent more from happening, then maybe he should worry about Federal Crimes like this.
- The number of murders was over reported. It has no impact on us whether or not we broke a record. The difference in the number of murders from last year to this is is not significant. I did not say this was not news. It is just not an important issue to the community as a whole that we got 86 as opposed to 71 or 61. That is no solace for those killed, but I will say the hard truth, the vast majority of those killed where either selling or buying drugs or involved in other criminal acts. I did not say all and I am am not trying to demean the lives of innocent victims, but the numbers don't lie. Sure, you can throw up the names of the innocent people killed by scum bags, but that number is vastly less. Furthermore, just because there were innocents murdered does not mean the rest of us must quake and fear every time we walk outside, which is the real issue. No one needs to fear being murdered if they set foot inside Cincinnati. If you think that, you seriously need to change your thinking. I don't know how you could ever drive your car on the roads if you let the fear of getting into an accident guide you.
- Yes, it is a problem that so many people are being murdered, but that doesn't mean Cincinnati is not safe. I am basically restating #3 above in a different way, but there are two issues to focus on. The number of murders is horrible, none-the-less it is safe to come to Cincinnati. That is not a contradiction, that is an intellectual analysis of the issue, not an emotional analysis based on ignorance and sensational news reports mean not to inform but to make you need to watch (your life may depend on watching the news so stay tuned for the next three hours and we'll tell you why).
- Not all of my most important stories were all around positive. I acknowledged the death of Main Street and depending on your political preference, several stories could be positive or negative.
- News for Larry Gross: Bengal Matthias Askew was acquited of the charges.
In Order to Live, You Must Jab an Ice Pick into Your Head
A common mentality that runs through many segments of the Cincinnati region is one that posits Cincinnati is so horrible, the only way to do anything to improve the situation is to level it and start over. This mentality comes from both sides of the political spectrum.
One side would like to just like to see the city die and either force all of the poor people to leave the area or take over the jobs that will open up once the illegal immigrants are rounded up.
The other side thinks Cincinnati is so backward that you either have to kick out all of the corporations or all the white people or all the non-smokers until you can have an inbred circle-jerk of merriment before starting an organic freshwater oyster collective so fertile that it will provide income to all of the remaining residents of the City. Since so few would remain, it might work until someone wanted to actually use electricity, take a shower, or flush the toilet.
If you like the City and its see potential to be a great city, you are attacked, as I have been by Larry Gross and the many personalities of his few commenters as well as many others commenters on this site.
This is something I find hysterical. I get called a cheerleader and am accused of having my head in the sand. Me, the guy who lashes out, who trusts few, who is a cynic about nearly everything I read or view. Yes, I do emphasize the positives. I am trying to be a counterweight. I am trying to see the beer stein half full (or in our case 2/3rds full) for a change.
Cincinnati's number one problem is attitude. Too many people think it sucks here. Most in that camp have lived here their entire lives and resent that for various reasons. Someone comes along and counters their preconceived notion of truth and that rubs the wrong way. I challenge their ignorance, their apathy, and I don't hesitate to try and knock the chip off their shoulder. What none have done so far is shown that they have any answers. They whine about this or bitch about that, pivot the blame else where, but don't say much constructive.
I'm going to work on another post detailing where many of my commenters and Larry Gross got my year end post wrong, and I hope to demonstrate how they are seeing what I wrote through a jaded prizm. Not that my words will improve their contextual reasoning skills, but it can't hurt.
Being constructive doesn't hurt. Killing the baby in the bathwater hurts on multiple levels. I'll try to make sure to improve my clarity, but I hope others will want to succeed instead of wallowing in pithy comments.
One side would like to just like to see the city die and either force all of the poor people to leave the area or take over the jobs that will open up once the illegal immigrants are rounded up.
The other side thinks Cincinnati is so backward that you either have to kick out all of the corporations or all the white people or all the non-smokers until you can have an inbred circle-jerk of merriment before starting an organic freshwater oyster collective so fertile that it will provide income to all of the remaining residents of the City. Since so few would remain, it might work until someone wanted to actually use electricity, take a shower, or flush the toilet.
If you like the City and its see potential to be a great city, you are attacked, as I have been by Larry Gross and the many personalities of his few commenters as well as many others commenters on this site.
This is something I find hysterical. I get called a cheerleader and am accused of having my head in the sand. Me, the guy who lashes out, who trusts few, who is a cynic about nearly everything I read or view. Yes, I do emphasize the positives. I am trying to be a counterweight. I am trying to see the beer stein half full (or in our case 2/3rds full) for a change.
Cincinnati's number one problem is attitude. Too many people think it sucks here. Most in that camp have lived here their entire lives and resent that for various reasons. Someone comes along and counters their preconceived notion of truth and that rubs the wrong way. I challenge their ignorance, their apathy, and I don't hesitate to try and knock the chip off their shoulder. What none have done so far is shown that they have any answers. They whine about this or bitch about that, pivot the blame else where, but don't say much constructive.
I'm going to work on another post detailing where many of my commenters and Larry Gross got my year end post wrong, and I hope to demonstrate how they are seeing what I wrote through a jaded prizm. Not that my words will improve their contextual reasoning skills, but it can't hurt.
Being constructive doesn't hurt. Killing the baby in the bathwater hurts on multiple levels. I'll try to make sure to improve my clarity, but I hope others will want to succeed instead of wallowing in pithy comments.
Lazy R. Hines Fails to Report Blog Attack on Griffin

The haphazard website operator Rick Hines of Cincy Nation as of 2:30PM has failed to link to the outrageous blog attack from the Living out Loud Blog put upon local mild mannered blogger, Brian Griffin. Hines allegedly commented on the aforementioned blog post, but had yet found the time to link to the story itself. It is undetermined how many other of the comments are from Hines using fake names, but "questions remain" alleging that Hines is posting under multiple pseudonyms.
(cough, cough)
Monday, January 01, 2007
Happy New Year!
I didn't formulate any resolutions, but before the day is out I may make something up.
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