Tuesday, December 03, 2024

Hamilton County, Ohio Presidential Election Results by Neighborhood

 The results for Hamilton County shifted slightly towards Republicans in the Presidential race.  The table below lists out the Cincinnati neighborhoods and County municipality or township.

The data used for the Cincinnati Neighborhoods are approximations based on assignment of each precinct to one neighborhood. Therefore the underlying totals do is not exactly match the defined boundaries by census data. The County municipalities and Townships match up as precincts are tied to municipal borders.

The results by area are not surprising. There are some margins that are surprising. Obvious the conservative far west portion outside the City has vote totals like rural farm country. The east and north areas outside the City show a far more moderate or even Dem majority. 

In the City the same few Republican dominated areas exist. There a few more areas smaller Dem margin than one would expect Avondale, Camp Washington, Corryville, CUF, East Westwood, Lower Price Hill, Madisonville, Mt. Auburn, Riverside, South Fairmount, Villages at Roll Hill, and Westwood and saw Republican vote gains of over 2.5%.  Lower Price Hill increased over 6%.

Some neighborhoods saw percentage gains Dems, oddly California was the highest by far at over 6%. The Republican neighborhood is small, so a small shift of a couple dozen people shows out more. Most had smaller variances. Dems in HamCo worried about local Democrats and that helped with local candidates. State and National Dems do not have a clue about Ohio and don't seem like they are trying at all.

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