Sunday, April 27, 2003

Cincinnati May Become Model For Homeland Security
This headline is just to good to believe. Is Cincinnati the model because we have little to protect from international terrorism? We are wide open to domestic terrorism, which I am sure is lost on this assessment of our security.
Air France may resume flight to Cincinnati
I expect there to be a boycott. Willie and the Freepers will no doubt be all over this. I hope they try and boycott at the Airport. I would love to see the smack down security would give them. Alas, I am sure the hot air has drained from their hot heads, allowing this bit of news to go unchallenged.

Friday, April 25, 2003

CHRIS ANDERSON has the deal on the Iraqi Playing Cards story.
Droopin' drawers extend probation
Pulling up your pants is not rocket science. I think most 3 year olds can accomplish it. I think by 5 years old most people learn and realize they don't want their pants down in public. Does a 21 year old think it is somehow attractive to women to show off his underwear while picking up trash along the roadside? Is he trying out for the Rumpke Hot Trash Collectors Calendar? The judge in this case put it simply as the article states: "Ruehlman said he would consider ending Nixon's probation early if he gets a job, earns a GED, stays out of trouble -- and wears a belt."
One Eyed, One Horned, Flying Purple People Bridge
Officials: 9/11 Was Main Reason for War
A "little" white lie is no way to start a war. DailyKos has a forceful response.
Rumsfeld Rules Out Religious Iraqi Gov't
I am sure others have said this but... Why Can't Rumsfeld do something about the theocrats in the White House, Capital Building, and the Supreme Court amongst other places?

Thursday, April 24, 2003

Ohio senator: no talk of tax cut in brief meeting with Bush
Does George Voinovich have balls? That is the question that I am sure every follower of Ohio politics is asking. Will he back down or will he stand up to the President? It sounds like Voinovich is not going to back down. Conventional Wisdom is saying that here in Ohio the latest round of Bush tax-cuts don't have much support, beyond the party hardliners. I think Bush's tax cut is toast. He should settle on the $350 Million number or something a little higher, if he can slip it by. Bush would do better if he would dump the dividend tax elimination. That is what is not flying. He would easily get the rest of his package passed without it. Admitting defeat after his "great" Iraq victory is something Bush and company could not swallow, and I predict they will attempt to crush the moderate Republicans, some even wishing they would be defeated in their next primary. Not much a liberal like I can do, but bitch and moan, of which I am now finished, for now.
12 Baptist Convention May Come To Cincinnati
I would not trust this group to commit to anything. I would want an ironclad contract with a huge cancellation fee. If this pans out, it is a valley size crack in the boycott.
Local Police Chief Arrested On Sex Charges
Two questions come to mind:

1. How stupid does a cop have to be to try something like trying to meet a 15-year-old girl for sex? You might think he has heard of the numerous local cases of police officers pretending to be teenaged girls online. I wonder how well he was at solving crimes, if he is dense enough to try and pull off one of more idiotic crimes to try and commit.

2. How does a 26-year-old police officer rise to the rank of chief? Is he the only police officer? Or is Elmwood Place the size of Mayberry?

AP Version, WCPO version
Heberle School and Lead Paint
The Heberle students moved to new site all because of one child's blood level. Is that an over reaction? Could it be any better timed? Less than two weeks from now the voters will be deciding on a bond issue to upgrade and build new schools. I will happily play the role of conspiracy theorist, but no one can deny that the timing could not have been better.

Wednesday, April 23, 2003

Cincinnati Post: Museum looting: Coalition failed
I have not seen anyone attacking the Post for not blindly supporting the War Plan that was supposed to have worked without a flaw. Where is Cunningham's comedy act? Where is Darryl Park's heartless drivel? Where is the outrage at the FOX News engineer who allegedly stole Iraqi paintings, all be they bad ones from Saddam's son's palace. I could only help but think of the Simpson's Episode called "The Curse of the Flying Hellfish". I wonder who was part of the tontine? Geraldo, Hannity, & Ollie?
CITY BEAT has a series of boycott related articles this week in what can only be described as a boycott themed edition. I will try and have some comments on Kathy Wilson's column, John Fox's Editorial, and the Trifecta's Cover Story later this week. I am torn though on the meaning of the cover photo. I hope you catch its play on recent events. It is very good picture and the symbolism is excellent. I guess much like the Iraq War, the good guys and bad guys are only clear to those who need to have clear sides. I hope that is what they meant, and they are not suggesting the city should be "liberated" via the boycott, via force.
BRONSON: Church ducks gay marriage
Why is Peter Bronson afraid of gay marriage? How will two men or two women getting married hurt Peter? It contradicts his religion, that much we know. Peter can be bigoted towards gays, that is his right. What he can't do is use the government to do it. Why do Peter and his fellow theocrats want to prevent gay marriage? I am repeating myself, but I can't find a logical reason for anyone to care who gets married. When Mr. Bronson sarcastically writes "And Moses cameth down from the mountaintop with the 10 Suggestions ...'' I guess I have to just sit here and laugh. If Peter eats Brats or Metts or most hotdogs I wonder how he rationalizes this? Is not eating pork a suggestion? If it is, then I guess the ban on homosexuality is merely a suggestion. I hope Peter "Mr. consistency" Bronson will be supporting the Anti-Pork Products Act and call for the jailing of the Rib’s King.

Tuesday, April 22, 2003

Morally Relative Conservatives
Sen. Rick Santorum has been bitching about liberal moral relativism. He does not understand what moral relativism means. What it means is that one believes each individual determines his or her own morals. They do not rely on others to decide what is right and wrong. The individual then lives up to their morals on their own terms. Conservatives like Santorum think moral relativism means that those who don't do what their religion commands can't possibly act on their own accord, without the fear of “hell” to keep them in line. Furthermore they think that without this fear the individual changes their morals to fit each situation, meaning killing one man today is bad, but tomorrow it may be good. That is of course bullshit. I have my own morals. I think I keep to my morals far better than most so called “Christians,” yet I have no religion. I do not need fear of “hell” to keep me in line. My fear of disappointing my family and friends, coupled with the penal code keep me in line.

Santorum in the AP interview condemned homosexuality, and specifically homosexual sex. He does this presumably because his religion says it is a "sin." Santorum then is practicing the moral relativism he condemns. I say this assuming that Santorum does not follow every law written in the bible, for instance

  1. No eating pork: Deuteronomy 14:8

  2. At the end of every seven years every creditor shall cancel loans made:
    Deuteronomy 15:1-2

  3. Set up a King to rule over you that the Lord your God chooses: Deuteronomy

  4. Death penalty for Adultery: Deuteronomy 22:22

  5. Only foreigners can be charged interest:
    Deuteronomy 23:19-20

These are but a few "laws" from the bible. Why are these not followed? I would bet Santorum eats pork, collects loans more than 7 years old, supports our laws which outlaw Kingly rule, does not kill adulterers, and collects interest on any loans he makes. He however has selectively chosen homosexuality as something he will be against, but not these other "laws." It appears that following the word of "God" is a relative term to conservatives like Mr. Santorum. Some religious laws are just out of date I guess, or not profitable enough. I hope Phil Heimlich, Peter Bronson, Tom Brinkman, and the CCV take note.

Paul McDorman's letter in today's Enquirer seemed to paint him in the same boat as Mr. Santorum on a certain level. Atheists and agnostics don't need your religion or anyone's to be "moral."
Chris Anderson found what he calls an "eerily prescient" comparison from a 1960's urbanist ideas on "activists" and today's boycotters.
Nate is trying to be funny. Ha Ha, what a knee slapper, Ha Ha, what it is to laugh..... (Cough, Cough).

Monday, April 21, 2003

Dems endorse trio for council
Do the Dems not have enough viable candidates running for council this time? Or do they think DeWine is a lock, and Tarbell and Monzel are solid and at most one is vulnerable? I don't know why they do not fill out their slate. I can only assume they are waiting to see who else gets on the ballot, and will endorse someone later if they have a chance. I wonder if the Charterites have a chance to get on more on or if an extremist independent will come close to getting elected.
Local School Employees Missing $829,000 Worth Of Paychecks
This is not the kind of news you want when you are trying to pass a school bond issue a couple of weeks. This is a PR nightmare. I hope someone gets more than a wrist slap over this snafu.
Democrats endorse 2 for City Council
Read this portion of the article from near the end:
Nathaniel Livingston Jr., a Democratic precinct committeeman from Avondale who is a leader of one of two boycott groups calling itself the Coalition for a Just Cincinnati
What kind of moronic political party allows Nate Livingston to be a precinct committeeman? That is atrocious. A promoter of bigotry and hatred is allowed to participate in a political party; you would think that does not happen in this day and age. Well, at least not in the Democratic Party. Locally, the Republicans not only let them in to the party, they elect them: like this guy, and this guy.
BRONSON: Ohio's new palace in Columbus
Attention Mr. Bronson, Attention Mr. Bronson.....Blame your fellow Republicans!!!!!!! In case you have not noticed, your political party of choice is in total control of the government of Ohio. Start Blaming Brinkman, oh wait you can't blame him, he would rather we not have a government. Ok, blame Taft, Blackwell, Petro, Deters, etc. Your guys are in office. Why do you seem to want to blame anyone other than the guys who voted to fund this building restoration? I wonder if you are going to try and pin this on Springer. You might blame Clinton, your usual, but I don't think even you could make a connection the mouth foamers could swallow. I guess “lawmakers” will have to do, but it is a shame you can’t put your GOP friends down once in a while, beyond when they don’t evoke your right wing stalwart issues of guns, theocracy, and abortion.
Number 28
Student reports crime, is arrested by Cincinnati officer
This news is old, but it is getting attention regionally. This I am sure will gin up the boycotters a bit. I don't know the facts, but the headline sounds bad, if the headline is bad, the story must be. (COUGH, COUGH)
PLEASE give a welcome to Ethan Hahn over at Queen City Soapbox. Ethan is joining Chris Anderson's endeavor at QCSBOX. I wish him a warm welcome and hope to read his as well as Chris's work often.

Saturday, April 19, 2003

Back to square one
The idea of developing Fountain Square is a good one. I have to wonder about a few things. City Council has proposed to put money into a revised Main Street entertainment district and to build the "Banks project" in-between the new stadiums. Can we afford all of these? If most of the money comes from private sources I am confident they are financially viable. If all or most of the money comes form the city I am not sure if the value is there. I also have to wonder, will these three areas compete against each other, dooming all to failure? I also don’t want to loose the skywalk. They may take away foot traffic on the street, a big measuring stick for urban planners and marketers, but the convenience of the skywalk for pedestrians outweigh earnings potentials in this case. The skywalk in the entire down town is dependant on all sections being connected. If you take out a vital artery, you blow the whole system. It is bad enough the section was torn down in preparation for a new Nordstrom’s at Race and 5th, only resulting in a parking lot, but adding to that disaster will kill the shops around Fountain Place section of the skywalk.
Under cover of war, Mugabe unleashes a new reign of terror
It appears something was rotting in Zimbabwe while the bombs were dropping in Iraq. I wonder if freedom will be promised for the people of Zimbabwe. Will the bloodthirsty hawks drool over the change for another war? I wonder if International ANSWER would call it "racist" if the US tried to oust an African dictator/racist. Instead the American press, the blood lusting conservatives, and the communist backed activists will be silent or hypocritical on the issue, and yet another dictator will be coddled by France. I would think the Republicans would love to stick to France again, but when's the last time they followed through on anything for Africans that did not included religious indoctrination?

Friday, April 18, 2003

Creepy and Sad
Pat DeWine has an audio greeting on his new council member website, as do the rest of council. Is this the Pat or is it Karl Childers from the movie Sling Blade?
NEW CINCINNATI and a new City of Cincinnati website.
Medina Democrats to host Springer
If Springer gets the nomination I will eat a dead grasshopper. If he beats Voinovich I will eat a live one.
Donald Mooney on the boycott 2.0, from the Post.

Thursday, April 17, 2003

The future of rock 'n' roll
Help Fight the Beast, Listen to 97X.
Youth served on City Council
People bitch and moan about City Council. No one can say anything good about them. Is it because they are young and they don't do things the "conventional" way? Or is it because they are young and have no clue what they are doing? I am 31 years old and 4 council members are my age or younger, and 2 more are only a few years older. 6 of the 9 are Generation Xer's. How does this compare to the rest of the nation? Are we ahead of the curve or is this yet another generation gap that will only get worse as the "Boomer's" get older and more of a pain in the ass than they already are?

My guess is that the city council has some great ideas, but the older, and more powerful, citizens do not take them seriously. Business leaders, who are generally older, like new ideas, but they don’t like to try them. Older activists don’t like new blood, unless they are in tow. I will not be surprised to see age indirectly used as a campaign tool this year in Council elections. I can see the Republicans trying to bash the twenty-somethings, while tip towing around their thirty-somethings. Age is but a number, but numbers can sway a fickle and moronic public. I expect more than one gray haired candidate to step forward this time around. Break out the Ben-Gay! - Cincinnati Reds - Clubhouse
I guess the folks at ESPN have been spending to much time in Philadelphia. While referring the Cincinnati Enquirer the writer(s) gave us the "Cincinnati Inquirer" instead. What makes this worse is that in different parts of the web page, closer to the top, they got it right.

[Link via Matt Weiler]
Security Agency Selects Privacy Watchdog
A reader (Ray) pointed this article out to me. I thought Congress had voted to stop funding programs to collect personal data on citizens. I guess Homeland Security had some funding tucked away for this type of thing. It is odd that Tom Ridge would pick someone who basically ran a company that harassed people online. Is this what Homeland Security is come to? Saftey through harassment and intrustion?
Letters target gay ordinance
Bigot Mail? A fundie-gram? What will these theocrats do next? I am sickened by their need to control others, allowing their fears to be pacified. But alas, I can only say this so much. People will fear others as long as we are not all sharing the same brain. In the case of the CCV I just wished they used their brains, instead of relying on their selectively highlighted bible and volumes of propaganda. Chris Anderson has some good comments on this latest campaign of hate mail as well.
FOX: CNN Blames Premature Obituaries on Human Error
This is news? This is front-page news? FOX couldn't find any other stories on Iraq or Syria to run instead of running a clerical error story? Are they this petty? Well, do I have to bother answering that question? Of course they are petty, little children. They even had to add a NY Post style editorial headline on the front-page link "Night of the Living Dead." Why didn't they just use "Gotcha" and just become the cliché tabloid they
long to be? I have to wonder if is run from the NY Post offices.

I will be checking on CNN for the follow-up rebuttal "FOX News Intern Mislabels Folder" "Over night a new Pepperdine University Intern mistakenly mislabeled Ollie North's Personnel File with Brit Hume's name. An HR Manager nearly had to fire Hume for lying about his years of experience at ABC as an anchor. The 20-year-old intern had been working only 2 days at FOX and was not familiar with the file system. She assumed it would have been the same as the RNC headquarters where she had been a volunteer
previously. The file labels were quickly correct, but the original labels can be seen through the new ones."

Wednesday, April 16, 2003

State cuts terror threat to yellow
Why does Ohio or any state need its own terror alert? I can see a city or even a state issuing a specific alert when there is a semi-specific threat, but I think it is safe for the residents of Ohio to just follow the Federal terror alert guides. If Taft is just going to mimic the Department of Homeland Security, then why bother with the damn thing in the first place? Well, Bob has to fight terror with the rest of hanger's on. Ohio is not a high on the terrorist target list. I think we all can just stay vigilant, without worrying about foreign terrorists. I would much prefer Bob to keep a warning on the threats from domestic terrorists. If some anti-abortion nut case is trying to send fake anthrax letters again, I would much prefer to know about that, then a useless state warning level. What kind of intelligence reports does Taft get? Is there an Ohio Intelligence Agency? Are we sending spies into Kentucky and West Virginia? Opps, I may have just blown their cover, Sheriff Leis is knocking on my door as I type.
Numbers 25, 26, & 27. At this rate we are on pace to a have a murder rate slightly higher than last year.

Tuesday, April 15, 2003

CHRIS ANDERSON comments on one of the undemocratic demands issued by the revised boycott übercoalition.
Ex-campaign treasurer stole $400,000 from Boehner fund
How valued can an endorsement like this be?
The Ohio Society of Public Accountants Endorse Rep. John Boehner

"The Screening Committee and the Society's Board believe you are a candidate who will continue to be a positive influence in Washington."

The Ohio Society of Certified Public Accountants
June 26, 2002
I wonder which member of the Ohio Society of CPA's missed the $400,000+ from a congressional campaign. That is not a drop in the bucket for Boehner's war chest. You might think that someone would have caught this a little sooner. Do people really want this guy as their watchdog in Washington? Is this John’s typical level of oversight? I am glad I am not in his district.

Monday, April 14, 2003

CAIR: No Room to Judge
A letter to the editor of the Washington Post from a Rich Leonardi from here in Cincinnati. CAIR is a group that was upset with the play Paradise.

[Link via Atrios with comments]
SOMEBODY'S lobbyist is getting a big fat Raise.
Boycotters still seek broad demands
Luken thinks these demands will cost in total about 5 billion dollars, not just the 1.6 billion amount named. I wish I understood the law more, because this sounds like a case of extortion that could fall into the realm of the RCIO statues. I also question this bit of alleged history put forth by the reporter:
In fact, council members were elected using proportional representation until voters changed the city's charter in 1957 in a bid to block Theodore Berry from becoming the Queen City's first black mayor. The change prevented Berry's ascendancy for 15 years, officials said.
The fact may only be the change of the charter in 1957. The bid to block Theodore Berry is an opinion that I don’t think was established as a fact in the article, and I would guess is something only considered a fact in some people’s opinion. It might be true. I was not alive then and am still a relative new comer to this city, at 13 years in the greater Cincinnati area, so my knowledge of that kind of local history is very limited. I am skeptical that what the writer claimed as “fact” can be documented or supported. I think the reporter should have qualified that part to either support it as fact with some reference to evidence, or treat it is a generally accepted opinion in certain or some quarters, as opposed to a clear fact.
Welcome to 700WLW Listeners
I bid a warm hello to all of travelers from the WLW website. Linda Bergér's information can be found on the left panel. If you are wondering what a blog is, you can learn more here, here, and here. If you want to provide some feed back you can email me at the link to the left or just post a comment by hitting the "comments" link at the bottom of this or any post. If you have a blog of your own, please include a link. If you have any information that you think needs airing, please let me know. I try to update my blog everyday, and I usually keep up that pace. Please comeback again!
Rob Bernard provides us with this humorous post:

We didn't go into Iraq because they had WMDs, we went in because they MIGHT have WMDs.
The sad part about this is, he is being serious. I think Rob is suffering from the first known case of revisionism. There was no "might" about WMD from either the administration or its supporters. Bush, Inc. unmistakably stated that they had clear evidence Iraq has WMD. I hope we did not go to war based on speculation.

Sunday, April 13, 2003

BRONSON: War proves religious leaders need more faith in America
Well, with an opening line only Henny Youngman would love, Peter has proceeded to paint the war into a simple case of "good vs. evil." As usual, Bronson sees life as a yes or no question, also called linear thinking. I guess religion is as simple to him. Either you are a good evangelical Christian (read fundamentalist/“born again”) or are a heathen. I guess Peter would not think twice about pulling the trigger against an Iraqi civilian car driving towards him on a Baghdad road. “Moral clarity” is as clear as sewer water. Trying to declare it is the mission of a crusader in search of a retroactive rationale.

This war was not some simple choice. I don’t even think George Bush thought this was simple, and that is saying something. I guess Peter thinks that it is easy to be a good little conformist, just follow the lemming in front of you. It does not surprise me at all that religious people, who talk about peace to actually try and preach it, even in a time of war.

I wonder why Peter sees this issue as simple good vs. evil when in March 1999 he said the following about the Kosovo War:
The Balkans war is much more complex than that, of course. Even the scholars on our Forum Page today hardly scratch the surface of the political, ideological, historical and religious conflicts in the region.

But Americans don't have time for complex. Complex is too . . . complicated. Americans want simple. Fast. No more than five words. No more than one syll-ab-le.
So choosing sides in Yugoslavia is difficult, while in Iraq it is simple. I wonder why this is the case. Bosians-Kosovars are Muslims; Serbians are Christians, a tough choice even if the Serbs are painted as the “bad guys?” The Iraqis are Muslim and painted as the bad guys. Easy choice there for Peter, but he is shocked that his fellow Christians didn’t make the same knee-jerk choice. Round up the Usual Suspects Mr. Bronson, I guess you will have to blame us “liberals” for corrupting your beloved Christian Brethren with a bit of humanity and religious tolerance. I am surprised he did not find a way to blame Bill Clinton for this, but I am sure he could have found a way to make such a claim. Red herrings have a way of being universally utilized.
Number 24 and counting. Oh the bloody times in which we live.
Newspaper publisher fired over April Fool’s story
A tradition prank at the Washington Court House Record Herald went a bit to far for the owners.

Saturday, April 12, 2003

IS CINCINNATI the The Paris of America? You will have to decide for yourself, but the sentiment is very interesting.
Bigots of the Week:City sued over hate-crime law
The award goes to council candidate Sam Malone, state Rep. Tom Brinkman, and Mark Miller. Brinkman is an embarrassment to his district, the state, and the country. He voted against the 14th amendment to the U.S. Constitution. It was a matter of principle the man said. I guess the same principle that allows theocratic fascist like Brinkman to try and force their religion on others.

Brinkman is a clique. The anti-tax, build walls around your house kind of fearful of difference bigot. He seems to want everyone to be forced to carry a gun so that we can "protect" ourselves from homosexuals, while allowing "special legal protection" linger on for religious people, as the original city hate crimes ordinance already contained. How can anyone in the GOP say this guy is not a bigot with a straight face? The problem is that many in the GOP locally like his brand of bigotry. Homosexuals are hated in this town by the likes of Brinkman, and believe it or not, by most of the leaders and followers of the boycotters. Bigotry is not a double-edged sword; it has far more edges than a simple two to worry about.
City Manager Worries About Safety At 50 Cent Concert
This is paranoia run wild, sprinkled with a pinch of bigotry. The concert is sold out. Put a big ass sign out in front of Millet Hall that reads "Sold Out." If anyone gets pissed off and starts trouble, then have the “Seekie’s” pound a few faces into the ground. It is as simple as that. Make sure all of the media covering the event were able to see the big ass sign when they arrive and place it such a position that no camera angle can avoid it. Keeping the media in the loop will cover the city’s and the university’s ass in the PR war. Ok, I am done; do I get a consulting fee for stating the obvious? I will settle for a Miami t-shirt.
How the Erpenbeck Co. crumbled
This story has been beat into the ground by both the Post and the Enquirer. I hope his plea agreement will at least put the issue on the back pages. It is so bad the Kentucky Post has it own Erpenbeck special internet section with summary of all of their stories on the subject.
A park for the east side
As a near by resident of where this park will go, I am very pleased. I have to wonder about one thing: will this interfere with proposed plans to build a new road from Red Bank Road over to Newtown?
City accuses senior auditor of fraud, lying
Karen L. Schulte, 52, of East Price Hill, please meet the unemployment line. Unemployment line, please make Karen feel welcomed.

Friday, April 11, 2003

WELLS: Boycotters expand absurdity
David Wells "Bitch slaps" Stanley Broadnax and the boycotters, using simple cold logic and reason. Wells stayed away from my observations, that the demands are race based and thus racist, but his comments are valid and square on point. I am sure David will be attacked, as I have been, as being bigoted or racist for daring to call this boycott absurd, but I think he is comfortable with his love of all of the human race, the only race that matters.

Wednesday, April 09, 2003

Gregory Korte: on Valerie Lemmie (last section)
Greg reports that City Manager Valerie Lemmie has a new policy "prohibiting city employees from talking to council candidates." Two council candidates are pissed. Fellow blogger John Schlagetter (Charterite) and Republican Leslie Ghiz are those two candidates. There is no legal way that Lemmie can prevent any person meeting with anyone else while on their time outside of work. She most likely can prevent them from doing it during working hours at city hall or other facilities or using city property like phones or computers. Does she have the same restriction on talking to the members of the press? I think John can claim to be a member of the press rather easily with his radio show and blog. If Leslie Ghiz starts blogging she might be able to get around this too.

I wonder if soon to be council member Laketa Cole is able to talk to city employees before she is sworn in. She is a candidate for council up until she is sworn in, is their an exception for Democratic candidates?
From :: View topic - Lincoln Ware Asked For It
Public Notice: First. I am not post on the above linked message board. Nate (rhymes with hate) or one of his co-racists is stealing my blog content and posting them to their forum. Here is a post that I think everyone should read and think about before they give support to anything they say.
Amanda (Mayes)

Joined: 21 Mar 2003
Posts: 8
Location: The Front Line
Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2003 2:03 pm Post subject:

White people love to call self defense hate. It's their way of keeping us vicitmized. The Panthers are all about liberation (or, at least, they used to be). More African Americans in Cincinnati need to stop being the victim and take their fate into thier own hands.

It looks like the only one who deserves to get their ass kicked more than Lincoln Ware is cincyblog.

No Justice, No Peace!
I added the last name and the bold emphasis, and left the spelling as is. It is funny how she played games. She knows I meant the New Black Panther Party. That is the hate group. Nate knows that, but they seem to only like to be truthful win it suits their nefarious cause.

I now wonder if Damon Lynch and the Boycott 2.0 are really loving the CJC and Black Fist. Those groups can be the fringe that Lynch and the CBUF can denounce, while still pushing their racist agenda. A triangulation of sorts.
Jammin' bringing 30 acts to town
The obvious question I have to ask, will the boycotters disrupt this event? I really hope they don't. Last year there were a hand full of protestors, but will this be the first target of Boycott 2.0? Will they camp out and try and force people to not embrace humanity in the tradition of experiencing music? "I love Rock N' Roll, put another dime in the jukebox baby."
Protesters plan big rallies against war in Iraq
Hmmmmm, I think this may be a bit late. The fighting will still be going on, but I their rhetoric will really be hollow. People dancing in streets at the fall of Baghdad kind of puts the anti-war crowd to shame. They look like chumps. I have to say they do not look as crass as the many bloodthirsty pro-war lemmings. They still can't help but act like sore winners. Cunningham on WLW could not wait 15 minutes before he started chastising all "liberals" and Democrats. The phase of the day in the warblogger world is "don't get cocky.

Tuesday, April 08, 2003

War takes toll on journalists

Journalists Killed/Wounded in Baghdad
Jose Couso (Telecinco, Spain) 37-year-old Cameraman: killed
Taras Protsyuk (Reuters, UK) 35-year-old Cameraman: Killed
Tareq Ayoub (al-Jazeera, Qatar): Killed
Paul Pasquale (Reuters, UK): wounded - not life threatening
Samia Nakhoul (Reuters, Lebanon): wounded - not life threatening
Faleh Kheiber (Reuters, Iraq): wounded - not life threatening

Still in Baghdad (as reported)
1. NPR (USA) - Anne Garrels - Plans to stay throughout
2. Peter Arnett - freelance for The Daily Mirror - Plans to stay throughout
3. ITN & Channel 4 (International Television News ITV - UK) - Lindsey Hilsum
4. BBC (UK) - Total of 7 including 3 reporters - Rageh Omar -Plans to stay throughout
5. Washington Post (USA) - Anthony Shadid & Rajiv Chandrase
6. AP (USA) - Hamza Hendawi
7. Reuters (UK) - Staff of 19
8. Sky News - (UK)
10. Independent (UK) - Robert Fisk (what an ass)
11. Christian Science Monitor (USA) - Scott Peterson
12. ZDF (Germany)
13. Al Jazeera - (in Baghdad but reportedly no longer reporting)
14. Sydney Morning Herald/The Age (AUS) - Paul McGeough
15. San Francisco Chronicle (USA) - Robert Collier
16. Los Angeles Times (USA) - John Daniszewski & Michael Slackman
17. Irish Times (IRE) - Lara Marlowe
18. New York Times (USA) - John Burns and Photographer Tyler Hicks
19. Al-Arabiya (Dubai)
20. Abu Dhabi TV
21. Lebanese Broadcasting Company
22. Richard Engel - Freelance for ABC
23. Guardian (UK) - Suzanne Goldenberg
24. The New Yorker (USA) - Jon Lee Anderson
25. Palm Beach Post (USA) - Larry Kaplow
26. Chicago Tribune (USA) - E.A. Torriero
27. Corriere della Sera (Italy) - Francesco Battistini - Detained by Iraqis in Southern Iraq and taken to Baghdad
28. Il Giornale (Italy) - Detained by Iraqis in Southern Iraq and taken to Baghdad
29. Il Messagero (Italy) - Detained by Iraqis in Southern Iraq and taken to Baghdad
30. L'Unita (Italy) - Detained by Iraqis in Southern Iraq and taken to Baghdad
31. Il Mattino (Italy) - Detained by Iraqis in Southern Iraq and taken to Baghdad
32. Il Sole 24-Ore (Italy) - Detained by Iraqis in Southern Iraq and taken to Baghdad
33. Il Resto Del Carlino (Italy) - Detained by Iraqis in Southern Iraq and taken to Baghdad
34. Cox News Service (USA)- Craig Nelson
35. Herald Sun - Peter Wilson & John Feder - Detained by Iraqis in Basra, taken to Baghdad
36. Daily Mail (UK) - Ross Benson
37. Sunday Mirror (UK) - Steve Martin
38. Daily Mirror (UK) - Anton Antonowicz
39. Sunday Times (UK)
40. Telecinco (Spain)
41. CBS News - Lara Logan returned to Baghdad between April 4th and 6th.
and other various French, German, Canadian, British, Portugal, Japanese, Danish, Dutch and other European, Asian, and African media outlets.

Not in Baghdad are NBC/MSNBC (Fired Freelancer Arnett for an appearance on Iraqi TV), ABC* (has free lancer in Baghdad), CBC Radio, FOX News (kicked out), China's official Xinhua news agency, Boston Globe (kicked out), Toronto Sun (kicked out), USA Today, Daily Telegraph, London Times, Newsweek (at least ordered to leave by Bosses), US News & World Report, Time, Wall Street Journal, CBS (out but returned), CNN (kicked out), Robert Valdec (freelance for Croatian, Bosnian, and Serbia outlets was kicked out), ABS-CBN (Filipino), NY Newsday - Matthew McAllester & Moises Saman (kicked out), Molly Bingham - Freelance Photographer (worked for Al Gore) -(kicked out), Johan Rydeng Spanner - Danish freelance photographer (kicked out), Sydney Daily Telegraph (kicked out), Nate Thayer - Freelance for (kicked out), 7 Freelance Japanese Journalists left on own accord, Johannesburg Sunday Times - Bonny Schoonakker (kicked out), RTÉ - Richard Downes (Left on own accord), Russian Journalists.

Monday, April 07, 2003

Updated Boycott Demands (pdf file)
They have shed some of the dead weight from the list, but it still is not going to fly. If I had to use one word to describe this summary document, I can only think of one: Racist. This document is nearly all race based. It has one goal: to increase the wealth and power of black people. This is extortion, not a civil rights struggle. Greed, sectarianism, bigotry, and racism are all I can see when I read this document. The boycott will never end. This is a political agenda, not a list of reasonable demands. I am sickened. I am most sickened that this document does not include the repeal of the anti-homosexual City Charter Article XII. It appears the bigots in boycott movement won out. I hope everyone in what is left of Stonewall see this as nothing more than a shakedown. I see nothing positive from this “consolidation.” What I am waiting for next are their new targets. Will they try and nationalize this? Will they target P&G? Federated? Kroger? Will the sucker media buy into the lies? I will guess yes to all. Well I am sure this will be copied by Nate to his hate group's website, so I will take the opportunity to ask people to make sure they understand that I am not posting my blog entries on their message board.

Well, on the “bright side”, at least I will have something to blog about after the war ends. (Drano take me away!)

UPDATE: I missed more evidence of how racist this document is. In every place where race was mentioned in this document, nothing was mentioned regarding Latinos, Asians, Native Americans and of course nothing about poor whites. Will people still buy into this crap? Will the media say anything critical about it? Will my fellow liberals and the supposed color blind Progressives see this as racist propaganda, or will their white guilt pacify any objectivity they may have?
XRay Magazine - Blog Cabins

If you look carefully at this column you will notice that the author shares the same name as the author of this blog, as well as the same brain. I am happy to announce that I have started to contribute to XRAY Cincinnati, a local monthly magazine that you can read at I hope to be writing each month on various topics regarding the media and journalism. This is my first foray into the Dead Tree Media, so give me the benefit of the doubt. Let me know if you read my column, your opinions of it, and any suggestions for future columns.
Reverend on trial for gay wedding
I am not religious, so my opinion is moot, but it appears that Presbyterian Church is making itself look fundamentalist. I am sure the bible thumpers will be jumping for joy, but are those the kind of friends mainstream Christians want to make?
Boycotters Plan More Sanctions
The meeting was scheduled for tonight. There is no news yet, but I am waiting on baited breathe for these new demands. (cough, cough) Here's the Post's coverage.
Judge allows Black United Front to withdraw from collaborative agreement
The judge picked a poignant day to issue this ruling. I wonder if she is trying to send a message. Like other local stations, Channel 64 will read AP stories to viewers
Channel 64 has decided to create a newscast at the 10 pm hour with all indications it will be the same old, same old -- just like the other local stations. Many people do not realize that 90% of the stories on local stations come from the Associated Press. Tear it off the wire and read it to the audience. Channel 64 will do much of the same.

This was reported previously as a possibility, but no date was given as a starting point. I agree with CincyNation that local TV news does suck. It sucks nearly everywhere. The 90% figure is not valid however, and I will wait and see how Channel 64 does at news before I ridicule it. I would surmise it will be more of the same drivel FOX19, WLWT, WKRC, and WCPO produce on a daily basis.

CincyNation should also not be so gleeful at reporting the Greg Flannery of City Beat Story. I reported that story back on March 22nd.
Senate president White leads in a gentler style
Could this be more of a Fluff piece? The guy has an image problem; just leave to the hometown paper to make his little "boo-boo" all better. If he keeps up his good boy behavior he might just get a lollipop.
BRONSON: Scouting the way it used to be
Two things of value can be derived from this column. One is that Bronson admits that FOX News is conservative and that its claim of being "fair and balanced" should properly be placed in quotes, due to the subject nature of such a claim. The other is that the Girl Scouts must have once been indoctrination for Stepford wives, but now they are not. If a gaggle of conservative busy bodies needed to instill their kids with an Eva Braun style indoctrination and therefore had to create a new group the "way it used to be,” then Girl Scouts have come a long way.

Sunday, April 06, 2003

SA journo expelled from Iraq

Still in Baghdad (as reported)
1. NPR (USA) - Anne Garrels - Plans to stay throughout
2. Peter Arnett - freelance for The Daily Mirror - Plans to stay throughout
3. ITN & Channel 4 (International Television News ITV - UK) - Lindsey Hilsum
4. BBC (UK) - Total of 7 including 3 reporters - Rageh Omar -Plans to stay throughout
5. Washington Post (USA) - Anthony Shadid & Rajiv Chandrase
6. AP (USA) - Hamza Hendawi
7. Reuters (UK) - Staff of 19
8. Sky News - (UK)
10. Independent (UK) - Robert Fisk (what an ass)
11. Christian Science Monitor (USA) - Scott Peterson
12. ZDF (Germany)
13. Al Jazeera - (in Baghdad but reportedly no longer reporting)
14. Sydney Morning Herald/The Age (AUS) - Paul McGeough
15. San Francisco Chronicle (USA) - Robert Collier
16. Los Angeles Times (USA) - John Daniszewski & Michael Slackman
17. Irish Times (IRE) - Lara Marlowe
18. New York Times (USA) - John Burns and Photographer Tyler Hicks
19. Al-Arabiya (Dubai)
20. Abu Dhabi TV
21. Lebanese Broadcasting Company
22. Richard Engel - Freelance for ABC
23. Guardian (UK) - Suzanne Goldenberg
24. The New Yorker (USA) - Jon Lee Anderson
25. Palm Beach Post (USA) - Larry Kaplow
26. Chicago Tribune (USA) - E.A. Torriero
27. Corriere della Sera (Italy) - Francesco Battistini - Detained by Iraqis in Southern Iraq and taken to Baghdad
28. Il Giornale (Italy) - Detained by Iraqis in Southern Iraq and taken to Baghdad
29. Il Messagero (Italy) - Detained by Iraqis in Southern Iraq and taken to Baghdad
30. L'Unita (Italy) - Detained by Iraqis in Southern Iraq and taken to Baghdad
31. Il Mattino (Italy) - Detained by Iraqis in Southern Iraq and taken to Baghdad
32. Il Sole 24-Ore (Italy) - Detained by Iraqis in Southern Iraq and taken to Baghdad
33. Il Resto Del Carlino (Italy) - Detained by Iraqis in Southern Iraq and taken to Baghdad
34. Cox News Service (USA)- Craig Nelson
35. Herald Sun - Peter Wilson & John Feder - Detained by Iraqis in Basra, taken to Baghdad
36. Daily Mail (UK) - Ross Benson
37. Sunday Mirror (UK) - Steve Martin
38. Daily Mirror (UK) - Anton Antonowicz
39. Sunday Times (UK)
and other various French, German, Japanese, Danish, Dutch and other European, Asian, and African media outlets.

Not in Baghdad are NBC/MSNBC (Fired Freelancer Arnett for an appearance on Iraqi TV), ABC* (has free lancer in Baghdad), CBC Radio, FOX News (kicked out), China's official Xinhua news agency, Boston Globe (kicked out), Toronto Sun (kicked out), USA Today, Daily Telegraph, London Times, Newsweek (at least ordered to leave by Bosses), US News & World Report, Time, Wall Street Journal, CBS, CNN (kicked out), Robert Valdec (freelance for Croatian, Bosnian, and Serbia outlets was kicked out), ABS-CBN (Filipino), NY Newsday - Matthew McAllester & Moises Saman (kicked out), Molly Bingham - Freelance Photographer (worked for Al Gore) -(kicked out), Johan Rydeng Spanner - Danish freelance photographer (kicked out), Sydney Daily Telegraph (kicked out), Nate Thayer - Freelance for (kicked out), 7 Freelance Japanese Journalists left on own accord, Johannesburg Sunday Times - Bonny Schoonakker (kicked out).

Saturday, April 05, 2003

Killed journalist remembered here
The Cincinnati Post remembers Kelly's life and his history here in Cincinnati.

Friday, April 04, 2003

Atlantic Monthly Editor Killed in Iraq
Sad news for the American Journalism community. Michael Kelly started his reporting career here in town at the Cincinnati Post. also reports on the story with some blogosphere reaction. The Enquirer has the AP wire report.
Mike McConnell Converts to the PC Movement
It would appear Mike from 700WLW has had a change of heart regarding the politically correct movement. Mike has removed a Pearl Jam song from the “bumper” music used on his show. He did this because of a single news story making the run around the internet. “Dozens” of people claim Eddie Vedder stepped on a mask of George Bush during a concert. Mike seems to not like anyone disrespecting the President of the United States, well I really mean anyone disrespecting a President he likes. Bill Clinton to this day is disrespected by callers on his show often on a daily basis over 2 years after the man left office. Mike rarely rebukes any of his callers who have accused Clinton of causing nearly all things “bad,” but a few dozen people can sway his mind. Mike can be branded a knee-jerk jingoist without question in my opinion. Mike has in the past been a fairly reasonable guy, but this war has seemed to turned him into a reactionary. First he wanted feudalism, now I would not be surprised for him to want to Sedition to be applied to anyone not conforming to his blood lusting views. What is most disturbing is the reality that if we were Iraq, Mike and the talk radio crowd would be the Fedayeen Geroge, forcing the rest of us to fight for their beloved Bush.

I really find it harder to support this war. I still do, but I really am disgusted by the attitude of many conservatives/neolibertarians who treat this like a political issue. It is like we are talking about gun rights and they have drawn sides like Sarajevo. With recent attacks on John Kerry, I see this coming election season to end up with small incidents of violence. There is nothing sadder than seeing election riots in the streets, but I think we will see political groups fighting each other, on a small scale next year. The Polarization of political debate has only one end: sectarian violence. We humans are so very very stupid.

Thursday, April 03, 2003

Local Talk Radio Show Host Attacked
Lincoln Ware is lucky. "Black Jesus" would appear to be a nut. The story indicates the attack to place downtown, but Ken Lawson on WDBZ stated it happen this morning outside WDBZ studios in Roselawn. The disparity will surely come out in court. Ken Lawson's suggestion to Lincoln is to have a "Panther member" escort him. Interesting, Lawson wants to promote “civil rights” but seeks protection from a hate group. Ironic, ya think?

Wednesday, April 02, 2003

Arafat persuades Iraqis to release four journalists jailed on spying charge
I am not sure I agree that the Iraqis were formally charging these reporters with spying as this headline indicates. I think they were chosen either randomly or because they were better PR targets.

Still in Baghdad (as reported)
1. NPR - Anne Garrels - Plans to stay throughout
2. Peter Arnett - freelance for The Daily Mirror - Plans to stay throughout
3. ITN & Channel 4 (International Television News ITV) - Lindsey Hilsum
4. BBC: Total of 7 including 3 reporters - Rageh Omar -Plans to stay throughout
5. Washington Post -Anthony Shadid & Rajiv Chandrase
6. AP - Hamza Hendawi
7. Reuters - Staff of 19
8. Sky News
10. Independent - Robert Fisk (what an ass)
11. Christian Science Monitor - Scott Peterson
12. ZDF (Germany)
13. Al Jazeera - (in Baghdad but reportedly no longer reporting)
14. Sydney Morning Herald/The Age - Paul McGeough
15. San Francisco Chronicle - Robert Collier
16. Los Angeles Times - John Daniszewski & Michael Slackman
17. Irish Times - Lara Marlowe
18. New York Times - John Burns and Photographer Tyler Hicks
19. Al-Arabiya (Dubai)
20. Abu Dhabi TV
21. Lebanese Broadcasting Company
22. Richard Engel - Freelance for ABC
23. Guardian - Suzanne Goldenberg
24. The New Yorker - Jon Lee Anderson
25. Palm Beach Post - Larry Kaplow
26. Chicago Tribune - E.A. Torriero
27. Corriere della Sera - Milan, Italy - Francesco Battistini - Detained by Iraqis in Southern Iraq and taken to Baghdad
28. Il Giornale - Italy - Detained by Iraqis in Southern Iraq and taken to Baghdad
29. Il Messagero - Italy - Detained by Iraqis in Southern Iraq and taken to Baghdad
30. L'Unita - Italy - Detained by Iraqis in Southern Iraq and taken to Baghdad
31. Il Mattino - Italy - Detained by Iraqis in Southern Iraq and taken to Baghdad
32. Il Sole 24-Ore - Italy - Detained by Iraqis in Southern Iraq and taken to Baghdad
33. Il Resto Del Carlino - Italy - Detained by Iraqis in Southern Iraq and taken to Baghdad
34. Cox News Service - Craig Nelson
35. Herald Sun - Peter Wilson & John Feder - Detained by Iraqis in Basra, taken to Baghdad
and other various French, German, Japanese, Danish and Dutch media outlets.

Not in Baghdad are NBC/MSNBC (Fired Freelancer Arnett for an appearance on Iraqi TV), ABC* (has free lancer in Baghdad), CBC Radio, FOX News (kicked out), China's official Xinhua news agency, Boston Globe (kicked out), Toronto Sun (kicked out), USA Today, Daily Telegraph, London Times, Newsweek (at least ordered to leave by Bosses), US News & World Report, Time, Wall Street Journal, CBS, CNN (kicked out), Robert Valdec (freelance for Croatian, Bosnian, and Serbia outlets was kicked out), ABS-CBN (Filipino), NY Newsday - Matthew McAllester & Moises Saman (kicked out), Molly Bingham - Freelance Photographer (worked for Al Gore) -(kicked out), Johan Rydeng Spanner - Danish freelance photographer (kicked out), Sydney Daily Telegraph (kicked out), Nate Thayer - Freelance for (kicked out), 7 Freelance Japanese left on own accord.
Monitor critical of city's progress
Rome wasn't built in a day, but if Rev. Nero III keeps up his fiddle, the ashes of the city will muddy the river for while, and then flow along.
Seen at Great American Ball Park
Try Arnett for treason, senator says
My question for Sen. Jim Bunning is: does he think members of the pro-life movement, like Pat Robertson, are guilty of aiding and abetting the terrorists that murder doctors who provide abortions? Robertson and many others in the pro-life (anti-abortion) crowd regularly make statements that are as inflammatory as Peter Arnett’s statements, but no one seriously seeks to include them as accomplices to murder. I also have to correct Mr. Bunning: aid and comfort is the phrase he means, not aiding and abetting. Mr. Bunning seems fine with FOX’s Geraldo Rivera actions, so why is he grandstanding against Peter Arnett? Leave it to a politician to capitalize on a buzz issue. I am sure Senators Byrd and Rockefeller of West Virginia are already pining for a photo-op with Pvt. Jessica Lynch, not to mention every WV House member.

Bunning is frothing for effect, not for principle.
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.
Arnett obviously has not levied war against the US and is not adhering to the “enemies,” especially since the framers would have required there to be a formal declaration of war in order for their to be an enemy, but that I am sure is a fine point most will ignore. If aid and comfort is the only standard, then any and every statement against the government at any point could be construed as “treason.” Mr. Bunning and the rest of the blood hungry hoards should instead look at the case of the 101 Airborne solider that killed 2 of his superior officers. That is treason. Exercising free speech needs to be intended to aid and comfort the enemy and be far more disparaging than what Arnett said. Repeating the same information as many others have stated in the public hardly raises this to a Federal case.

All of this being said, Arnett was either an idiot, or under duress. I am surprised conspiracy theorists have not reported the seeming coincidence of the release of the four journalists a day after Arnett’s interview on Iraqi TV. Could he have agreed to the interview in hopes of gaining their release? I seriously doubt it, but the coincidence makes for interesting speculation. Barring a Sidney Carton style self-sacrifice, Arnett was rightfully fired. He became the story, instead of covering the story, one of the worst sins a journalist could make. I just wish the chest beaters took a breather or at least focused on real treason, not politically motivated faux charges.

Tuesday, April 01, 2003

New Lawsuit Filed Against City Of Cincinnati
Evidence of a never-ending money grab. The boycott crowd and Jay Love defend Lawson, but are they in denial or do they stand to gain from the lawsuits? Jay Love has a personal connection that explains part of his hypersensitive reaction, but the rest have something to gain. The city is right to seek the removal of Lawson from the collaborative agreement. Lawson is out to make money from the exploitation of people who may or may not have legal claims against the city. Lawson is openly working a scheme to shakedown the city in a never-ending train of lawsuits. Nearly every black person who the police interact with in the City of Cincinnati are seen by Lawson as potential revenue. It is in Lawson's best interests for the police to kill more black people and for them to "racially profile" more people and for the police to beat every suspect to a bloody pulp. Racism is good for Lawson's business, and I do not see him doing anything to help end it.
Missing Newsday journalists found safe in Jordan

Still in Baghdad (as reported)
1. NPR - Anne Garrels - Plans to stay throughout
2. Peter Arnett - freelance for The Daily Mirror - Plans to stay throughout
3. ITN (International Television News ITV)
4. BBC: Total of 7 including 3 reporters - Rageh Omar -Plans to stay throughout
5. Washington Post -Anthony Shadid & Rajiv Chandrase
6. AP - Hamza Hendawi
7. Reuters - Staff of 19
8. Sky News
10. Independent - Robert Fisk (what an ass)
11. Christian Science Monitor - Scott Peterson
12. ZDF (Germany)
13. Al Jazeera
14. Sydney Morning Herald/The Age - Paul McGeough
15. San Francisco Chronicle - Robert Collier
16. Los Angeles Times - John Daniszewski & Michael Slackman
17. Irish Times - Lara Marlowe
18. New York Times - John Burns and Photographer Tyler Hicks
19. Al-Arabiya (Dubai)
20. Abu Dhabi TV
21. Lebanese Broadcasting Company
22. Richard Engel - Freelance for ABC (and BBC?)
23. Guardian - Suzanne Goldenberg
24. The New Yorker - Jon Lee Anderson
25. Palm Beach Post - Larry Kaplow
26. Chicago Tribune - E.A. Torriero
27. Corriere della Sera - Milan, Italy - Francesco Battistini - Detained by Iraqi's in Southern Iraq and taken to Baghdad
28. Il Giornale - Italy - Detained by Iraqi's in Southern Iraq and taken to Baghdad
29. Il Messagero - Italy - Detained by Iraqi's in Southern Iraq and taken to Baghdad
30. L'Unita - Italy - Detained by Iraqi's in Southern Iraq and taken to Baghdad
31. Il Mattino - Italy - Detained by Iraqi's in Southern Iraq and taken to Baghdad
32. Il Sole 24-Ore - Italy - Detained by Iraqi's in Southern Iraq and taken to Baghdad
33. Il Resto Del Carlino - Italy - Detained by Iraqi's in Southern Iraq and taken to Baghdad
and other various French, German, Japanese, Danish and Dutch media outlets.

Not in Baghdad are NBC/MSNBC (Fired Freelancer Arnett for an appearance on Iraqi TV), ABC* (has free lancer in Baghdad), CBC Radio, FOX News (kicked out), China's official Xinhua news agency, Boston Globe (kicked out), Toronto Sun (kicked out), USA Today, Daily Telegraph, London Times, Newsweek (at least ordered to leave by Bosses), US News & World Report, Time, Wall Street Journal, CBS, CNN (kicked out), Robert Valdec (freelance for Croatian, Bosnian, and Serbia outlets was kicked out), ABS-CBN (Filipino), NY Newsday - Matthew McAllester & Moises Saman (kicked out), Molly Bingham - Freelance Photographer (worked for Al Gore) -(kicked out), Johan Rydeng Spanner - Danish freelance photographer (kicked out), Sydney Daily Telegraph (kicked out), Nate Thayer - Freelance for (kicked out).
Fast Food Analogy
With the current debate over troop levels and war plans, it can never hurt to put the whole situation into a simple fast food analogy. I will use McDonald’s as my example, since I worked there as a kid. I am sure the smell of it is not much better than the smell of battle. If we assume the US military is McDonald’s the best fast food restaurant in the world, then Don Rumsfeld seems to think that it was a good idea to agree to bus in 400,000 Iraqi soldiers at 3:30 PM to eat. This seems like it makes no sense, right? Well just hold on, it does make “some” sense.

At 3:30 PM the staff level in a McDonalds is not at the level it needed for the lunch rush. The middle of the afternoon is after all a slow period. Since the dinner rush hits at 5:00 PM, they will not start staffing up until 4:00 PM, at the earliest. Rumsfeld, and maybe the White House, could not wait to bring the 400,000 Iraqis to eat until dinner when the staff was at its peak; they had to rush it forward to the middle of the afternoon. They think the smaller superior staff should be able to handle the rush, which they eventually will handle, but the service level will not be at its best, and grease and grill burns will increase. Now, add in the fact that management (Rumsfeld & Bush) decided that they don’t need to start raising staff at 4:00 PM for the dinner rush; they can wait until 4:30 PM or even 5:00 PM itself to beef up for the rush. At this point not only does the staff have to deal lines of angry Iraqi “customers” out to the door, they will not be getting the staff level increases as early as they normally would get. Lower staff means lower service and more worker injuries during this premature afternoon rush.

Now, every one will be fed, but it could have been finished before the dinner rush if Rumsfeld had not delayed the staff increase and had even called the dinner team and asked them to get moving at 3:30 PM in hopes they could get in a little early. The food was not as good as it could have been, mind you, but the Iraqis will not be complaining. Will the staff be complaining about the pain they had to endure? Pain that will not prevent them from doing their jobs or completing their mission, but pain that could have been minimized.

Monday, March 31, 2003

Updated List of Journalists in Baghdad
Still in Baghdad (as reported)
1. NPR - Anne Garrels - Plans to stay throughout
2. Peter Arnett - freelance for The Daily Mirror - Plans to stay throughout
3. ITN (International Television News ITV)
4. BBC: Total of 7 including 3 reporters - Rageh Omar -Plans to stay throughout
5. Washington Post -Anthony Shadid & Rajiv Chandrase
6. AP - Hamza Hendawi
7. Reuters - Staff of 19
8. Sky News
10. Independent - Robert Fisk (what an ass)
11. Christian Science Monitor - Scott Peterson
12. ZDF (Germany)
13. Al Jazeera
14. Sydney Morning Herald/The Age - Paul McGeough
15. San Francisco Chronicle - Robert Collier
16. Los Angeles Times - John Daniszewski & Michael Slackman
17. Irish Times - Lara Marlowe
18. New York Times - John Burns and Photographer Tyler Hicks
19. Al-Arabiya (Dubai)
20. Abu Dhabi TV
21. Lebanese Broadcasting Company
22. Richard Engel - Freelance for ABC (and BBC?)
23. Guardian - Suzanne Goldenberg
24. Nate Thayer - Freelance for
25. The New Yorker - Jon Lee Anderson
26. Palm Beach Post - Larry Kaplow
27. Chicago Tribune - E.A. Torriero
28. Corriere della Sera - Milan, Italy - Francesco Battistini - Detained by Iraqi's in Southern Iraq and taken to Baghdad
29. Il Giornale - Italy - Detained by Iraqi's in Southern Iraq and taken to Baghdad
30. Il Messagero - Italy - Detained by Iraqi's in Southern Iraq and taken to Baghdad
31. L'Unita - Italy - Detained by Iraqi's in Southern Iraq and taken to Baghdad
32. Il Mattino - Italy - Detained by Iraqi's in Southern Iraq and taken to Baghdad
33. Il Sole 24-Ore - Italy - Detained by Iraqi's in Southern Iraq and taken to Baghdad
34. Il Resto Del Carlino - Italy - Detained by Iraqi's in Southern Iraq and taken to Baghdad
and other various French, German, Japanese, Danish and Dutch media outlets.
Last Seen in Baghdad - Whereabouts Unknown
NY Newsday - Matthew McAllester & Moises Saman (Reported to be kicked out of Iraq.)
Molly Bingham - Freelance Photographer (worked for Al Gore) -(Reported to be kicked out of Iraq)
Not in Baghdad are NBC/MSNBC (Fired Freelancer Arnett for an appearance on Iraqi TV), ABC* (has free lancer in Baghdad), CBC Radio, FOX News (kicked out), China's official Xinhua news agency, Boston Globe (kicked out), Toronto Sun (kicked out), USA Today, Daily Telegraph, London Times, Newsweek (at least ordered to leave by Bosses), US News & World Report, Time, Wall Street Journal, CBS, CNN (kicked out), Robert Valdec (freelance for Croatian, Bosnian, and Serbia outlets was kicked out), ABS-CBN (Filipino).
Iraq expels Ohioan, peace activists
With all of the talk about Peter Arnett and treason, this women might have to answer a few question to the US Government is she plans on returning to the United States.

Sunday, March 30, 2003

Peter Arnett to State-Run Iraqi TV: American War Plan Has Failed
Fox News is beating this story into the ground. Now why would they do this? Hmmm, let me think, why would Fox News want to play up a story about a reporter for a competing cable news outlet? I know today has been a slow war news day, but I thought even FOX had limits to the crass level they would sink to. John Gibson, an anchor for FOX, let out pure commentary out in the 11:00 PM hour on Sunday, he basically called Arnett a traitor. I know that I am pissing in the wind when I complain about FOX, but I will do it anyway. FOX news followers, "FOX Fans" as the network calls them, worship the network as a religion. Any questioning of the "faith" makes you a heretic. If you can't face the fact that FOX News is biased towards a "conservative" viewpoint, then discussing anything with you would be pointless. Now, I can just hear the FOX fans bitching about CNN. Calling it "liberal" or communist or other blind labels placed on it. CNN is marketed to a centrist/moderate audience. That means to the middle of America, which is socially moderate and fiscally conservative. That means they are socially semi-tolerant, not religious fanatics while pro-free trade and follow the NYSE. Anyone who is not exactly what a FOX fan thinks is "normal" is considered "liberal". Middle America does not mean the Midwest, it generally means the urban and suburban population.

Of course I am exaggerating here, but FOX has gone overboard on the nationalistic fervor. Oliver Willis is being attacked by a whole slew of knee-jerk Jingoists for making a much tamer and more succinct rebuke of FOX. The ad hominem attacks against him are amazing. They are not surprising in this hyper-emotional war season, but still are disappointing.
WARREN Jer-ree! Springer grabs crowd's attention
Springer is still trying. The crowd in Youngstown would on the surface be just he kind of people.
Cincinnati's Drama Major
New York gets a taste of Cincinnati's outstanding music tradition. Paavo Jarvi is getting attention, which is well deserved.

Saturday, March 29, 2003

Poynter Online - Media Map of Iraq
Good reference, but both of our lists were lacking. I added a couple of American outlets to my list, but they are missing all of the foreign journalists and a couple of freelancers. Here is my updated list.

Still in Baghdad (as reported)
NPR: Anne Garrels - Plans to stay throughout
Peter Arnett - freelance for MSNBC and National Geographic. - Plans to stay throughout
ITN (International Television News ITV)
BBC: Total of 7 including 3 reporters - Rageh Omar -Plans to stay throughout
Washington Post -Anthony Shadid & Rajiv Chandrase
AP - Hamza Hendawi
Reuters - Staff of 19
Sky News
Independent - Robert Fisk (what an ass)
Christian Science Monitor - Scott Peterson
ZDF (Germany)
Al Jazeera
Sydney Morning Herald/The Age - Paul McGeough
San Franscisco Chronical - Robert Collier
Los Angeles Times - John Daniszewski & Michael Slackman
Irish Times - Lara Marlowe
New York Times - John Burns and Photographer Tyler Hicks
Al-Arabiya (Dubai)
Abu Dhabi TV
Lebanese Broadcasting Company
Richard Engel - Freelance for ABC (and BBC?)
Guardian - Suzanne Goldenberg
Nate Thayer - Freelance for
The New Yorker - Jon Lee Anderson
Palm Beach Post - Larry Kaplow
Chicago Tribune - E.A. Torriero
and other various French, German, Japanese, Danish and Dutch media outlets.

Last Seen in Baghdad - Whereabouts Unknown
Latest News - WaPo reports they may have been detained by Iraq.
NY Newsday - Matthew McAllester & Moises Saman (Reported to be kicked out of Iraq.)
Molly Bingham - Freelance Photographer (worked for Al Gore) -(Reported to be kicked out of Iraq)

Not in Baghdad are NBC, ABC* (has free lancer in Baghdad), CBC Radio, FOX News (kicked out), China's official Xinhua news agency, Boston Globe (kicked out), Toronto Sun (kicked out), USA Today, Daily Telegraph, London Times, Newsweek (at least ordered to leave by Bosses), US News & World Report, Time, Wall Street Journal, CBS, CNN (kicked out), Robert Valdec (freelance for Croatian, Bosnian, and Serbia outlets was kicked out).

Thursday, March 27, 2003

Iraq Expels 2 Newsday Journalists; Whereabouts Unknown

Still in Baghdad (as reported)
NPR: Anne Garrels - Plans to stay throughout
Peter Arnett - freelance for MSNBC and National Geographic. - Plans to stay throughout
BBC: Total of 7 including 3 reporters - Rageh Omar -Plans to stay throughout
Washington Post -Anthony Shadid
AP - Hamza Hendawi
Reuters - Staff of 19
Sky News
Independent - Robert Fisk (what an ass)
Christian Science Monitor -Scott Peterson
ZDF (Germany)
Al Jazeera
Sydney Morning Herald/The Age - Paul McGeough
San Franscisco Chronical - Robert Collier
Los Angeles Times - John Daniszewski
Irish Times - Lara Marlowe
New York Times - John Burns and Photographer Tyler Hicks
Al-Arabiya (Dubai)
Abu Dhabi TV
Lebanese Broadcasting Company
Richard Engel - Free lance for ABC (and BBC?)
Guardian - Suzanne Goldenberg
NY Newsday - Matthew McAllester & Moises Saman (Reported to be kicked out of Iraq - Whereabouts Unknown.)
Nate Thayer - Freelance for
Molly Bingham - Freelance Photographer (worked for Al Gore) -(Reported to be kicked out of Iraq - Whereabouts Unknown.)
and other various French, German, Japanese and Dutch media outlets.

Not in Baghdad are NBC, ABC*(has free lancer in Baghdad), CBC Radio, FOX News (kicked out), China's official Xinhua news agency, Boston Globe (kicked out), Toronto Sun (kicked out),USA Today, Daily Telegraph, London Times, Newsweek (at least ordered to leave by Bosses), US News & World Report, Time, Wall Street Journal, CBS, CNN (kicked out).
Jay Love is Stupid
That sounds petty, but I don't know how else to characterize him for his latest screw up. On his radio program today, Jay wondered why no US news outlet was reporting a story from the CBC claiming that 350 civilians were killed in Iraq by the US. I guess Jay missed the headline of the CBC story: "Baghdad claims 350 Iraqi civilians killed in war." Jay, the claims are from Saddam's "Health Minster!" Do you really trust anyone from his regime to be honest about this issue? If you do, then you are either lying or are stupider than I thought. The article then states:
A Web site that is using media reports to tally the number of Iraqi civilian deaths in the war puts the number at between 227 and 304.
Jay is placing his trust in an unnamed website, whose sources are unconfirmed? Jay appears to be exceedingly gullible. I wonder if he is interested in buying a portion of the Brent Spense Bridge.

It is just amazing how Jay attacks callers who voice opinions supporting the war, demanding they provide a level of proof greater than any court of law would require, where all other possibility must be removed, no matter how remote or farcical. I have not be able to take listening to Jay much this past few weeks leading up to and during the war. His persistent use of the most baseless propaganda reads like an International A.N.S.W.E.R. leaflet. Next I expect Jay to start denouncing the capitalist dogs for their abuse of the underclass and the economic apartheid, oh wait that is what a former 1230 the Buzz host is saying now a days.

UPDATE: Just so Jay does not pop a blood vessel, CNN is now reporting the same story.

Wednesday, March 26, 2003

Trucker claims he didn't aim to hurt war protesters
The newest talk radio "hero" has been born. This trucker was slated to appear on Scott Sloan's radio program this evening. I refuse to tune into the show. With topics like this "Should Muslims and Arabs be allowed to fight for the U.S. Armed Forces?", I can't see that anyone but bigots and/or racists would want to tune it in. I hope people understand it is all an act, but that is not understood by the ignorant masses of morons who listen and call into WLW. They don't know that WLW is all about sensationalism and ratings. They will say anything to get you to listen, except for an ever-shrinking list of taboos. Their station would not be so horrid if they were openly honest about what they did. They are trying to fool people. They are lying on purpose. They think it is just fictionalized entertainment, that is their rationale, but instead they have created a means of manipulation that is often pure Pravda. I would bet that this trucker is able to hire a good attorney with the money WLW helps raise for his “defense.” When you say things like this though: "I'm pleading not guilty," Watters said. "What I did was wrong. I did break a few laws, but I'm not guilty. you really make it difficult to defend, unless you cut a deal or shoot for jury nullification. He is out on bail on very low bail, and I am sure Mike Allen is looking to make this go away, especially with the coming outcry fabricated on WLW.
Religious groups seek to settle boycott issues
Any negotiation is capitulation. Seeking "change" is like seeking a widget in pixie dust factory. If you will excuse me, I have to commence the hitting of my head against a brick wall.
Best of Cincinnati 2003 - Public Eye Staff Picks

"Best Use of New Communications Technology: Blogs"

I am debating if I am going to add the graphic to my blog. I don't want to be arrogant, but I like to puff my feathers as much as the next Joe Blogger on the street. The biggest negative is that my picture is included again. I am not arrogant about my looks, for obvious reasons.

Tuesday, March 25, 2003

The Gulf War Drinking Game
If I was back in college, I would be playing 24/7. Well, I might make it an hour before passing out.

[Link via SledgeBlog]
Queen City Soapbox
Chris Anderson has a new graphic and takes on the issue of the War and local media coverage.
Bird: Press provides front-line spin
The headline is spin as well, so it starts out with a slight bit of hypocrisy. I am in favor of embedding reporters. My view is not really about the value of getting the instant coverage, which is good, but rather instead what I hope will be a semi-objective accounting of the war and the actions of the U. S. military. Bird seems to be looking for some kind of cure all to know about the war. That is a fool's dream. Wars are not easy to understand. There is no way that anyone can provide big answers to the war, during the war. What they can provide are the basic elements of the war itself. It would be nice if outlets like FOX were not so horrifically cheering for the war, and it would be nice if the BBC and Al Jazeera would not be so hostile to the USA. Most of the rest of the TV outlets are doing fairly well. The real media star of this war is the Internet and print in general. Pictures, contrary to popular myth, are not worth 1,000 words, at least when those words are trying to convey fact, not emotion.

The Cincinnati Post also had an editorial on this subject: Watching the war.
Truck scatters antiwar protest
This guy will get off light. It was interesting to hear the various opinions on talk radio today. Jay Love of 1230 the Buzz was critical of Mike Allen, yes a shock, and wondered why the truck driver was not being charged with attempted murder, as I asked yesterday. Mike McConnell of 700WLW was basically tacitly condemning the man's actions, but he and most of his callers clearly understood why this guy might be upset. Mike said "he went a little overboard."

It is typical that Jay took the position he took, and Mike took the position he took. Jay is anti-war, while Mike is pro-war. Both incorrectly addressed the issue, Jay was over playing the seriousness of what happened, and Mike was making light of it, even stating that his station would report any information on a "defense fund" for the trucker if one is formed. The issue of the "defense fund" came up when someone called the newsroom at WLW asking if one had been set up. Not surprisingly this issue did not make the Blogosphere, but flags on fire trucks was hot-hot-hot with the knee-jerk stupor-patriots.

Other Coverage: WLWT, WCPO, Post, WKRC, and Dawn's Life.
Cole vows to be 'team player'
The question still is unanswered, which team: the boycotters or the City?
Scoop: Poor Reporting on Iraq Weapons Claims
Peter Bronson of the Enquirer is criticized on a New Zealand Website:
Even so, the next day, columnist Peter Bronson (Cincinnati Enquirer, 3/23/03) was still writing, "The Scuds he swore he did not have were fired at Kuwait, and Iraq was launching lame denials while the craters still smoked." Apparently the corrections of the earlier, incorrect reports had not reached even all of those whose job it is to follow the news.
Peter did use this in his Sunday Column, but seemed to not be checking his sources. There are no reports that have been verified indicating the Iraqis have launched Scuds. Peter is not the only journalist to make this mistake during the war. Umm Qasr was reported has been under control several times before it was finally relatively under coalition control. Columnists get some leeway for this type of error, but nearly all reporters on the major TV outlets made this error regularly, which is where I would surmise Peter got this information from, most likely from the cheerleading FOX news. This report originated from, a liberal media watchdog.

Monday, March 24, 2003

Dems back Cole for council
I am torn on this. Yes, she was the 10th highest vote getter, but the Democratic Party did not endorse her, even though she is a registered Democrat. Why was she not endorsed? Was it her lack of experience or false projections of unelectability? Her stance on the boycott as reported by the Enquirer is one of a true politician:
On the boycott: "My stance has always been that it's important that we work to bring the community together. It's mostly about economic issues, and we all want to improve on those issues and move the city forward."
With comments like that she will fit right in with the rest of weak-kneed hacks on city council. She needs to take a full stand on the boycott. If she supports it, she should not be picked for council, and will create a nasty fissure on council that will solidify opinions, creating a more polarized city.
Police Arrest Trucker, Say He Drove Toward Protesters
I hope this fool was just trying to scare the protestors and was not really trying to kill them. I wonder why he was not charged with attempted murder? I can only assume that the protestors were never in any significant danger. I would like to know if this man was listening to any particular radio station, or is he a regular listener of a particular show/station or other specific media outlets? With all of the talk radio ranting, it is no wonder that people's anger would be purposely juiced up by some radio/TV hosts. People are being demonized for the most trivial of things. Next thing we will see are Mt. Adams partiers trying to run over Main Street partiers, oh the humanity.
Chris Anderson comments on a variety of topics today: Canada, Great American Ballpark, and Baghdad vs. Beirut.