Sunday, December 14, 2003


Shorter Glenn Reynolds: In your face everyone who did not favor my hawkish stance on Iraq!

What an asshole. Now, I say that knowing full well that I piss people off, but most of the time I try to limit the scope of who I attack to a specific group or specific person. Here the 800-pound gorilla sounds like a jerk. A partisan hack of the Coulter vein. Why can't he just cheer for his side without trying to rub it in the face of people? I find it offense that Glenn, arguably and educated man, lumps people together just like a GOP partisan hack. He does it at a time that everyone is glad to Saddam caught alive. Now, Glenn might be pissed that the troops did not drag his dead body in the streets of Baghdad, but you can't quell blood lust via long distance. If Glenn wants revenge, he better hop on a plane and kill his own Arab with his bare hands.

Off the blogroll he goes!

For the record, just so my conservative readers don't try and tar and feather me: SADDAM IS DEAD, HIP-HIP HOORAY!

Friday, December 12, 2003

Better Start Swearing While You Still Can

If Congressman Doug Ose gets his way, you might get busted if specific words are broadcasted. Those words are included in this section from his proposed bill:
As used in this section, the term `profane', used with respect to language, includes the words `shit', `piss', `fuck', `cunt', `asshole', and the phrases `cock sucker', `mother fucker', and `ass hole', compound use (including hyphenated compounds) of such words and phrases with each other or with other words or phrases, and other grammatical forms of such words and phrases (including verb, adjective, gerund, participle, and infinitive forms).
So while I still can I will just wish Mr. Ose a shit kicking knock the piss out of your asshole kind of a day. I hope no motherfucking cocksuckers mess with his cunt. I guess Dickhead, God-Damn-It, asswipe, dickwipe, Dicksmacker, buttmuncher, butthead, asshead, asschin, bitch, son of a bitch, etc are ok?

Actually I think anything "profane" is what he wants to punish. I would guess he did not like Bono's slip of the tongue at the Golden Globes this year getting a pass by the FCC.

I hope this fascist gets his bill stomped.

[Via Atrios].

Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien Resigns

Ok, why did Chretien resign? I can't find a simple sentence or two explaining why he resigned. I think I have pieced together that he is resigning ahead of next year's elections, and by resigning now he gets out of the way for a new person to take over from his party. The assumption is that he is retiring and this is the traditional way to leave power in Canada.

I would hope that news stories might just explain that simple fact, especially for us Americans who don't know the details of Canadian politics.

Chewbacca Offense in the Making?

Ken Lawson has tipped his hat as to what his plan of attack will be in a soon to be filed lawsuit against the city by the family of Nathaniel Jones.

The key phrase is "Positional asphyxia" which basically means being positioned in a manner to stop breathing. "Cardiac dysrhythmia" was the official cause of death from the Hamilton County Coroner.

I predict if there is a trial, the Coroner's office will be put on trial along with the City. Lawson will seek to try and discredit them as much as possible, which he did last week right after the autopsy results were released.

The Chewbacca Defense is a growing concept in blog circulars that describes the typical method of confusing juries with meaningless points to try and get defendants without a good defense. I through out the phrase "Chewbacca Offense" as a similar concept that is used by civil trial lawyers to try confuse or mislead juries into wanting to punish Organizations, Governments, or other perceived faceless Institutions for doing wrong on society in general or a segment of society.

Now, don't get me wrong. Often those big behemoths do wrong and need to be punished, but trying in this concept they bring claims or theories that fit historical assumptions that have no basis in fact outside the plaintiff’s own "experts."

I wonder if Lawson will actually get a reputable pathologist to say in this case that Hamilton County Coroner was totally wrong. He would need that if he goes to trial and hopes to win. If he hopes to get a settlement out of City, then all he needs to do is to make the city think it will cost more to prove he does not have such pathologist to state the cause of death was certainly wrong.

Top News Stories of 2003

I am working on my list of the top 10 locally based stories for I would love some suggestions on stories or which ones people think were the most important.

The Enquirer is doing the same thing, and you can vote here. Their list is odd. They are asking for the stories that "engaged" Cincinnati most this year. They list the Governator, Bob Hope's death, the Space Shuttle disaster, and SARS. I would have thought that the WAR IN IRAQ just might have been a international story people would have been "engaged" locally.

My list will stick with stories locally. There will be a ton of lists of National stories around. Lists are fun and easy to write, but if you are going to do one, try to make it unique. I am trying for that.

Also, any suggestions for Cincinnatian of the Year? That would the person, group, entity, or thing that most impacted the Cincinnati Region this year for good or bad.

Thursday, December 11, 2003

Pissing Off the Chamber of Commerce

One way to piss of the Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce and every merchant in town is by running a story on how great the shopping is in Chicago two weeks before Christmas.

Rev. Al Sharpton's Coming to Town

You better watch out. You better not cry. You better not pout. Al's going to be at Joseph-Beth Booksellers tomorrow afternoon promoting his book. No word if he will appear anywhere else in town, or if he will address the Nathaniel Jones case. I can’t imagine that he would not at least discuss it at his book signing.

Ok, will the CJC big protesting this? Will Nate make the trip to Norwood to protest? This should fit their boycott criteria: outside "celebrity" making a commercial appearance in the city. I would pay money to see Nate and Kabaka Oba denounce Al Sharpton. That would be a stunt that could get Nate back on the national news. Well, Nate? Are you up for it?

Fluff Jackpot!

The Enquirer hit the jackpot with a joint interview of all of the singles on City Council. To use a remote line from SNL: "Who were the ad wizards who came up with this one?"

I appreciate the attention to single people, but could they have maybe instead picked other people to talk to, or better yet, focused an interview with city officials to real issues, not this "Real Life, Real News, Real Crap" stuff?

I have to credit Pepper with a good answer on the state of single life here in the city, especially those who are not from the area:
I disagree with John a little bit. I think it's maybe not as bad as 39th out of 40 ... But of people I know here, especially ones who aren't from here, their social existence really revolves around their workplace. If socially you don't get beyond your workplace much, people think (the singles scene) is pretty stagnant.

We as a community need to figure out how to get different sectors and groups to mix together in a more natural way than they do today.
Sam Malone really needs to get a life. His ideas of fun seem to be limited to the movies and going to a a Gameworks. I think we have enough glorified sports bars around town to meet demand.

[Link via Reader: Stacey]

"Youth" Protest Coverage

This story got a plethora of coverage. Does the number of participants have an indirect relationship to amount of news coverage? All of the stories carried a reasonable description of the turnout. Some of the stories were treating like they were having a bake sale for starving children. WCPO's was most odd:
Although the group was small it was not about to let bad weather or rules against leaving school prevent them from speaking out on the street or at city hall.
That seems like a bit of an endorsement from the reporter. He could have reworded and used a quote from the protestors or at least attributed the tone to them, not to what comes across as admiration of their spirit, if not their goals.

Coverage: Post, Enquirer, WCPO, and

Wednesday, December 10, 2003

Eight Reindeer Monologues

If you like theater, then check out:

THE EIGHT: Reindeer Monologues by Jeff Goode

December 8-9, 14-16 & 21-23 Sunday-Tuesday Performance Runs!

The Courtyard of Arnold’s Bar & Grill
210 E. 8th Street Downtown 513.300.KNOW
There is Smoking at the shows except Tuesday Dec 16


Dinner available 6:30-7:45 p.m.

Reservations only for 6:30 p.m. dinner/drinking time
Reservations are null and void at 6:50 p.m.

Other tickets will be sold on a first come, first serve basis.

$15 General Admission & $12 Student/Senior 513.300.KNOW

I saw it Monday and loved it. Great actors, good food, try the lasagna.

Student "Protest"

Well, initial reports from WLW at 12:00 indicated that no protest was going on. At 12:30 WLW reports only 4 kids who were "regular" protestors at other prior rallies.

This sounds like PR coup. For what ever reason this story made the local news today. I would say they did nearly everything but just ask the kids to go down so they could have a hot story.

Coverage: Cincinanti Post, WCPO.

UPDATE: While eating lunch I saw the group walk towards city hall at around 12:50 or so. I would guess there were 25 to 30 young people. I don't know if they were high school or college age. There were also 10 to 20 over 25-year-old adults, including Damon Lynch.

Of the "kids" I would estimate that at least half if not more like 75% were "white."

Where Are They Now?

Ever wonder what Cincinnati Council Candidates do after they don't make the cut? Well, one candidate, Leslie Ghiz, was in the news representing someone in an employment dispute with the City of Oxford. What makes this case noteworthy is one of the allegations from Ghiz's client that while working she "found an 11-foot wooden penis statue in a flowerbed that she had gardened for the city of Oxford." Part of the dispute hinders on charges of creating "a prejudiced and sexist work environment directed toward Baxter."

You don't hear of a an 11 foot wooden penis on public property too often. I hate to make light of her case. It sounds like there is something to that case, at least enough to go to arbitration. I must have a few tabloid tendencies in me after all.

Tuesday, December 09, 2003

There Goes a Billion Dollars

The City of Cincinnati has settled for 1 billion dollars "to address long-standing sewer system violations and bring its aging sewer system into compliance with federal and local clean water rules?" Is this for real? A guess a million on stun guns will not matter much after all.

I hope we have insurance, or some other sources of income to offset this settlement amount.

Further details here.

Jess Jackson on Cincinnati: Lots of Ham

The usual sentiments? Yes. There are too many elements to criticize in this column. Mr. Jackson makes a slightly toned down version of the recurring dogma, 18 black men killed.....what if it was a white man.....97 second gap. This type of unified propaganda rivals that of the GOP. How does the same story get around? The same way it does in the GOP, talking points. An email or a FAX, or a telephone call with the same set of facts that are used to spin the media. It is textbook political spin. The Dems did it for Clinton, the GOP are the kings of it for their deities Reagan and Bush.

Unfortunately Mr. Jackson gets several key facts wrong from his nice home in Chicago. He might do well if he stepped back from the emotional propaganda and look objectively at what is happening here.

Monday, December 08, 2003

New Police Video Released

It is not online yet, but WLW-AM is reporting that not much is seen in the video. In this case the officer hit was black, as was the suspect. That simple fact will likely not make this a situation the "activists" will give a damn about. Not much will come of the tape. The press will run it on the local news tonight, but the national media will likely not give it much attention.

Enquirer Story, WLWT Story, WCPO Story.

Local GOPer's Pissed at Bush

Carl Weiser writes that a slew of local Cincinnati area Republicans are pissed at Bush. Ohio Rep. Tom Brinkman, Chris Finney vice chairman of COAST, Jim Urling, COAST chairman, Hamilton County Commissioner Phil Heimlich, and Indiana Rep. Mike Pence all have varying levels of anger with Bush fiscal policies. Whether it is Steel Tariffs, Medicare Drug Plans, or the No Child Left Behind law conservatives think Bush has abandoned their cause. Will this keep them from voting for them? Pence and Heimlich seem to be less than enthused with Bush:
Pence and Heimlich say they will vote for Bush because the Democratic alternative would be even worse. But the worry isn't Republicans voting for the Democrat. It's Republicans staying home.
Urling even calls Bush a "fraud." Does that make him anti-American? In a time of war, has Urling committed treason? Where's Ann Coulter? Call the National Guard and lets round them up!

How dare they show division in the GOP ranks! Regan's commandment be damned I guess. Thou shalt speak ill of a fellow Republican, when money is involved.

WB64 News?

The long awaited new primetime "local" news cast finally premieres tonight on WB64. We will all surely be tuned into to watch the Sinclair Broadcasting news packages on the I270 shooting, Snow Storm in the Northeast, and the Scott Peterson Trial Update. Will we see anything new on the Nate Jones situation? Fate put a big story in their lap, and they had all week to prep the story. Will it be worth the wait? I am betting it will be a waste of time. We already have plenty of Raycom Media reports on at 10PM on train wrecks; why not just give us more sitcom reruns? Cut out the middleman, and just go right for the entertainment.

Ken Lucas

Ken, NKY House Rep., has returned from the Dark Side and is now "attacking" the President again. Well, not so much attacking, but just not so lock step with him.

[Via Atrios]

Sidebar: Atrios's post on Bush's past use of the word "Fuck" are most entertaining. This stems from the White House complaints about John Kerry's use of "fucked up" when referring to Bush's Iraq policy.

Sunday, December 07, 2003

Another Police Altercation

WLWT is reporting that last night at least one police officer was in an altercation with a person while trying to break up a fight. At least one man was arrested. The officer was injured while trying to arrest the suspect. WLWT reports that there is video footage from the cruiser and pictures of the officer's injuries, but the police are holding it back. The alleged reason for holding it back was the anger several council members expressed when they did not get to see the videos before the media. Let's just bet that activists will be pissed once the video is shown and not happy they did not get it sooner.

As of now there are no online stories about this incident and the press has limited information. Will this hit the media big tomorrow or not? It depends on what the video shows. If the cops are beating the man, it will air.

UPDATE: WLWT has posted the story.

Ignorance & Bigotry

Yes, State Rep. Bill Seitz is an Ignorant man:
These facts do not warrant redefining the institution, nor alter the biological fact that heterosexual relationships are, alone, capable of the miracle of natural birth.
Bill you seem to negate the fact that you don't need a husband to make a baby. All you need is some sperm. Now, if you don't think that is "natural," well I guess you might just alienate a few voters who can't conceive on their own.

This article is typical. We can't afford to pay for homosexual benefits, blah blah blah. It is not traditional, blah blah blah. It will open up people marrying goats, blah blah blah.

Bill, it is simple. You don't care about homosexuals. You don't think they should be treated like everyone else. You want to make them a second-class citizen. You are bigoted to homosexuals.

You even try to play the race card with this comment:
Gays were never enslaved or subject to the same invidious discrimination as were African-Americans. Reversing the ban on same-sex marriage is thus different than reversing the ban on racially mixed ones.
I guess you are counting on the high level of homophobia in the black community to push this over the edge?

Civil Unions are barely addressed. It is simple. If you want to keep marriage “holy” either make everything secular, or create Civil Unions for only 2 non-related people of either sex. There, done. No polygamy, no incest, no bigamy. What that so hard Bill?

Here is the pro-argument from the Enquirer.

UPDATE: Greg Mann comments.

Just Call Me the Amazing Kreskin

Mayor Luken is working to spend 1 million bucks on new stun guns:
The money could come from not filling 34 middle management city vacancies that Luken expects within the coming year, he said at City Hall on Sunday. He said the money should be enough for 1,000 stun guns for the 1,050-officer department.
So, we get more stun guns in police hands, but fewer people managing the city. More weapons, less supervision. Gee, that sounds like a "great" plan.

My prediction is that once police start using stun guns often, then there will be a call by some of the same people crying for the stun guns to stop using them. Stun guns are a short-term appeasement to squeaky wheels. In the long term people need to do two things. One is accept that police work is not a garden picnic. You can't make so no one gets hurt, unless people stop breaking the law. The other long-term thing people need to do, is stop breaking the law.

Lazy AP Reporter, Again?

Did the AP's Terry Kinney bother to consider who he/she was quoting when adding this portion of the story listed in several outlets:
"We're going right to the doorstep of the criminals," said Malik Zulu Shabazz, a Washington, D.C., attorney and president of Black Lawyers for Justice. "This shows absolutely a pattern of police activity."
Terry Kinney seems to be rather lazy not to do a little bit of research on who Malik Zulu Shabazz is. A Google search turns up a few things. Like say Shabazz’s affiliation with the New Black Panther Party. What is the New Black Panther Party you might ask? Well, according to it is only a hate group. You know, a racist group. The New Black Panther Party has exhibits like this on their website, right along with a profile of Malik Zulu Shabazz.

So the black separatist/racist Malik Zulu Shabazz comes to Cincinnati to join a "civil rights" cause and the AP reporter quotes him and does not even list his widely known affiliation. Are you just lazy Terry?, Or are you just that ignorant?

UPDATE: If a Cox News Service report can identify Shabazz, why can't the AP?

Outside Blogger's View

If you want another view of the Nathaniel Jones case, one I think that is lacking in context and fact, check out Damfacrats. I have been surprised that I have not seen much blogging on this issue, beyond locals.

Saturday, December 06, 2003

ODOT to Close Section of I-270 for Two Hours

A 20 mile section of highway is going to be closed to allow police to investigate the area for what is now listed to be 14 related shootings along that stretch of the highway.

This incident is obviously being compared to the DC area sniper. The person or persons responsible so far have not demonstrated the level of skill that was used in the sniper case from last year. What is lacking so far is any information on how or why these 14 shootings are linked. What type of bullet was used, are they all the same caliber? If they are not, then how do we now they are linked? Do we even have bullets from all shootings? I hope after this investigation takes place the police are able to make public some facts that could help the public to understand the level of the threat (a rifle or hand gun for instance) and to get the public on the lookout for potential suspects.

Post: Divided

Reading this story from the Cincinnati Post I do not feel like things are going to be getting better in race relations. If one were to only listen to local "black focused" radio and the self professed black "leadership", then it would seem that it is expected or at least acceptable to be bigoted towards white people in the black community in this city. Furthermore it would seem that racism towards white is even tolerated in the black community with little cause of concern.

Pig headed idiots like the FOP leadership do nothing to provide any relief to these concerns.

I really see no improvement possible in the current climate. I see the view of black separatists gaining more tolerance or even acceptance in the black community. I think the failure to oppose all racism, no matter whom it is from, as the goal that has been lost from what remains of the black civil rights movement. When the desire for equality has been replace with the desire for power and revenge, then nothing but strife lies ahead.

Just What You Might Expect

When you think of Pravda, you might think of propaganda. This commentary does not disappoint. It not only includes falsehoods about the Tim Thomas case, but it has this whopper of an incorrect statement:
The pivotal fact here is that out of 38 deaths at the hands of police of black people since 1995, 15 of those have occurred in Cincinnati.
I think there have been far more than 38 black men who have died after altercations with police in the last 8 years.

Where's the National Media?

A man has died after being arrested by Dayton, Ohio Police. Where are the national headlines? No video, no cable news circus.

Bush Hurting: 43% Stay, 47% Go

I was amazed to read this FOX News poll that says 43% of those polled would reelect Bush to another term, while 47% would vote him out. The key news in these numbers is this element from the story:
Independents lean more toward making Bush a one-term president, as 49 percent would give him retirement and only 35 percent say another four years.
This poll was conducted on the 3rd and 4th of December, a week after Bush's visit to Iraq.

I am not amazed that this story was released on Friday, but it is on the Website's front page. I don't know how much it is being reported on the TV broadcast. It will be interesting to see how Chris Wallace reports this on his debut as host of FOX News Sunday on the FOX Network.

I have not heard exactly how else Chris Wallace will be featured on FOX News. I hope he is not kept only on the Sunday program and his used for all political coverage, much like Russert is used by NBC.

Friday, December 05, 2003

Amazing Fiction

If you want to most amazing "commentary" that I have read, check out this one from Kenya. I have never read a column so incredibly wrong and fill of falsehoods, misinformation, and what might be lies. The article is by AMBROSE MURUNGA of the newspaper the Daily Nation. This article reads like Mr. Murunga got an eleventh hand oral account of what happened, and did nothing to check the thousands of international news stories on the subject to get basic facts correct. He thinks Mr. Jones was "drunk" and that police "apparently made an offensive remark to the drunken man." The man somehow quotes Charlie Luken from an Enquirer article, but fails to read the part of the article that indicates the man was on drugs, not drunk.

The World Socialist Website had a similar level of fiction in Jerry Isaacs's article as well. This article to me has what could be called libel problems. What lies people tell. I am never more amazed when anyone (in this case socialists) cries for truth but in doing so gives us propaganda at its worst.

NPR Coverage of Jones Case

Mayor Charlie Luken was interviewed on NPR's All Things Considered last night. The interview was fairly tame and bland at the same time. I found it very bothersome that one of the interviewer’s questions included the notion that "traces" or Cocaine and PCP were found in Mr. Jones’s body. The Coroner stated that Mr. Jones had "intoxicating levels" of both drugs in his body.

Hipster Friendly Radio Free Newport: We're All Racists

I see Michael at RFN thinks this is a "racist town run by Klan apologists." I guess I missed the memo that the "Klan" had a million local sympathizers. Or is it a million local members?

This town is run by right-wingers. This town is run by religious bigots. This town is run by anti-gay bigots. This town is run by cultural bigots (which everyone is in reality). This town is not run by racists. Most people are not racists. Michael sounds more racist than Peter Bronson. He says that the whites in the town (mostly "those" Catholic Germans) oppress minorities. I love hyperbole. I live and die by it in my blogging, but I can't stand to see this type of fiction played off as anything resembling credible.

Speaking as a liberal: it is not wrong to be of European decent. Western Civilization is not bad. We don't have a caste system in this city oppressing anyone. That would be a Marxist view that if you believe it would be true throughout the country, making this city no worse than anywhere else.

By the way, before anyone starts spewing off on what a liberal is, please don't go into the trite us vs. them construct of linear political ideologies.

Stumbling Out of the Gate

Chris Smitherman could not have had a worse first few days in office. His statements at this week's city council meeting really make him look like a rookie.

1. Thinking that he and city council were the "boss" of the Chief of Police was forgivable.

2. From the Enquirer: Smitherman demanded the manager obtain an "independent autopsy" and supply the autopsy report "today," as if a city manager and not the county coroner has authority to do autopsies. This is a sign of a ignorance and of cracking under his new found pressure of public office. Emotion seems to be getting the best of him, or he is vesting to much capital in pleasing what he thinks is his "black activist" voting base.

Is it Empiregate or Pettus-Browngate?

Who at city hall is responsible? The city manager is being criticized for altering audit reports involved in the investigation of city department. If this was Washington I would be calling for a Special Prosecutor. When the scandal touches the Mayor's office, the city manager, and member(s) of city council, no one can been seen as independent. I hope the FBI take a bigger role.

More from the Enquirer.

Talk Radio Part of the Problem, or a Symptom of It?

The Post has a story on what is pretending to be programming on local talk radio here in town. The story states what to any listener is the obvious, the Buzz and WLW are the polar opposites on this issue.

I have been listening to both this week. I usually have on WLW in the morning and the Buzz in the afternoon. This week I have had to turn off the Buzz out of frustration on many occasions. WLW's callers are in general right wing. They have had a whole lot of prejudicial and bigoted callers. There have been very few, if any racist views spouted on the air.

At the Buzz is has been much more of a hate fest. The level of anger towards whites feels to me to be palpable. The only thing topping that is the level of misinformation and ignorance as to what the facts are. Lincoln Ware brought this up:
"I try to put out a true fact and it looks like I'm siding with police and many of my callers don't like that," Ware said. "It's frustrating because some people just don't want to hear the true facts."
In the story a nighttime WEBN host was mentioned as crossing the line when talking to some callers. I have no idea what was said, but WEBN has a large percentage of rabid fans who are, or the lack of a better phrase, "poor white trash." I can apply stereotypes and guess at the idiocy let on the air.

Bill Cunningham gets the award for being a slime ball. He made many horrid "fat" jokes that was totally disrespectful.

Bill Cunningham Being Protested

The Enquirer is reporting that the "Concerned Citizens for Justice" will be protesting outside WLW studios in Mt. Adams today between 1:00PM and 3:00PM today. I am torn on this one. The protestors are idiots for giving Cunningham attention, and their motives are at best sketchy. Cunningham is a slimy media whore, who would sell his wife's dildo for ratings.

There will likely be at most a dozen protestors in the rain, if that.

MIAMI 49, BG 27

Love and honor to Miami,
Our college old and grand,
Proudly we shall ever hail thee,
Over all the land.

Alma mater now we praise thee,
Sing joyfully this lay,
Love and honor to Miami,
Forever and a day.

MAC Champions 2003

Coverage: ESPN, FOX, and WaPo.

Thursday, December 04, 2003

Jones Funeral Set for Saturday

The Enquirer is reporting the funeral for Nathaniel Jones is set for Saturday when the "wake is scheduled from noon to 3 p.m. Saturday, with services to immediately follow at Allen Temple Worship Center, 7030 Reading Road."

The Enquirer also has a page of reactions for readers across the country on the Jones incident.

Cunningham & Lawson on FOX News

Here is the transcript of last night's Hannity & Combs show segment with Bill Cunningham of 700WLW and Ken Lawson, attorney for the Jones family. It reads like an Abbott and Costello routine.

[From comments]

Number 66

We now have 1 more homicide than last year with the shooting death of a woman found in Pleasant Ridge early this morning.

Media Round Up for Thursday

There are almost too many stories to link to, but I will try to locate more commentary on the subject of the Nathaniel Jones Death. The news stories are mostly the same now, beyond the pontifications of lawyers and "activists."

FontPage Magazine has your typical conservative viewpoint.

Rantophilia comments on Peter Bronson's latest column.

Newsday has an analysis of the media coverage which agrees with mine:
Experts who study broadcast news doubted the story would have captured the national spotlight without the video taken by a stationary camera on the dashboard of a police cruiser.

"This has been a one-day story for the evening newscasts on ABC, CBS and NBC," said Andrew Tyndall, publisher of the Tyndall Report, which monitors the Big Three networks. "But you absolutely have to have video for this sort of story to get national attention."

We have some more conservative views from the Nation Review Online.

The Dayton Daily News also provides a first hand news story.

Also, comments from Greg Mann.

UPDATE: Delaware County Daily Times (PA) editorial.

Damon Lynch III Reappears

Damon Lynch has been relatively quiet in this mess, but he has spoken out to the media and is calling for a " change at the top of the police force," which means the firing or resignation of Police Chief Tom Streicher. He could however mean Mayor Charlie Luken, and he might be looking to face off against Luken in 2005.

3 Blind Mice?

What makes Reece, Cole, and Smitherman think that getting information sooner will do any good, beyond helping out their image in the “black community?” Councilman Chris Smitherman sounds like he is still campaigning with comments like this:
"I want to make it very clear that I am a newly elected official, and I will not tolerate, ever, insubordination," Smitherman told the chief. "I am one of the members of the board of directors of the City of Cincinnati. Last time I looked at it, I am Chief Streicher's boss."
I don't really know what Smitherman is thinking, but he does not manage the police. The City Manager oversees the police, and the City Manager reports to the Mayor. Mr. Smitherman and the rest of City Council are not the boss of the Mayor. The citizens of Cincinnati are however the boss of City Council and the Mayor. We don't tolerate insubordination either. The police don't tolerate it either, unless the FOP president does it on TV.

Morning Show Accounting

I think I heard this morning that some of the Jones family appeared on some of the network morning shows today, likely with Ken Lawson. How many does that make? I think the police chief was on the Today Show Tuesday. Have the morning shows had someone on every day so far this week?

Wednesday, December 03, 2003

Cunningham and Lawson on Hannity and Combs?

I missed what surely was great TV. Great in the sense that a car wreck is "great." Rob Bernard has the details.


CinWeekly needs to rethink who the choose to interview on some subjects. Who they choose makes them look bad. In this story on "Interview terror" the reporter uses Sharon Potts, a senior associate recruiter for Convergys, as the source on methods about having good interviews. Now, why is Sharon Potts bad? Well, there is nothing wrong with her particularly, the real problem is whom she works for: Convergys. What's the big deal you may ask? Well, you must not remember the biggest election issue, the infamous Convergys deal, worth $52.2 of tax payer's money. Part of that was a promise to add 275 more jobs downtown. Convergys has yet to add those jobs, and has instead laid off at least 40.

CinWeekly looks bad here because the Enquirer was supporting the deal, to the point of holding off on a column with mild criticism until after the deal was passed. What does this CinWeekly story do? Well, it makes the reader very aware that Convergys is interviewing, which must mean they are hiring. If they are hiring that must mean they are living up to the agreement with the city. I am sure the PR folks at Convergys sure hope that what people come away with from the article.

Potts gave some interesting advice in the story:
She also suggests researching a company's history before interviewing and preparing three or four questions to ask an employer about the company to show your interest. Potts warns it would be wise to avoid sounding like a know-it-all, however.
I would suggest that if you interview with Convergys, don't ask them about the $52.2 million dollar deal and surely don't ask how many of those 275 jobs are really going to just be transfers out of Norwood and into downtown.

Vice Mayor Alicia Reece: Get Over the Whine!

Alicia Reece is pissed SHE was not given information about the Jones death before the media got it. SHE sent this Memo around earlier today and at the Council Meeting today SHE came down heavy on the City Manager and the Police Chief because SHE was out of the loop. SHE needs to be informed about what was going on. SHE had to field "calls from civil rights leaders, African American elected officials, and other leaders from all over the country, " and SHE did not have the information SHE needed to inform those that called HER.

I am so pleased to see a Vice-Mayor so concerned about police issues that SHE wrote this memo. After all everyone knows what an important person SHE is in this city and how SHE adds to debate of council. What on Earth would we do without HER.

SHE sure knows how to drive someone to tears too.

Ken Lawson: Jerk

Lawyers are known as the scum of the earth. That has always been an overstatement. I work for a lawyer, I know several lawyers personally. I hate to see scummy actions or statements from Lawyers to prove the stereotype. Ken Lawson has given me one such statement to prove to me, that he is a jerk and among the scummiest lawyers not only in Cincinnati, but I think the country. From the New York Times:
A lawyer for Mr. Jones' family, Kenneth L. Lawson, said the coroner probably called the death a homicide "because he knew we would be getting that body examined by our own coroner and we would keep him honest."
Right Kenny, the coroner is so concerned about you getting paid, that gave you the PR headline you need to help push the settlement amount over a million dollars. The more national headlines the "Law Dog" can get, the more pressure he can put on the city to settle. I wonder if Ken had place a call to Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, offering to book them plane tickets to Cincinnati.

If either of those men come here, I wonder if Nate Livingston will protest their appearances.

Shit Has Hit the Fan

The Coroner has ruled that the struggle with police was the primary cause of the death of Nathaniel Jones. This means that the case is ruled as a "homicide" a technical term. The term "homicide" will none-the-less through gasoline onto a tension racked city.

I did not think much trouble was brewing, but after listening to hate spewing from many of the callers to 1230theBuzz today, I fear that if cooler heads don't keep the peace, we might get trouble. The word "homicide" has already been used by Ron Twitty as the term describing the Coroner's ruling. He has tried to explain it what that means, but I fear many will hear only what they want. This afternoon and tonight will need adults out to keep people from letting emotion vent or quelling any opportunists from using a riot as cover for theft.

Move Coverage: CNN, WLWT, and USA Today.

Post's Coverage Shift?

With story title's like these, you would think someone has a skeleton in the closet and the Baptists Ministers Conference knows about it:
Atmosphere tense
Treatment delayed
97-second gap raises concerns

In the last story I am just amazed at the pure speculation that Ken Lawson, lawyer for the family of the Nathaniel Jones. Lawson's tactics of smoke and mirrors is there to build public outcry and attract foolish journalists into printing his manufactured contentions like the claim from the subheadline "Lawson: Tape may have been erased." Yes Ken, and your parents might have been from Mars. It is the job of defense lawyers to confuse possibility with probability. I wish journalists would not assist him.

Hot Air, How Apropos

Could a title be more fitting to this section from the Editorial Page of the Enquirer. The writers seem bent on a political reporter misspeaking on a CBS program. Couldn't Ray Cooklis find an instant where Hillary Clinton said Buffalo was in upstate NY, when every good New Yorker knows Buffalo is in Western NY State?

When it comes to misspeaking, I think the Enquirer could fill an entire editorial page with the misstatements of the sitting President. Instead they trump up a load of crap about a well respected journalist. Save the cheap shots for Talk Radio and the Blogging World. A big newspaper attacking another journalist for a mistake, while not even mentioning their own mistake, hmmm sounds like hypocrisy to me.