Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Damon Lynch Running for Council?

Queen City Forum reported yesterday that Damon Lynch III told the magazine he is running for Cincinnati City Council this year. No details yet on his candidacy, but his website from 2003 is still up and running.


  1. I find it amusing that Mr. Lynch is opting for the democratic party, he is a registered republican. Also does anyone believe that he actually lives in that condo in Price Hill?

  2. Cincinnati has made it so that unless one belongs to a party, one is at a disadvantage to getting votes. If another party will help him, what is the difference? What is the difference between a republican, democrat and charterite in Cincinnati?

    As far as Lynch living in the condo, who cares. If it meant we could get better people to run for office than the brats presently on city council, They could have lived in Russia.


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