Police union wants out of reform agreement
Here are two big problems with this event. The first is that only 200 of the 1,050 members of the FOP voted on the issue. Fangman thinks that is a fair representation of the overall cop view? Is that how they vote on their union contract?
The second is the fact that this really means nothing, if the police carry out the agreed to reforms. The only issue is how to judge those reforms have taken place. That takes me back to a legal question. There were two legal documents that came out at the time of the collaborative agreement's adoption. There was the settlement agreement with the CBUF and the ACLU, and there was the agreement with the Justice Department. I am guessing the FOP are only pulling out of the agreement with the CBUF and ACLU, not with the DOJ. It would potentially be very bad to break the deal with the DOJ. I don't think Fangman wants John Ashcroft running the CPD. Neither theEnquirer article or the Post'sarticle addresses this issue. I am assuming it is legally possible to stay in one and not the other. Adhering to the DOJ settlement was part of the CBUF-ACLU agreement, but I don't think it was the other way around. If I am correct, police reform will still be carried out and supported by the FOP, they will just not agree to the oversight rules set up by the CBUF-ACLU document.
That was a mouthful, so I hope it makes sense. Copies of the Collaborative Agreement and DOJ Agreement.
Other Coverage: AP Wire, Business Courier, WCPO, WLWT, WKRC.
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