Wednesday, May 21, 2003

Bronson: One man who made a stand
Peter does his best to wave the flag of gun nuts everywhere. The quote that sticks out in my mind most is this from Mr. McKinny:
"That law about guns in a bar sure didn't stop those guys," he said. "
I guess this is what we should expect if the conceal and carry law passes. Even if that law does not allow people to carry guns onto private property where they are not allowed to carry guns by law, like bars and schools, then people like Mr. McKinney will not adhere to the those laws. If Mr. McKinny can't be indicted on a gun law now, why can I expect that gun nuts who break the law will ever be charged for carrying around their gun where ever they damn well please? It has been almost 200 years since Cincinnati was considered the "West." Well the Wild West was out in force in a Northside Saloon, and Frontier Justice is ruling supreme. Where is Wyatt Earp when you need him?

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