Monday, June 21, 2004

The Last of the Cicada NY Times Articles

I believe this article from the New York Times is the signal that they have officially ceased their coverage of the Cicadas as a news story until about 16 years and 9 months from now. All I can say is ABOUT FUCKING TIME!

UPDATE: "Just when I thought that I was out they pull me back in."

Water is STILL Wet: Political Edition

Who the hell needs "expert" political analysis to conclude that Bush marriage proposal plays well among conservatives? These are Ohio analysts too, so go figure how they could have come up with that far reaching conclusion all on their own.

Propaganda Works #44561

Tom Vuksta of Fairfield really gets a lot from BushCo commercials. I've seen locally the ads that start with a positive Bush trying his best to be Reagan by sounding "positive" and then it switches and attacks Kerry for talking about the "Great Depression." Tom was suckered into this via this letter to the editor (last):

I have been reading newspaper reports and television reports in which Sen. John Kerry keeps comparing today's financial problems to that of the Great Depression of the 1930s.
If Kerry thinks we are now in the equivalent of the great depression, I can only say that I knew the great depression because I lived through it. Kerry does not know what the Great Depression was really like - he did not live through it. There is absolutely no comparison between today and the 1930s.
Thomas Vuksta, Jr.
Now, this is either an astro-turf letter or it is from an older guy who only reads the spin, and not the full speech of Kerry. When Kerry was in town he did not talk about the Great Depression, Rob Portman did>
"I know it is in John Kerry's political interests to badmouth the economy and compare it to the Great Depression, but the truth is we are experiencing the fastest economic growth in 20 years," said Rep. Rob Portman, R-Terrace Park, the communications chairman of Bush's Ohio campaign.
BushCo is pissed because Kerry regularly says that not since the Great Depression have we lost more jobs. Just like this from a Dayton Speech:
Under his watch, we've lost more jobs than at any time since the Great Depression.
That is not comparing it to the Great Depression, it is using the Great Depression job loss record as a bench mark. This how spinning is done. BushCo says something that Kerry does not say, and then get idiots to believe it because they don't know the details if original remarks. Now, I shall surely here from the BushCo folks saying that Kerry is lying or what ever else they want, but the fact is this is spinning. This is propaganda. Kerry's facts are "correct." If not, then BushCo would be calling him a liar, which on this they are not.

This is what I hate in politics. This is not debate, this is just playing "see who can hit the cookie first, last one has to eat it."

Clinton Haters

They will never die! They are the human version of cockroaches. CBS broke with precedent and aired anti-Clinton commercials during last night’s “60 Minutes” from a conservative group who seem bent on destroying Clinton's Book. Isn't that a actionable suit for Clinton's publisher? The commercials reportedly aired in here in Cincinnati. I was out and missed “60 Minutes” last night. Tom Hanks was very good in "The Terminal" by the way.

Did anyone see the commercials?

Saturday, June 19, 2004

"Kindness in women, not their beauteous looks, shall win my love"

It is Saturday so I am in the mood to kick back and post on something without any news value at all. There are certain movies with certain female characters that I have been very enamored with. In no particular order, here is a list of those who most tickled my fancy.

  1. Katharine Hepburn as Tracy Samantha Lord in The Philadelphia Story

  2. Maureen O'Hara as Mary Kate Danaher in The Quiet Man

  3. Ingrid Bergman as Ilsa Lund Laszlo in Casablanca

  4. Tara Fitzgerald as Betty in The Englishman Who Went Up a Hill But Came Down a Mountain

  5. Kristin Scott Thomas as Fiona in Four Weddings and a Funeral

  6. Emma Thompson as Beatrice Much Ado About Nothing

  7. Meg Ryan as Annie Reed in Sleepless in Seattle

  8. Alyson Hannigan as Michelle Flaherty in American Pie 2

  9. Winona Ryder as Josephine "Jo" March in Little Women

  10. Natalie Portman as Queen Padmé Amidala in Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace

Now, please keep the ribbing to a minimum.

Anti-Red Cross Sentiment?

Where do idiotic attacks on the Red Cross come from? The Enquirer has a letter that puts forth condemnation of the Red Cross with an almost anti-UN style:
Will Red Cross act over Johnson death?

First, the beheading (on tape and all over the Internet) of Nick Berg in Iraq in May, and now, the beheading (again, on tape and all over the Internet) of Paul Johnson Jr. in Saudi Arabia.

Does the International Red Cross have any plans to determine whether these two incidents were 'acceptable forms of treatment of prisoners,' to the same extent as it has been doing with the incidents at Abu Gharaib Prison and elsewhere in Iraq and Afghanistan by the coalition forces?

Dan Nebert,
Most who know anything about the Geneva Conventions knows that the Red Cross has been charged with determining the treatment of prisoners of war and other detainees held during arm conflicts. It is not the Red Cross's job to inspect criminal organizations who have kidnapped individuals.

The letter implies that the Red Cross should not be worrying about the treatment of Prisoners in American jails. His other contention could only be to try and equate al Qaeda to the US Military, which I am fairly sure he would rebuke. Bottom line issue Mr. Nebert should think about: America is supposed to be better than torture. We are the beacon to the world on human rights, and when we fail, even if one thinks we did so only moderately (a real stretch), we must hold ourselves as highly accountable as any other country. Mr. Nebert likely would prefer to just let the military wipe out anyone who dares not follow American(BushCo) geo-political policy. I guess I am next on the list. Well maybe not next, but on the list.

Friday, June 18, 2004

Know in the News

Nice article today on the Know Theatre Tribe with reports of a fall production, Jason Bruffy news, and Know-to-Go specifics.

By the way ANOTHER AMERICAN: Asking and Telling still has performances on June 18th, 19th, 24th, and 26th.

New College in Warren County

The Ohio Board of Regents annouced approval of a plan to start a community college in Warren county, likely in the Lebanon area. The school has no permanent facility and will be cooperating with three different state schools until they are on their feet.

Countdown to Election Day Rally

Sign up HERE if you want to attend the Countdown to Election Day Rally and Citywide day of action which is part of the Campaign to Repeal Article XII.

Help take a bite out of Phil Burress’s ass! Stop the theocratic fascists in their tracks come November.

'Back in the Day'

Last night while enjoying a wonderful CT walk up in Mt. Adams I got into a great bar debate with a woman whom I shall only call Ms. A. Now, Ms. A commented on the phrase "back in the day" that I used in a discussion we were having about Cincinnati and indicated that she had only heard that phrase used here in Cincinnati, and she hears it a lot. Now, I am not a native of Cincinnati, so I am more than willing to bash us for being 10 years or more behind the times, which made me state that I was sure that they phrase was not unique to Cincinnati. Well, I was right. The Urban Dictionary has it listed: Back in the day. Most of the entries put it forth as an intercity phrase, which has been co-opted by the mainstream society, including myself. Now, this phrase is, as it is put in one of the definitions, really old-school. Cincinnati is not known for cutting edge urban language, so my guess is that we here are finally catching up with a phrase that was "hip" back in the day, say around 1988.

Oh, the coolnees we infuse on the culture. Please?

Crock of Beans

Bush is coming again to Cincinnati. It is just odd how both candidates just follow each other around.

Bush's reported topic will be hismarriage plan. Now, not his anti-gay stances, all though this is a "great" place to push that, he instead is trying to push a social agenda through the law. I thought that the GOP was against that? Oh, right, they are only against it when they are not either reaping the benefits of the cash flow, or their religious dogma is not the social agenda being pushed. He is seeking to push marriage, or should I say encourage, on poor people. If you have to be poor, what better way then to have more mouths to feed and more people to argue with about money.

I was most amused by the comments in the article from a Bush spokesperson:
'The president is going to be talking about his compassion agenda, highlighting his goals to create a more compassionate society,' White House spokesman Jim Morrell said. 'He will be touching on his Healthy Marriage Initiative as well as focusing on ways of building a culture of personal responsibility.'
Now, how is a president supposed to be taken seriously on creating a compassionate society when he rejects support for Stem Cell research on the heals of a call from the Reagans to increase government funding of Stem Cell research in hopes of curing diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s? How can this president seek a society that builds personal responsibility when he can't take personal responsibility for misleading the American public on why we went to war in Iraq? He blames the CIA or some other nameless intelligence agency. He shows he compassion by leading a war that killed thousands of Iraqi civilians and over 800 Americans. That is a great model for American kids. I mean Clinton played semantics with lying about blowjobs and Bush is playing word games with what constitutes "links" with al Qaeda.

More on Bush's visit from the Post and WCPO.


Down in KY the conservative fundamentalists have taken hold of the state with an iron hand. The new law they have created has to been seen for the intent, not just the anecdotal example used to sell it.

The intent of this law is to try and criminalize abortion. It does not do anything to prevent crime. It does not do anything to deter someone from killing a pregnant woman. The purpose is to put forth a conservative religious agenda by using the law.

Hmmmmmm Doggie, I love opening up a can of worms, and there is no can as big as the abortion debate.

QCF Scoops the Enquirer

The Tyrone Yates letter to the governor hit the pages of the Enquirer a day after the Queen City Forum broke the story by publishing the letter.

Thursday, June 17, 2004

Yates to Taft: Summer Riots Possible

The Queen City Forum has a letter from Tyrone Yates, Ohio House Rep, to Governor Bob Taft. In the letter Taft warns that if Ohio does not provide summer jobs funding, there will be summer riots.

Is this over the edge? Are we that close to summer riots? Does Yates really think more jobs would stop riots this summer? It would help in the future, but that fast?

UPDATED for Grammar. Damn, I was almost late to work for stopping to post on this.

America as the Bully

Jack Sinkking of Batavia wrote in a letter to the Enquirer:
Those railing against the war in Iraq could learn a lesson from these young people. No sane person wants war but it's like the old schoolyard bully where every once in a while someone needs the guts to stand up and smack him in the mouth.
I think Jack should take a look around. America is now viewed as the bully in the world. Saddam was a dying despot. He was not bully anyone but his own people. Jack might want to worry about the rest of the world pulling a "Bush" on us and invading. (Yes conservatives, that is called sarcasm. I am not serious about the US being invaded.)

CiN Weekly's Editor's Note

Beryl Love, Editor of Cin Weekly has written a blog like quick take column. I like it. Cin needs opinion. It needs real opinions on culture, current events, and politics. Their business model likely has no room for those, but this small piece is a good start.

Bam! The Future of Rock Lives

It's Alive!!!!! 97X willbegin web broadcasting within two weeks, according to Doug Balogh, former owner of 97.7 FM. Two mystery investors have come to rescue and help get 97X back on the web.

I wonder about several issues: Where will the broadcast studio be? Still in Oxford? I would suggest they move it to Cincinnati. Set up shop in OTR and have a window studio on its worldwide home.

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Portune on Drake

Why was Todd Portune worried about voiting on the Drake? The Drake is, by the way, a rehabilitation center publicly funded here in Cincinnati, something you did not get from the article, but should have.

I guess the school board can't vote the school related issues if their kids go to the same school district they live in. Well, they should at least consult the ethic committee so they don't have their childless political foes attacking them. Todd's grief likely comes from those who don't need a wheelchair.

Kerry Visits Cincinnati

Korte has a pretty good articlesummarising the speech Kerry gave at the fundraiser. The Enquirer also added a second story of breifs including a section on one of the attendees who was an old personal friend of Kerry who now works at UC. The second story included more of the political holders-on who spun the event with the usually blah blah blah.

What was missing from the Enquirer? Not what I expected. They included a non-AP wire story from the Columbus rally. The Blade also ran a story as did the DDN and PD. The Plain Dealer also gave us the "Pickle," infamous AP reporter whose negative bias towards Kerry has been known to be biased.

P&G Aiding Sexual Revolution

Does the CCV know about this? One whiff of this news and I am sure that the letter writing campaign will start to keep women from using what will likely be called the female Viagra.

Phil Burress and the boys love to control women's sexual practices, so I am sure this will be next on their list of companies to boycott. No more Tide! No more Crest! No more Charmin (its the best!)

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Punting on Third Down

SCOTUS took the easy way out and punted. They did this I think in part because of avoiding making a ruling in the current political climate where riots in the streets are not just something in the movies, but instead something people realize could happen. I do admit that the thought of being attacked for not being religious is something I think is very possible, especially in this city.

Kerry in Ohio

Kerry will be in town today for a fundraiser and then go to Columbus for a rally. Will the flip-flopping college kids return? Will the coverage of them be as high from the Enquirer if they do come? Will the paper even cover the event? We might get a report on the fundraiser, but we will likely only get an AP report on the Columbus rally, if they are feeling chipper.

Bronson: Still Pointless

Bronson's latest column is rather all over the road with out much of a theme, beyond being rather incoherent. It is as if Bronson is trying to channel Stan Lee (ala Peggy Noonan), but then faking it when he realizes Lee is not dead.

Cincinnati Connection to Terror Suspect

Cincinnati attorney Doug Weigle previously represented Nuradin Abdi, who is the man charged in the plot to bomb shopping malls. Abdi was from Columbus.

Huggins Got a Pass?

The Enquirer is reporting that in April 2003 Huggins was stopped by the same police force for bad driving and listed he was taken home "due to feeling ill." That smells like a case of the police giving the big time college basketball coach a pass. If it were provable, I wonder if Fairfax police lied on their police report? I wonder if other police departments in the area have done the same for Huggins.

Starship Troopers

The new military uniforms look to me like the uniforms from the movie Starship Troopers. There is a bit of an East Block meets Hollywood feel to them that I find rather unsettling.

Monday, June 14, 2004

Self Fisking

A trend I have seen in the Blogosphere is one called 'Self Fisking', where you attack and destroy your own points without anyone else having to do so. Well, Otto Perry did just that in his column: Don't belittle our nation's efforts: He wrote:
3) Like Professor Leising most citizens do not favor wars, but after 9-11 the decision was made to confront terrorists on their soil before they get to ours.
Most people in Iraq are not terrorists, but the war has drawn terrorists into Iraq from all over the Middle East. It is a preference that they be faced there rather than in our neighborhoods.
Now, Mr. Otto, if we were supposed to be fighting "terrorists" on their own soil in Iraq, then why did we attack Iraq to bring terrorists there? If Iraq had al Qaeda terrorists there before the war, then why did we not say so with the proof? Why would we have to kill thousands of Iraqis to attract a few dozen terrorists to Iraq? How is this rational? How is this logical? How is this actually making it into the Enquirer?

Republican 'Family Values'

Rush Limbaugh, Wife divorcing

Phil Burress's Nightmare

I hope this article on the Gay Pride parade is making Phil Burress cry like a baby. His anti-homosexual group has but one goal, to keep peaceful people like these from living a fair and equal life. Burress wants them removed from society, a cleansing of the culture made in the image of his theocratic delusions. I bet Peter Bronson had to censor is own copy of the paper today. I am sure he can't bare to so a gay person's picture, at least not one having fun out in full view of the public.

Privacy Solution

There is a very simple solution to quell the concerns of people about the Court Clerk's website online publication of court records. It is simple; just require a registration to view the pages in question. Either make it a heavy security where you must mail or phone in to register or at least require a valid email and or IP trace.

This should quell the problem. Most people should understand that the records people are getting are still public record that anyone can get with a trip to the Clerk's Office. The difference is that they have to show their face, which keeps out more crooks. Apply the same concept to the web.

Sunday, June 13, 2004

Special Treatment?

Was last Tuesday's DUI stop the first time Huggins has been stopped by police? The Enquirer is reporting that comments from the police indicated that it was not the first time police had stopped him for erratic driving. With news like this I have to laugh back at comments I heard on Saturday from Andy Furman who opined about the treatment of Huggins. He wondered if a history professor would get the kind of attention that Huggins arrest got. Furman was playing the PR agent for Huggins, trying to blame this on the media, on the college, and on everyone else who does not get what it is like to be Bob Huggins. He wants Huggins to be treated just like everyone else. Well, if he were treated like everyone else, "Furball," then his ass would be in jail now for a getting a second DUI instead of being let off the first time. His fame got him a pass. He will likely get a pass from his fans, who only want to win. He will get equal treatment from society, when he starts getting the same treatment as everyone else, not special celebrity get of jail free cards.

I give credit to the local media for covering this story. Huggins has not been Mr. Popular, outside of WLW, but has a fan base that care more about National Championships, than they do graduation rates. This guy should be fired. He was reportedly drinking with the families of recruits, almost certainly with the kids their too. That is not a role model, that is a man breaking the rules for wins. If UC wants to break the dirt stain that is their basketball program's reputation, they better start with a new head coach.

"Don't do this to me." Huggins did it to himself. He is lucky he did not do it anyone else, then not even the boosters could get him off.

Bronson: Pointless

I really don't see any point to Bronson's column today other than to harp on Coretta Scott King.

The only thing he tries to pull out of his ass is the complaint that King did not give a support the troops speech. Why would he expect that? What good would that speech really do? If people want to help the troops, why don't we work on not sending them off on pre-emptive wars? That will save far more lives than a few meaningless words that no solider will ever read.


Someone has started a blog about the TV show WKRP in Cincinnati. It is a stale blog, but the thought is much appreciated. One of the most under rated shows of all time.

Sitting on the Stairs

I was watching part of a movie today, Adam's Rib, and I was a taken back by a simple scene where Katharine Hepburn is sitting on the stairs waiting for Spencer Tracy to come home. I miss having stairs to sit on. I can remember growing up and on the stairs is where many a big family discussions took place. Often it was when someone came home, like my brother or sister. Other times that is where you got lectured for doing something wrong.

Having lived in an apartment for 10 years now and since my parents moved south to Florida one floor house, I don't get to sit on the stairs much anymore. I could go for some carpeted stairs with a cast Iron railing like our old house had.

Friday, June 11, 2004

Like Coach like Players

Bob Huggins has been charged with a DUI after drinking with a recruit's family. Got to love the cops keeping it hidden since Tuesday. There sure is a good clean college basketball program there in Corryville. If he gets harsher treatment than some of the many college athletes in Ohio who have DUI's, then I will be shocked. I am shocked he was arrested in the first place.

More from the Post, including the police report.

Wagons East!

Boca is moving from Northside to Oakley. The owner, David Falk stated in the article he was influenced by the "begging" of many of his patrons to move east. Is Eastside money winning another one? Northside is a cutting edge neighborhood with a socio-economic mix, while Oakley is the ugly sister of Hyde Park. Is Northside too "urban" even for the urbanites?

'Fahrenheit 9/11' to Play in Cincinnati

The The Cincinnati Post is reporting that the Esquire and Mariemont theaters will show Michael Moore's movie starting June 25. Will we see any local BushCo Storm troopers come out and protest or try and prevent it being shown? I doubt it, but you might get a little grief from the usual blowhards.

Thursday, June 10, 2004

Kerry Up in LA Times Poll

In a head to head race Kerry leads Bush in the LA Times poll 51% to 44%. A Cincinnatian had this to say in the article:
Joseph Rechtin, a retired postal worker from Cincinnati, said Kerry had made little impression on him but he wanted a change.
'It's more than three years now and we don't seem to be going anywhere at all, and this involvement in Iraq is taking us down the wrong path, so I definitely feel we need a leadership change,' Rechtin said.
I don't know how Reagan's funeral will affect the race, but this is the month that I believe people freeze their opinions on the candidates. From now until November the issue is will they vote or will some disaster happen to shake things up. Ohio is still going to be the key trend. So goes Ohio, so goes the election.

A Kentucky Opps

Yesterday the Capitol and Supreme Court in Washington D. C. were evacuated because a plane had entered the closed D.C. air space. Well, now it appears that the plane held Kentucky Gov. Ernie Fletcher on his way to the Reagan funeral. I hate to hear the tongue-lashing Senator Mitch McConnell gave him last night for having to dash out of his office in terror.

Translating Bronson

If you want to know what Peter Bronson is saying in his column How to get 'creative': Help middle class I am here to help translate.

Bronson is saying: Fuck the liberals, Fuck the City, give all the money to white suburbs, Let the gays rot in hell.

Peter Bronson is going beyond conservativism, his attacks on the creative class and intellectualism is creating a new round of reactionary dogma that needs a new name. I would call it 'Leave it to Beaver' syndrome, but that might be a copyright problem. His level of running in place for Jesus is really holding back society. If people really agree with Bronson then our society is heading toward a repeat of what hit Islam during the middle ages, stagnation. Islamic/Arabic culture did not significantly progress for about 500 years. That seems to Bronson's goal. Well, that and conformity of every element of life, until we are all just milquetoast residents of the Great West Chester Metropolitan Area.

Wednesday, June 09, 2004


I guess it was all about the pieces of silver.

Shocking News

An anti-abortionist is pissed about a judge not listening to anti-abortion group's hired guns and ruling to uphold case law.

Club Clau Hype

As trends go, Cincinnati is to chic as Zoot Suits are to fashion. CiN Weekly is trying to buck the trend and likely help Club Clau boost its profits by keeping the hype alive, but making it a little more accessible to the timid West Chester 28 year olds still chicken to come downtown.

I have never been to Club Clau and I doubt I will ever go. The reason I would go would be for a woman, but I hope I that any woman I date would not have the desire to go "clubbing" very often. Ok, enough of the personal.

Interesting trivia reported by Cin is that Clau is an acronym which stands for "Change Lies Ahead of Us." Club Clau does get credit for doing well, when you get listed as one of the best bars in the world you have done something right.

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Wasting $400,000

What were 'philanthropists' Donna and Pat Carruthers thinking when they gave 400K bucks to build a bronze sculpture of George Bush as part of a plaza at Hamilton High School. How about buying something for the troops in Iraq instead?

CT's Barry Gee

Give it up for Barry Gee, CT's Executive Director, who was interviewed for an NPR story on the Cincinnati subway.

Bronson is a Jerk

What a fucking jerk. Think I am being harsh? Well, when I read Bronson's column today I wanted a harsher title, but held my tongue. Bronson is a jerk for a simple reason, he is using Reagan's death as a means to make a political attack. He is doing what he thinks every liberal is doing. I for one have not said anything about Reagan's death until now. I did so out of respect for the man. I grew up in a moderate Republican family who like him as President. He was a good man. I felt his political views were wrong. His followers have deified him and taken his views to a level of extremism that I don't think Regan himself actually wanted.

Bronson instead of using his column to make a solemn tribute to the man, instead goes on a bullshit rant against liberals who dare say the TRUTH about Reagan. He was not a deity Peter, he caused many problems. It is not only FAIR AND BALANCED to report his good elements and faults; it is the honorable thing to do.

No conservative can honestly complain about the media coverage of the death of Reagan. It has been 98% positive, approaching the level of Princess Diana on some levels, certainly on FOX. I don't mind it. I understand that many people really like the man. Why I can't stand is for some of those people, specifically Bronson, is pissed about the positive coverage. I guess he can't stand anyone mocking his "god."

Was is so divisive is the blood thirsty drivel here:
He made a jaded nation believe in itself, and proved conservative ideas work.
So, Reagan forced us to live under his conservative rule? How fascist of him. I guess Bronson likes being forced to live under conservative doctrine. I for one Peter don't like it. You can't force-feed us, you must lead us. Reagan was a good leader. He lead us poorly in the end, but he tried. He was a just a man, and the way he is held up is akin to worship that not only would be considered sacrilegious, if he were a Democrat, it would be skewered in the conservative media as a partisan use of the death of human, just as was done after Paul Wellstone's funeral. Bronson has topped anyone at the Wellstone funeral in my opinion. I don't think he cares though. I think he just wants to bath in the glory that trails a Presidential funeral all the way to the November election.

Monday, June 07, 2004

Cicada Me to Death

Not only did we learn today about the woes of lawn groomers and their plight of dealing with Cicadas, we also read about kids eating the bugs.

Enough already! We get it! There are a shit load of the damn bugs. I know. Their "ekkkk" fills my ears if I don't turn my TV/Radio up while sitting in my living room. I don't really need the 745th and 746th story about people's reaction to the damn bugs. There is a freaking special section on the things. That is it, no more, please no more. Just tell me when they are finally all dead. At that point I shall pour a beer on the ground in tribute to their lives and with hopes that it kills as many of them still crawling down there.

Washingtonienne Story Continues

Much to the chagrin of Mike DeWine, Enquirer columnist Carl Weiser updates Ohio on the story of Jessica Culter, the former DeWine staffer who ran a "racy Web log."

I too felt the surge of attention on this story. My traffic rose considerably from those searching Google for a picture of Ms. Culter. I did not have one on my site, but I did mention stories that included her picture. She was very attractive by the way, which makes this story all the more titillating. It still did not really get the level of press that Carl insinuates. Sure it was around the world, and he of course was reporting on it, but if you did not know what a blog was before the story broke, you likely did not follow what it was about, even though it was linked to the office of a US Senator. CNN, FOX, and MSNBC barely touched it, if at all. TV coverage pushes the level of overall media coverage. The Internet and even Print can't push the story on TV unless TV wants it, and for some unknown reason, TV does not seem to want to run with this one. I guess the liberal CNN could not help running this 24/7. If this was a staffer of a Democrat Senator, you know it would have been on FOX and talk radio until that Senator resigned.

Horrific Crash in OTR

Varying reports indicate that 17 were injured and one saying 19 were injured after a bus plowed into an empty building in Over-the-Rhine.

This is horrible news to those who are close to the downtown community. The bus was part of a tour of downtown homes occurring Sunday afternoon. If there is anyone who knows those injured, please send me an email, please don't comment on their names.

The Enquirer did a positive story on the tour. I hope no one mentioned was injured.

Sunday, June 06, 2004

June is Busting Out All Over!

We have new local blogs:

QCF Blog


The Dean of Cincinnati Blog

QCF's blog is out to open up a place for readers to respond to stories. The Dean seems to be playing games with his "blog". He has even copied the same format of the QCF as an attempt at some type of slight. I don't get it. I don't get the Dean much at all anyway. The Dean of Cincinnati is the Internet version of Andy Kaufman.

Boss Tweed in the Making?

City Council is considering beefing up the Mayor's powers. I see this as mainly a means to shift blame for the actions (inactions) of the police from council to the Mayor's office. Other than that I don't really like the idea of consolidating power. Yes, a stronger Mayor could "get things done" without the grandstanding of council, but council would still be needed as check against a Mayor off his political rocker. It also appears that a district plan for Council Seats will have to get on the ballot the hard way.

In the article Greg Korte reports that "anti-establishment Republicans" are supporting the district election plan. I would say that anyone who is anti-establishment could not be a Republican, almost by definition.

The text of the strong Mayor proposal is here.

Friday, June 04, 2004

Blogus Interruptus

I am off to Cleveland for the weekend, so blogging should be not just light, but a void until Sunday night. If I get near a computer, I will try and post, but I will be at a friend's wedding, so I will be trying to have a good time instead.

In other words, you are on your own in your search for bloggy goodness.

'Cops!' Comes Back

In case you missed the news Chief Tom Striecher reinvited the TV show to film the Cincinnati Police.

This to me seems just as pitiful as Smitherman and Reece getting their girdle's caught in their garters of 'Cops!' in the first place. Sam Malone pushed to get the show back, but that action looks like groveling. The sauce has stained the tablecloth, we can't just through on club soda without someone noticing.

Nick Spencer has more

Smoke and Mirrors Works?

Miami's applications for enrollment increased 10% in spite of their change to a new tuition program that repacked the in-state discount. This ultimately will raise tuition for in-state students once the discount amount does not increase at the same level as the tuition.

Thursday, June 03, 2004

Politizing Religion

The liberals and Democrats have been accused of opposing religion on a political as well as personal basis, making religion and Bush's religion a political issue. In reality the GOP is doing the same thing and does it far more egregiously. Locally we have Catholics making an issue of religion or religious issues, with their opinions, and the opinions of the religious leaders.

Bush's campaign has gone a step beyond. They are seeking to have churches allow or support direct campaigning in the church. This is in my opinion going to make a slew of churches loose their tax exempt status, unless of course Bush wins and has the IRS ignore the political action by non-profit organizations.

If people want to play the game of using religion as means to gain power, then they cheapen it beyond its naturally simplistic state. It is so sorry that Bush feels the need to tap into the fears of people and their religion and use their religious conventions, however so subtly, to turn the vote one way. Vote for Bush or go to Hell is not what they are saying. They are saying vote for the guy who shares your religion and who will push your religion on others. That is what we are getting. Not every religious person wants this and most would not be swayed by it anyway, but there are many idiots who vote based on either one issue, like abortion, or on religion. So when I rail against people's use of religion as a means to gain power, a faux theocracy if you will, I hope people see that I am not just blowing smoke up my ass. Well, at least not on that issue.

Bronson: Enhackment

Peter Bronson blathers on about a made up word and does so by dragging in old and tired political jabs that really have no meaning and no context to politics and current events today. What he is doing is just recycling other's views and cliché ideas because he just a shill for the GOP. I hereby term this "Enhackment."

Also, If Peter is going to mention a "blogger" by name in his column, you might think he would link to the guy's blog. What is odd, is that I can't find a blog for the guy, only a website with columns. I guess Bronson can't tell a blog from the rocks in his head.

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Return of the Apostate

Adding the Apostate to the blogroll. Dmitri Iscariot gives a new bent on things local. Have a read.

She Fought the Law

Gina Daugherty, of CinWeekly, fought the law, and of course lost. Chalk up another Perry Mason moment to posterity.

More Plans Than Action

We have the Riverfront, Fountain Square, Main street, and now a new development plan for Washington Park. This sounds great, but how can we do all of this? Who pays for it? How much is publicly financed? If this is all privately funded and the school board is happy with the changes to its plans, then I say go full tilt on this.

This will surely pissed off the homeless advocates, who will gripe about Washington Park and the daily drug addicts who will be forced out. Is that really a bad thing?

Final Stage of Abandonment

The Radio Beast has nearly completed its move from Mt. Adams to Kenwood. With it goes any tie to the City of Cincinnati. We already had lesser and lesser city news coverage, I would expect even less, except when the hosts can complain about something. I do expect Cunningham to walk from work from now on. He needs to shed a few pounds of fat from his head.

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Cinco de Memorial Day

We got a mini-riot in Avondale at a party at a community center. Yes, that was a community center that spawned fights and forced the police to close 10 blocks of reading road for an hour.

Breaking News: Water is Wet

Hip-hop fashion no longer just for urban black kids.

Torn, Very Torn

In reading Peter Bronson's column today I am very torn. I agree with some of his attack on city council for botching the whole 'Cops!' episode, but his defense and worship of the Cincinnati Police really is sickening.
The Police Division would have had final approval for anything put on the air, he said. Cops is unabashedly pro-police.

Maybe that's the real problem. Before the plug was pulled, Lt. Col. Richard Janke said, "It's a chance to reverse the very negative image the media have shown of Cincinnati police." He wondered if council members "are actually afraid the Police Division will look good."
You know Peter, I could say the same thing about embedded journalists in the Iraq war. Or better yet, I could say 'Cops!' is to CPD as FOX News is to the Bush War in Iraq.

'Cops!' would show a one sided image of the police here in Cincinnati. That is a political statement. It should not have to be, but the police union has made it one. Fangman and Bronson do more to hurt police-community relations than any councilperson or drug dealer could do. Both men create an "us vs. them" mentality with a goal of dividing the city with hopes that Republicans can gain power.

Bad Boys, Bad Boys

In a fight that broke out at the Yucatan Liquor Stand in Covington 5 men were arrested including two off-duty Hamilton County Sheriff's Office deputies. The question goes out to Simon Leis, will you investigate and fire thugs who fight in public places? I am sure they would have just been "defending" someone. The were likely shaking hands with a few faces, so much "defending," that the Covington police arrested them just for fun.

Sunday, May 30, 2004

Hegemo on Cicadas

Sarah has some ideas on how Columbus could be tricked into taking all of Cincinnati's Cicadas. I am sure we would include shipping costs too.

Bronson Pimps WWII Veterans

Peter Bronson could have just done a tribute column to veterans for Memorial Day, but instead he whores them out in his political crusade. Not only does he use them like a smarmy John, he puts out ideas that contradict what I think most people view as American liberty.
  1. Censorship: Bronson wants only "good news" out of Iraq. He
    longs for the days of WWII when "the only stories that came home were
    tales of heroism, valor and perseverance." Truth be damned! We must
    indoctrinate the populace who dare might think for themselves.

  2. Pre-emption: Bronson laments that WWII was without an "exit
    strategy". Sorry to disappoint you Peter, but you are wrong
    again. We did have an exit strategy in Germany and Japan, destroy aggressive
    armies that had declared war on us. In Iraq we attacked a
    country that had a horrid regime in charge, but posed no threat to the USA,
    and a marginal threat to its neighbors. North Korea, Zimbabwe, Libya, and
    Cuba still stand. Where's the entrance strategy?

  3. Don't speak ill of Dear Leader: Bronson wants us to just leave his
    fearless leader alone. We can't speak ill of him, us horrible godless
    liberal heathens. We don't deserve the right to live here if we don't
    conform to his conservative way of life. This was a bit of a
    extrapolation from the quote he used from a veteran. He had to but
    that "liberal" in there and try to claim it the media is liberal
    again. Bronson is ten times the broken record I will ever be.

There is also no logical way Bronson can claim to have run with an anti-war crowd in high school. That does not mean he did not, it just be he likely got beat up by a rival gang of hippies, which caused his conversion to the blood lust crowd.

Main Street

Nick Spencer has what he thinks is wrong with the Main Street area and includes ideas about what could be done to improve it.

Friday's Enquirer had a lengthy article covering the recent bars closing.

Dayton has news about a downtown bar doing well.

Bush Up in Latest Ohio Poll

The Mason-Dixon/Plain Dealer Poll has Bush leading significantly, by 6%. This sounds high and contradicts other recent polls that have Kerry winning (one even with Kerry up 7%). It is likely close, but the swing reported in this poll seems like they got a bad sample. This is a problem in Ohio because we have such a polarized geography. Zip codes can predict voting patterns to such degree that polls are almost moot. The real issue is turnout. That is where Bush is in trouble. I do not think he will get the volume of turnout he needs to win by 6% as this poll suggests. Ohio will be close come November, no matter who wins.

Saturday, May 29, 2004

'Cops' Round-Up

'Cops!' appears not to be leaving Cincinnati. Alicia Reese explains herself, not very convincingly.

The Post has more on 'Cops!' going to Covington and the Hamilton County Sheriff's Department. There is also a background story on 'Cops!' and its popularity.

More from WCPO, WKRC, WLWT, and the Plain Dealer.

Also check out Jeff Stahler's latest cartoon.

Friday, May 28, 2004

Cincinnati Guard Unit Questioned on Prison Deaths

A military police unit based in the Cincinnati Area has been questioned regarding the deaths of two prisoners back in December of 2002 in Afghanistan. The unit has been home since March of 2003.

'Cops!' is Out

Grandstanding, Grandstanding, what you gonna do? What you gonna do when the voters come for you? Council members Alicia Reese and Chris Smitherman had a case of the "Goo" over the Cincinnati Police allowing a filming of the TV show 'Cops!'.

I must officially announce that I have lost respect for Chris Smitherman. I was pleased he got on council, adding another Charterite was a big plus to council, but I did not see coming was his anti-police stances and his media whoring. All politicians put out for the news media to a degree, but Smitherman is whiling to do just about anything to piss people off and get the cameras on him. Is he thinking he could run for Mayor next year?

Thursday, May 27, 2004


Pat DeWine "can't think of anything positive" that could come from filming 'Cops' here in Cincinnati. I for one can think of one positive: we could see the boycott B people arrested for breaking the law and then handled with proper care, giving them no reason to sue, but reason to go to jail.

This does assume that Nate Livingston takes up my challenge to get himself arrested in front of the 'Cops' film crew. I don't support breaking any laws, but if Nate wants attention, that is one way to get it. I would even provide him with free gift VHS or DVD copy of the episode in which he or any boycott B member stars in, and when I say "star" I mean staring in the role of "shirtless man in handcuffs."

Bronson Misses the Obvious

Peter Bronson misses the obvious solution to ridding the city of criminal drug dealers, legalize drugs. You don't want people getting rich from bootleg crack? Simple, sell it cheaper at a sanctioned junkie store, one with clean needles and sources of information on kicking the habit.

Having the police come down heavy on drug dealers will not rid the city of drug crime, it might soften for a while, but like weeds it grows right back. You must get to the root of the problem, cut out the high bootleg prices and you drop the incentive for girls to get pregnant at 15 and hook up with an 18-year-old drug dealer with money. No drug dealer with illegal money, then less crime and less people doing what ever it takes to be with the man with "easy" money.

Miami Leads the Way

Miami U. leads the way in local graduation rates

Love and honor to Miami,
Our college old and grand,
Proudly we shall ever hail thee,
Over all the land.

Alma mater now we praise thee,
Sing joyfully this lay,
Love and honor to Miami,
Forever and a day.

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

The Exile of Main Street

Has the city dumped Main Street as its premire bar district? Two bars close, any new bars open?


Here's the Taste of Cincinnati Menu. I plan on making at least one trip down this weekend.

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

John Dowlin, Lame Duck County Commissioner & Bigot

What the hell got into Dowlin's coffee? Since when is this guy a hardcore anti-homosexual bigot? I would not bat a lash if this was Phil Heimlich or Chris Monzel, but since when has Dowlin been a bible-thumping bigot? I agree with Kevin Osborne on this:
Although Heimlich has a reputation as a staunch conservative, much of Dowlin's political career has been spent as a moderate with a focus on economic issues, prompting surprise among observers that he would introduce such a resolution as his term ends.
All I can say is good riddance come November to this asshole theocratic bigot, who is just wasting tax payer money with his crusade.

Heimlich will be a total hypocrite if he supports this, but I am sure that's one principle he will gladly sacrifice on the way to his form of theocracy.

Nick Spencer has more.

Non-Bronson Thread

Ok, I know I posted a boat load on Bronson today, so here is a thread to rant on what ever else you might want, Bush's Speech and its failure to do much of anything or you can just sound off on the loud cicadas. Did I mention they were really loud?

Bronson's Opps

Rebecca Bowman of the CSF educates Peter Bronson on his Oklahoma crack in prior column unfairly bashing the Fringe Festival. As a volunteer at the Fringe Fest, I was rather pissed at both his ignorant slam of the Fringe and his trashing of Oklahoma. I applaud Rebecca's history lesson for Peter, who seems to have been suckered by those 'pinko liberals' Rodgers and Hammerstein.

Bronson Hates Business Development

If it was not Tim Burke, leader of the Hamilton County Democrats, representing businesses trying to take home owner's land for a big development Bronson would likely have not given a damn about a handful of residents holding up jobs for Americans.

What would Bronson say if they wanted to expand in West Chester and take some houses a mile from his house? I am sure he would not waffle an inch and support the business development. Here he flip-flops on what to do. Well, I hope I never read Bronson pull the faux flip-flop charge on John Kerry.

Monday, May 24, 2004

Battle Royal, GOP Style

Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell, Cincinnati Republican, has called for the Republican Party to seek the resignation of Ohio House Speaker Larry Householder. The head of the Party has rejected Blackwell's demand. Householder's campaign had prepared a memo outline a plan to "possibly destroy the political career" of Blackwell, a rival of Householder for statewide office.

Householder is being investigated by Federal Officials regarding speaker's campaign practices.

More from the Akron Beacon-Journal.

Derf Makes it Big

The New York Times has taken notice of the creation of Cincinnati satirist Brandon Breedon, a writer at Derf Magazine.

And another, the Cicadas are really fucking loud.

No Big Deal?

Rob Daumeyer at the Cincinnati Business Courier writes on why Abu Ghraib became a bigger deal that he thinks it deserves:
Abu Ghraib, the Department of Defense, Wall Street and just about every other institution you can think of, are being derided as symptoms of a debased, faded civilization.

To which I reply, stop with the crazy talk. That argument is emptier than the soul food line at the Republican National Convention.

Look, I'm not saying things are super terrifically splendidly great, but let's get serious. The Abu Ghraib torture -- or fraternity hazing, as Rush Limbaugh calls it -- isn't anything we didn't do in other wars. I shudder to think what we did with the few Japanese we managed to get our hands on. We just didn't have tiny little digital cameras and the Internet to duplicate them a bazillion times.
I think Rob's point on how what was done by Hitler or Stalin was worse than Abu Ghraib is "true", but the difference that apologists for Don Rumsfeld miss on this point is that it was our military. Rob is wrong, this is a big deal. He agrees that the situation was horrid and Rumsfeld and Co deserve criticism, but even though attention has been focused on this one prison, it still does not take away that our soldiers did this and did it knowingly. Another person's crime is horrible, but a crime your commit yourself is then end of one's moral stature.

Boycott B Website is 'Suspended'

The website "" only has this comment as a banner, "This Account Has Been Suspended." Nate Livingston must be on vacation.

Bush Speech, Little New

There were a few dates that he committed to meeting for elections in Iraq, but other than wanting to demolish the Abu Ghraib, there was nothing new. He was a little bit more specific about what he wants, but how he plans on doing it, well that is still a mystery.

His big lie was saying that on June 30th Iraq will have "full sovereignty." That is just crap and he and everyone else knows that. He knows that having 138,000 troops in Iraq under his control means it is in no way a sovereign county.

Will the media keep the pressure on Bush if what he said does not come to pass? We'll just have to wait and see.

Change any opinions? Nope. It was not carried by the 4 networks, so few likely were to have seen it.

Washingtonienne Picture

"Washingtonienne" is on the right. More from WaPo.

UPDATED by the directionally challenged writer.

Kill the Messenger

We get the typical anti-free press idiot in the Letters tot he Enquirer (2nd letter):
Showing photos aids the enemy

The photographs of abuse of 'Iraqi detainees' by American soldiers are a sad tale. Having served in the United States Air Force for 11 years and now serving in the Kentucky Army National Guard, I know this is not the norm for U.S. troops. I'm not excusing their actions by any means and disciplinary actions have already begun.
But should a man, a non-combatant there to help rebuild a nation in turmoil be decapitated for crimes of others? What is the media's hand in this matter? Anyone with the slightest bit of common sense knows the answer. By non-stop coverage and viewing of those prison photos the media has put every American in Iraq and probably in most Middle Eastern countries at risk. ?
Irresponsible journalism is aiding and abetting the enemy. Please stop handing them ammunition.
Steven Banfield
Taylor Mill
I guess Mr. Banfield prefers only the news that helps out the Army by hiding the truth. We all know that the truth kills people after all. An honest man dies first is what I always say.

He is right about one thing: the US government is just handing this crap to the media. That is however not the media's fault. If he wants to blame the bad actions of the military on someone, why not try blaming it on the military? I myself blame the civilian leadership of the military, which is one of many reasons I do not support this Administration.

Prophetic Woodward

Well, Bob Woodward did not conjure up the claim in his book,“Plan of Attack,” that the Saudis planned on lowering the price of oil in time for the election. He got it from their US Ambassador. So, here starts their "contribution" to the Bush reelection campaign. There may not have been a provable "deal," but Bush is the Saudi choice for President. Their financial contribution to his campaign goes far more than money for attack ads, it goes right into his manipulation of the perceptions of the American people. When the price of gas comes down, what will Bush say? His tax cuts did the trick, but of course. Now, he would be right, if by tax cuts he really meant his personal ties with the oppressive anti-human rights government of Saudi Arabia. A government that turned a blind eye to Anti-American terrorists brewing within its own borders. That is a foreign policy only Henry Kissinger could love.

Sunday, May 23, 2004


The keyword to remember about Bush's speech on Iraq tomorrow is details. The media has that word all over the place when describing what he will be talking about. Will he break with tradition and get specific? I seriously doubt it. If we get anything more than "stay the course" I will be surprised. I believe though that if he does not start giving specifics on what his short and long term plans are on Iraq, he will be in trouble, even with many Republicans.

Bush can't just punt on Iraq until November. He has to survive a long hot summer of militant attacks. He must lay his cards out there. I predict he will try what used to be called a “limited, modified hang out.” He will say stuff that his supporters will eat up as detail, but in reality is only a small portion of what BushCo is planning to do in Iraq. That of course assumes they have any plans other than getting relected.

The speech tomorrow is nothing but a political rally disguised as Presidential address, but how will the media react? Is the bar set where reporters actually expect Bush to say something more than the usual "stay the course" and pat the military on the back dogma? I don't know if they will be suckers or not, but my feeling is that they might pounce if doesn't through them at something new to write about.

Why is Bush scared of making this a full fledged national address from the Oval Office? If he really was planning on a change to his policy would he not actually ask for network air time, which he has not, and start setting things up in a true Presidential forum, not a campaign forum? It is just a sign of the double talk from BushCo. They call themselves strong and decisive leaders, but they don’t really want to announce anything, just make people think they have, while not really changing anything. Is that the actions of anything more than a manipulator?

Typical Bronson

So, Peter gets a press release from a right-wing group claiming the "liberal" college campuses have too many liberal speakers. By too many they really mean any at all. Bronson really needs to get to colleges more, and talk to regular students. Don't just talk to the activists who call him and lobby him to write propaganda column for them, like this one.

If he spent an hour in any business class at any major university he would get, as amazing as it may be, Pro-capitalism dogma preached. Guess what, that is just fine with my, I sat through it myself. That is what business schools are meant to do, prepare students for American capitalism. I am "sorry" that the schools of arts and sciences don't preach the religious dogma Bronson wants them to, but that is not why they are about. They are about individual concepts of being human. They are about open ideas. They are not about bible thumping.

Wes Flinn has far more to say on this column, please have a read.

UPDATE: I wonder what Peter thinks of the horrible "liberals" at Hofstra University who booed E.L. Doctorow for making "Anti-Bush" remarks during a commencement address. What is most horrible is the Bronson likely would have been booing as well, even though he complains when others boo Bush Administration officials.

New Local Blog

Nick Spencer, former City Council Candidate has a new blog on Cincinnati politics and culture.

Saturday, May 22, 2004

Dem Executive Director Cited for DUI

The Whistleblower NewsWire reports that Adam M. Rosenberg, the Executive Director of the Hamilton County Democratic Party, was cited for DUI May 14th after a vehicle crash on I-71. I am surprised that this news has not made the papers. I am shocked that the local GOP is not all over this, if it indeed is the same person.

I guess this story might be put into the same category as Pat DeWine's divorce, which was barely reported on in the local press.

Bad Boys, Bad Boys

COPS! is coming to Cincinnati. This opens up things up a bit. People will get to see life on the streets of the Nati. I am sure no matter what the overall result of the program, whether it is just the typical shirtless man arrested or a hatchet job on the CPD, people will be pissed about it.

I will put out a challenge. I challenge Nate Livingston or anyone from the Boycott B to get arrested by one of officers working with the TV crews. I would make sure to record that episode.

DeWine Staffer Fired Because of Blog

Sen. Mike Dewine has fired the low level staffer for using Senate computers to write a blog called "Washingtonienne." The identity of the staffer is not known, but Wonkeet identifies her as Jessica Cutler and had al alleged interview with her. In that interview Culter states that her blog posts were not fictional. I am still skeptical, very very skeptical on that.

If she was fired, then I expect someone in the media could identify who no longer works for DeWine that was working for him, and then get an interview that can be vetted outside of an Internet "gossip" blog.

Also, here is an alleged achieve of Washingtonienne, which is no longer online.

UPDATE: DDN has more.

Riverfront Classic Returns

The annual football game between traditionally black colleges will be played this year in Paul Brown Stadium. The only thing that I don't grasp is that it will be on the same weekend as a Reds home series with the Cubs, a home Bengals game, and Oktoberfest. That is a hell of a lot of people downtown. Parking will be non-existent. That might drive down attendance at all of the events.

On the other hand, what would be great is for people who go to the Classic to go to Oktoberfest as well, and for Oktoberfest goers to make it to the game or at least the Jamboree around it. I hope organizers from both events take advantage of that opportunity for cross-cultural experiences. That could go along way to starting what is lacking in this city: cultural integration.

Chopped Liver?

Generation X was the media darlings for a few years. We were seen as an unknown and forgotten generation that Boomers could not understand, thus I guess making us newsworthy. It appears that car makers have moved past us even though we are in our prime of buy cars right now. It seems that we are living up to our image of being forgotten, you don't hear much about us. It is either the Boomers are starting to retire, or the Gen Y “brats” are so big and so different that things will be changing. I guess the mystique of being part of Gen X has worn off on the media, or simply that Gen Y kids are starting to write about themselves now.

Friday, May 21, 2004

Cops Targeted?

An AP Wire report alleges that Cincinnati Police are being targeted by gunman. They report on 7 incidents since last November where gunman opened fire on police. Those situations were not disclosed except to say that three of them were when police were not confronting suspects.

Being a target for violence for no other reason than just being a police officers is reported as being rare, and the number here in Cincinnati are seen as strange:
"I can't think of any where our officers were shot at while they were just out on patrol," Cleveland police spokesman Wayne Drummond said.
Are local drug dealers targeting certain police officers for revenge? Is there a lone nut out there out to kill police officers? If this keeps up, I don't see crime rates improving. Police will be forced to stay in their cars and off the beat.

In the Woods on the Way Out?

WVXU reported this morning via the Business Courier that the restaurant/bar In the Wood is suing to prevent and eminent domain proceeding to take over the property to make way for new development on the south side of UC's campus.

I have only been there once, but it was good cheap food. I don't know what they plan on replacing it, but do they need to? Does UC need this much expansion? Why should a viable business be forced to move for a small project? It is one thing to move someone for a highway or a sports stadium, but for condos?

Thursday, May 20, 2004

A Blog that 'Shocked'

Carl Weiser is reporting that a female staffer for Sen. DeWine was writing what is being called an 'explicit' blog.

Wonkette has the story covered best, including a line up of department chief of staffs alleged to have been her "loser john".

This looks and acts like a hoax, but it appears to have legs. The Plain Dealer has more, as well as the Springfield Sun. It hits the big time when it makes the Washington Post.

No comment from Mike DeWine's office. No denials either, so it is likely at least that this person is real and the blog was real. I still would guess that the person was having a little fun, and the fiction she was writing got away from her.

If this is true, then I can only say: holy shit. That scandal would make Bill Clinton's affairs look like Pilgrim Sex.

UPDATE: Greg Mann has more.

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Hot Air, Meet Kettle

Ray Cooklis starts off his column Hot air: Raising McCain with a gem of a sentence:
"Some news operations appear so eager to create an anti-Bush political groundswell that they'll grasp at any straw."
Gee, Ray, what can we say about your news operation? Who do you and your management want on the Kerry ticket? Let me guess, Hillary Clinton? How many times has some conservative journalist tried to claim Hillary was either going to be VP for the Dems or some kind of fairy tale last minute candidate? The Enquirer even dragged Hillary into your editorial endorsing Bush back in 2000. When Ray starts harping on the major news outlets that like to gin up anti-Clinton fund raising drives by making fools fear Hillary running for President, at that point I might see this as anything but a political hack job on both McCain, Kerry, and the New York Times.