Monday, August 19, 2002

Cincinnati festival ends with more arrests
The AP wire story from Columbus Dispatch about day two of the riot. This time it was a true "mini-riot," as this is such a quantifiable event. (Note the slow drip of a sarcasm.)
Police teargas 2,000 in 'wilding' at Ohio festival for black families
Just one of the newspapers picking up this story.
Miami University bans smoking in dorms
This is bold for Mother Miami. My junior year roommate smoked and did not smoke in the room (except a few times). I don't think this will matter much, but I wonder how it will go over on western campus. I also wonder why the hell this is not on the Enquirer or the Post. This might be a hot topic for local talk radio this week.

Sunday, August 18, 2002

John Schlagetter's Reply
I was surprised to get this so fast, but I was glad to get a response. I don't agree with the response, but I appreciate my opinion being heard. I am crafting my reply, and will be sending it later tonight or tomorrow.

Subj: RE: Comments on 1230 the Buzz on 08/18/2002
Date: 08/18/2002 3:08:48 PM Eastern Standard Time

Mr. Griffin: The tenor of your email presumes my positions on these issues rather than inquiring about them. Within the limited confines of a one hour radio program (closer to 40 minutes once commercials and callers are netted out), I try to cover many subjects primarily to hear from others. I present information and, when I feel it appropriate and not propogandistic, my opinion.

I take great issue with many representations of the NBPP4SD and statements made by Malik Shabazz and Endure X. It was not my intent today to debate the merits or veracity of the NBPP4SD; I wasn't going to talk about it at all except my guest didn't show. Instead, I wanted to introduce the subject and hear what callers had to say.

In regards to reparations, I'm fairly sure I talked about the difficulty in dimensionalizing not just the problem but whatever solution may exist. My conversation at the show's end with "Lock and Load" addressed just such concerns. Contextualizing the issue within the realm of additional issues you cite (suffrage, etc.) is part of the problem; however, I do not believe such analogies are reasons to not have the reparations discussion.

You don't have to tell me about the KKK: my first appearance before a Committee of Council was to discuss the Klan and I cited the FBI's characterization of it as a domestic terrorist organization.

Yes, the first purpose of talk radio is to entertain. I attempt to do so with bona fide information and considered opinion. I do not "blame the white man," but having talked to as many thousands of Cincinnatians as I have, I would be remiss in not identifying the ways in which whites, in fact, repress and oppress non-whites.

Had I time today, I was going to address the xenophobia evidenced by the NBPP4SD; my "non-responsiveness to outright racism" simply isn't so. I repeatedly (when relevant to the conversation) state that blacks can in fact be racists; however, when discussing the impact of racism, that of whites grossly outweighs that of non-whites.

Rest assured, I won't be calling you anything, and I am promoting no such thing as "revenge on the 'white man' by blacks." Such a statement lacks fails the straight face test. I assume you had tuned in to listen to Ken Anderson's show- perhaps if you listen to The Week In Review on Fridays from 1-4 and my regular Sunday Buzz from 2-3 you will develop a more holistic opinion of my views. And don't hesitate to call in with your views- 749-1230.

John Schlagetter Has Lost My Vote
His white guilt and his "blame the white man" opinions are nuts and I wrote him an email regarding his program this morning on 1230 the Buzz. I wonder if John's promotion of the racist and black separatist New Black Panther Party is done to keep him on the good side in case they ever take over the country. Oh how the ignorance and emotional rationalizations prevail. If he ever runs for office again, I will not vote for him. Here is my email:

Subj: Comments on 1230 the Buzz on 08/18/2002
Date: 08/18/2002 11:36:22 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: CincyBlog


I agree with you on many or even most issues, but your ambiguity on Reparations is just nuts. Should I blame myself for the oppression of the Irish because I am English, while also being Irish? Should I sue the US government for allowing the oppression of me by religion? Should women sue for being denied the right to vote and own property? What you are being ambiguous is old world sectarianism. You are allowing extremists groups to gain credence from you opinion. The New Black Panther part party is listed at as one of several hate groups in the US. These are listed right next to the KKK and skinheads. I really hope this is just a way for you to entertain your audience, and not your sincere viewpoint, but I fear not. I voted for you in the last election, but your blame the "white man" view points and your non-response to out right racism in your interaction with the New Black Panther Party is something I cannot consider to be a reasonable position for any person. I will not vote for you for any office ever again. You can call me a white person in denial all day long, but you seem to be promoting a movement for revenge on the "white man" by blacks.

Brian Griffin
Mt. Washington

Here is the AP Wire story: Tear Gas Breaks Up Cincinnati Crowd.
Battle of the Local News Outlets
Using their websites as guides, which into today's climate if you don't have a good website then you are behind the times, I will rate the local major news outlets on this story.
Enquirer: gets an A-; The were the only outlet to have their website updated last night and did it twice within an hour. The only get a negative because they did not have anything additional to report this morning and only had one picture.
FOX19: gets a B+; They had one the most telling quotes in their story that hit the web page this morning, and they even put crawl on the screen last night to warn people not to go downtown.
700WLW: gets a C+; They are the only place for live broadcasted breaking news on the half hour, which they had at midnight, but at 12:30 AM they only listed the weather and a national news update, nothing on the local news, not even who won the baseball game.
CincyPost: gets a C-; They do not publish on Sunday so not updating their website is normal, but on this kind of story I would have called someone in to the newsroom and at least used a wire story for it.
WCPO and WRKC: both get D's; They have not updated their websites at all which is par for the course for the weekend for both stations.
WDBZ the Buzz: gets an F; They went off the air after midnight last night and this morning they had live programming and they carried on as if nothing had happened. If I did this post later they may change programming one they go live from the Black Family Reunion, but at this point it is awful.
Disturbances in Downtown Cincinnati
WXIX who usually takes a soft stance on the problems surrounding the black community, really took a hard stance here. This quote from Cecil Thomas sums up the problem at its core: "My question is where are the parents? Why are these kids still roaming the streets totally out of control? It makes me sick to think here we try to have a nice event and then parents allow their children to run like this and be out here at this time of night."
Youth Violence Erupts Downtown
An update on the riot. I really have to take pause. These "youths" were at the Black Family Reunion, and the police indicated that one of the main causes was "large numbers of unsupervised youths caused the violence." Is this an illustration of current status of the Black Family? Are blacks youths not getting the supervision and direction they require from their parents, or are they to far gone to be control by their parents?
Police contain unruly youths (Riot)
Hot off the presses! I applaud the Enquirer for getting this story on the web this late and this fast. At around 12:00 AM the local Fox network station WXIX ran a crawl over its programming advising the public of "disturbances" (meaning riot) downtown and advising people to stay away from the downtown area. This is just not a shocker to me. I am not surprised that this kind of thing happened. I wonder how good the reporting on this story will be tomorrow (today). The races of the rioters were not mentioned in the article, which is not a surprise. The question is did people from the reds game and the black family reunion both involved in the riot or just from the black family reunion? Could there have been a conflict between races? I say this only because of the subtitle of the article "Crowds leaving Reds game, Reunion roam downtown" and this quote: "The Cincinnati Reds game and the Black Family Reunion festivities at Sawyer Point were letting out at about 10 p.m., when police began reporting large groups of unruly people at different points in the city." This is rather vague and it seems to be either an ass covering for not knowing if people from the game were involved, or it was an attempt to try and show that they are not assuming the presumably whites at the game were not implicated in the riot to appease the black readers.

Update: Korte has updated the story and removed my big quote above. The revised story indicates that the riot was minor and was caused mostly from people from the black family reunion. The police scanner has had reports of several instances of shots fired in different part of the city, in Over-the-Rhine and the area Northeast of the Coryville area.

Saturday, August 17, 2002

Slavery Reparations Rally on C-SPAN
This was a rally for black racists, black bigots, and black separatists. If this was the KKK it would not be on TV. I sent a letter to C-SPAN about this:

Dear C-SPAN,

I really found much of the Slavery Reparations Rally to be nothing more than a forum for black racists, separatists, and bigots to spew their propaganda on national TV. There is no real outcry about this from National media or even in the right-wing media outlets. The event appears to be the same degree of racism as a KKK rally or other Neo-nazi groups might have. The only thing missing at the Reparations Rally was the overt call for violence. Some groups there however would be in favor of using violence to achieve their goals of revenge against the "white man." I wish there was a way to have equal time for racists, but I think that would do more harm than good. I would have preferred that you not air this event at all.

B. Griffin

This event has two themes: Where's my money and how can we seek revenge on the "White Man." The real question is: will the local boycotters be in DC or protesting the Black Family Reunion?
Zee at Roadsassy agrees with much of my opinion on WLW and Bill Cunningham hoax.
Sensible Don has updated his website. It had been several months since it was changed. I am glad to see it revised. I hope he keeps it updated more often.
Break-in suspect, facing arrest, stabs himself
How will the boycotters spin this one? How will they blame the white man for this? I would guess that Emmanuel Livingston a producer on 1230 the Buzz would say this man is mentally ill, which was caused by 400 years of "oppression".
Mandatory Pledge?
What purpose does this serve? I find it to be forcing schools and school children to accept the religious belief that the USA is subject to the rule of the Christian "god". I can only assume that this school board member wants a general form of theocracy. It is a violation of freedom of speech to force anyone to say the pledge. I would think that would include teachers and other school employees. This sounds like micromanaging by a politically obsessed school board member. I hope Winifred Clayton of Fairfield takes the freedoms of the students and staff of the school district she represents into consideration before taking action. Mandatory performances of required oaths and pledges is something that should not be taken lightly. We value being under oath in court or the various oaths of office, but if she thinks the forcing schools to say the pledge does not have the purpose of being both political and religious, then I think she is lying to herself.
Black group wants lawsuit dismissed
It is simple. Damon Lynch, if you want the lawsuit dismissed, you first must end the boycott. You think that is extortion???? Look in the mirror. That is what you are doing every day with your boycott, or should I say your shakedown.

Friday, August 16, 2002

It appears that Zee over at Roadsassy is either playing along with the Bill Cunningham hoax on WLW or is a sucker and bought it hook, like and sinker. My earlier post today seems to have an example of fact vs. fiction and the problem WLW has with reality and with truth.
Jay Love doesn't get it

Jay Love, afternoon talk show host on 1230 the Buzz, does not get it. On his 08/15/2002 show, he railed on a letter to the editor of the Enquirer. This letter discussed the Black Family Reunion in town this weekend, and the letter talked about how a "White" Family Reunion would be called racist. The letter writer is correct. A reunion would be called racist by many many blacks if it was called such and celebrated "White History and Culture". I really have no idea what "White History and Culture" is supposed to be. Is it European in basis? Well, parts of my family have been in this country since 1630 when they left England, and that same family only came to England in 1069 from France. I am really French? I don't want to be, but I can't fault My mega-great-grandfather Mr. de la Feld. I however am American. I really don't have any other culture to fall back on. That culture is a mixture of many elements of other cultures, but I don't view myself as needing to celebrate what I know I am. If I were to celebrate being an American, I am sure Jay would not want to attend my reunion and more than I would want to go the Black Family Reunion.

Jay is missing the point on his flawed comparison between having the Black Family Reunion and an Italian Festival or Octoberfest. He seems to equate being Italian or German to being Black. Jay wants to combine his race and his ethnicity into one item and expects others to not get a little miffed when he does it. If Jay were to have a Jamaican Festival or a South African Festival he can compare it to Italians or Germans.

The real problem with the name is what it means to most people. I think Jay views this as a Reunion of Black Families, but the name appears to compare itself to the Smith Family Reunion. The Smith Family Reunion is for Smiths. It is not about promoting being a Smith to the outside world, it is just for the Smiths of the world to get together and share their common lineage. When I hear the term "Black Family Reunion", I think of a get together for blacks together and share their common lineage. This just does not sit right with me. This Black Family Reunion is drawn not on blood relatives, but instead on race. The letter writer's point was valid and a name change would go a long way to draw in "whites".
Bill Cunningham hoax backfires
WLW should not be whining about this. You live by the crass hoax, you die by the crass hoax. Mike McConnell was all up in arms over this column by John Kiesewetter on his WLW radio program today. I think Mike and program director Darryl Parks need to rethink that which they spout off about when talking about their radio station. Mike says the Kiesewetter just "doesn't get it." What does he not get? Does he not get the inside jokes? Does he not get why your station does this kind of programming? I don't get that. I know this kind of programming goes on all the time on WLW, but unless you listen regularly, or know the hosts personally, you have little clue as to when WLW is being honest and reporting information, or when you are making stuff up. I don't mind that they make stuff up, and try to have fun. The problem is, as I have said before, they want to be both a serious radio station with news, and they want to be a sophomoric station where cheap stunts gets you a really "vanilla" audience. In this case it is intellectually simple, instead of being puritanically pure. If WLW wants to be a goof off station, fine, but don't try to be a news station as well. I can't trust anything I hear on that station as being factual. Mike even thought Monty Python's Life of Brian came out in the early 1970's. Damn, I was not born until 1972, but I could tell by the production value it came out later than that. Plus, I new where to look up that it was released in 1979. People do listen to what you say, and when you market your program on 15 minute segments, and when the average person listens for 15 minutes and can not tell that Cunningham is just "pretending", don't be shocked when one of those people act on Willie’s claims of fact. When I hear WLW hosts whine about the truthfulness of politicians or others they don't like, I will be laughing at that host, and I will be posting here their hypocrisy.
BRONSON: Defending Iraq Why the media get no respect
Bronson should look before leaps, or in this case read before he pontificates his preposterous prejudices. Bronson seems to be acting like Kathy Wilson in one respect. Both seem to like to live with dual ideologies. Kathy switches between liberal and progressive populist, while Pete goes from right-wing conservative to a conservative libertarian. Pete seems to want the press to just shut up and let Bush rule by decree, no questions asks. This is not the kind of article I would expect from a Journalist. I don't even think the hard-line conservative columnist Cal Thomas would agree with Bronson. Sure Cal would spout his usual neo-theocratic rantings, but he wants a critical press. Bronson seems to want a New York Times that is a cheerleader what ever adventure his buddy Dubya wants to go on.

If Dick Armey, Henry A. Kissinger, and Brent Scowcroft are not enough for Pete to see that his trite 1950's anti-commie attitude really even falls flat on its face in the eyes of some conservative heavyweights, then nothing will. I know Pete lives in a bubble, and he trying to force that bubble on the rest of us, but I wonder if knows how fragile it is. Don't look now Pete, you might just be the odd man out in the GOP someday. Well, that is a reach on my part. The GOP by definition can only regress, progress goes against their National Platform.

And another thing:
Bronson writes: "There's ample proof that Saddam collaborated with al-Qaida and Osama. "
Where the hell does Peter get this kind of information from? If he has the ample proof, then let his readers read it. Either Peter is talking out of his ass on this one, or he has sources in the government that would make any Washington Journalist jealous. Since Peter is only a lowly columnist in Cincinnati, and not working for Gannett at the Pentagon, I will bet on the former.