Thursday, August 22, 2002

CityBeat: Your Negro Tour Guide The Care and Feeding of Black Teen-agers, Version 2.0
This is a really good column. Kathy can surprise the City with her opinions. She states the obvious and holds the blame were the blame should lie. I wonder how much flack she gets for this column. I also wonder how she will take the complements from those who don't support the boycott.
Reply from John Eckberg
First my Mia Culpa: I addressed John as Jack. I saw his email address and saw Jack when it was Jeckberg. I am sorry about that John, if you are reading. This will also explain why I was addressed as such in the email.

Subj: RE: 08/22/2002 Article: City melees got national air play
Date: 08/22/2002 8:33:35 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: jeckberg@ENQUIRER.COM

hello jack

i meant civil disobendience in the sense of violent civil disobedience as opposed to nonviolent civil disobedience. if i had to do it over again, which i don't, i'd probably use the term civil distress or civil discord or civil anythingbutdisobedience. i'm not convinced, however, that civil disobedience can only be used to describe nonviolent acts.

clearly the story laid out the violence as i was the first and probably only reporter in the whole town to actually find and interview a 15 year old. you should have read beyond the first sentence.
thanks for your comments and time.

john eckberg

Ok, first the definition of civil disobedience from "Refusal to obey civil laws in an effort to induce change in governmental policy or legislation, characterized by the use of passive resistance or other nonviolent means." The events this weekend were in no way civil disobedience. John reply is way off there. He is right that the word could be used to describe violent activities, but the word in usage is rarely used with violence. In this case why it was really wrong were the kids' motivate for breaking the laws, which was not to induce a changed in governmental policy or legislation. They were out to act tough, flex their teenage muscles, and attract attention, some of the lowest emotions humans are prone to express. Note: I did not mistype the letter above. It is as it came to me.
SMITH AMOS: Black Family Reunion
This column was not bad, but one issue stuck in my craw.
"Next year, they should add more police on horses, patrolling the streets in cars with lights going, and stationed at the transportation hubs and gathering places."
In less than 2 weeks about 500,000 thousand people will be on the riverfront. I have been there myself, including last year. After the event, on the Cincinnati side, there has to be at least 100,000 if not 200,000 thousand people who walk up Broadway or other streets into the business district. There are not cops lining the way up there. There are not many cops at transportation hubs. Why is that a crowd, half of which are under 21, can walk in huge groups and not run rampant and start attacking bus drivers? I just don't get why 100,000 people can go without rioting, but a few hundred kids can't walk a mile without breaking a few windows. Is it just me?
BRONSON: No excuses
Bronson's article seemed a bit late in coming, but it was on point.
City melees got national air play
Thanks to a new reader I played close attention to the first paragraph of this article. It irked me to such a degree that I had to send the reporter an email.

Subj: 08/22/2002 Article: City melees got national air play
Date: 08/22/2002 8:22:54 PM Eastern Standard Time


I could not get past the first sentence:
"Two consecutive nights of civil disobedience in downtown Cincinnati will make the Black Family Reunion 2002 a memorable event — but for all the wrong reasons."
How can you call this civil disobedience? Did I miss something? Was there a protest? If you said "uncivil disobedience", then you would more on target. I think you and your editor might want to rethink your terminology. I guess you would call April 2001 riots an "uprising"??? I really suggest that you remove what can only be considered bias.

Brian Griffin

I would guess the bias comment would label me a right-winger. If you don't know I am a full-blown liberal. A Henry Fonda liberal is a colorful way to put it, but I don't know how else to cut my liberalism away from the progressive-populists that are called liberals by the conservatives. I would bet this reporter received a ton of emails, so I doubt a response will come.
Midday with McConnell
The pseudo-anarchist in Mike McConnell came out today. Personal responsibility taken to the extreme is anarchism. When a society determines it is your responsibility to not be robbed, raped, or beaten, then it is an anarchistic society. If Mike wants to live in
Society where it your responsibility alone to prevent yourself from being beaten for walking down a street, I really hope he plans on moving from the Western World, because in a civil society we don't blame the victim and bring shame on the victim for not fitting into his conformist pseudo-anarchism. As a note, yes, it is a contradiction for anarchists to be conformists, but much like the neo-anarchists, who are really just progressive-populists, the pseudo-anarchist is not really what he claims to be.

Wednesday, August 21, 2002

Parents Cite Drugs As Root Of Downtown Disturbance
Blaming drugs? Baloney! This story has two main flaws. 1) It only quotes two parents who dodge the blame by dragging out drugs as the cause. That is a garbage claim mainly because the Police made no arrests for drugs and no reports at all indicated drugs. 2) The reporter went to Over-the-Rhine for this story. We don't know where most of these kids came from, but I would guess that those going for the buses were not from OTR. This reporter is turned a hack job, and boo to MSNBC for pushing it as the number one local story on its website.

Tuesday, August 20, 2002

Police: Unrest wasn't that bad
Can you stop the merry-go-round? The spinning is going to make me hurl.
Random Comments on Jay Love's 1230 the Buzz Show Today (08/20/2002)
Jay wants blacks to support black owned media. So if I say support "white owned media", how long before I am called a racist?

Jay can't make any assumptions about the teenager pictured on the front page of the 08/20/2002 Enquirer, but he can say that he expects 700 WLW hosts or callers to refer to the kids who rioted as "savages". That might be good enough for Sensible Don's insensible comments page.

Does Jay see the irresponsibility in giving a forum to black separatist groups? The more you allow racists to spew their propaganda unchallenged on the air, the more listeners who will start agreeing with their propaganda.

I am losing a lot of respect for Jay over this issue. His attitude appears to be to dismiss what happened, and infer that is was no big deal, a media hyped event done by the "white" media to try and tarnish the Black Family Reunion. The BFR has been tarnished all by itself. When a festival is held to celebrate and promote a strong black family, and it ends with the children of a large number of black families rioting, the irony can't help but be seen.
Victims Of Weekend Violence Speak Out
The article stated “the event itself was problem-free.” The event was not problem free, there were fights and kids running out of control at the Festival. I think that was a bit of biased reporting.
Final Reply from John Schlagetter
I don't think John has enjoyed our email exchange, and was not over joyous to have me publish them. He has a quasi-blog, but seems none to keen on mine. Well, I will just have to post my opinions here on his comments. It was fun while it lasted. I would guess that he thinks I am at least a bigot. I would be one of the white people he claims is in denial over the rampant racism. I will post a retort to this email tomorrow, if I have time.

Subj: RE: Comments on 1230 the Buzz on 08/18/2002
Date: 08/20/2002 7:15:50 AM Eastern Standard Time
Sent from the Internet (Details)

Mr. Griffin. Oppression and repression do not have to be codified to exist and occur.

I believe the caller you cite identified himself as a Black Panther (an aged one at that if memory serves me correctly). I do not recall a specific statement that caller made which merited a challenge, and I was unprepared (in re the absence of my scheduled guest) to engage in a discussion of the merits of either the Black Panthers or the New Black Panthers. I did, if you recall, cite my disagreement with Malik Shabazz's characterization of Saddam Hussein as "poor old Saddam Hussein doesn't even have a can of Raid."

When callers to my show or, when necessary, any show (I currently am out of broadcast range during the day and therefore do not call or fax in) makes an inflammatory, patently inaccurate, or biased statement, I do challenge it. One reason I like Pat Barry's show is that he typically does allow such language to go unchallenged, unlike Bill Cunningham (I cannot speak to Mike McConnell's show).

I am aware of your blog but I have no interest in participating in an Andrew Sullivan-Paul Krugman style flame war. While I recognize that email connotes no guarantee of privacy, I consider it private communication akin to letter writing and telephone conversations. Regards,

The weirdest thing he kept on doing was call me Mr. Griffin. I called him John all of the time. I hoped he got the hint that I was not trying to be super formal and he did not have to put on his politician manners, but I don't mind the formality. I felt tacky by not showing the same, but oh well.
RedHawks’ anxiety over playing the Herd is rising
This is from a Huntington, WV newspaper. It is a sports column. I think the writer has lost his mind or was drunk as a skunk when he wrote it. I am serious. This column makes no sense, has multiple factual errors and sounds like someone who is off his medication.
For downtown, a lost weekend
The one day I miss Jay Love's Show and he makes such a claim, that was reported in the above Enquirer article. I have been to Riverfest 4 out of the last 5 years, and this event had more than two times the number of people on the river at 9 PM the day before Labor Day, than the Black Family Reunion had all weekend long. There were not wide youths running around beating up bus drivers at the last years Riverfest. I was there with a friend of mine, his wife and young child. There were no problems. No one needed to take shelter in a radio station booth from a bunch of kids fighting. Jay Love seems to be misinformed. I really wished I had heard his show. I will be listening today.

Monday, August 19, 2002

Someone at the Buzz or Radio-One is Reading Me
The following referrer link to the Cincinnati Blog was logged this morning.
" satisfied Buzz listener.EML?Cmd=open&tzoffset"
I know whose email inbox this is and I hope my reply is forwarded to him as well. I could imply the email header as a knock at me, but I would be assuming the tone of it on just supposition. I think it is logical and reasonable supposition, but still nothing conclusive. I don't really mind, I just like airing all of the hands that were touching my emails.
My Reply to John Schlagetter's Reply
I was not to elegant with my words, and a raised a new issue that I had not before, but I think I got my points across. As you can read below I belatedly informed John I have been posting our email exchange to my blog. I assumed he read it, so I hope he is not displeased. He tends to be one not afraid of an open discussion, and as former candidate for council he must know his words are open season to public consumption. Here is my reply:

Subj: Re: Comments on 1230 the Buzz on 08/18/2002
Date: 08/19/2002 10:20:03 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: CincyBlog


Thanks for your reply. I am a regular listener to you and the Jay Love show. I do have a good idea of yours, Jay's, Emmanuel's, and Shawn's various opinions. The one opinion you all seem to share is that the "white man" has done harm and is doing harm to the "black man". I take great offense to your statement ".....I would be remiss in not identifying the ways in which whites, in fact, repress and oppress non-whites." If you had stated repress and oppress in the past tense, I would agree, as stated I find that to be wrong. If you are implying that non-whites are being "oppressed and repressed" currently, then I say show me examples of laws on the books that oppress or repress non-whites today. If you think non-whites are being "treated" poorly by "whites", then I say what a grossly biased generalization.

While I understand you are doing a show, I do have a problem with what you did in taking a call from a member of the New Black Panther Party. To me, that group is no different from the KKK or any neo-nazi group. If Mike McConnell from WLW took a phone call from the a local KKK member and failed to fervently challenge nearly every claim that KKK member stated, he would be lambasted by everyone for giving a platform to clear and open racists. Every media outlet would rightfully condemn him, and the outlet you appear on would surely be leading the charge. When a similar caller appears on the Buzz, and it does to almost every show everyday, there is not media outlet condemning the Buzz, outside of myself and maybe Sensible Don's website. I realize that you are not a regular daily host and don't have a position of power at the station, but do you not agree that giving a nearly open and unfettered forum to hate groups makes the Buzz at least partially complacent in fostering these hate group's agenda?

I really enjoy listening on Friday's to the "Week in Review." I think it is generally very entertaining and informative, but often everyone on the show let the extremists off the hook for their clearly racist comments they often make. I would encourage you to encourage the powers that be at the station to take care to try and not give a blank check to hate groups.

Thank you again for your reply. As a note: I have my own local blog and I have reporting on our conversation, and I often report on what happens on Jay Love's show, so you can retort my comments there if you ever have the notion to disagree with me. Have a good day.

Brian Griffin
Ohio News Network Stories
Nine Arrested Following Cincinnati Festival
Fight Breaks Out At Black Family Reunion
Both of these stories are mostly AP wire info and from the ONN affiliate WXIX FOX19
1230am The Buzz of Cincinnati
I was surprised by the Buzz's front page listing some news. One of the stores was about the occurrences at the Black Family Reunion this weekend, including a link to today's Enquirer story about yesterday's day two of the riots. This is a good step for the Buzz. They should include a regular news section on their website. I would hope it is as objective as the listing of the stories today. My only suggestion is that they create permanent pages with the news stories or create some type of archive.
More youth disturbances downtown
The Enquirer's take on day two. They finally got the quote from Cecil Thomas that WXIX had early yesterday.
Taft books six top shows for fall season
Some good news. This are some varied and different acts I have not seen visit Cincinnati since I have been here. I would like to see Jon Stewart myself.
The Cincinnati Post: 'Wilding' mars black family event
Here is the Post's take on the riot. I am not one to call this a "wilding," what ever that is claimed to be. I call it a riot.