Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Bronson Misleading You, Again

I know it should go without saying, but Peter Bronson is once again misleading his readers. He tries to claim that it is easier for a kid to get an abortion, than get an aspirin. Well, anyone with a brain can grasp that this is plainly FALSE. I would say he goes father and just plain lies:Public schools require permits, doctor's permission and written consent from parents to give a Tylenol to a student. It's much easier for an eighth-grader to get an abortion.A 14 year old could show how Bronson's comparison is plainly wrong.
  1. You can't get an abortion at a public school, no matter what the anti-abortionists say.
  2. Any 14 year old kid can walk to any drug store, grocery store, or mini-mart and buy aspirin.
  3. There are not abortion clinic's on every corner.
  4. There are laws preventing 14 year olds from get legal abortions without parental involvement.
  5. The example he provided was and EXTREME instance where a clinic was lied too by a man now in jail.
So yes, Bronson is leading off his column with a lie. He then tries to paint Planned Parenthood as being evil. Well, that is not going to work much. Bronson is not going to convince anyone of that who does not already think it. He might get a few donations for the groups out to control women's bodies, but he is not going to change any minds. He has I hope shown to some that he is not honest in what he writes. How can an editor allow this to go into print? It is so plainly false, it is not even funny. Hmmm, you don't suppose there are those on the editorial board who are extreme anti-abortionists?

Monday, September 26, 2005

MidPoint Festival swells to 50,000

Sounds like good news.

More from Rick Bird at the Post.

Term-limit Congress

A guest columnist calls for Term-limits for Congress. I hate to tell them the news, but every two years we have term limits built in. We call those limits elections. Yes, people don't like to use those limits as much as they could. The columnist raises the point of getting people to "forget" party loyalty and try and get an amendment passed to limit the terms of congress. If we could get people to start voting outside of party lines, then the existing term limit program, you know - the elections, would work more often.

Here in Ohio we see that term limits don't work, just look at State government where jumping offices from Secretary of State to Treasurer to AG is not doing much for the term limits already on the books.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

MidPoint Day Three

GitoGito Hustler

Hot, fast, brilliant. I was floored by GitoGito Hustler and I was equally floored by the massive crowd at alchemize. I have never been there when it has been so crowded; they had to close off the club to anyone who was not smart enough to come early.

MidPoint was overall great! My last night included sets by, Unfinished Thought, Culture Queer, the Woos and Ryan Adcock as well as the double punk wammie of the Spunks and GitoGito Hustler.

We finshed off the night with a late night Shanghi Mama's feast.

The streets of OTR along Main Street came alive for three days. The crowd was large enough last night to close off traffic late up Main until after 3AM. The traffic all night long up Main was a parking lot.

We were in a mega big city for a few nights and it was great. I don't know if I would want that every night in this town, but knowing we can do it and we do it from time to time makes living in Cincinnati great.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

On the Town

Councilman Cruising MidPoint

You never know who is going to be driving around in his car during MidPoint. Here Councilman Jim Tarbell stopped to say hello.

MidPoint Day Two

Well, when you leave RBC at 2:30 AM you can't have had a bad evening, and well, I didn't. My night was fun. I saw Two Turntables and a Saxophone. I am not big into that type of music, but these guys were good. I had never heard Flute used in conjunction with rap/hiphop format. It showed a melodic quality missing in most rap/hiphop.

Clabbergirl at Coopers rocked.

Catalog Cowboys at Mr. Pitiful's were good, and I caught the first few minutes of Messerly and Ewing.

I hung around a few friends working the "Murch" at Jeckle & Hyde's.

I ended the night with Jake Speed and Freddies where I think I saw Pat Dewine sneak in to the event. That was just slightly weird.

Jake Speed puts on a full bore show. He entertains you. He does it with great music, great lyrics, and humor fit for a stand up comic.

Friday, September 23, 2005

MidPoint Day One

So, I was out way too late last night at MidPoint, but I had a great time.

Hot, Hot Weather, made for some steamy bands.

The crows were thin early, but that is typical for most nights. RBC had a pretty good crowd, and Coopers was fairly packed.

Thursday is the slow night of the event, so tonight should be packed.

Who liked what shows last night? What is a must see today?

Debate Season

It's not Rabbit Season, and no one is ducking any debates (Ouch!)

Mallory and Pepper have lined up a series of debates that should prove to be as good a way to determine the positions and views of each candidate.

Keep your eyes tuned to www.cincinnatiadvance.com for information on a special Mayoral Debate.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Does Bush Owe Pro-Choice Republicans?

People talk about how Bush owes the Christian Right for his win in 2004. They were a huge part, if not majority, of his overall support. Were they really the group Bush got that on paper and in practice he shouldn't have had to be worried about?

Were not moderate and liberal Republicans really the people Bush should be kowtowing to? They are the people, although who are smaller in number, provided him with the winning edge here in Ohio. Take out the moderate GOPer's and Bush loses Ohio, Florida, Virginia, and Missouri (If not other states).

With Roberts on his way to confirmation as Chief, does Bush owe his Pro-Choice Republicans another Sandra Day O'Connor? If he sticks it to them on social issues again, will they finally wake up and jump off the Fundamentalist Republican ship?

Let Them Eat Cake

In my usually brilliantly cliché way, I must comment Bronson's latest drivel. It comes across, every so overwhelmingly that Bronson is pissed people are not more grateful for the Red Cross Donation he and his fellow White Man made to the cause.

He is pissed that people are screaming about race. I too think that many of the charges about race are overblown. There is a racial component to why people were left at the Superdome for so long, but that was not the reason I believe was the main reason.

Most of the people were poor. Plain and simple classism is why they are scoffed at by Talk Radio people like Mike McConnell. Poor people are blamed for being poor. That is a bedrock conservative value held by many in Bronson's cul de sac world. That is why they live out in the land of cultural despair. The only thing they fear more than cultural vibrancy is poor people. Add race to it and it adds a level of prejudice that makes it look like racism, but it is really about class.

With Bronson desire to hold back on paying to rebuild the Gulf Coast sounds just like a "not my problem" type response. Bronson seems to want to hold back the money, or add so many strings that no one can use it. Next thing I expect him to want is that all schools rebuilt be required by Federal law to have a chapel, complete with a baptismal tub. Yes, the roadblocks and pitfalls are his way of killing two heathens with one stone.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Kennedy Connector is Vital

East Side development hangs in the balance over the Kennedy Connector to I-71 in the Oakley/Madisonville area. The traffic congestion in the area of the Millworks is going to be heavy, and that connector will be vital to relieve the volume. Also, the Millworks area is not easy accessible from both direction of the highway. Coming from the North you have to take Kennedy to Ridge and battle horrible a bad intersection. This road would open up a new path, and with it a new flow of business into the city from the Suburbs. Instead of passing the city on their way to Newport, people in Blue Ash, Indian Hill, and Madeira will be more likely to stop off and see a movie in Oakley. If they want the River, hopefully someday they will be able to go to the Banks. Newport and Covington will always have the best views, of Cincinnati, so Oakley can’t compete with that. City Council should vote to make this connector happen. The only step now is to gain the remainder of the needed funding.

MidPoint Starts Today

The shows start tomorrow night, today has the start of the conference. Get the full details at www.mpmf.com.

Stay current with the MidPoint Music Festival by checking out Kari Wethington's CiN Weekly Midpoint Blog.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

More Radio Changes

What is in store for WBOB and WTSJ after their sale? It is from one generally Religiously based company to another, so I don't see much over change. I wonder if WBOB will become less talk radio and more religious, opening up Clear Channel to move it's 55KRC farther to the right (yes WBOB was farther if you can believe it) or to seek to eat up their right wing market by changing WCKY.

Earth to Bronson

"Desperate Housewives" is a TV show. It is not a news program and it is not a reality TV show. Using it as a backdrop to contrast this group of elitist suburban wives living what is an easy life is a sign of classism from Bronson, hidden behind and riddled with an attack on Hollywood. I don't get the attack either. He blames feminists for something. I guess he is mad that it is considred good for women to value a career and use of their college education, instead of being baby factories, and being limited to jobs that he likely thinks they are meant to be in. A Part time job in this sense comes across as "women's work."

You can take the cave man out of the suburbs, but you can't take the cave man thinking out of Peter Bronson's columns.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Enquirer Removes Comments From Korte Blog

In what stated as a temporary action, the Enquirer has removed commenting from Greg Korte's politics blog after what were called "vulgar and obscene language and potentially defamatory" comments were made to his blog. As of now, other blogs at Cincinnati.com still are open to comments.

Nate has a post that I can't confirm existed, but might be part of why comments were removed, if true. If those posts were indeed true it is a sorry state that someone would post something like that, and it would be even sorrier if anyone connected to any campaign would try a gutter tactic like that.

On the other hand this could all be a stunt by someone who hates Pepper, and is trying to scam voters into believing Pepper's camp is playing dirty, so lets try and keep the politics clean from poorly made allegations and rumor.


Oh that Spaten! I had quite a few. A great event, except for Government Square being closed. That really hampered traffic down 5th street, talk about a traffic jam. Jim Tarbell really looked like he was enjoying himself.

Saturday, September 17, 2005


It took a court settlement but Clear Channel is holding back from outright free PR and radio time for candidates, which 98% of the time ended up being Republicans. What I wonder about is how often Jean Schmidt was on Willie Cunningham's program during the campaign. I thought I heard her on myself. Why was Paul Hackett not allowed to go on Springer's show then? I can see why he couldn't host Jerry's show, but was he not allowed to appear on it?

Friday, September 16, 2005

Exhibit A

People wonder why Bush is viewed by many as heartless person bent on self-preservation over human compassion. This sounds like it would be considered a normally day in Iraq. Is that Irony or what?

Urban Mecca?

What will come from this> Who are Laura Long, executive director of the Cincinnati Business Committee, and Tony Brown, president and CEO of the Uptown Consortium and what is the background of the groups they represent?