Friday, September 16, 2005

Usual Suspects?

This situation sounds tragig. Will we get lawsuits and protests? Since it is out in the inner-suburbs, I don't see a big protest. When it comes to lawsuits, well, I think you can count on it when you see the Ken Lawson is representing the family.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Voting By Race

The numbers don't lie that certain sub demographics show a racial pattern to voting in Cincinnati. Comparing Mallory to Pepper without including Reece and Winburn I think does not tell the whole story of the primary. Also, it was the primary, with only 20% of the vote. I think the general election will be more telling, but these two candidates do not put forth the stereotypes for the racial divide in town. A Keith Fangman vs. Damon Lynch race I think would be your stereotypical black vs. white election that would show voting based on race. I could not vote for either, but that's a side issue. The council election will be a better judge. The short ticket voting and combination of choices people make I think would show more of a voting by race pattern. If you were to vote for Malone, Lynch, Thomas, Smitherman, Cole, Eric Wilson, then you might be voting by race. Same Goes for a block Cranley, Crowley, Monzel, Ghiz, Herd, Tarbell, Spencer, Boltz, Berding. Both sets have conflicting viewpoints that in most cases would not cause that type of combination, other than race, unless one just randomly punched holes. Race is a problem, but I don't see Mallory and Pepper as the poster kids for the problem. Each goes out of their way to be inclusive and don't focus on race, they focus on people.

A Pending Hissy Fit

Expect the usual foaming at the mouth from theocrats out there. Also expect a level of moderates saying "what's the big deal." If you are a religious person, I understand you don't see the problem. I think that is a problem of lack of perspective If you would not have a problem having "One Nation, Under Zeus" written into law, then I guess you don't care, which I don't agree with, but I can see your point of view. Otherwise, if you see a universal monotheism as a valid entity to praise in the pledge, then you are advocating it as it superimposes an established religion of the state. From my point of view, "god" or "God" is no different than Zeus, Allah, Odin, Vishnu, Ra, or Fred the Almighty of Plattsburg.

The bottom line problem I think people miss in this debate is over the definition of religion. Some define it narrowly, I define it broadly, but with one big point: the supernatural. It is not about just having beliefs, it about beliefs in the supernatural. I think with that level of perspective, people could see why the pledge is in violation of the establishment clause. As long as they view religion with the viewpoint of their personal understand of valid or what they might call "real religions," we will have this conflict.

Jeffre Not Done?

Will Justin Jeffre make another run for office? If he does, he should try for Council, not Mayor. One must learn to walk before you start jogging.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Was Smitherman Scammed?

Based solely on this story from The Cincinnati Post it appears that Councilman Chris Smitherman's journey South to bring home Katrina victims actually netted a crack user and a two-some that may be out to scam people. It is sad that people take advantage of individuals who are there to help them. It is not surprising that Chris Smitherman did this, and made sure to bring along the press during an election season. I wonder if he would have done this if it were not an election year.

It is good he is doing something, I don't fault that, but he can do it and not worry about letting anyone know he is doing it. When you bring the press along, it is a campaign stunt.

The Aftermath

Ok, we have two winners. What happened to the losers? Was Reece hurt by her residency controversy? Was Wiburn hurt by being a right wing nut case? (Rhetorical question there, folks)

Mallory's showing is impressive. He did it with no TV. Reece ran a similar style, but lost big.

Looking forward I would say that Pepper is in the most trouble. Mallory should gain the Reece vote, but I don't see Pepper gaining as much of Winburn's vote. I see the GOP sitting on their hands. That means that Malone and Monzel are really in trouble.

More from the Post.

Speaking of a Debate

A civil debate is something coming on October 11th. Stay tuned for more details.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Ghetto Votes?

From Korte's blog we get this gem:
In a raucous half-hour speech to supporters at his Hamilton Avenue headquarters, Charlie Winburn thanked nearly every one in sight, calling them to the front of the crowd. Toward the end, he called on Lincoln Ware, the radio talk show host from The Buzz radio, and hugged him. "Lincoln tried to help us get that ghetto vote,'' Winburn said. "But we just didn't get too many ghetto votes.''
Ah WTF? This was a joke I assume?

Mallory and Pepper Advance

Mark Mallory and David Pepper will advance to the November election for Mayor of Cincinnati. In a very close race between the two, both were well ahead of the rest of the field. Turnout was around 20%.

Primary Results

UPDATE: Continuous:
Pepper 31%
Mallory 31%
Winburn 21%
Reece 15%
Jeffre 2%
With 376 Precints at 9:43PM
Pepper by 215


Mallory 31%
Pepper 29%
Winburn 22%
Reece 16%
Jeffre 2%
With 274 Precints at 9:15PM
Heavy on the west side.

Pepper 30.95%
Mallory 29.26%
Winburn 22.62%
Reece 15.02%
Jeffre 1.56%
With 146 Precints at 9:08PM

Reece needs help.

Pepper 31%
Mallory 29%
Winburn 22%
Reece 16%
Jeffre 02%
With 127 Precints at 9:03PM


Mallory 31%
Pepper 29%
Winburn 20%
Reece 18%
Jeffre 02%
With 90 Precints at 8:55PM

With 67 Precincts: 8:42PM
DAVID PEPPER . . . . . . . . . 2,942 30.23
MARK MALLORY . . . . . . . . . 2,728 28.03
CHARLIE WINBURN . . . . . . . . 2,041 20.97
ALICIA REECE . . . . . . . . . 1,777 18.26
JUSTIN JEFFRE . . . . . . . . 169 1.74
SANDRA QUEEN NOBLE . . . . . . . 41 0.42
SYLVAN GRISCO . . . . . . . . 34 0.35

Who are the fools that voted for Noble?

Results so far at 60 precincts: at 8:35 PM

Pepper - 30%
Mallory - 29%
Winburn - 20%
Reece - 19%

That is mostly the West side at this point.

Election Coverage

Greg Korte is Living Blogging from the BOE

WCPO has election results, or you can get the BOE's official pdf file as well.

Poll Shows Tight Mayoral Primary

The numbers are fairly tight:
# 26% - David Pepper (D)
# 23% - Mark Mallory (D)
# 21% - Alicia Reece (D)
# 20% - Charlie Winburn (R)
# 7% - Other
# 3% - Undecided
I was called for this poll on Saturday. I did put my support around Mallory. He is looking much better in this poll. Winburn shows the most improvement. It should be interesting.

Uh, Just Lies?

Does Bronson even pay attention to what is going on?
Blame is a lame alibi. Democrats pulled a muscle jumping to blame President Bush for Katrina aid delays. But it turns out New Orleans Mayor Nagin and Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco ignored Bush's urging for mandatory evacuation, did not call in the National Guard and blocked Red Cross help for two critical days.
Peter Must protect Dear Leader!!!! Or face excommunication from the Shurb Society.

I would like to know is this just a man misinformed from watching too much Hannity or is he knowingly lying?

White Stripes

Great White Stripes concert last night. Of all of the council candidates I thought I would run into, Jim Tarbell was not one of them. Jim was there, with bike helmet in hand, ready for the Greenhorns and Jack and Meg.

Dave Chappelle

Did anyone catch any of the Dave Chappelle shows at the Levee?

Monday, September 12, 2005

Hackett v. DeWine?

Will Paul Hackett take on Mike DeWine for U.S. Senate? U.S. Rep. Tim Ryan is urging him to take on DeWine.

Cincinnati Advance Website

Be sure to check out the revised Cincinnati Advance website. We have revamped it's look and feel. If you had signed up for an ID you will need to sign up again. We are in Clifton this week, so come on out!


Ok, it is now time to get out that crystal ball and summon up the demons and ghosts of elections past. What two candidates will emerge from tomorrow's primary as winners? How about an order of finish? Here is my prediction:


Mallory and Reece could switch, but I hope not. This is not be a big win for anyone. Pepper should start worrying if his votes plus Winburn's are not more than Mallory and Reece's together.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

First Time Ever?

It has to be a first for a candidate to gain the support of Enquirer and the "Black Fist", but Mark Mallory has done just that. What may shock Nate is that I (Mr. "white folks") am going to vote for Mallory on Tuesday. I don't like to do endorsements, but I like Mallory. Mallory is a leader. He, I believe, would be best at being Mayor for all of Cincinnati, including me, Nate, the police, the Black Fist, business interests, and the homeless. I don't know if all of his ideas will work, and at this point that is not what I am looking for. Cincinnati needs a new positive direction, and Mr. Mallory is the best hope in moving on a road to something better.

Why the Black Fist likes Mallory is beyond me. I guess maybe Mark took the time to talk to them. It is wasted time in my opinion. They will grow to call Mark names if he gets elected Mayor, but it shows that Mallory can even reach out to the extremists in town, in hopes of changing their hate filled views. Charging at windmills I fear, but still a gallant try. Mallory should be our next mayor.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

A Not So Bold Question

CinWeekly's question this week is really not bold and is very limited. It assumes a fallacy. Retail does not lead development, it follows it. All of the options listed would be great for downtown, but none of them alone will get people downtown. We need more retail downtown, but it is not going to be a cure all.