Monday, February 10, 2003

Text of police, emergency calls
I see this as good response to crime. The only criticism that will arise is the question as to how long before the called for an ambulance for the suspect. It would have not made a difference since one was called for the officer. I am sure the bigot brigade will take every little sentence out of context or claim this was edited, even though it was release extremely quickly. The bottom line with this case is that is has all of the earmarks of a justified use of force. It should be fully investigated, but I think the facts will support that initial conclusion.
Enquirer Editorial: Police shooting: City response
Straightforward and to the point. I hope everyone in the city shares this view.
The Enquirer Sees the Light!!!!!
The Enquirer starting today is publishing their Editorials & Letters to Editor as part of the their online edition. I applaud this move and I credit new editorial page editor David Wells, and new Editor in Chief Thomas Callinan. Let's just hope they keep the online edition free.

Sunday, February 09, 2003

Friend Of Suspect Fatally Shot By Police Talks With 9News
Apparently his was not married. This friend seems to not be surprised at this and initially is not doubting police, illustrated by this quote:
"That's something you just don't do. You keep your hands off of people's stuff. If you wanted to purchase some things out there, you should have been able to buy them and waited until a later date to buy them, if you couldn't afford them right then and there."
This person indicates that the people around the situation will not be as gullible as the family of Tim Thomas was to become faux heroes of the community. This person seems sorry he is dead, but not all that surprised at what he was accused of doing.
AP Version: Burglary Suspect Killed in Cincinnati
The AP writer in here in Cincinnati must really be green. He/She repeatedly has gone to Nate Livingston for Quotes, but story I just posted previously, CBUF's Juleana Frierson was available for comment. Ms. Frierson is not someone I think has anyone's interest but her own, however she is not the opportunist Nate is, and her toned down comments, as compared to Nate's, is a sign the CBUF is not jumping to conclusions, yet.
Officer Shoots African-American Man; Group Wants Investigation
Well it appears that CBUF is taking a hard line, but at least they are not calling for his head, yet. I would say this is the minimum they could have done while still staying on the positive side of the situation, but they could slip back into riot incitement at any point.
Officer shoots, kills suspect
Details from the press conference. The preliminary view I would take is that the use of force was reasonable. I am sure that many in the black community will have a field day with this case. I hope the city is prepared for this and makes plans for all contingencies. This case will most likely not get the same outcry mainly because the person killed was 34 years old in stead of 20, and was an ex-convict having been released last July after serving 14 years for aggravated robbery. This police officer will be threaten by many ignorant racists, but hopefully he will not be vilified. I hope tomorrow that the CBUF makes a public statement holding judgment at minimum or supporting the police review at best. I expect the CJC and the bigot parade will be out streaming for blood. They would find guilt in a police officer for doing anything, so their opinion will hopefully be ignored.
Suspect Reported Dead
Ken Anderson, talk show host on 1230 the Buzz, has reported that the suspect in a robbery that was shot by police early this morning has died. He did not site his source for this information. Ken made the usual chest beating comments against the police, doing nothing to quell any potential anger that could spill into violence. He knows little facts of the less than 12-hour-old incident, but can rail against the police for it. We don't even know if the robbery suspect was black, but he can rail against the police. I wonder if he will keep this up if the person is not black.

UPDATE: WLW is reporting the incident "may" have turned deadly. A police press conference is still pending.
Police Officer Shoots Suspect
No detailed information has been released giving the condition of the suspect or the identity. Reports indicated the suspect was involved in a robbery of a business. The reaction will be interesting based on who the suspect is. If the person is black I would expect the usually reaction from the bigot brigade. If the person is not black, I expect little comment from anyone. Police are expected to give an update next hour. If the news reports it, I will try update the story. 1230 the Buzz maybe the best source this afternoon, biased as it may be, since the other news outlets will likely ignore the story until tonights news.

Saturday, February 08, 2003

Freeper Overkill
In this List of Hollywood celebrities being boycotted by the whacko Freepers, actor Bradley Whitford of West Wing is listed twice at #15 and #80. I guess they hate him that much. Three Cheers for Bradley!

[Link Via TBOGG]
Anti UN bias at FOXNews?
Well Duh, but seriously, currently Kofi Annan, UN Secretary General is speaking live now at William & Mary and CNN and MSNBC are covering the event live, but not FOXnews. Annan was speaking on Iraq while getting an honorary degree. They additional kicker was that both CNN and MSNBC cut their coverage short. I guess they did not hear Anon support the war, so they were not hear what they wanted to hear, and went back to regular tabloid TV.

UPDATE: It appears the speech included a protestor who "heckled" Annan questioning why the UN was not pressuring Israel to disarm as vigorously as it was Baghdad. This AP wire story of the event did not report the disruption, but CNN did report it on air briefly. This Reuter's story included the reference to the heckler.
Shrine Temple too busy to host Farrakhan event
Darn, that is just too bad. {Insert sarcasm here} Another note: What kind of religion charges people to listen to their religious leader to speak? The article states they have "sold more than 500 tickets." I don't even think you have to pay to hear the TV evangelist Benny Hinn speak, he just gets his gullible followers to pay him money. I guess the NOI is not as good of a fundraiser.
Jazz festival may return to Cincinnati
The boycott aside, many don't want this to come back, and those many people aired those thoughts on 1230 the Buzz yesterday.
My lastest post to the Political State Report:

State Treasurer Hires Defense Attorneys

The Cincinnati Post is reporting that on Friday Joseph Deters, State of Ohio Treasurer, hired two Cincinnati area defense attorneys to assist in rebutting allegations Deters was involved in a cover-up of an alleged theft of money from the property room of the Hamilton County prosecutor's office. Deters was Hamilton County Prosecutor for 7 years prior to being elected Ohio Treasurer in 1998. Sources told the Post that Merlyn Shiverdecker and R. Scott Croswell III were hired by Deters, but none of the three would confirm the story.

The allegations include Joseph Deters and Jim Harper involvement in the cover-up of the theft of $2,700 from the missing from an evidence room in the persecutor’s office. Pete Marshall, a former employee of the prosecutor's office, was reportedly going to be charged in connection with the absent money, but to date has not been charged. Harper was a former assistant prosecutor under Deters and currently works for the Treasurer. Deters denied any role in the alleged cover-up and stated he did nothing at all wrong.

The main elements of the public actions in the alleged cover-up were reported by the Cincinnati Post as follows:
Investigators, Deters said, talked to him about a case in which a low-level drug dealer was arrested and had drugs and $1,700 in cash confiscated from him. That was the money that later was missing from the evidence room.

Deters admitted that he later had his office cut a $1,700 check from the Prosecutor's Law Enforcement Trust Fund to replace the missing money. The investigators did not mention the other $1,000 in missing funds, Deters said.

That happened in September 1998, when Deters was successfully campaigning to become Ohio treasurer, an office that handles and invests state money.

Harper, Deters said, issued a check to the City of Cincinnati, the legal owner of the confiscated money.

Deters was unsure why that check was cut, but he "guessed" it was because city officials -- "Those guys live and die on forfeiture money," he said -- wanted restitution in the case.

Friday, February 07, 2003

Xavier won't air Farrakhan talk
Why would XU even consider allowing what calls a hate group on campus? This is a no brainier. The Nation of Islam is a hate group. Their "program" is nothing but a manifesto for black separatists. They want to prohibit intermarriage. They want black only schools teaching their religion funded by the government. I wonder if this will make the grade for George Bush's desired to fund religion.

Many in the black community want the Nation of Islam to be a city funded private police/security force in some neighborhoods. This would be illegal under anti-discrimination laws. I don't know of any non-black and/or non-Nation of Islam people working for the NOI Security group. I also doubt that any non-blacks living in neighborhoods where NOI Security was patrolling would be protected. If that the idea of justice in some quarters of the black community, I then have no question why crime is higher in many quarters of the black community.

Additional stories from: WLWT-NBC, WCPO-ABC, UPI, ABC (AP)
JazzFest packs up for Detroit
Nero fiddles a bit more while Rome burns a little more. The boycotters are jumping for joy that a festival that mostly blacks participation in is now leaving the city. This event made money for many different sectors of the back community. Small and medium size black owned businesses made money form this event, and the workers at the many downtown business who are largely black and minority made good wages during that weekend. Most non-blacks will really not miss this event. Most non-blacks do not go to the event. The only “mainstream” business sector that will feel the pain of losing the Jazz Fest is the hotels. The minority workers at those hotels who are now will be underemployed that weekend or just not hire will feel more pain than the hotel chains.

What is the sickest element to this whole situation is the pure glee the boycotters take in the misfortune of others. I think they might do themselves some good and see a shrink.

UPDATE: Perspective from Michigan
Jay Love – Week in Review on 1230 the Buzz Notes:

Jay Love took a bold step by indirectly referring to Kabaka Oba as a racist. He strongly chided the “Delegate” from the Black Fist for Oba’s recent comments on WLW-AM. Jay indicated that Oba mocked Black History Month, and felt this was especially bad while doing so on what Jay called a “Caucasian station” that he claims regularly mocks blacks. What a position to take: attack racist blacks while still attacking “whites.” I would consider this as an example of the Bill Clinton/Dick Morris triangulation method applied on a micro level. In this case it applies to gaining credibility and listeners instead of votes, but both stem from the same general human motivations.

“Give me liberty or give me death” was said by Patrick Henry, not Alexander Hamilton as Jay incorrectly indicated.

The caller “Lumpy” is considered to be a racist because he thinks that blacks have the same opportunity that he does. He used the same type of sarcasm, by saying whites are happy the Jazz fest is no more, as Jay does and he is labeled as a racist. “Lumpy” might be a cultural bigot, but he is not a racist. I think Jay and company need to stop using racism like a blanket label of all whites who oppose their views. If you are against quotas or “Affirmative Action”, you are not automatically a racist.

Jay is having a big day beating down the boycotters with another tongue lashing of the “Rebel Rouser.” More triangulation: beat down “Lumpy” and “Rebel Rouser” both in one day. Jay is playing both “sides” like a Stradivarius.

Jay indicated that the CBUF is working on documenting all incidents of police brutality. Why should I trust them? If these incidents are happening, then why are they not being reported? Why does the CBUF not start their own blog and report them unfiltered to the world?

“Harrison” said “Why does this boycott have to be so exact?” Could this be a better example what the boycott is all about and why will never end? “Harrison” illustrated a couple of popular notions in the black community: purpose through anger and revenge on “whites”. Jay said it best about “Harrison’s” comments: “some ideas should just die.”

The Nation of Islam, a known hate group, has no business being sanctioned by any mainstream educational institution by allowing its facilities to be used for a propaganda meeting for the group. Jay says this shows the school is failing be diverse, when the group itself is anti-Jewish. Most non-black Muslims see a large distinction between Islam and the Nation of Islam.

John Schlagetter was not able to raise the issue of Jay’s bigotry against homosexuals on the air, but it appears they talked about it either before the show or during the breaks. The Jazz festival issue kept the callers happy, so other issues did not get the play needed.

I will try to lay off Jay for a while, but the more his bigotry rises to surface, the more I will have to rebut the ignorance he professes.

Thursday, February 06, 2003

Density of the Grey Matter (The Talk Radio Host as a Bigot)
Jay Love of 1230 the Buzz cleared up a few things today. He is against a "hate crimes" ordinance covering sexual preference. He thinks homosexuality is a "choice." He thinks Gays/Lesbians are not born homosexual. He stated, “Being a homosexual is deviant behavior.” Jay is obviously ignorant and a bigot. I have commented previously about his anti-gay stances, but he has let them loose today for all to hear. Jay is often a sensible person, but his clearly misinformed stances are signs of indoctrination from a bigoted community. Hypocrisy is a bigger issue for Jay to swallow. When is Jay going to call for the repeal of the provision of the "hate crimes" ordinance covering religion? Is Jay saying you are born with your religion? Most Christians believe you choose to believe in your religion, and they regularly try to convert people. Why is Jay contradicted? Answer: He fears a gay man hitting on him, so he can rationalize the inconsistency.

It might just be an act. Jay might just be playing the shock Jock radio talking head. He might be Jonesing for conflict, which I all to willingly give him. I guess my skepticism is just not paranoid leaning enough to see an ulterior motive. I think Jay is honestly stating his views on homosexuality. I am disappointed at his stance, but I am not surprised.

I wish his pigheaded stance on War was not so polarized. He railed against those who have labeled him a communist or a Saddam supporter, which are unfair labels. He in turn rails against anyone who does not think War is evil and must never be used. His warped Pacifism is befuddling. He claims America is basically an exporter of death and violence by using our military to defend our allies. While I am no fan of George Bush, Rumsfeld, or the Military, but they are not butchers. They are not evil. They generally are honest and are not trying to kill innocents.

I don’t trust Bush’s motives on his timing of War, but I don’t automatically think he is lying about everything. I respect Powell, and I don’t think he will knowingly lie. Making baseless claims that his information is not compelling is just being closed minded. Jay does not like what he hears, so he ignore the information. He cannot refute any of it, beyond doubting it. I just don’t understand how ginning up conflict for his radio programming in this manner can be viewed as entertaining.

Wednesday, February 05, 2003

Cincinnati Expands Hate-Crime Ordinance
The vote was 7-2. The usual suspects voted against it. The CCV and the bigot brigade will likely sue the city. I have to ask them the same question I asked Peter Bronson. If you don’t want special protection for gays, then why do you accept special treatment for the religious? If a “hate crime” based on religious bigotry is a valid motive to consider in punishment, then why not homosexuality? Under their twisted logic both are a matter of choice. Why are they not calling for the repeal of the entire ordinance 908-3? The answer appears simple to me. They are hypocrites and bigots. They want to oppress gays because of their religion’s “footnotes.” The CCV is a plague on the Cincinnati community, but a large number of citizens are being willing infected with their hateful fascist propaganda.
If you can get past the picture of me and my dumb comments, then you can learn a bit about blogs. I will need to read the story a few hundred times before I can comment on it fully, but at first glance it is pretty good. Yes, that is really a picture of me, and neither City Beat or I am responsible if you turn to stone after viewing it.