Tuesday, December 03, 2002

RobBernard's list of actions the Bengals need to take.
Cincinnati does not need the KKK, we have the Black Fist to fill the hate group quota for Fountain Square, with the New Black Panther Party waiting in the wings.
Police suspect hate (2nd item)
White on Black crime is a Hate Crime, but Black on White assault is not?
Menorah this year, Klan next?
Members of the Black Fist, which has held protests against alleged police misconduct and racism, blame the group which displays the menorah.

The "so-called Jews have opened the doors for the Klan to come in" with the menorah display, said Kabaka Oba, a Black Fist leader.
Hello Cincinnati Post???? The Black Fist is a Hate Group!!!!!! Hello???????? Is anyone listening to what I post??? Anyone????

UPDATE: I don’t know if Chris Anderson took this from me, but he is right on target with the same thing I saw with this group’s actions. His opinion on the fundamentalists from the Jewish faith also is right on target. Why they are not seen with similar motives as the CCV can best be said in tone and methods. Jews, in general, don't push their religion on others like the CCV and other Christian fundamentalists. They may have similar goals, but most Conservative Jews don't justify the means to an end like Fundamentalist Christians generally do.
Deputies hit downtown by foot for first time
What in this quote does not make sense:
The program is designed to enhance the environment and spark redevelopment of the north edge of the Cincinnati business district and the south edge of Over-the-Rhine, where many county buildings are located. The area includes the Justice Center, County Administration Building, Courthouse, The Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County, Great American Ball Park, and the Job and Family Services building.
If you guessed Great American Ball Park, you win a free subscription to Cincy Blog. Email me for details.
Other holiday displays uncertain
Let the beatings begin! I want my Stonehenge out there for Winter Solstice!!!!!!

Nate Livingston seems to think that Jewish and African-American relations were good to begin with. Half of his boycott Klan blames the Jews for half of the worlds problems.

Note to Reporter: If you feed it, he will stick around. Don't feed Nate! Put him on a quote diet!

Monday, December 02, 2002

Chris Anderson takes on the idea of Cincinnati as being one of the most "segregated" cities in America.
Supreme Court says menorah can be displayed
SCOTUS sticks its nose in a case most thought would not be looked at until next year. I am torn on the issue. I am all for free speech, but this does seem to far. Does this mean I can put a giant model of Stonehenge on Fountain Square to honor the Winter Solstice? If the KKK and Jewish groups can erect what they wish, will my attempt go unchallenged?

Friday, November 29, 2002

Politicians and God's law
I say to David Wells: Amen. I am happy to see a self-described religious person take a stand for the Constitution and against theocrats like Rob Portman and George Bush.
I am off on a vacation. Blogging will be light or non-existent, depending on my access to the Internet.

Thursday, November 28, 2002

Singer 'postponed flight because of flu'
Church is scheduled to appear at the USB Arena on Dec 3 as part of "A Royal Christmas." This illness might drop her from the show. The event also includes Julie Andrews, who can carry it by herself anyway, and Christopher Plummer.
Menorah, cross kept off square
No mention of the ACLU involvement in the case. The City got a break for its annual holiday kickoff on Fountain Square tomorrow. The KKK is not going to be allowed to post a cross on the square this season. I wonder why they don't try it at any other time of the year? I would encourage as many people as possible tomorrow to dress up as Santa Claus or Mrs. Claus and head on down to the square for the party.
Happy Turkey Day!

Wednesday, November 27, 2002

Ruling Opens Door For Another Klan Christmas Cross
Greenwood won the case, and he gets the blame for any Klan cross that appears. This case has two odd parts. I agree with banning all religious displays on the square, but the "Christmas Tree" is in my opinion a secular symbol related to a religiously based holiday. The Christmas tree is based on a Pagan religious tradition and it is not part of any of the religious dogma of Christianity. The cross, on the other hand, is clearly a religious symbol along with the menorah.

I think another element of the case covered banning a man from dressing as Santa Claus and handing out information about a homeless shelter. This in my opinion is clearly a protected freedom of expression. WCPO's version of the story.

Follow-up: Dan Horn from the Enquirer responded to my inquiry regarding his article in my post below. He is not sure, nor I am, as to whether this lawsuit was supported and/or paid for by the ACLU. The impression Greenwood gave yesterday on WLW was that it the ACLU was at least supporting it. Since the local homeless group was added, I would imagine that the ACLU was on board with Greenwood’s actions.

UPDATE: The 6th Circuit Court of Appeals has issued a stay on the ruling in this case, keeping the City Ordinance in effect.

Tuesday, November 26, 2002

CityBeat: Political Irritants
The protestors should be pleased at this outcome. Most of the protestors at Bush's speech back in October were white, yet the Police still treated them with force, just like black protestors. Equal treatment is what protestors and boycotters both seek. Equal treatment is what the protestors received with the pepper spray. Progress is a good thing; take all progress you can get. I hope I don't hear any boycotters pissed about this. I bet they liked it. As long as it wasn't blacks being sprayed with chemicals the CJC, BUF, and the clown posse et al will not care what happens to a group of progressive populists. They might have even gotten a little chuckle out of it, in private of course.
CityBeat: Porkopolis "Turn the Mall Into an Anti-War Rally" (near bottom)
Greg Flannery writes about an anti-war protest slated for December 21, 2002 where "activists plan to invade shopping malls across the country to disallow business as usual and tell consumers, ‘Stop the buying! Stop the dying!’" Their goals include making some insane leap that the US over consumption leads to international violence. Under consumption could lead to just the same international violence. In reality international violence is going to happen no matter what the US does or does not do. This group is just another bunch of fringe anti-capitalist transnational progressives, or in other words, modern communists.

I call them modern communists because they use the same rhetoric as a Stalinist would use, but they seem to embrace small-scale capitalism. They like a small coffee shop, or vegan cafe, but they hate corporations of any type. City Beat gives these kids too much attention. City Beat is not void of capitalism, and if these kids were to understand anything about simple capitalism, they would not cry about it so much. I understand why they don't trust corporations and Bush's whoring for said corporations, but they are so far out of touch that they go off the deep end with their ideas and their rhetoric. Yes, the Iraq conflict is partially about Oil and economic interests. Every war is about that to some degree. WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Panama, Gulf War I, and even Kosovo had at least economic overtones to them. One of the National interests of the US is the economic interests of Americans. Money, wealth, and power matter to life. Giving up money, praying to Buddha, and becoming vegan will not stop bad things happening in the world. There will always be someone who is poor. Will it be their fault they are poor? Sometimes yes, sometimes partially yes, and sometimes no.
Snow Comes And Goes Tuesday
The Cincinnati Area gets a reprieve from the WHITE DEATH.
Fountain holiday displays on trial
Funny thing missing from this article: where isn't the ACLU mentioned? Scott Greenwood, the attorney representing the plaintiffs who are challenging the City ordinance is the lead local lawyer for the ACLU. The ACLU may not officially endorse this case, but I thought Greenwood generally only took cases that would be supported by the ACLU. Greenwood was on WLW today with Cunningham about the Adams county 10 commandments lawsuit. Willie's callers seem to be dumber than even Adams county dirt. It was like hearing a Green Stamp trading convention keynote speaker. Greenwood mentioned this lawsuit, so I assume it has the full support of the ACLU. The terms he spoke of regarding the merits of the Fountain Square lawsuit sounded like generally traditional ACLU stances. I am still perplexed as to why the ACLU involvement would not be mentioned in the Enquirer Article. I will email the reporter and ask.

UPDATE: WCPO's story on this issue does not tie Greenwood to his ACLU position, but mentions the KKK-Fountain Square case was made by the ACLU, which in fact was Greenwood's case.
Enquirer gets new editor
My first suggest to Tom Callinan would be to put the editorial content of the Enquirer on the website just like his old newspaper. It lists the editorials, columns, and letters to the editor. I guess Peter Bronson was scared to put his paper's opinions online when he was editorial page editor. Since Wells is only the associate editorial page editor, he must not have the power to drop Bronson's prior structure. Mr. Callinan, just think of all of the web traffic your site would generate by my blogging alone.

(cough, cough, couch »» I guess I need to see a doctor for this "cough")
U.S. Rep. Lucas considers switch to Republican party
When Jim Jeffords left the GOP and became an independent, the Republicans wanted to crucify him for doing so less than 6 months after being reelected. Many demanded he pay back money to the GOP and some even considered going to court to get back the GOP money. Now the same political party, the GOP, is wooing Ken Lucas less than a month after the Democratic Party helped get Lucas elected. If Lucas does switch not only will he look bad, but the hypocrite GOP will also have to lie for months while claiming to be the "religious" folk they are. They seem to be missing the meaning of golden rule, or they have a waiver from their "god", since they are battling their self-described "Satan."

Monday, November 25, 2002

2 Gannett Newspaper Editors Switch Jobs
Interesting development. How will this affect editorial coverage? How will it affect news coverage? I will have to check out the Arizona newspaper and check out its content and layout. I don't know what brought about the change, but it will be an interesting event to observe.
Chris Anderson asks everyone to pick a religon using this test. For the record I have no religion by definition, but my test results were as follows:

1. Secular Humanism (100%)
2. Unitarian Universalism (92%)
3. Nontheist (84%)
4. Theravada Buddhism (71%)
5. Liberal Quakers (68%)
6. Neo-Pagan (59%)
7. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (53%)
8. Taoism (41%)
9. New Age (40%)
10. Reform Judaism (38%)
11. Mahayana Buddhism (29%)
12. New Thought (26%)
13. Scientology (26%)
14. Orthodox Quaker (22%)
15. Sikhism (22%)
16. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (19%)
17. Bahá'í Faith (15%)
18. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (15%)
19. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (12%)
20. Eastern Orthodox (7%)
21. Hinduism (7%)
22. Islam (7%)
23. Jainism (7%)
24. Orthodox Judaism (7%)
25. Roman Catholic (7%)
26. Seventh Day Adventist (7%)
27. Jehovah's Witness (0%)
Chris Anderson gives Peter Bronson an F in Cincinnati geography. Pete needs some remedial work with map reading, or maybe he should actually visit the Zoo before comment on it.
UC coach blames `dead time' for Hawaii brawl
What a copout answer. Reports are that Minter will not discipline any of his players for the fight at Hawaii. UC reportedly threw the first punch after much provocation. Hawaii appears to be a classless team, but Minter carried on the UC tradition of letting bad behavior of its athletes go unpunished.
Jay Love Commenting on the Ohio State Melee.
Jay Love of 1230 the Buzz has on his race colored glasses today. He bemoans the Enquirer for not using the same "commentary" in the way it "refers" to young people in Columbus as it did in Cincinnati. Jay is race baiting. He is building up an issue that will gin up the racial discord all in the name of providing an entertaining show. This is not new for Jay, or anyone at the Buzz, but it does no good to the community at large.

Jay seeks to put the incidents at the Black Family Reunion in the exact same frame as the incidents after the Ohio State game. This premise is flawed at its inception. Jay wishes to compare the actions of two different age groups. He wishes to compare a drunken crowd to a sober crowd. He wants to compare the actions of adults with unsupervised children.

Jay is trying to promote a "spiracy." The "white man's" paper is out to get the black youth. I guess Jay will not be happy unless the Black community gets the equal use of adjectives. No Adjectives! No Peace! Wilding for all or Wilding for none! Riots for all.....hey wait....didn't half of the media in town call last years riots an "unrest?" What was term used on this article? The word "unrest" was used in the subheadline:
45 arrested in off-campus unrest
That sounds familiar. Where have I heard that used before? (Cough, cough, here, cough) Jay wants equal terms for equal events. I guess the Enquirer saw the April 2001 riots and the Ohio State riots to be cut from the same cloth. Hmmm, much ado about nothing? Nothing for nothing's sake.
UPDATE: This quote that came to mind as an afterthought for Jay is: "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds" from Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Sunday, November 24, 2002

Cincinnati's hysteric collaborative agreement
Bronson is the Revisionist du jour:
Jimmy Carter. His Nobel Peace Prize-winning failures in the Middle East and North Korea are nothing compared to what he could do to Cincinnati. When he's done, the boycotters will have nuclear weapons.
Peter still is pissed about the fixed rate mortgage he got in 1979. He must not be smart enough to have learned about refinancing. Get over your Carter bashing Peter, the man is a peace maker. There has not been a war between Eqypt and Israel since 1973 in large part due to Carter's influence over the Camp David Accord. I bet Pete is still pissed about the Panama Canal too. His fears of a Chinese take over of the Istmus are going to give him a heart attack. Huggins would surely get another one if he got involved with this mess. He should stick to coaching his prison basketball team.
Decision doesn't silence supporters
If the decision is made by the school board to remove the tablets, he said, "don't let them do it in the dead of night. Make sure the media is there to see it."
For the religious zealots in Adams county this all about getting attention for their religion. It is about promotion of their religion using the public schools. It is not about freedom it is about submission to a theocratic movement of religious thugs.

This article is also totally one sided. Maybe that occurs because this county has caused all dissenters to clam up and not speak out to the press. Religious oppression is not some myth in rural areas. Running people out of town on a rail is a cliché, but it is based on reality. Anyone who disagrees with what these religious people have done is at risk of being "shun" by the community if they don't conform. This is the exact reason why separation of church and state is such a vital principle for the nation. If the church can't stay out of the state, then the state should start getting into the church's business and take about tax-free status.
UC brawls after loss to Hawaii
UC could not let Miami get all of the bad attention and had to start a full-fledged brawl on the field. Hawaii takes an equal share of the blame for this however. Hawaii's players acted like thugs holding up a UC helmet as a trophy after the fight. This makes the Miami-Marshall game look like a Sunday Picnic. Ohio State and NC State had riots on the field and off the field. College Football is a mess.
Man taken to forest faces drug charges (4th item)
This is the guy the 1230 the Buzz caller base was defending? I guess the adage "drug dealers is people too" has meaning to someone after all.
For the Northern Kentuckians out there Here is a blog on public affairs for Kentucky.

Saturday, November 23, 2002

Portman backs schools in legal fight
"It is the basic moral foundation that does not promote one religion over another," Mr. Portman said.
Can he lie more? That set of the "Ten Commandments" is the Protestant version. What about the Jewish, Catholic, and Muslim version? Even in his terms of what religion is, that monument favors his sect of Christianity. I guess also thinks that polytheistic religions are not really religions. I guess the 1 billion Hindus are just atheists then Rob? Is this willful ignorance? Or is Rob just that stupid?
MADD: Trend disturbing
The modern temperance movement lives on. The right wing drunks out there I am sure call this a "liberal" group.
Fight for Commandments
It is nice to see that my congressman has come out of the closet and declared himself a theocratic fascist:
Portman said he appreciated the work of those dedicated to making "our nation, our state and our communities more God-centered.''
If Portman wants to make his life "god-centered" that is fine and dandy, but to try and make his religion the focus of the this community, this state, and the entire nation is nothing but the goal of theocratic fascism. A majority rules religion is not constitutional, no matter how much the theocrats try and force in on everyone. The stone tablets must go and must go now. The intent of the ministers and school officials in Adams County was to establish a community religion. Anyone of those fighting for the religious display that claims otherwise is lying. In case they forgot, lying is something those stone tablets forbids. I guess a lie in the defense of theocratic fascism is no vice, or sin in this case.

Thursday, November 21, 2002

When I was at Miami it was the Pikes and the Fiji's who were the "druggies."
I have to disagree with Chris Anderson on Bill Cunningham. Cunningham is not entertaining. He is like listening to 3rd graders sing Christmas carols. Fingernails on chalkboards make for a better afternoon than Willie's antics.
Activists: Police let officers get away with wrongdoing
The usual suspects give the usual answers.
Martin bows out as lawyer for city
Martin's use was already past. His expertise is in the negotiations, not the aftermath of the agreement.

Tuesday, November 19, 2002

Mayor rethinks pricey lawyer
Did the Sunday Enquirer article push Luken over the edge against Martin? Luken did not like the article at all, but now he seems to be flowing with the winds of public opinion like a feather.
Goal: 30% minority contracts for convention center
30% minority contracts? There are not enough minorities in the area to fill that quota. If you read the fine print of the article it states that the 30% of the contracts covers small businesses and minorities. A nice little bait and switch headline.
Miami students arrested on drug charges
The Acacia House? I would have guessed the Pikes, but my memory of the Acacia house was as a cleaner cut frat. I have no pity for these guys. Pot should be legalized, but those who try and deal drug on any kind of scale deserve what they get.
Court: Ten Commandments must be removed from Ohio schools
An excellent decision. These stone monuments should have been never been allow to be place on public school grounds. The only more direct display of religion would have been to place a cross in front of the schools. I am sure the Peter Bronsons and Phil Burresses of the world are praying for their "righteous" cause.

Monday, November 18, 2002

Father charged with hitting son, 2
When does child abuse make the news? Child abuse happens every day, but why is the media jumping on this story? WCPO piles on with their story. WXIX had a lengthy report showing a lot of video of the man and his kid before the alleged incident, but not the incident itself. Why is this man being singled out? He may well be beating his kids, but there are far more people who are charged with the crime not getting their names in the news. I guess the video starved TV news wanted the story for the pictures, but the newspaper wanted to overflow of the beating caught on tape of the women beating her daughter in Indiana. The media put forth yet another example earning them the label of sensational bottom feeders.
BRONSON: The rap against old coots
Peter's beating a dead horse with two stones in the bush, which are better than one glass house.
Jerry Springer funded Ohio Democrats
Will Jerry run? Why the Hell not? Who else is going to run? If Jesse Ventura can become mayor, Hillary can win in NY, and the late Sonny Bono can become a congressman, anything is possible. Jerry would have to quit his show for a year or so before the election to indicate he is serious. He can't do worse than past candidates against the Republicans.

Sunday, November 17, 2002

Lawyer's bill tops monitor's fees
City Council has egg on its face for this one. I credit this story to Jay Love and the "Week in Review" gang for pressuring John Cranley to release the details on Martin's bill. There is a clear difference between the two lawyers, one was a lawyer for the city, and the other had an independent role. It is not fare to compare the two bills line for line or by dollar amounts. Both lawyers had different duties and different responsibilities. This will be fodder for the Buzz through the week.

Saturday, November 16, 2002

Alleged Gang Rape Rocks Kentucky College Campus
Is this synergy or is this Plagiarism?
Retiring justice could quiet city's racial woes
This appears to be the boycotters choice du jour, while according to the Post Vice Mayor Reece has Judge Jones in Mind.
Chris Anderson puts the racial conflict square on both sets of shoulder's responsible, the City leaders and the boycotters, while Denise Smith Amos from the Enquirer wants to lay blame on the City, and presumably the "white community," what ever that is supposed to be.
Marshall won't change security
Typical response from Marshall, their shit doesn't stink. Marshall needs to keep its Alumni off the field, namely 36 year olds who should know better.