Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Project Lily Pad: Wi-Fi

Keep your eye on this Wi-Fi project from the folks at Give Back Cincinnati. It has great potential and as a laptop owner the more free Wi-Fi there is, the more I will get out of my apartment.

Response to Challenge From Peter Bronson

Peter was very kind to respond to my email regarding my challenge to him:
Thanks for the note. Question: How many times can the Fringe Fest be on
front pages of the Enquirer before it loses Fringe status and becomes

Just kidding. I'll check out your challenge and consider it. Pretty
jammed up right now, but it sounds interesting.

Best wishes,

Peter Bronson
I don't want to call Peter a Chicken or anything, but well I would bet he's CHICKEN. It is not like I want to goad him into coming to a Fringe event. That would be just too much for a busy guy to do. It is not like he has all week to do it, with shows running through Sunday.

Brilliant Show from Amy Salloway

At the Fringe last night I was privileged to see Amy Salloway's one woman performance of Does This Monologue Make Me Look Fat? It was a fabulous show. Hilarious, touching, a little raunchy, three things that make it wonderful. The last show is tonight at 9 PM at Memorial Hall. It was nearly sold out last night and tonight it may be standing room only. Get your tickets early and get down there early to see what may be one of Fringe's best productions for 2005.

Best thing, she even reads and posts on my blog. That is cool!

Monday, June 06, 2005

WLW leaving ABC for Fox

I am shocked, shocked I tell you that conservative radio station is picking up conservative radio news.

Visual Fringe: Challenge to Bronson

It gets less attention but there are two art galleries at the Cincy Fringe Festival. The Post gave a little attention in Friday's edition. I myself will be staffing one of the Galleries Tomorrow, Wednesday and Saturday Afternoon. If you would like to find out which one, you will just have to visit both of them, do that or make it to the bar series and I am sure you will see me there. This news may instead make the Art Galleries biggest days Thursday and Friday.

My Challenge is simple: I want to see Peter Bronson at the Galleries he attacked in his column last year. I want to discuss with him, in a very friendly manner, what he thinks of art and why he hates it so much, well all art outside of Dogs Playing Poker.

If you want to help push him on a bit, use the little mail icon on this post and email it to him at pbronson@enquirer.com.

I hope someone at the Enquirer might be able to pass this on too.

I am not looking for a showdown, I would just like to see how or what he finds wrong with the art and people's person expression. I want him to see some of the performances. I really think he and everyone would enjoy them.

WVXU Staffing Details

Some details on who is staying and who is leaving WVXU after the sale to WGUC.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Cincy Fringe Going Strong

The Cincinnati Fringe Festival has another full week to go!

Last night I saw Karoake Knights, a One-Man Rock Opera by Tim Mooney. What is so cool about Fringe is that I had that chance to meet Tim earlier in the week at the Bar Series and some friends even helped him pack up his set for the night. I was able to chat with him about his show and his other works later on at the Greenwich. The turnout at the Greenwich was excellent as well. Many artists nearly all of the staff and lots of volunteers came out to the Walnut Hills mainstay.

Shows I still want to see:
  1. A/ThePostModernLoveStory by the BlueForms Theatre Group
  2. Britney Spears, and All the Other Shit We Deal With! by Odds & Ends Productions
  3. A Comment from the Peanut Gallery by Les Kurkendaal

'If Watergate Happened Now'

Jonathan Alter pens a what if column for Newsweek discussing what would happen if Watergate were to have happened during today's political and media climate. His points are dead on. There would have been no Watergate or rather it would have been a short lived moment the lazy media of today would have not wanted to touch 'in time of war.' I will be very interesting in hearing the conservatives try and say otherwise, much like Peter Bronson tried to do today with his idiotic notion of equating Bill Clinton getting a blow job to Dick Nixon's political foot soldiers committing B&E on the DNC Headquarters, which was just the tip of the iceberg. Nixon's crimes from Cambodia to Ellsberg and beyond far out weight even the bullshit of the crackpots trying to nail Clinton made up.

That's Mr. DeWine, If You're Nasty

Are there nothing but Children in the Anderson Township Republican Club?
DeWine was booed soundly by the crowd in Anderson Township Wednesday night, and walked away from the GOP club's candidate forum with a rating of "not qualified at this time'' while club members voted McEwen "highly qualified.''
People who all surely voted for Pat DeWine for County Commissioner and who agree with the guy on most issues was booed? This is like Junior High.

A mud slinging fest means to me that this race is tight. Polling is likely difficult because of the regional activist bias that seems to be sprouting up where one local group, like in Anderson Township, have on the surface a group think tone, if not actual consensus. At this point I don't see a clear favorite, but Brinkman is not getting ink, so either he is saving up for a late charge with a big media blitz or it comes down to McEwen and DeWine, with the others being the difference in who wins.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Live Music Cinci Style

Jake Speed and the Freddies Live at the Northside Tavern
Great night, great music, and great band. I had to step out before the third set, but as usual the band was on. J-Dog, mandolin player Justin, needs to sing more often. He was adding some harmony on a song and it was great.

Friday, June 03, 2005

Accountant's Don't Know Shit

Retired Accountant Roy Tate Jr. of Reading has a guest column on Social Security today and he makes what I find to be the stupidest presumption:
If past Social Security taxes had been invested in personal income-producing asset accounts, this national debt would not exist, and taxpayers would not be forced to repay what Congress has "borrowed" from taxpayers retirement funds.
First, with all due disrespect, unless this old guy is younger than my mother, which I doubt, then he did not have his retirement age increased and therefore is getting more money back than those younger than us are. So when he wants anyone else to take risks so he can get his higher level check until he dies at age 101, then he can just stuff it.

Second, he wants to say that since we have not had a depression where investors literally lost their shirts since SSA was started, therefore we will not have one tomorrow and that is reason enough to assume that in the future we should put all of the risk on the individual is just idiotic. A bean counter does not know a thing about risk. Yes, I am letting my Business School Rivalry show. Investing is not a science. You can’t predict how the market will be in an hour or a day and surely not 20 years.

In his contention he of course looks at this at a globally collective investment level. Sure Bill Gates would have made money or just not have cared if did or not, but the Stock Market is not a win-win situation. Stock prices just don't rise for everyone; the 10% market assumption is over time and is collective. In that measurement for every guy who made 20% there are plenty more who made 0%. If he instead used a model that had the government investing the money in the market where the losses would be outweighed by the gains and everyone would benefit or lose from both, then he might have an idea worth considering that does not put individuals at risk. It has other problems, but it would not be as lame brained.

Like the rest push to end Social Security he seems to not know the difference between a defined benefit plan and defined contribution plan. Risk matters.

Religion in Politics

The 2nd District GOP primary is now focused on religion. It may or may not be focused on which brand of Christianity the candidate partakes in (there will never be a non-Christian Republican elected to office in this district in my life time), what we have here is who is more religious than the other guy/gal. Being religious to the conservative Christian is no longer just about going to church on Sunday. Today it is about believing and pushing the 'Moral Values' issues, which are not dogmatic rules of the religion, but have become de facto scripture to the theocratic movement.

It is sad and it has crept up on the society. The GOP party activists are almost exclusively conservative Christians. You don't find many of the Wall Street Republicans or the Libertarian Republicans at party meetings, at least not the ones who don't either accept the religious litmus test or who accept it as a reality of power. Where is this leading the country when one political party is becoming a religious party?

"Jesus Built My Hotrod"

A Ministry song from college days rattled through my head while reading Maggie Downs latest column. Many things are rattling in my head these days, but that song with its loud sound fits the emotions surrounding the tragic murder in Hyde Park. Will anyone ever walk by the fountain there and not think of the killer washing his hands there? Nice cheerful though, eh?

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Non-Hack on Politics

Michael Altman's latest I Don’t Mind Telling You column is out and dives into the 2nd District race with a look at Pat DeWine and Paul Hackett. Also on the council race we get a little background on the GOP's new candidate John Eby.

Problems for Maisonette Move?

Is this a big snag or just a Hiccup as the article suggests?

Fringe Day Two

CityBeat has a great article on Fringe and has a special online section on Fringe which will provide updated reviews on the performances.

Also, the organizers of Fringe, CinEX, has started a Fringe Blog. You might just a see a familiar name there blogging along.

Fountain Square Plan

At the YPCincy event last night I think many were impressed. I was impressed with the plan for revamping Fountain Square. I think it will be good for the city overall. There are issues out there and realizations that people need to make:
  1. This is a Done Deal. There will not be much changed to the design and look of the square. The changes will be by City Council to the lease plans and the finances, but they will be minor.
  2. 3CDC is planning on privatizing the management of Fountain Square. The garage I believe is currently operated by an outside firm, but in this Plan 3CDC as a private entity would run the actual Square for the City. The City would own the entire Square and Garage, but would not gain the revenue it has now.
  3. The Fountain will move. 3CDC CEO Stephen Leeper could not push that more. It was almost the obsession of the presentation. The way he sold it makes sense on the surface, but it assumes a level of deterioration of the garage that I did not know is established as fact.
  4. What is the target market for this development? It appears like they are going for as wide a market as they can. They throw out the classic "family friend" phase that generally makes me cringe. It was not dwelled upon, which at a Young Processionals meeting of mostly single or childless couples was wise. I was floorws when they threw in as a regional attraction the Kentucky Speedway. Are NASCAR Dads really going to come downtown in large numbers?
  5. The issue of who controls the public stage is a rather large civil rights issue. What was not clear to me was who was going to decide who gets to use the square for rallies, protests, and other gatherings. Will commercial interests get preference over the average Joe? Will the lease with 3CDC give them the right to keep certain people out?
  6. There will be a small performance stage or platform set up permanently, but with little room. 3CDC would have more portable staging, but how and when it could be used would likely cost more and limit non-profits from their use, without donation of the fees likely to be tacked on.
  7. Parking fees will go up in the garage. Right now for the evening it only costs a buck. That price would rise to 3 bucks. This is not really going to change that many minds, but it will not improve the perception that it costs money. It compares to what is in Newport at the Levee, so if you would go there and pay, this should not deter you.
  8. Finances are somewhat foggy. It appears that the city would not have that much to cough up, but the level their revenues would drop is unclear.
  9. Something missing from the presentation was the timeline for the retailers/restaurants to open up shop in the area. This I think is a concern. This project is going to start this year and open next summer. I don't see the retailers/restaurateurs moving in for up to a couple or more years after that. Talks with companies may be further along than I perceive, so their construction may happen while the redesign is ongoing.

What matters most for this entire project, as one reception attendee put it, is the perception that something is happening in downtown. There has to be a buzz and some action must be visible. If that happens this could snowball other projects, making them happen. If that does not happen, that is where I believe the Banks, Vine Street, Main Street, and the rest of the plans out there will not be realized.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

GOP Endorse Alleged Child Abuser

Well, I guess they figured the image make-over will work for him or that the Child Abuser vote is a cornerstone of the GOP voting block, but according to the Post, the Hamilton County Republican Party endorsed Sam Malone for City Council, despite his pending criminal charges of child abuse and despite him admitting that he hit the kid and making no refutation of the allegations that he hit his son with a belt on the arms, back, chest, and buttocks. A really shameful display of arrogance and cowardice combined. They appear to think that people will not care about it, don't pay attention, or like it. I think they are also fearful of pissing off the Charlie Winburn voting block who have praised Malone for beating his child.

The GOP only has four (Sam Malone, Chris Monzel, Leslie Ghiz, and John Eby) so far and at most seven will get the endorsement. That is a far cry from 2003 when they fielded 9. As it stands now the Party appears to have given up on the city, which I think reflects the attitude of the Party on more than just the prospects of getting someone elected.

Ghiz is likely to get on council, but the others will need to work hard to win.

I am surprised they don't want to support Winburn yet. Time is running out on him to get into the race. He stands no chance at this point of winning, no matter what a few have speculated on, but I would have thought that the GOP would have wanted to avoid the type of humiliation they faced in 2001 when they did not field a candidate.

Fringe Starts Today!!!!!

Get off your ass and go to a show. The press is good and the shows will push the limits of ideas. I wonder if Peter Bronson will actually go to show this year, instead of bitching about the festival and not seeing a performance.

Check out the Fringe Bar Series. I will be there for sure tomorrow night and likely many nights over the next few weeks, having a 'few' brews. Say hello if you make it out.

Fountain Square Grumblings

People are talking up a storm over the plans for Fountain Square. I have concerns not so much about the plan, I like the plan. I fear the motives, goals, and desired market. I also fear that this will be it. The City will say they have their entertainment district that is plain and geared towards those who are as plain as a diet vanilla milkshake. The spice of the City needs cultivating and that was what Main Street was. It seems to be nothing but an afterthought. That will be a waste and a mistake. Fountain Square may be good for Business, but I still don't see how it build the downtown community. I hope to learn how tonight at the YPCincy event. I am hopeful, but very very skeptical.