Monday, December 05, 2005

Banks Deal Dead?

The Enquirer is reporting that Corporex has withdrawn from negotiations with the county. They were partners with Vandercar Holdings to create The Banks Development Company. The BDC pulled the fast one and got a "secret" deal with the county.

The reasons why the deal allegedly is falling through is unknown.

Does this kill the Banks? It has been called dead many times. This certainly makes the County look like fools, unless they and Vandercar Holdings (Cincinnati-based developer Rob Smyjunas) can pull a 10 million dollar rabbit out of a hat.

Calling 3CDC! Will anyone answer?

Brinkman Dancing On The Head of a Pin

Tom Brinkman is posturing for the chance to wipe Jean Schmidt off the map in next year's GOP Primary for the 2nd District. He is giving a "by-your-leave" to Bob McEwen, who finished ahead of Brinkman in the primary earlier this year. Brinkman must face some reality; he is not well liked in the 2nd District. Is he that much less disliked than Jean Schmidt? That is the saddest thing to have to consider. When does David Pepper get into the race for the Dems?

Message Boards at Cincinnati.Com

I knew they had sports message boards, but the Enquirer's website has message boards on politics too. Few are using them currently, but that may change. Their boards used to be hoping. Before and during and after the riots they were a hot place for discussion.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

John Cranley for Congress

City Council top vote getter John Cranley has taken an unsurprising move, but still one that carries a sense of oomph when you read it in print.  This a great move for Cranley and for the Democrats.  Every race should be contested and in this case Cranley has more than just a shot, he stands a good chance of winning.

The GOP faithful may think that this district is a safe one.  Well, it is safe when the Dems run a mainstream liberal like Greg Harris. Greg was a great candidate, but he hit bad timing when running against the fear campaign of 2004.  The district wasn’t ready for a candidate like him.

Cranley is a far different Democrat than Harris.  Cranley is anti-abortion, which on the Westside is more important than where you stand on taxes, foreign policy, and even gay rights.  District 1 is a conservative district, but it is not as Republican as District 2 is, and there a socially “liberal” (He is moderate for Dems, but liberal for GOPers) Democrat, Paul Hackett, came very close to beating what turned out to be a horrible candidate in Jean Schmidt.

Cranley will make it difficult for people like Pete Witte to vote again him.  Witte will support Steve Chabot, he is a good party guy, but he will not stand for the trashing Cranley by Chabot’s campaign or by the RNC.  The people of this district, at least the City residents, know Cranley, and like him.  Chabot will not be able to attack Cranley and tar him with the national political issues, as is the norm for congressional races.  In this case the politics is indeed all local.  Chabot has not been around much, Cranley has been here and been getting elected easily.  Chabot is going to need a lot of money and big media buys to beat Cranley.  He will likely get that, but if Cranley can match him, he will win.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Just Kill the Bar Business, Why Don't Ya

Only in Cincinnati would anyone in power consider a ban on serving alcohol outdoors after 10PM. If you want new development, this kind of law puts handcuffs that are just not warranted. I don't know if this law incorporates zoning laws, where the only places affected would be bars in "residential areas." This might affect Places like City View Tavern, but should not affect Christy's Rathskeller, Neon's, or the Pavilion in Mount Adams.

If there is going to be a smoking ban, then there MUST be outdoor drinking, or bars in Ohio will not survive long, which Northern Kentucky booms. Council should just put this to rest now and over-rule it.

"Is that you Mo-Dean?"

Very Shiny.

Crowleys and the McCoys

Is there a family feud brewing for City Council Dems?

Club Clueless

Classist, snobs, pretentious idiots. That is what came to mind when I read about The Continental Lounge. In a city where we are striving for some sense of common good, common development, and common futures comes a club seeking to suck out what little vibrancy we have here in town and lock it in their own little world. “Cool” is the combination of selfishness, greed, and being fickle. It sure can be fun, but when you cut it off behind a big velvet rope, you are no longer cool, you are dicks.

The good thing about this club is that I know where it is and I know where not to go. The old adage about not wanted to join a club that would have me as a member is flipped on its head. People who want to join this type of club really should think about leaving town. Seriously, you are no good to this city/region if you can't stand in line with the rest of us for a beer or you can't bare to wait 15 minutes for a table.

Call it the creeping in of a Midwestern sensibility into my mind, but I really can't stand this type of thing. Places like the Banker's Club are around town and they have been here for years. They don’t creep into life much. They add little, but don’t take away much. They are the Little Rascals Clubhouse for those who are seeking to be rich or thought of as rich. They have a purpose, but they are viewed as stale uber-establishment venues. They reek with social order, the adult version of high school popular kids. The bottom line is that they have been here, don’t matter, and won’t matter. A new “club” whose entire purpose is to keep people out of it, hurts the region. I can honestly say I hope it fails, and my conscious is better for that hope. When Dick & Jane VIP wannabe shell out their limited money to join this group, thinking they will become cool for having $2,500 to waste, and then realizing that when the place closes its doors and their membership closes with it, being "cool" like being respected is earned, not purchased. I hope they only used play money.

CinAd Radio

Joe Wessels will be broadcasting live on the Internet at 11:30 AM today. Joe's line-up today includes: Photographer and editor of Street Vibes, Jimmy Heath, Pat Clifford, director of the Drop Inn Center, and Victoria Morgan, artistic director for the Cincinnati Ballet.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

GOP Prays For Smoke Filled Room

In the race for Ohio Governor, the GOP is praying that someone will drop out. Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell, Attorney General Jim Petro and Auditor Betty Montgomery are all declared candidates that if things stay the way they are, will result in a bloody primary fight.

Ted Strickland is loving it. With Coleman out of the race, Strickland will win the Dem nomination with money not wasted on a primary fight. Add a close DeWine-Hackett race and a shift away from scandal racked Ohio Republicans, and Strickland looks like he will fair very well next November.

Snowball's Chance

This guy has Zero Chance. This is likely all the free press he will get if he actually appears on the GOP primary ballot.

Bronson Perpetuates Schmidt Lie

Peter Bronson has let the power get to his head. He hates Bill Clinton so much, that he is now is doing what Bill Clinton did over the meaning of words. Jean Schmidt called Rep. Murtha a coward. Did she literally or "technically" do it? That depends on the meaning of "is." Her intent and her inference are ABUNDANTLY CLEAR. Bronson shouldn't be allowing Jean Schmidt to continue to lie to the voters in her district. She intended, fully intended, to paint Murtha as a coward, and in turn paint all Democrats and those who don't blindly follow Fearless Leader™ as cowards as well.

To play a game of semantics is not only dishonest, it is foolish. Bronson shows he is more about party than about truth. This is plain cold truth. She did it, end of story. This is not a debate about what should be in the budget or over Federal regulator policy. This is about an individual who lacks the skills and temperament to hold a Federal Public Office. If she wants to run for dogcatcher, than she might do a good job. Every Toto in Milford would live in fear. Don't let the truth live in fear when she is on the floor of the House of Representatives.

Secret Start to New Council

Soon to be Mayor Mark Mallory showed his skills at Roberts Rules of Order with the manner in which the new rules of Council were chosen. This maneuver included picking chairpersons of Council Committees:
New City Council committees, and their chairmen, are:

Finance: Democrat John Cranley.

Law and Public Safety: Democrat Cecil Thomas.

Economic Development: Charterite Chris Bortz.

Vibrant Neighborhoods, Environment and Public Services: Democrat Laketa Cole.

Arts, Culture, Tourism and Marketing: Charterite Jim Tarbell.

Education, Health and Recreation: Republican Chris Monzel.

Rules: Democrat Jeff Berding.
Mallory showed a different side by appointing Chris Bortz and Chris Monzel to committee chair positions over that of Democrat David Crowley. Why does Chris Monzel, the guy who led the fight to make Abortion rights a city issue, get the Education, Health and Recreation committee?

Greg Korte has much more on the "secret meeting."

Mallory Snubs Crowley

Mark Mallory, who officially become Mayor of Cincinnati today, snubbed fellow Democrat David Crowley for a Chairmanship of a council subcommittee. Crowley issued an impassioned email to supporters:

I learned tonight that Mayor-Elect Mark Mallory choose not to give me a chairmanship position on ANY City Council Committee for the term starting tomorrow. In fact, Mallory did not even recommend me for the vice-chair position of the committee I currently chair.

As the current chairperson of the Economic Development Committee and former chairperson of the Education Committee, the 4th top vote getter in this month's election, one of the most senior members on Council and a fellow Democrat, I am very disappointed and disturbed with Mallory's decision.

In fact, Mallory recommended two Charterites and one Republicans for chairmanships over me, a Democrat.

I urge you to contact Mayor-Elect Mallory TONIGHT and let him know that you are angered and frustrated with his decision to completely overlook me. He can be contacted at or 352-3250. The quickest way is to call the office and register a complaint because we are not sure whether or not Mallory is checking his email yet.

Thank you for your continued support,
David Crowley
Queen City Forum had this last night.

UPDATE: Korte has more.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Portune Wants State Democratic Chairmanship

County Commissioner Todd Portune is running for state Democratic chairman. I don't think I am the only person surprised about this.

I have a question, does this mean he will be required to leave his post as County Commissioner?

Council Rule Changes

With a new council we get new proposals:
  1. Allow the chair of a council meeting to limit citizens who want to speak before Council to one public appearance a month.

  2. Eliminate by-leaves, or unscheduled motions, communications, resolutions and ordinances.

  3. Prevent council members from requesting reports from the administration unless four council members or a committee chairperson and one other council member agree to the request.

  4. Ban council members from speaking more than once on any one subject and limit comments to three minutes.
I want an orderly council meeting, but I don't want a rigid meeting.  Citizens should be respectful of everyone on council.  We don’t need the Boycott B clowns making fools out of themselves and insult everyone in attendance with their childish antics and meaningless stunts.  I don’t want things so closed down to allow for opinions not to be heard.  If you are disruptive, then you loose your ability to address council.  If you are respective you should be allowed to address council at every meeting.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Tarbell Name Vice Mayor

Mayor Mark Mallory has picked Councilman Jim Tarbell to the city's next Vice Mayor. Isn't Tarbell term limited after the term ending in 2007?

More Idiotic Bronson

Fingerprint Everyone! Get DNA samples before the terrorists strike again! Who does Peter Bronson think is going to attack Cincinnati? Well, the only people to be worried about are home grown terrorists. Osama is not going to target a Cincinnati Bengals game. There is not a plot to prevent them from going to the playoffs.

We don't need pat downs here. If the NFL wants to increase beer sales by screening out flasks, then just say so, and don't hide behind "terrorism" which sends the Peter Bronsons of the world into panic mode, making his cave seem all the more homey.

Monday, November 28, 2005

More Vice Mayor Rumblings

Korte has no more idea who is going to be the next vice mayor, but he makes the point that it will likely not be John Cranley. I don't know if that is true. I don't think Cranley really wants to be mayor. I think he wants more. I think he may want another crack at Chabot or at least he wants a shot to become County Commissioner.

1st Dem Challenger to Face Schmidt

I have never heard of Jim Parker and I don't know how he'll do in the race. He did get some free press and that always helps.