Sunday, July 17, 2005

Newport IMAX Forever Gone

With the projector gone, what is to become of the Imax theater space at Newport on the Levee?

The article makes the point that is it only good for an IMAX theater. Is that true? Can normal films be shown there? Would it be an interesting place for a bar/club? Would any of the seating be good for concerts or even live theater? I am honestly out in the dark on this one; I have never been to this or any IMAX type theater.

If they can't do anything with it, will they just gut it and start from scratch?

'Naked Man Falls From Hotel Window'

When you first read that headline you wonder where this may have happened. You think of a cheap hotel downtown or something near UC. Well, if thought is was out in Zeus's gift to the world, Mason, then you would be correct. I don't think will ever be going to Mason. It is just not safe. Naked men falling from windows? One might squish you or land on you car and break out your windows. That is just too much of risk to take for a fun day at the water park.

Friday, July 15, 2005

Kasich for Governor?

Will former Congressman John Kasich run for governor? An interesting quote from the Dispatch's story:
A source close to Kasich said the former Westerville congressman told him that if he were elected governor, "Heads would spin and cronyism would be ended. It would be a total do-over, and you can bet that Democrats would be involved in the government and in the solutions."
The same source in the article lists the chances that Kasich runs only at 25 to 30 percent. That couldn't be more of an in your face trial balloon if you just came out and said you will testing the waters by leaking something to the media.

Affirmative Action

This issue is difficult. Should we spend nearly a million dollars more to provide 35% minority/small business a break or go with the lowest bidder? What works better, giving a non-minority owned company a more expensive contract that provides 35% to be a combination of 35% of minority/small businesses, or to save money that could be spent on other programs in the city?

What are the implications of the court ruling from Nelson, declaring parts of the city ordinance unconstitutional?

Thursday, July 14, 2005

People Don't Like Taft

You may say that is rather obvious, but only 17% approve of Gov. Bob Taft. That is not a typo, it says 17% on SurveyUSA's site. I don't think I have ever heard of a sitting politician, who was elected twice with fair ease, have that low of an approval rating. I feel sorry for the guy. It is not like he misled the public and sent us into war or something.

Thanks to HMS for the tip.

Rome's Burning

And Nero Peter's Fiddling. All Bronson can do is point at crime in OTR and say what a shame. He is perpetuating the myths and making more fools thinks that the city is like a war zone. It's not. No matter how many shootings go on, if you go downtown you will be safe. Fear is a weapon, defend against it by facing it.

Winburn: a Religious Bigot

If Charlie Winburn can't stand by his religious bigotry, exhibited in is 1989 quote, then what kind of bigot is he? He didn't retract what he wrote, he instead played victim. A pretend victim without anyone actually attacking him for holding religious beliefs, instead they are attacking him for believing only people from his religious sect should be in political office. I thought Charlie was straight shooter? If he believes that, say it, if it doesn't believe that, come out and say that. Spinning is what those trying camouflage something do, not someone being straight forward.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Reece's Aide Speaks

Well, he says he didn't shoot himself and didn't get shot on purpose for the campaign. What we still don't know why he did not come out and help police more, something which this article does not really touch on. That was the big issue Bronson's article brought up. I guess he though it was just a stray bullet and that he couldn't help. He could have tried, and Reece should have had the whole story before talking to Bronson. It makes it look ignorant and more concerned about media relations then helping her staffer do the right thing.

More Hackett v. Schmidt

Today we get more personal comparisons and we don't get much on where they stand on the issues. Is this Wilkinson's idea or his editor's? Where do they stand on the issues?

Guns, ok, that's an issue. A bad one to choose since both are gun right supporters. Hackett, the ranking gun user in the race, can't get the nod from the NRA, but Schmidt the 'pro-life' candidate gets credit for voting for NRA's bills, which allow people to carry around life taking machines.

Finally, how does this make you the overall women's winner?
Over the past month, Schmidt ran in three "Cinergy Challenge" races - the Run for the Poor 5K, the Jim Sauls Winning Track 5K and the Beat the Heat 5K, finishing fourth, second and fifth respectively.

Her performance was good enough for her to be named the overall women's winner in the Cinergy Challenge.
fourth, second and fifth gets you first? I assume she was the top woman in each race? I have never heard of any of these races either, but we'll that part pass.

Portune For Ohio AG or Senator?

Will Todd Portune be running for Ohio Attorney General or even more importantly for U. S. Senator? The state party reportedly has discussed running for both offices with him.

All three Hamilton County Commissioners are itching to move up. DeWine's hopes were dashed, and his only other outlet might be running for mayor in 4 years.

Can Portune win either? No one thought he could become a HC Commissioner in this Republican County. He could win either one, with the right support and right funding. He is one hell of a politician.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Council Money Reports Are Out

The money makes it for some campaigns and the big money story has to be Nick Spencer. When Nick gets more contributions than Jim Tarbell, Damon Lynch, Eve Bolton, and John Eby, than he is much better positioned to have a shot for office. This showing and his mention in the Korte article should get him a little boost in the money race.

If was funny reading how the rich fundamentalists are out giving money to Sam Malone:
Much of the increase can be attributed to the power of incumbency. But his campaign finance report shows that his conservative Republican base has not abandoned him over allegations that he whipped his 14-year-old son with a belt. Malone called the incident an act of "parental intervention."

In fact, all but $5,550 of Malone's contributions came after his May 14 arrest. Reds owner Carl Lindner and his family gave $5,000, with JTM Food Group President Anthony A. Maas and other JTM employees kicking in another $5,000.

"I think when you look at all the crime on the street and all the young men wearing their clothes down to their knees, people see a father who is trying to rear his child and be responsible," said GOP mayoral candidate Charlie Winburn, who contributed $1,000 to the Malone campaign. "I think all the media he's gotten has been good. It's helped his name recognition."
Nice to see that 11 people make up almost half of his contributions and likely all but one of those 11 will actually be able to vote for him. It would interesting if those contributions came before or after the report about the 2002 beating allegation made against Malone by his son.

Nick's blog has the full listing of contributions:
Jeff Berding $150,740.00
John Cranley $135,297.00
Chris Monzel $94,234.00
David Crowley $92,419.00
Chris Bortz $83,050.00
Leslie Ghiz $75,663.00
Chris Smitherman $33,363.00
Sam Malone $23,805.00
Laketa Cole $21,155.56
Nick Spencer $15,414.00
Damon Lynch $9,914.00
Samantha Herd $8,420.00
Jim Tarbell $7,750.00
John Eby $7,375.00
Paul McGhee $5,500.00
Eve Bolton $4,145.00
Robert Wilking $4,000.00
Gerry Kraus $1,300.00
Wendell Young $1,548.20
Andrew Warner $1,005.35
Robert Wilson $955.00
Curtis Wells $763.34
Bill Barron $258.51
Cecil Thomas $250.00
Who is looking better than expected along with Nick Spencer? I would give that to Chris Monzel, but in his case he will need every penny he can to get back on council. Cecil Thomas looks like he is not doing much to get elected. Smitherman's numbers are also not what they appear. I wonder how much of the 33K is from himself. Of the top nine listed Malone, Monzel, and Bortz are those who need more than money to get on council. At this point I see 14 possible contenders, the top 13 listed and Eve Bolton. The money race is off and it will matter. It will not get people out to vote, that takes handshakes and a well crafted message.

UPDATE: More from the Post.

More Maisonette Relocation Problems?

I don't know what a "buffer" entails at the proposed new location for the restaurant, or what makes a buffer to big, but some think it could kill the project.

Reece's Aide Not Aiding Police

Peter Bronson has a good column (hell is not freezing over, yet) on Brandon Elliott, Reece's community outreach representative, who was caught in the crossfire of a recent shooting incident. He is not stepping up to help police catch the shooter.
The staffer, Brandon Elliott, is not talking, and all questions have been referred to Reece, said her spokeswoman at City Hall.

Elliott is also refusing to cooperate with the investigation, Reece acknowledged. "I hear he is willing to cooperate if they catch somebody, but my understanding is it's his personal choice."

She said Elliott is afraid to cooperate for now because someone might retaliate against him or his mother. She said he would not talk to the media because he was at home on pain medication for the shooting injury.
If a politician can't get a member of her staff to take action against a crime committed against them, how as mayor will she be able to get the public to take action and work with police to catch the criminals plaguing neighborhoods? Reece and her aide have let down the city. I hope Mr. Elliott has changed his view on working with police after this column has made Reece looking totally ineffectual as a leader.

Monday, July 11, 2005

Private Jets vs. Paddlefest Champ?

Who would you rather have as your Representative to Congress: Someone who flies on a corporate jet to Washington DC during the campaign to shoot a commercial or someone who wins a race at Paddlefest, a race that runs on the Ohio right along the congressional district?

Sure, this will not sway many, who like me vote based on issue stances and ideologies, but the campaigning approach and style should be considered. Paul Hackett is campaigning for votes here in the District, while Jean Schmidt is off in DC looking for money and pretending to be a Congresswoman. She should earn the seat, not be awarded it because of political party.

Council Money

It is reporting time for Council Candidates, where the campaigns have to file reports with the city on how much money they have raised and have on hand. Greg Korte should have the full scoop in a day or so. This is one of the important insider measurements as to whom will be considered a favorite come the Fall election. Money is not the only way you get on council, but it shows your level of support. The game as to the ranking of money raisers has great interest in political circles and will be an indicator as to which candidates get more attention from party officials, and which ones get written off.

Sunday, July 10, 2005

The Klan Hates Almost Everyone

I think the only subgroup of humans the Klan does not really hate are white people in the Klan. Now, local racist extraordinaire Nate seems to think every white person is a racist, and for some reason Nate must not be to big on geography. The City of Hamilton is about 25 miles from Downtown Cincinnati, so why is Nate pulling Charlie Luken into this? Oh, right, Nate attacks all white people who are not laden with 1,000 pounds of white guilt and who don't think he is wonderful person. Nate also attacks people who help put him into jail for breaking the law, thus part of his attack on Chaz.

It really is a problem for the Klan to be openly out in Hamilton. It should be a concern for all, especially Latinos, who are the main target of the latest hate filled rant from the kings of all things racist. The Klan is horrible group of nutsacks. They do however have the same right to push their hate, as Nate or the Black Fist have to push their hate.

Meet the Opposition

George Vincent is replacing Mike Barrett as head of the Hamilton County Republican Party. Everyone in the party is singing his praises from Leslie Ghiz to Charlie Winburn. Will that last? Also, unless the party moderates, how will they ever compete in the city again? I think it is really PR bullshit to say the rank in file County Republican gives a rats ass about the city, even if they live there. We shall see if George is happy to get behind the nutty Charlie Winburn or the thug Sam Malone.

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Son Tells Enquirer Malone Lied

Well, 'someone' has either forgotten the past or is lying about it. Sam Malone son has spoken with the Enquirer and says he came forward because his Dad taught him not to lie:
Malone's son told The Enquirer Friday that he wrote the e-mail after seeing his dad on television.

"He always told us not to lie and then he was lying. I just wanted them to know the truth,'' said the boy. The teen was joined by his aunt, Melinda Wreh, who has temporary custody of the boy.
Talk about something coming back to bite you in the ass.

Lesson to parents out there: There is no reason good enough to beat your kid with a belt. He they broke the law, send them to jail. If they broke curfew have the balls to ground them. Beating a teenager cause them to learn that violence is how to gain power and how to control people. That is teaching your child to be a thug.

I don't think this has been that big of a political divide issue. Those defending Malone are doing it either out of race politics (see Nate, and Charlie Winburn) or they are just advocates for the Children are Chattel movement, an old fashioned system that has been abandoned by most educated people, and has become the refuge for the other side of lazy parents. That is the side who don't have time to talk to their kids, or find out why they do things wrong, they just beat them like an animal in the insane belief that they will just do what they are told, never again question them out of fear of getting beat again. Instilling the Fear of violence is not how you treat anyone you love. The other lazy parents just do nothing and let their kids run wild.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Is Sam Malone Lying?

In the latest on Sam Malone, we get his son's side of what happened back in 2002:

If true, this makes Malone a thug. It does raise one big question, if this is true, why did the investigation not lead anywhere?

I bet Mike Barrett is just wishing he could take back the GOP endorsement Malone got.

What kind of parent bruises their child intentionally? In my opinion an unfit parent does that.

Schmidt Under Investigation

GOP Nominee for Congress Jean Schmidt is under investigation for failure to report a gift from a lobbyist. Will this have any impact on the race? I am surprised and please the Enquirer posted this on their website, but I am disappointed they had to use an AP story. I hope tomorrow's Wilkinson story includes this issue front and center.