Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Jailbird Bronson

Peter Bronson is carrying the water of local Sheriffs who want new jails. It takes something that Peter and others want to eliminate: Tax revenue. Jails cost money. We do need a bigger and better jail, but it takes money and it takes organization. I vote we put the jail in downtown Sharonville. That land could be much better used, and Leis could use his helicopter to shuttle the prisoners to the courthouse at will.

Stabbing Cancels Bogart's Concert

Stabbing cancels Bogart's concert but remarkably Marilyn Manson appeared at the Taft last night to little notice.

Monday, November 08, 2004

This Is the Day the 'Lord' Hath Made

The same BIGOT (big enough?) who brought you Issue 1 is now making threats against companies for supporting civil rights in the form of Issue 3. Phil and his fascist theocrats can do what they want. Boycotts rarely work. They might be looking at how Sinclair Broadcasting was brought to its knees by some liberal bloggers. Phil is cocksure, blindly bigoted, hateful, and not filled with much foresight if he think he can tangle horns with P&G on morals and win. This wanna-be Joe McCarthy is hated by many, even some porn loving conservatives, and with this stupid tact he may be the first victim of blow back in the culture wars. Over reach is what some conservatives are warning against and this is their first chance to show if they have balls.

I therefore am waiting to see how many Bush supporters out there who are disgusted by Burress will do more than just mumble under their breath at him and finally take action against a man who used hate and bigotry to get your candidate elected.

The Post Is Deaming

Wake up! Wake up sleepy head.

All of the issues the Post thinks its endorsement earned them (us in their foolish mind) will not get any attention from Bush. If we are lucky our congressman who never have done much for this area at all will actually vote for some of this stuff, but I doubt it. If we get the Brent Spence Bridge it is because it a trade route, not because it will help Downtown. If they bridge were up in West Chester, you can be sure it would be bought and paid for ten times over come 2005. Everything else on their list will not help the conservative suburbs, so no Republican will give a damn, which is true of local issues as well.

Yep, That's About Right

Moffett: Ohio voted for pulpit, not pocket:
Conservative Republicans in Cincinnati and Columbus, who may have had different ideas about the economy or war, found common ground in the fear that lesbians might commit to relationships with each other.
The only disagreement is that the fear of gay men is higher than the fear of lesbians, but that point is still valid.

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Bill Cunningham is a Scumbag

Ratings whore Bill Cunningham is a jerk, but even I did not think he was this bad:
From the November 3 edition of The Sean Hannity Show:

HANNITY: They're gonna think they weren't vitriolic enough. They're gonna think they weren't mean enough and they're gonna go out there and do the same thing: Attack, attack, attack, undermine troops and the president during a time of war and that is not gonna get them elected anywhere.

CUNNINGHAM: Well, it's over because Elizabeth Edwards has now sung.

HANNITY: Oh, you know, you're cruel.

CUNNINGHAM: [Laughter]

HANNITY: No, be nice, will ya? Where -- we gotta be gracious in victory.
Cunningham should be fired. I hope Darryl Parks was listening. I am sure this will just him a raise, because no stunt is to low for WLW. This even made Hannity uncomfortable. This on the same day she is diagnosed with Breast Cancer.

[Via MediaMatters]

Nick Spencer Is Running For Council

Nick Spencer has announced he is running for Cincinnati City Council.

CiN Weekly Blog

Well, Well, Well, how should I react to this? At this point it is lighter than their normal magazine and to my surprise a real blog, not like the other filtered blogs the Enquirer has tried at the Olympics. This one actually accepts comments, which I am surprised they are doing and once I have linked to it I wonder how many of my trolls they will get making things over there a mess. Sorry if that happens.

They also have a filtered kind of blogger for a day section with readers posting mini-editorials.

The whole thing is packaged at their new hub of reader feed back.

The format of the blog is ok. One point I did not like was date was a bit small for my taste, which from my point of view tells me if their blog is up to date. The other really, really big thing missing is a BLOGROLL. The concept of interaction with other blogs or websites has not yet caught on totally. That is a mainstay of most all other blogs, but it also is something that does happens at a "professional blog" like this one, which I am sure is laden with some level of rules on content, posting, linking, excerpting, and political views.

Content wise I expect maybe a little more depth than the print version of the paper, which keeps things way to short, but I expect little actual political commentary to surface. Whether they are forbidden from doing so or just don't want to, I don't know, but I expect more personal anecdotes than personal stances on issues facing the city, state or country.

Shifting Sands

Greg Korte has written a fairly good analysis of why Article XII was voted down, but he leaves out one important fact I thought he might have determined. Overall how did the vote in the city for Issue One compare to Issue Three? He gave some examples of precincts that inexplicably voted for both Issues, but not an overall number. The numbers are not yet finalized for proper comparison, but I think an initial number should be available. CW would be that votes in the City for Issue 1 would match those against Issue 3, but that was clearly not the case in example precincts Korte listed. I plan on doing an analysis once the detail precinct vote totals are made available.

UPDATE: A commenter points out that the article does include the number of voters who voted against Issue 1 in the city and the results of the Issue 3. 52.9 against Issue 1 and 53.8 for Issue 3. These are supposed to be both of only City of Cincinnati Voters and neither number includes provisional ballots. The phrasing in the article is not as clear as I would have liked, but when it is pointed out to me I can see it there, hidden behind a reference to Hamilton County.

Bronson: Bite Me

Sorry Peter, I for one will not now or will I ever worship at the alter of Bush where you perform your best journalistic fellatio.

If you expect us to love your president, then you are smoking pot again. It has been almost 4 years since Clinton left office Peter and you still blame him for everything. By the way you have lost your privilege of blaming any Democrat for anything bad that happens on a national scale. Everything will now be Bush's and the Rest of the Republican’s fault, so don't even try blaming Clinton for it. Bush has had all the chance he needed to change the "bad" things in government and foreign policy, so don't even try it. If you do, I will be sure to make sure everyone know you are doing what you blame us for doing, in other words: Get over Clinton.

Also Peter, your team is the hate crowd. I know you think you are loving gays when you oppress them with Issue 1 and your groups that try to "Convert" them, but no matter how much you delude yourself, you are still pushing hate and are.....

wait for it.......

a bigot.

The hate used to stir up fear is what many are calling the real "winning" issue. That is the, you know, kill Muslims attitude that is becoming common place. That is the fear and hate that was created and focused by BushCo in his quest to exploit the 9/11 events to his full advantage. What is more hateful: using a desire for revenge as a catalyst for war or using 3,000 dead people to get elected? I guess 100,000 dead people is not enough to quell the blood lust. This week we are likely to ad to that death toll, as well as the American Toll grows.

Peter, we are never going to agree on a damn thing and Bush does not want agreement, what he wants is assent. He ran on division and will do what he wants without consideration of any Democrat. This President has no intention of acting in my best interest or to fight for the ideas I believe in. He therefore will never get my assent. I shall never stand silently and let the man destroy the county I live in, that destruction which began back in 2001. I don’t know why anyone thinks anyone like myself would ever go quietly into the night. Culture War was declared and in my little way here on my blog I will be waging it right back in BushCo’s and his minion’s face.

Saturday, November 06, 2004

Nate's Tea Leaves

Nate is reading the GOP tea leaves and his emotional state is constantly in question, but he put out a game of musical chairs that is worth note:
    • Lt. Gov. Jeanette Bradley will take control of the Treasurer's Office.
    • Congressman Rob Portman will leave Congress and become the Lt. Governor.
    • President Bush will quickly appoint Gov. Taft to some position in Washington and Portman becomes the Governor. (President Bush will tell Ken Blackwell, Betty Montgomery, and Jim Petro to be good boys and girls and do what's best for the party by supporting Gov. Portman and either staying in their current - elected I might add - job thus ending the almost-assuredly nasty, Republican - dividing fight for Governor.)
    • State Rep. Tom Brinkman (who was at last night's citywide public safety summit and IS NOT a source for this blog entry) becomes the 2nd District's Congressman.
    • Blue Chip Review's Steve Fritsch is asked to kill his plans to run for City Council and takes Brinkman's place in the General Assembly.
    • There is no word on who becomes the Lt. Governor.
The first point Nate makes I think will come true. Portman, instead of Taft, I think will be plucked into BushCo. Brinkman will want the seat, but he will have to get elected to it. Phil Heimlich may want to challenge him. Hopefully some other more sane Republican will go for it or better yet a good Democrat takes on Brinkman. Who that would be I don't know. Brinkman is an extremist who does not have that many friends in the GOP. He would have to get money from outside the area. Hopefully the attention a special election would get would give the Democrat enough cash to show Brinkman's extreme positions. I just hope that Charles Sanders is not the only person the Dems can run.

Listing Steve Fritch is rather laughable. I wonder if Nate is trying to suck up to Steve for some unknown reason. Yes, strange bedfellows indeed.

Rucker for Mayor? No....

Rumors from Tim Burke notwithstanding, I see no scenario in which Fanon Rucker would challenge Mark Mallory for Mayor. What I think Rucker will do is run for City Council and win easily. He hopefully can knock of Sam Malone. The GOP will not have as good a luck inside the City next year, so they will be lucky to keep the seats they have, unless they get Damon Lynch to become a Republican, again.

Moron Editors

What kind of totally moronic Enquirer editors would allow this article to appear and not mention celebrity politicians like Reagan and Arnold? Oh, right, a Republican editor would do such a thing.

Friday, November 05, 2004

He Loves Bigots!

Tim at "Blurredbrain" seems to be a bit upset that I and other liberals are pissed off at his loved ones for voting for a bigot and either voting for the oppression of human beings (gay marriage ban) or accepting the support of those people in their quest to kill more Muslims before Saddam's grandchildren can build WMD and put them in a missile and launch it at the lower 48.
Scared by democrats
The fact is that small-d democrats have begun to worry me. I remember in the lead up to the 1992 election, I was in High School and a friend of mine, who was a staunch democrat, and I would go round and round about the various candidates. But though we would take cheap shots at each other the level of rivalry never approached hatred. Now when I look at various democratic outlets I see nothing but hatred for my friends, family, neighbors, and yes me. These democrats scare me. They call people I love and enjoy hanging around the most despicable of names. They legitimately believe 51% of the country are monsters. I don't want anyone these people support to be elected. And so I vote, and cheer Republican.
Sorry if the truth scares you Tim. If you voted for Issue 1 in Ohio, yes I think you are a bigot, and obviously you would be. If you don't think so, frankly I don't care, you can live in denial all you wish. Fact is fact, and bigotry is not hidden in Issue one. If you did not vote for said issue, then you surely voted for a man (Bush and maybe other Republicans) who supports that issue and more ideas like it. You put greed and your lust to kill Muslims over protecting human rights. What a great choice that was.

If it scares you that I point out your personal flaws, then I can only say GOOD! Maybe you will change your ways and stop pretending that it is ok to put human rights on the back burner and stop thinking killing Muslims will quell the PTSS you and many others on the surface illustrate with your irrational notion that going after Iraq has anything to do with fighting terrorism. Two things come to mind: Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. If you want to get rid of terrorism, you might want to invade those countries instead of Iraq. If you don't like that people are pissed at you for your voting choice, then I suggest you do not tell anyone who you voted for and refrain from talking about politics. Also, please tell me what really scares you about anything I said? I have said nothing that should scare anyone, maybe shamed people with a conscience, but that is about it.

This is Now A Mainsteam Republican

Here we have the poster child for Bush's GOP, a thumpin' and a thump' his way with his twenty seven eight-by-ten color glossy pictures with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one pointing out that Satan has stuck his hand into the world in the form of liberals. We must Kill, Kill, Kill for the Lord!

Damn, I feel like littering.

For the culturally ignorant, you can read this and understand what the hell I am referencing. Not that the reference makes any sense if you got what I was talking about, but at least you won't be so lost or won't at least think your are lost for not getting the references.

[Via Covington Jim]

Can We Now All Agree?

Can we please all now agree that any electronic voting machines must have a paper back-up or is this just a myth created to undermine the GOP on it way to establishing their theocracy?

Will Ghiz Get It?

Will Leslie Ghiz replace Pat DeWine on City Council?

Hiding Something?

What was Warren County hiding from when they bared all reporters from watching the ballot count? What kind of nutcase thinks Warren County is going to be a place for terror attack? Someone is either delusion or just lying. Will anyone investigate this? No, they will not. The GOP will prevent it and the media are too damn lazy to do anything more than this article. It took two days for it to appear, what is up with that? Why was it not in yesterday's paper and made the front of the Metro Section?

Thursday, November 04, 2004

A Uniter, My Fat Ass

Republicans wonder why I hate this asshole?

A day after he pledged to reach out to Kerry voters, Bush turns around says, "fuck you!!!!"

Ah, I guess we can trust him, trust him to act like he won some huge majority and the 55 Million of us Kerry supporters just don't exist. A uniter my fat ass. Bush is going to run on like schmuck he is, as the guy who cares nothing, I repeat nothing, about those who did not vote for him.

Gloating and Closed Minds

Why was this article run? Why would this women care? Why do we need a propaganda article that I guess could not fit into Tuesday's paper, run today?

What this does illustrate is how impossible it will be for anyone to come together. This is tame, but wait until someone if fired for the way they voted.