Friday, August 20, 2004

Yet Another Poll

UC's poll shows virtually the same results as the recent Gallup poll. The full poll results are here (pdf).

The most interesting thing was the age range breakdown. 18 to 29 year olds favored Kerry 55% to 39%. 30 to 45 year olds favored Kerry 50% to 47%. Bush has the edge with 46 to 64 year olds 48% to 44% and leads 65+ 50% to 43%.

I would have said the middle agers would have been more for Bush and the younger range more for Kerry than the percentages list. It is also funny that in this poll the older the range the higher the "Don't Know" response was. I guess old people are either not sold on anyone yet, or are not paying as much attention.

Love and Honor and a Great Education

Miami U. moves up list of top colleges

Thursday, August 19, 2004

Cincinnatians assess damage

Good Follow-up article on the Hurricane. Here is a good way the media can place a local angle on a national story.

Kerry Coverage in the Enquirer

From my point of view the Enquirer did a good job of giving generally the same "amount" of news coverage to the Kerry speech as they did the Bush speech. I hope that is continued during the whole campaign and something made equal during the 2008 primary season, which was lacking this year.

The Exception: Bronson. Why don't we have a liberal columnist giving a biased view on Bush and Kerry that would favor Kerry? Here instead we have another bullshit homer job that provides political fodder favoring Bush, but none from the left.

Now, I really hope I don't read some moron saying that the rest of the reporters are pro-Kerry, because I just showed below about how the positive Kerry Poll results were not touted as they could and should have been.

UPDATE: Wes Flinn thinks we hade some bias. I would not disagree. I think at least we had a phote shoot and a link to the text of both speeches. That is a positive step.

Spinning Ohio Polls

No one knows who is going to win Ohio, but thisarticle seems to go over the top in painting the race as even
"The poll is the latest of several surveys showing the Buckeye State is still up for grabs among likely voters."
I for one can understand that a smart political observer wants to hedge his bets, but this story clearly shows Kerry with an edge here in Ohio, at this point. Up until this point the race has been very even. When Kerry is ahead by 10 among registered votes and up by 2 among likely voters, that indicates that clearly Bush has tapped out his vote. His hope is to maximize his base and keep the fair whether voters home. That is a tough job.

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Introducing: Freedom Center B

First we had the Boycott A Group and then the Boycott B group crawled out of the gutter.

It appears that since we have the Freedom Center (a great organization and facility by the way), we now must have the Freedom Center B, who happen to be the folks from Boycott A. Will we be having a Freedom Center C from the racists in Boycott B?

Felonious Voting

I can predict the reactions to this story. Some Conservatives will say we should not give the vote to criminals. By that they likely don't grasp the fact that these are ex-cons or just people who in the past were convicted of a felony, regardless if they served time or not.

Liberals will say, right so, that these people served their time, and should be treated like anyone else at the polls.

I do not think there has been a systematic plan to disenfranchise people from voting. It has happen because voting systems and poll workers in the state and most of the country are generally the most educated or knowledgeable people around.

One way to get rid of this problem is to make election day a national holiday, and then get better skilled people to work the polls, those who normally have to work that day.

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

In search of...

Carl Weiser of the Enquirer is "in search of protestors" planning on protesting the RNC National Convention in New York.

Yes, all I can hear right now is Leonard Nimoy's choppy voice on a bad film projector in science class.

Bronson 'Drunk'?

Bronson must have been drunk when he quoted this:
He had three Purple Hearts and never lost time in a hospital. That's what we've been talking about. These guys know about Purple Hearts and they wonder if Kerry is lying.
Gee Peter Why don't you ask someone what they think about Bush's "honesty" about where he was during 1972? Or ask them why he failed to get a physical to keep on flying in the National Guard?

Peter, why don't you tell them that you supposedly agreed with Kerry about Vietnam and protested against it?

Peter's chicken hawk status looks big when he spews this gem:
Maybe Kerry should quit telling colorized war stories about Vietnam and tell us which Kerry is reporting for duty in the war on terrorism - hero or hippie?
Bronson, did you serve? I love how idiots today bitch about supporting the troops and value service, yet when someone who did his duty, was wounded in battle is then questioned about it only because he is running for office. The same people ignore their candidate's lack of honest about his "service" in the military where he saw no combat and at a minimum was given easy duty so he could work for a political campaign.

This is what makes me sick. People are this stupid to value this kind of crap, yet when the person has the values they want (combat experience) they deny it was real, but ignore that their guy never was even close to seeing combat.

Will Bronson go see Kerry speak now? I doubt it. Will the Enquirer provide a commentary about Kerry Speech as biased and pro-Kerry as Bronson's was? Hell No. Kerry will be luck to get a photo shoot like the Enquirer gave Bush's visit. At least they did give a little coverage to the Vets protesting. Best picture had a Vets for Kerry protestor holding up a sign saying "Mr. President, Here is my DD214, where is yours?"

Monday, August 16, 2004

Civil War?

Can there be anyone out there who does not think that Iraq is int he middle of a civil war? Now, it is not nearly as modern and unconventional as Bush's "War" on terrorism, but it is not your typical power struggle, which would mostly be caused by multiple ethnic factions plus an occupying military force in the mix.

What exist though are coordinated forces fighting the government and the US Military. That is a civil war if I every heard of one. People have been saying we have been facing the possibility of one for long time. I say it is true now, not just speculative. The Iraqi National Conference has nearly 100 members ready to boycott if the central government does not start negotiations again with people fighting against it. Seems kind of an odd request, but also one that signals a huge rift in the country.

I don't see the blood flow stopping anytime soon.

Shell Game

With Bush's election year exploitation of troop levels and world politics, I have to ask a simple question. Is is all just bullshit? Is is just a numbers game? Have we already pulled 70,000 troops out of Europe and Asia(Japan or Korea) and are now just adjusting the paperwork? I ask this with the understanding that we pulled at least one division out of German for Iraq. I assume now that that division, when its tour in Iraq is up, will go home to the USA, not to Germany. How much of similar occurrences will eat up the 70,000? I also wonder how much of this is includes the Navy, with reduction of the Persian Gulf fleet as another source for this number.

I also really wonder how smart this is? I guess that pulling troops from Asia means that North Korea and China are not a threat to anyone? What kind of policy do we have where we say the world is threatened by an axis of evil and then pull troops from the places where one of these axis members could strike? Is this some kind of concession to the North Koreans? I guess that would depend on how many of the 70,000 are actually from South Korea and Japan.

I also really don't think Bush is doing himself any good by holding big foreign policy speeches here in Cincinnati. Now, I grant this one is not in front of a crowd of local people, but it still just looks odd. I also pity downtown workers, don't bother trying to drive downtown while Bush is here.

Saturday, August 14, 2004

Tainted Gift Horse or Dirty Money?

Say goodbye to 50K Hamilton County GOP. Now, if the local media really cared they would ask who got this money and whose election was tainted by dirty money. Getting elected with help from money collected from the proceeds of a bribe is something that should make for a scandal. We all know, however, that unless it has sex or murder, the TV news does not care. The conservative print press will report it, like link above shows, but hell they have no local angle yet. It was written from Columbus. Where's the comment from the local GOP officials??? You can go beyond Barrett and Kriss, why not fucking ask MIKE ALLEN?????????? You don’t think the Hamilton County Prosecutor and big GOP Leader would have a comment?

Family Fine After Hurricane

Well, if you did not know, my parents and my grandmother live in Charlotte County in Florida where Hurricane Charlie hit land. They are fine and the only damage they got was one small tree uprooted at my grandmother's place.

My family lives in the far northern part of the county so were lucky, the big damage was further south in Punta Gorta and Port Charlotte, which are only a 15-20 minute drive away.

From the reports I have heard and read the storm took a wicked turn and people only had maybe 45 minutes to an hour to evacuate from areas more inland from the coast. The storm coarse was predicted to hit Tampa Bay about a 2-hour drive north from where it hit.

My parents do not have power, but oddly my grandmother who lives maybe a mile away has power. They were all staying at my parent’s house, but are not at my grandmother's place.

I normally never worry about Hurricanes in Florida because where my parents live has not gotten hit like this for something like 80 years. Late yesterday afternoon when I heard the storm was turning, I was shitting bricks when I saw the eye heading towards my parents town. I am very thankful that not only are they are fine and have no significant damage to their property. I would say they were lucky.

Friday, August 13, 2004

Stuff, More Stuff and Whatnot

My time today is short so I will give a punchy post:

Feel free to rant about what ever else is on your mind. I will surely be complaining tonight and this weekend about NBC's coverage of the Olympics and what I will guess will be the total lack of radio coverage of the events here in the states.

Enquirer Blah?

This comment was in the Enquirer's Editorial yesterday:
Take this debate to a level beyond rhetoric about swift boats and National Guard service.
I don't seem to read much or hear much about Bush's National Guard Service, or lack there of, in the media much. It appears that those desperate for a Bush win are slipping back into Clinton-Bashing mode, with the ranting and raving about a subject that is frankly total Bullshit. I mean at least Clinton was to some degree a womanizer, but the crap they are trying to pull on Kerry is just a sad example of grasping at straws.

Thursday, August 12, 2004

"Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour."

Attention Phil Burress: live up to your own religion. You want truth or do you want the lies your group puts out about Article 12?

Phil and his theocratic friends violated the "9th commandment" when they fooled people into thinking any laws providing protection to people based on sexual orientation where "special" rights. They failed to worry about the "special" rights afford to people based on religion in the City Charter, but hey, religion is not a choice or anything. You are born thumping a bible or you the spawn of Satan.

Bronson on DeWine: K Street Special

Well, if you want biased journalism, Bronson can give you want you want. I mean, if I wanted to read this kind of puff piece I might have waited until the transcript of DeWine's next campaign video is released.

Enquirer Blogs from Athens

The Olympics bring out blogs from the Cincinnati Enquirer. This one is from some local Olympic athletes.

The initial post from Paul Daugherty's Athens blog leaves a lot to be desired, like most importantly complete sentences. He should be updating it today, but so far nothing. It is afternoon there now, so I think he could have sent something out by now. They also need to fix the link on their front page. This link comes from the front page of’s Olympic section.

I wonder how the logistics work for the blogs. Will each writer's post's update instantly or does it pass through an editor? Doc's post suggests the former.

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Cold Shoulder For Winburn

Say it isn't so Peter. In your column on the Mayor's race you opine about whom the GOP could possibly having running and you don't mention Charlie Winburn. That is a snub and a half.

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Kerry to Speak at VFW Convention Here in Cincinnati

John Kerry will be in town next week and address the Veterans of Foreign Wars convention. Bush may address the convention as well. Who will have a the bigger protest both inside and outside the convention? I am assuming Bush will come to the event. He is avoiding the military record comparison, but he can't afford to appear like he is dodging the comparison either.