Saturday, January 13, 2007

Grand Jury Leak?

Will there be an investigation into the alleged grand jury leak regarding Paul Hackett? His attorney would like to know (pdf).

This raises a couple good questions. Who tipped off the media to this story and why? How does anyone know the Grand Jury is investigating Hackett?

Shhhh! Don't Tell Larry Gross!!!!

Add another option for dinning and entertainment to downtown Cincinnati. I know this won't get much attention from City Beat's Larry Gross, so I'll make sure to spread the word here.

[Hat tip to CincyNation (yep, shocked me too)]

Friday, January 12, 2007

Smoking Ban Still Little Impact?

This article missed getting the Ohio side of the story so we still have no reports of a negative impact from the Smoking Ban. I was bowling last night (a 106 and a 119) at Madison Bowl and they still allow smoking, but not that many were actually smoking, so with every lane full it didn't seem to be a problem.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Beckham to USA

This reminds me a lot of Pele, but I welcome the influx of the world's most famous athlete playing in the MLS.


Bad Move. I want to call Bush Don Quixote for his charging at wind mills, but he is just not a noble person.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Witch Hunt

Well, the Enquirer smells blood and are going after Paul Hackett too. Why don't we get any questions as to who and why this was put before the Grand Jury?

On the other hand, Hackett sounds like a bit of a hot head for allegedly keeping what was described as an "assault rife" load and within reach at 4 AM. If Paul wants to become a moderate Republican (some say he is), he might get nominated for something again in rural Ohio.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

They Don't Have Metal Detectors

For all of the fear of Cincinnati Public Schools that exists outside and inside the City, a small fact needs to be known: CPD schools currently don't have metal detectors. I say this to make sure people know that the schools have been existing through riots, through poverty, and through much troubles, but they have protected students successfully without them. Monday's incident includes effort brave effort from Assistant Principal Dixon Edwards who did not shy away from his students and was put at risk for it.

I don't want metal detectors in our schools. If it saves a life, it may be needed, but I want to make sure people know that before the debate on getting them begins in earnest, it is 2007 and we don't have them. Other school districts in this country have had them for more than 20 years.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Playing Politics?

Someone is looking to nail Paul Hackett for allegedly showing a gun to a pack of dumb ass young adult males. These same young punk kids reportedly were in a car that hit and damaged Hackett's fence. This happened two months ago and is just now coming to light. It sounds like some parents over protecting their kids or trying to score a political point by pushing or likely exaggerating something to hurt Hackett.

If Hackett did this, well he'd be a putz.

Loving the Nati

Joe Wessels column from Saturday points us to some positive thinking about Cincinnati. It comes not from someone who has lived here their entire life, but instead only 18 months.

Check out Maggie Van Cantfort's Love Letters to Cincinnati project. Add your own thoughts about what you love about your city. If you hate the city, go back into your cave and cry some more.

A New Day For Ohio

This morning Governor Ted Strickland took the oath of office and ended the long rein of the GOP. It will be a long road to improve Ohio, but the Governor has the right attitude. How he is able to work with the GOP control legislature will be is true test and with them where the fate of progress rests.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Default Answer on Arts Funding

I've been left wondering about the details of the "Fiscal Five's" budget in regards to arts funding, but this article spells out what has been rumor. The City Budget cuts funding for arts programs to a sum of around $400,000. That money is, according to the article, going to be made up through a private grant from the Ralph and Carol Ann Haile Foundation. I hope this new foundation is open to all types of arts organizations. The article raises the most important question, will the city use this as a future excuse to permanently reduce funding?

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Speaking of a Negative Press

Newspaper headlines drive eye balls and is part of the game, but I honestly would like to know what editor wrote this headline: "Ohio lags in student success rating," and ask them to justify manipulating the story. Read the first couple paragraphs:
A nationwide study released today shows that Ohio is ranked 27th in the nation for its students’ chances for success – below the national average – and 10th in the nation for K-12 achievement – well above the national average.

Kentucky ranks 41st in the nation for chances for success and 34th for K-12 achievement.
If Ohio is lagging, what about Kentucky? Ohio maybe had mixed results or disappointing results, but to say we are lagging is a monumental bias that has no basis in fact and no clear purpose. Maybe the headline in the Kentucky Enquirer was different, but somehow I doubt it. Cut the Laziness!

City Council - Election Year - Let the Beatings Begin

In case folks are forgetting, this year City Council is up for grabs. We have one member Term-limited out (Jim Tarbell) so at least one seat will be open for the taking.

Who is running or presumed to be running:
Greg Harris
Chris Smitherman
John Cranley
Laketa Cole
David Crowley
Cecil Thomas
Leslie Ghiz
Chris Monzel
Jeff Berding
Chris Bortz

Rumored to be running or names that have been put out there:
Charlie Winburn
Brian Garry
Damon Lynch III
Pete Witte
Wendell Young
Eric Wilson
John Eby
Sam Malone

Who else is possible or who else has actually announced?

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Important News vs. Top News vs. Just Making Crap Up

I was very entertained by the many mistaken comments and posts about "Most Important News Stories of the Year" post on Sunday. Let me point out some of the fallacies and major misunderstandings people have raised and clarify several misrepresentations.
  1. This was not a post of the "Top" news stories of the year. This was list of stories I believe were the most important to the Cincinnati region.
  2. The Marcus Fiesel was tragic, sad, and horrible. It was way over-covered. It got national attention not because it was important, but because it was dramatic Most crimes like these always get lots of coverage because it sells more papers and gains more viewers.
  3. I'll stand by my belief that those who are pushing the crackdown on illegal immigrants are doing this based in part on bigotry/hate/racism. Why? Simple - How is this crime (not even a state crime) more important than trying to stamp out theft? How many theft crimes go unsolved every year in Butler County? Those crimes affect people directly. You can make the argument that they are "taking our jobs," but honestly if illegial imigrants can live off lower wages, do as good (often better) than their native counterpart, then why can't the American workers in those industries keep up? They aren't and I don't know why. Much can be blamed on employers manipulating the situation, but in most cases it is not the big corporations doing it, it is the middle and small companies who seem more willing to risk the crime for increase profits. As soon as the Butler County sheriff has solved all state and local crimes and done much to prevent more from happening, then maybe he should worry about Federal Crimes like this.
  4. The number of murders was over reported. It has no impact on us whether or not we broke a record. The difference in the number of murders from last year to this is is not significant. I did not say this was not news. It is just not an important issue to the community as a whole that we got 86 as opposed to 71 or 61. That is no solace for those killed, but I will say the hard truth, the vast majority of those killed where either selling or buying drugs or involved in other criminal acts. I did not say all and I am am not trying to demean the lives of innocent victims, but the numbers don't lie. Sure, you can throw up the names of the innocent people killed by scum bags, but that number is vastly less. Furthermore, just because there were innocents murdered does not mean the rest of us must quake and fear every time we walk outside, which is the real issue. No one needs to fear being murdered if they set foot inside Cincinnati. If you think that, you seriously need to change your thinking. I don't know how you could ever drive your car on the roads if you let the fear of getting into an accident guide you.
  5. Yes, it is a problem that so many people are being murdered, but that doesn't mean Cincinnati is not safe. I am basically restating #3 above in a different way, but there are two issues to focus on. The number of murders is horrible, none-the-less it is safe to come to Cincinnati. That is not a contradiction, that is an intellectual analysis of the issue, not an emotional analysis based on ignorance and sensational news reports mean not to inform but to make you need to watch (your life may depend on watching the news so stay tuned for the next three hours and we'll tell you why).
  6. Not all of my most important stories were all around positive. I acknowledged the death of Main Street and depending on your political preference, several stories could be positive or negative.
  7. News for Larry Gross: Bengal Matthias Askew was acquited of the charges.
I'll add more if more insane comments arise.

In Order to Live, You Must Jab an Ice Pick into Your Head

A common mentality that runs through many segments of the Cincinnati region is one that posits Cincinnati is so horrible, the only way to do anything to improve the situation is to level it and start over. This mentality comes from both sides of the political spectrum.

One side would like to just like to see the city die and either force all of the poor people to leave the area or take over the jobs that will open up once the illegal immigrants are rounded up.

The other side thinks Cincinnati is so backward that you either have to kick out all of the corporations or all the white people or all the non-smokers until you can have an inbred circle-jerk of merriment before starting an organic freshwater oyster collective so fertile that it will provide income to all of the remaining residents of the City. Since so few would remain, it might work until someone wanted to actually use electricity, take a shower, or flush the toilet.

If you like the City and its see potential to be a great city, you are attacked, as I have been by Larry Gross and the many personalities of his few commenters as well as many others commenters on this site.

This is something I find hysterical. I get called a cheerleader and am accused of having my head in the sand. Me, the guy who lashes out, who trusts few, who is a cynic about nearly everything I read or view. Yes, I do emphasize the positives. I am trying to be a counterweight. I am trying to see the beer stein half full (or in our case 2/3rds full) for a change.

Cincinnati's number one problem is attitude. Too many people think it sucks here. Most in that camp have lived here their entire lives and resent that for various reasons. Someone comes along and counters their preconceived notion of truth and that rubs the wrong way. I challenge their ignorance, their apathy, and I don't hesitate to try and knock the chip off their shoulder. What none have done so far is shown that they have any answers. They whine about this or bitch about that, pivot the blame else where, but don't say much constructive.

I'm going to work on another post detailing where many of my commenters and Larry Gross got my year end post wrong, and I hope to demonstrate how they are seeing what I wrote through a jaded prizm. Not that my words will improve their contextual reasoning skills, but it can't hurt.

Being constructive doesn't hurt. Killing the baby in the bathwater hurts on multiple levels. I'll try to make sure to improve my clarity, but I hope others will want to succeed instead of wallowing in pithy comments.

Lazy R. Hines Fails to Report Blog Attack on Griffin

The haphazard website operator Rick Hines of Cincy Nation as of 2:30PM has failed to link to the outrageous blog attack from the Living out Loud Blog put upon local mild mannered blogger, Brian Griffin. Hines allegedly commented on the aforementioned blog post, but had yet found the time to link to the story itself. It is undetermined how many other of the comments are from Hines using fake names, but "questions remain" alleging that Hines is posting under multiple pseudonyms.

(cough, cough)

For the Inner Civic Wiki in All of Us

Hamilton County has opened Pandora's box. Will other governments follow suit?

[Via the Enquirer]

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!

I didn't formulate any resolutions, but before the day is out I may make something up.

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Most Important News Stories of the Year

Here we go, my pick of the most important news stories in the Cincinnati Region for 2006. In reverse order:

10. Smoking Ban Passes - No major reports yet on loss of business by bar owners.
9. Entertainment zone moves south to Downtown - Main Street Entertainment District shrivels
8. City of Cincinnati Budget Fiasco - details on cuts still not clear - arts funding impact unknown
7. CCV fails to get Anti-gay issue on ballot - signature effort faced charges of fraud
6. Music Scene in City continues vibrancy with return of WOXY, rise of local music acts on the national stage (Heartless Bastards and half of Racuntours), and the great lineups at the music festivals (however the attendance levels were not stellar).
5. Schmidt and Chabot hold off Wulsin and Cranley
4. Newport Riverfront Development
3. Rebirth of Fountain Square - Ice Rink and Holiday events draw great crowds
2. Dems Gain Statewide Ohio Offices
1. Pepper defeats Heimlich and Dems take control of County Commission

Here are the Enquirer's Top Stories for Ohio and NKY. The bias of Enquirer is most evident in their play up of Butler County and their backhanded praise of Fountain Square.

Most Over reported Stories of the Year:
  • Murder rate in Cincinnati
  • Bengals Arrests
  • Marcus Fiesel tragedy - Yes, it was horrible, but making the case a spectacle is also horrible.
  • Every closing of a restaurant in the City.
  • Enquirer's obsession with reality TV - Jerry Springer is just not that interesting.
Most Under Reported Stories of the Year
  • The opening of New restaurants in the City.
  • Local politics, especially on local television news.
  • Power struggle for WAIF
  • Commercial Radio changes - Station swapping - Clear channel layoffs just before announcing huge station sell-off.
  • Level of bigotry/racism behind illegal immigration crackdown
  • Level of irrational fear of the City of Cincinnati (not just Downtown) by outside the I-275 loop suburban residents.

Friday, December 29, 2006

Joe's Booster Club

If Joe Wessels has a booster club, then Nate Livingston is likely a member. Nate raises a good point about the Enquirer's website. With the Post on a collision course with oblivion next year, I wonder how much the Enquirer would expend for equitable treatment of all reporters.