Monday, March 21, 2005


The Schiavo situation has gone from small political ploy from the right wing, to the grand order of hypocrisy most high. I guess they have no shame. This is nothing but a political stunt that is exploiting people who are struggling through something none of us would want to have to face. It is sickening to see the grandstanding and fake concern for a woman long since gone.


Steven Roach, yes they police officer who shot Tim Thomas sparking the Cincinnati Riots, lost his gun at the county courthouse last week.

He lost it in the men's room. To date, it has not been found.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Cincinnati's Star Back on the Rise?

From the perspective of at least one Boston journalist "Cincinnati is eating our lunch", where us is of course Boston. It is a very positive article about the power and value of Cincinnati and goes into the story of Jean-Robert de Cavel and quotes from David Pepper. We don't come off as an Eden along the Ohio, but recent corporate mergers are painting a good picture of the city, that are improving the overall image of the city. The best part is that the article talks about the city, the cultural elements of the city, but does not push the burbs. This should, I hope, be a sign for the suburbanites to see that the downtown drives the image and poise of the city. If it dies, so dies the whole region.

Friday, March 18, 2005

Regional Branding?

The Chamber is set to put forth a new branding of the Cincinnati Area. What that entails, I don't know, beyond the report that they will have a new "tag line" to use in advertisements and other promotions. What is missing from the article is that tag line. I guess we''ll have to wait until Monday.

Brinkman Endorses Heimlich

Tom Brinkman has publicly put himself behind Phil Heimlich for the 2nd District. He announced his views in an email to friends and supporters:
There is plenty of false loyalty in this world.
I do not buy into it.
I think that is why they use the expression, "he is loyal to a fault."
Meaning a person is so loyal that he will not even see fault with the person.
You certainly did not see me defend Mike Allen.
That is why I freely criticize other Republicans as much as Democrats.
I do NOT feel a sense of loyalty to them just because they are Republicans and I am a Republican;
Or Catholics because I am Catholic, or Whites because I am White, or Ohioans because I am from Ohio, etc.
But I am loyal to those who stood with me, particularly when the chips were down and no one else would.
I support Phil Heimlich for Congressman Rob Portman's seat.
Phil was the only elected official who supported me when I first ran in 2000. He is a stand up guy and will do a great job.
Do I agree on every issue with Phil? Heck no.
I am against Capital Punishment, cameras and curfews, all of which he supports.
We have been on opposite sides of ballot issues like the Communications levy in 1999.
And I am sure there will be others.
But they all pale in comparison to the things we agree on and work for: which are too numerous to mention.
I stated it loud and clear when "No Reportee" Korte called me yesterday.
And although it is likely to be misreported, I stated.

I am 100 % behind Phil Heimlich for Congress.

To that end, I would like you to be my special guest on Tuesday evening (March 22, 2005) at the Reds Hall of Fame
where Phil Heimlich will make a special announcement. Doors open at 5:30 pm and finger food and drinks will be served.
And you can get a FREE tour of the Hall of Fame (it will stay open until 9:00).

Let me know if you can make it and please bring a friend. Thanks.
Tom Brinkman Jr.
This email was sent to me by Tom with the bold included.

This also is, well, as big of a confirmation that Phil is running for the seat that you could get, short of an actual announcement.

What I wish to speculate on is what is in this for Brinkman? Now, he will likley deny it, but I would guess there was a deal. I would guess brinkman was promised an endorsement from the GOP for Mayor if he stayed out of the Congressional race. He might be considered for County commissioner if Heimlich wins, but I see that is unlikley. I don't think the HMRP would hand him an elected office.

The GOP's other options for Mayor are Winburn or Painter. Winburn wants it; Painter appears to have faded away from running. Who else would the GOP endorse for Mayor?

Portman Moving Up

Congressman Rob Portman will join the Bush Administration as U. S. Trade Representative. Once he is confirmed, which will happen fairly easily, his House seat becomes open and the race to fill it will be crowded.

Who will run? DeWine or Heimlich or Brinkman? I did not see Tom Brinkman's name mentioned in the article. Why is that? Is he running for Mayor instead of playing the spoiler? Well, playing the spoiler for Congress. If he runs for Mayor he would be playing the spoiler for David Pepper.

One question, is this an open race where multiple Republicans can and likely will run? If that is true, doesn't that open up the possibility for a Democrat win with a strong candidate? A Tyrone Yates would be good, or what about a Charlie Luken?

UPDATE: More from the Post.

Big Wifi News

The Greater Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce Regional Leadership Forum has plans to establish free Wifi in various neighborhoods and areas through out the city. This is a brilliant idea, and to bad the city could not get off their asses and get it done. If this works it would be a boon to local businesses, the creative class, and the city.

UPDATE: Another Wifi story from the Post.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Favorite Beers (IDOBD)

In honor of the International Day of Beer Drinking (IDOBD), better known as St. Patrick's Day, I submit my list of favorite or may just preferred beers. I don't have much that most would find to extravagant, I tend to stick to draft beers when I can, but when I can't choose I am content as long as the container is glass.
  1. Smithwick's
  2. Spaten
  3. Bass
  4. Heineken
  5. Molson
  6. Moosehead
  7. Labatts
  8. Sapporo
  9. Harp
  10. Corona

If I had to pick a beer today, one of these would be my choice, but back in college there was one particular party with one particular pony keg of Miller Genuine Draft that was the "best beer ever consumed by human beings." It was not the best brand, just the best actual amount of beer. When 15 people, who were at best average beer drinkers (about 1/3rd of which were females who mostly were not big beer drinkers) can finish a pony keg in about 45 minutes and all exclaim "that was the best beer I've ever had," then that says something. The secret had to be in the large amounts of salt, all the ice had, and one plastic garbage bag.

Also of interest, a CD with what are claimed to be the best Beer Drinking Songs in the World Ever. I in no way agree with the list, just something else to chew on, other than cabbage.

You may also may need this later on today.

St. Patrick's Day Festivities

Happy St. Patrick's Day! Drink well and be safe!

CiNWeekly has a very good summary of events and particulars of the local Irish Pubs on St. Patrick's Day.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Kings Island For Sale?

I don't know if this has been report before or not but in talks of a Viacom corporate split, Paramount's Kings Island is included as an asset to be sold. No indication who the buyer could be, or what that would mean for the theme park.

Andrew Warner Gets Green Backing

City Council Candidate and UC Student Andrew Warner has gained the endorsement of the Southwest Ohio Green Party.

Mallory's Education Plan Gets Press

This article provides the same summary Mallory discussed in last week's Democratic Forum event. I am willing to listen to the plan. I don't know if it could work. We need more details than we have are provided in this article.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Open City Council Race?

Kevin Osborne of the Post gives a good update on the Council Race. According to the article we have the following names floating out there as declared or possible candidates:

John Cranley, David Crowley, and Laketa Cole are the incumbents.
Jeff Berding, Eve Bolton, Brian Crum Garry, and Eric Wilson are all seek an endorsement.

Other Dems with their names floating out there include: Bernadette Watson, Cecil Thomas,and Greg Harris.

Sam Malone, Chris Monzel are the incumbents.
Leslie Ghiz has declared her intentions.

Other GOPher's with their names floating around are Pete Witte, Tom Jones, and Paul McGee.

Jim Tarbell and Chris Smitherman are the incumbents.
Nick Spencer had been endorsed by the party.
Chris Bortz is waiting for a endorsement.

I am sure Damon Lynch III is still thinking about it. A run for Mayor is not out the question for him either. Nate Livingston is playing with the idea. Two UC college students also have their names out there: Andrew Warner and Robert Wilson.

If I missed any names of possible candidates, chime in on who should be on the list.

UPDATE: As nearly everyone has pointed out, Fanon Rucker is running for Judge, and is therefore not running for council. I have correct that error above.

Also, Nick Spencer comments on the article and the race in general.

21st Century Stripmalls

With plans for yet another retail "center" or "lifesytle center" as some are called, are these the new strip mall? They seem to be popping up all over the place. They are replacing the stripmall hells on roads like Beechmont, Fields Ertel, and Colerain. In the city we had neighborhood squares that provided a mini-downtown area to find retail and various services. The butcher, coffeehouse, and a funeral home in Mt. Lookout Square are but one example of what made Cincinnati neighborhoods appealing. Are these big-boxish centers trying to create a retailers Disneyworld?

What really sucks about these places is that no one lives there. What makes squares like Hyde Park or Oakley special is that people live on the square or just off the main road and can walk to the shops and restaurants. These centers are just like malls, islands of illusion with faux landscaping, faux streets, and faux life. Plastic town squares for plastic people. You won't see me there. Or, rather you will see me there often, which is not sad for anyone but me. I am a sucker for following crowds.

Leslie Ghiz Makes It Official

Leslie Ghiz announced officially she is running for the City Council. She is considered to be the front runner to take one of the two open seats. Jeff Berding is likely also right up there with her.

Monday, March 14, 2005

Nick Clooney, Get into the 21 Century Please!

I generally like Nick Clooney and his columns are light fun, but Nick needs to maybe buy a computer. His column is footnoted with this tidbit:
Nick Clooney writes for The Post every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Write to him in care of The Post at 125 E. Court St., Cincinnati, Ohio 45202. E-mails sent to Nick at will be forwarded to him via regular mail.
Can't George buy the guy a Blackberry or something? Hell, hire someone to come to the house once a day and print them out. Why oh why would the Post print off emails and mail them to Nick? I am sending Nick an email on this.

Millworks Isn't Free

In the article announcing the pending deal to add a new Jungle Jim's market to the Cincinnati Millworks in Oakley we learn about one of the sticking points that Jim wants assurance on, the city's commitment to building a new roadways to connect Kennedy Avenue and it's I-71 access points to the Millworks project. The city has already earmarked $6.9 million to the $19.3 million dollar road project. Don't get me wrong, this road project is badly needed whether or not the Millworks happened or not. I just want to make sure no one thinks that the City is not shelling out some bucks for this. I hope the State/Federal governments pick up the rest. This is the type of development that every red blooded Republican should be chomping at the bit to support. I guess the only drawback is that it is not up in Mason.

This hopefully will not require Eminent Domain, but if it does, it should sail through without any significant hindrances.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Pepper's Parking Problems

Should Councilman and Mayoral Candidate David Pepper just hire a full time driver to avoid the tickets? That would actually be much more expensive than the $1,088 in parking fines he paid last year, but his image might improve just a bit if he were able to follow the simplest of rules.

Bronson's Worst

Peter Bronson cannot not get any worse than this hack job on Dan Rather. I know I bash Bronson on nearly everything he writes, but this is just a brand spanking new low of lows. Bronson was Lazy. He did nothing but rehash the conservative spin on Dan Rather and call it a new column. I am tired of bashing Bronson, I will admit it. I am sure that the conservative commenters will come out with the same old drivel and bash me. I don't read and rebut Bronson because I like to, I do it because I believe someone in this town must. The Enquirer does not allow any local liberal columnists to state a regular opinion on political issues. So, I speak my piece so at least I can personally vent a little disdain that builds each day when liberal opinions in this town are muffled by the media and the PTB.

I laugh when conservatives want to paint Dan Rather as a biased liberal. This is a guy who has charged off in more wars than most all of the conservative journalists combined have been to, either as a solider or as reporters. The man was in Iraq before and after the invasion, while Bronson was back home bitching about Bill Clinton getting a better book deal than he got.

If you want to attack Rather for messing up, ok. That’s fine. He screwed up. What I don't hear Bronson or another critic say is "WAS THE STORY WRONG?" Answer: No. Bush did get light duty and preferential treatment while in the TANG. Anyone who doubts that is really living in a kool-aid filled world. Was it political bias that influenced Rather? No, I believe it was ego. Rather's biggest flaw is his big ego. He has a monster size one, but tries to get people to think he is a country boy. Compare this to Peter Jennings who has a huge ego and a level of arrogance befitting an anchor and does nothing to dispute that fact. Rather wanted to get a big story, and let his judgment lax. He should have waited to make the case, even if he lost the scoop.

When it comes to bias in news I had to laugh more when Bronson wrote this:
Rather's melodramatic, grandiose farewell on Wednesday night brought to mind a quote by Emerson: "The louder he spoke of his honor, the faster we counted our spoons." Rather has been a brave risk-taker. But he's just another loud trumpet in the media marching band who began to think he wrote the music.
This reminds me of FOX News. This is the outfit who because they are so 'fair and balanced' and practice 'real journalism' that they have tell their viewers that at least 10 times an hour.

Finally, I again must laugh at Bronson’s pure ignorance when it comes to the Internet. He writes this:
Google found 12,500 hits for "Nixon stonewalling." For Rather, the count was 14,700. Talk about your irony - the comparison looks tighter than skin on a green apple. There's even a Web site called "Rathergate." What goes around comes around.
Bronson needs to understand something about the Internet. All of history is not on it. The fact that Rather got a couple thousand more references than Nixon says more about Nixon than it does Rather. Rather's actions were recent and people writing about him are rabid with hate towards him for honestly an unknown reason. I mean I would think they would be after Jennings; he is from Canada after all. Nixon on the other hand is being writing about 30 years after he was out of town on a rail. Those writing today are every Tom, Dick, and Harry on a blog, just like me. If we had blogs back in 1972 through 1974, then Nixon would have been impeached well before the fall of 1974, which is where things were headed before Nixon resigned.

If Bronson wants to also compare apples to apples, he might want to have every newspaper from 1948 to 1991 archived online, and then search again. I think Peter might find a few more references to Nixon's stonewalling. I mean Peter if you are going to attack a man for using bad documents by using bad documentation yourself, then you'll look like a pole cat who just was run over by a flatbed pick-up truck on its way to El Paso to deliver a cup of Irony to old Doc Shut-the-Fuck-Up.

Kicking a horse when its down is quickly becoming Bronson's MO. If rebutting Bronson's hack writing becomes mine, then so be it.

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Sinn Fein Leader in Cincinnati

Gerry Adams, leader of the political wing of IRA, is starting his American visit in Cincinnati. I know we have a sizeable Irish population, with the large number of Irish bars in town as one indication (and I know them all well), but I would have guessed Adams would have gone to Boston or New York instead.