Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Be it, Don't Dream It

Nick Spencer has it right with his post on how OTR can change. The only thing I would add is that you don't have to make this a single person endeavor. If you have a full time job, like most of us, consider a partnership or better yet a team. Get a group of investors together and pool your resources and start a business. Hire someone, create a job, and create economic growth. The business doesn't have to be open 24 hours a day, but if you set the hours right, commit to it, it can bloom, especially when you are one among many businesses. Just remember its business, not personal. Don't get pissed if it fails, and be careful mixing business with friendships. That is how capitalism works, after all.

Dale Mallory Sues West End council

Dale Mallory, brother of Mayor Mark Mallory, is sueing the West End Council over his removal as the West End Community Council President. Mallory's full press release reads:
Dale Mallory asks Court to Declare Alleged Impeachment Illegal

(Cincinnati, OH) Dale Mallory has asked the Hamilton County Court of Commons Pleas to invalidate his alleged impeachment as President of the West End Community Council (WECC). Mallory made the request by seeking an injunction and restraining order against Shirley Colbert the WECC Vice President who presided over the meeting where the alleged impeachment occurred.

“This process was illegal,” said Mallory, “those who conducted it did not follow the Constitution and By-Laws of the West End Community Council.”

In the Affidavit, which accompanied the request for the restraining order, Mallory says that Deputy Sheriffs physically blocked him from presiding at the February 21, 2006 meeting of the West End Community Council. According to Mallory, he was told that he was not the Community Council President even before the impeachment process, and that he had to sit in the audience and could not address those present at meeting. Most of the West End Community Council members who qualified to vote at the proceeding were denied that right by those conducting the meeting. Even Dale’s brother, Mayor Mark Mallory was not allowed to cast a vote.

“For the past several months the CityLink issue has received a lot of public attention,” said Mallory, “although I never publicly endorsed or supported this project, I have received threats and had an illegal impeachment process conducted against me because I wouldn’t publicly oppose it.”

Mallory also stated he was informed that prior to the illegal impeachment proceedings, Shirley Colbert, the Defendant in this case, and others opened a bank account without the authorization of the West End Community Council. Dues collected from alleged Community Council members were placed in the account. Mallory is also seeking a Temporary Restraining Order to preclude Colbert and others from accessing the West End Community Council’s bank accounts and appropriating funds.

Mallory says his 1st and 14th amendment rights were violated and he is asking the court to require that the WECC Executive Board and its members recognize him as the legal President of the organization.
I don't know if he has much of a case. Any lawyer wish to chime in?

Cheers to City Council

I am pleased to see Council members David Crowley, Laketa Cole, Chris Bortz and Vice Mayor Jim Tarbell all support an anti-discrimination ordinace protecting gays, lesbians and the transgendered.

It is sad and disturbing to see the bigot Phil Burress out pushing the his hate ministry:
But Phil Burress, president of Citizens for Community Values, said he wished council would put the issue before voters first. He promised a response: It will take gathering 7,000 signatures in 30 days to force the issue onto a ballot, he said.

"I thought council had grown up and realized there are a lot more important things they are facing. This sets the city back more than a decade," Burress said.
Please note the insane dichotomy Phil Burress is living under. He wants Council to realize there are more important things than passing anti-discrimination laws, but he thinks it is such a big deal he is trying to get 7,000 signatures to try and overturn the effort. This guy DOES NOT EVEN LIVE IN THE CITY OF CINCINNATI!

Burress is clearly a bigot. He is willing to do anything he can to make it legal to discriminate against gays and lesbians. I will be interested in hear the views of anyone who disagrees with me on the use of my infamous term "bigot" which some are sick of. It is as valid a label as any other. Hamas is a terrorist group, and Burress is a bigot. Those who do and think as those two do are also terrorists and bigots, respectively. Members of Hamas are bigots as well. Burress is not a terrorist, but the emotional and political 'violence' he uses puts him in parallel with the goals of groups like Hamas. That is why laws like these are needed.

Monday, March 06, 2006


Sam Shipman, artist and member of local band The Thirteens, was killed in a car crash over the weekend.

Rebuilding Main Street

It was great seeing Kaldi's absolutely packed on Friday nigh for BockFest. I overheard more than once someone comment that they have never seen the place as packed, at least not since the riots. You couldn't find a seat, and the wait staff had to fight to place drink orders at the bar with patrons.

I really love the idea of Main Street. I don't know if everyone has the same idea anymore for Main Street. Is it an arts district with some bars? Is it a bar district with some art galleries? Is it a neighborhood with a little bit of everything? I don't know what it could or should be, but I want it to be something.

The efforts of the Main Street Entertainment Group are very welcome. They are big reason behind this year's BockFest, where the parade was a welcomed effort, with more floats than its had in years, my friends tell me.

Will closing part of Main Street off at night be the thing to turn things around? Well, that depends on what idea for the area you think it should be. I don't have an answer. I don't know how some of the bars down there will survive without more local neighborhood residents going there. It has the makings of something great or of something that will end in conflict in our city of disharmony.

It will not be boring.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Jim Parker: Showman & Candidate

If he wins the nomination, I don't know, but the man can put on a good show.

WAIF Falling Apart

The Dean (Jason Haap) is not the ideal person to compare to, but in what is becoming a WAIF meltdown, he comes across as the sane one.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Half of a Story

And now here’s half…of the story. The anti-abortion side gets their propaganda published for free in the newspaper. Where is the pro-choice side of the issue getting free ink space? This story has in it only references to Steve Chabot and women who testified against the right for women being allow to control their own bodies. What about congress members who support the rights granted under Roe v. Wade? Did they not appear at the committee meeting? Did they not question these witnesses? Can you at least get mention of who else has or will be testifying on the other side of the issue? Apparently we can’t have that.

Please know that what one of the women referenced in the article does is fill women's heads with anti-abortion propaganda, and is called hero by the newspaper for doing this. Being called "hero", as the second puff piece does, may be fine for the extreme right-wing conservative audience, but for those looking for truth, not propaganda, it leaves the taste of ”yellow human interest journalism." That would be soft touch yellow journalism that crusades in what one would call a subliminal manner.

Has the newspaper ever profiled a local Planned Parenthood staff member as a "hero"? I would guess no for two reasons: 1)bias and 2) the fact that most Planned Parenthood staff members are forced to live in fear from the darkside of the anti-abortion movement, and don't want to have the negative attention they would be hit with from the zealots.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

One Big Pissing Contest

This sounds like our elected officials don't play well with others. What are they really fighting over? Control?

Si Leis

I have to call it out: Si Leis is kind of consistent. Si billed who he could bill, namely DeWine who is not his political buddy, instead of the President.

When Bush had his Great American Ball Park rally back in 2004, I don't remember a story of Leis billing the Bush campaign for security, so Leis only grandstands when he can poke at someone he doesn't like or is not his candidate of choice.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

CAM Upgrade

The Cincinnati Art Museum plans a massive upgrade of its facilities, including a sculpture garden and new parking garage.

A few die hard art students and others are not please with the plan to raise the old art academy, which move to OTR last year. If the CAM is going to grow and increase the value of art in the community, how can it not take on a plan like this. Art needs include the preservation of the past, but it must break new ground.

See the art museum for yourself tonight at One World Wednesday. This month the country is Ireland. Great beer and music awaits. It starts at 5:30 PM. $8 or free for CAM Members. Yes, I am a member and it pays to join!


An effort to help out WOXY gain subscribers takes places as a re-prom but is also called Dot Com Prom. It takes place this Saturday Night at alchemize, 1122 Walnut street. Dig out your best duds, buy a corsage, and make like a wall flower in hopes of help great local Internet radio station WOXY.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Newport Moving Ahead

Newport appears to have a huge development plan in the making. With the Levee in a slump, will this work or not?

What is lost in the article, although given a first sentence mention, and will be sure to gain the ire of many is this:
With the demolition of Newport's riverfront housing projects now under way, the battle among developers for what could be the biggest redevelopment project in the city's history is about to begin.


The city is under a fairly tight deadline because demolition recently began on the site's public housing, which consists of 31 buildings totaling 200 apartments. The site is expected to be cleared by June.
If this were to happen in OTR, we would have protests, lawsuits, and TV Cameras. The demolition has already begun. 200 apartments of people are already displaced, not to return to the site, unless they gain wealth beyond their prior means.

What is keeping this from happening in OTR at this point? Is it happening at all in OTR, and not getting any more attention?

Post Will Die

It has been a clear and obvious fact to most, but the Cincinnati Post will die once their JOA with Gannett ends. I find it very unlikely that it will do anything other than being a Northern Kentucky newspaper, whether daily or not is the question.

Via Nick Spencer

Monday, February 27, 2006

Mardi Gras

Anyone Go to Mardi Gras over the weekend? Was it fun? Wild? Tame? Filled with lots of open containers and open bras?

It Must Be Simple

For Bronson, movies, TV, and art can't be complicated. It is easy to brand "Narnia" as "Christian," but it is as Christian as "Platoon."

I give Bronson for one thing, he saw the movie he is criticizing, namely "Brokeback Mountain." He attacks other movies with one phrase labels. I don't think he saw "Good Night and Good Luck." I think Bronson would like it. Anyone claiming to be a Journalist of any stripe should adore that movie. It speaks for Freedom of the Press more than any movie last year.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Asking the Right Questions

The abortion debate has been heating up lately, and I have not been one to shy away from it, which is actually not normal for me. Anyway...

Via Atrios we steered to what gets at the more honest questions that people have to face over this issue. From Oliver Willis:
This will be an intriguing question that should be asked in the 2008 election: Do you support the imprisonment of doctors for up to five years for the alleged “crime” of performing an abortion, as South Dakota’s legislature demands?

This question is not one of the questions at the core of the abortion debate, but covers the real life consequence lawmakers and crusaders have when they pass laws, without thinking about what they are doing, instead of only thinking about how many votes the might get for what they are doing.

The follow-up question I would ask is "do you support the imprisonment of women for up to fives years for the alleged 'crime' having an abortion?" Then you can ask is it a crime to conspire to assist in the alleged 'crime' of having or performing an abortion, which would entail the imprisonment for such a crime. Both bring the issue down to what happens if you make abortions illegal. What punishment should people be forced with when they are making personal decisions that shouldn’t be the business of the state?

Bottom line here is the distinction in the abortion debate that gets lost: being against abortion and being for laws banning it and/or making it a crime.

The polling on this is what I think goes back and forth in the debate, all over how the questions are phrased: do you support abortion? Well, no, I don't want people to have to have abortions, so, no. Do I support a legal ban on abortion? Hell no! People should have the right to control their own bodies.

The other big question that doesn't get asked or answered is "If you want to end Abortions, why don't you support the prevention of abortions by preventing unwanted pregnancies through use of contraception?"

This then gets us back into the cycle of the core debate, which I agree with others gets very tiresome and pointless. That debate is coming back as a battle, and those seeking to outlaw abortion appear to be willing to anything to outlaw it. That battle will be met with more opposition than I think they expect. The over-reach will be ever-present with actions of the likes of Tom Brinkman, who is of the mindset to force all to act at the whims of those who share his basic religious beliefs. To them there are no questions to ask, just orders to follow.

Fluffy Profile of Ghiz

Council Person Leslie Ghiz is profiled, very briefly, in the Community Press this weeek.

The profile is at best a human interest story at worst its the typical type of non-hard hitting journalism that is the Community Press.

Friday, February 24, 2006


John Kiesewetter is reporting that 700 WLW-AM will begin broadcasting on XM Salellite Radio channel 173.

Is this a deal Clear Channel has with XM with other CC stations or just WLW? Will this drive WLW even farther away from local radio, and more towards crap. I understand and concur that it already has a large level of crap, but their news coverage has the only really live breaking news coverage of most issues through-out the city. If I fear something big happened in town, I am turning on the radio, not TV. Well, that is unless it is during a Red's game.

Banks Back and Forth

First Cranley and Heimlich said there was a deal, but the Mayor says it getting closer, but its not there yet. Ok, someone messed up and spoke without consulting with the rest of council or commission.