Wednesday, February 05, 2003

Jay Love: A Mind of Stone
Jay Love of 1230 the Buzz seems to have his mind made up that George Bush is another Hitler and is out to destroy the "black man" like Nelson Mandela has indicated. That "black man" according Mr. Mandela includes Iraq’s Arabs. Jay must have been listening to "Reverend Shannon" a lot lately. His acceptance of conspiracy theories is quite surprising. I myself do not trust people, however I do not assume they are lying just because what they say supports their side of an issue and not mine.

Jay is against war. He is a pacifist, except when it comes to spanking his children. Using force on kids is ok, but using force on tyrants is not? Jay would be willing to call out the Army once a foreign government landed its troops on our shores. I guess Jay also would not want to do anything if the UK or Canada or any other ally was attacked.

Jay Love agrees with the current "Hate Crimes" ordinance covering race and religion, but did I hear him correctly that he is against it for homosexuals? So Jay is a hypocrite and a bigot, or just a hypocrite? I hope I heard that wrong, but I fear not.

Jay is also ignorant of history if he thought the Pulitzer Prize winning picture of Gen. Nguyen Ngoc Loan executing a Viet Cong prisoner was the picture of an American killing a VC prisoner.
Korte: City Hall
Booth not to seek re-election? He might even resign early to allow a Democratic candidate to run as an incumbent. Booth has not been a great councilman, and his has not been the worst. If he goes I for one will not miss him, but if he can do good by keeping another Republican off council, I will not mind.
Council votes today on hate ordinance
This will pass, maybe 7-2, but at least five will support it. DeWine and Monzel's reactionary religion will most likely keep them from fairness. Separation of Church and State must be a pipedream for us secularists.
Bronson: Victims should all be equal
Peter admits the issue at hand here:
So why is City Council starting another culture war to make some victims feel more special?
The bottom line is that Peter and his fellow conservatives do not like homosexuals. Peter and friends, like the CCV, use their religion's minor references to persecute homosexuals. Peter and fellow fundamentalist Christians constantly cry about religious bigotry, even though they have as much religious bigotry as anyone else, if not more, yet Peter doesn’t have the courage to call for the City to ends its "Politically correct 'affirmative action' for some groups of crime victims" by revoking the current hate crime ordinance that gives "preferential" treatment to people based on their religion. Those without religion are fair game to be hated, or those religions not considered religions by pious politicians and self-righteous clergy. If Peter wants to avoid special treatment, then give up his special rights for the religious. Also, when Phil Burress moves back into the city, then his theocratic fascist hate group can sue the city. I for one prefer to keep the bigots out of the city, so Phil…stay in the burbs.

Tuesday, February 04, 2003

City "Hate Crimes" Ordinance Up for Revision
John Schlagetter's statement to today's City Council Law Committee meeting covering the proposed "Hate Crimes" ordinance. The Law Committee did vote to adopt a change in the "Hate Crimes" ordinance to include crimes based on sexual orientation, gender, disability or age. It goes to the full city Council on Wednesday. I would assume Pat Dewine voted against it, based on his political parties history of bigotry towards homosexuals, but I can't find a roll call of the vote.
Chris Anderson on the Broken Windows Theory. I think Charlie might be up to it, but I don't think he has the support to succeed. The police leadership are out for themselves, city council is out for themselves, the boycotters are out for themselves, business leaders are out for themselves, and of course the criminals are out for themselves. We all of these groups fighting for their own, how can anything happen for the rest of us?
City caught in another 'censorship' controversy
From this article it appears that one person has been able to get this play canceled. Majed Dabdoub sounds paranoid if he thinks his daughters are in danger from the play. The adults need to grow some balls, allow the play to go on, and stop the pussy footing around an oversensitive parent. These objections listed from the Ohio Chapter of the Council on American Islamic Relations are an insult. The play is fiction. The play is not defaming any individual. If the play portrays the negatives of some generalized groups, that is just too bad. If this group had its way, no negative portrayal of anyone would be used in fiction, ever. No WWII war drama could be made. No Civil War movies. No crime stories. No drama at all. We would see nothing but the milquetoast Leave it Beaver, doing nothing to offend anyone. Get just a little bit of ego Mr. Dabdoub.

If Mr. Dabdoub does not like the play, he has the right to keep his kids from seeing it, but this moron has no more right to try and censor society than the moron trying to ban John Steinbeck. The WLWT article supports the notion that the campaign by Mr. Dabdoub is nothing more than one man's crusade. All Cincinnati needs now is for this to get on Bill O’Rielly’s FoxNews show. The New York Times piece is more than enough. Cincinnati does not nee another censorship attention getter to increase the bad reputation we have for censoring everything under the sun. Now these nuts spin this as something best left in a rubber room. I hope they do not increase the fringe nut cases already living in the city. I am surprised our own local Black Fist or Nation of Islam leaders have not muscled in the on the issue to spout their racist rhetoric. I hope I did not just jinx it.

Monday, February 03, 2003

Cranley pushes hate-crimes law
An election year brings out the best dog and pony shows money can buy, and John Cranley is the stable master esquire. I am all for equal rights for homosexuals, but I don't like a Johnny come lately making hay from the body of a dead man.

This issue is bringing in the bigots from out of town to make it a media circus.
Meanwhile, the Rev. Fred Phelps, pastor of the Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kan., said Sunday that he plans to bring a group to Covington and Cincinnati Feb. 11 to protest ordinances dealing with protection for homosexuals.
This is the scumbag fundamentalist theocratic fascist that preaches hate and bigotry. I wonder how many locals will cheer him on. I also wonder how many local talk radio shows will have him on the air.
Taft plan resembles defeated opponent's
A Clintonian move if there ever was one on the part of Taft. I wonder if Kevin Holtsberry would care to revise and extend his remarks.
CJC Meltdown
Chris Anderson comments on the Meltdown of the CJC and the boycott. John Schlagetter is moving to a level of Comity. I guess shooting fish in a barrel over at the CJC website has become too monotonous.
Banning Of Mice and Men
It appears that local yokel Lloyd Caldwell is on a puritan tirade. He is upset over a few swear words in the classic John Steinbeck novel Of Mice and Men. Hopefully the school board will ignore the ignoramus. When a man allows himself to be qutoed in the newspaper for saying
"Every page in this book except four, and that’s right at the beginning, has swear words of one nature or another —

and some of them are just dern right, down rotten filthy."
his judgment must be questioned and his lack of education must be evident. Erin O'Conner at Critical Mass had a few comments on the subject, and sugguests that Mr. Caldwell needs to study what the book is about, before objecting to the superfical level of the atmosphere, no matter how real it is.

Sunday, February 02, 2003

CalPundit writes much the same ideas I had after reading Instapundit recently. The Blogosphere has been far to harsh and petty the last month or so. The pro-Iraq crowd has become as shrill and short; they make the transnationals look well thought and sincere. Glenn Reynolds is sounding more and more like a talk radio host, saying the most outlandish thing, just to get a rise out his audience. Now, if we combine talk radio with the printed word, don't we just get a tabloid?
Nate States the Obvious
In yet another email, Nate Livingston is off on a mindless and incomprehensible tangent. He writes:
Greg Flannery, John Schlagetter, Brian Griffin and other white liberals are no friend of the Cincinnati Boycott or the movement for justice and equality being waged in Cincinnati. We can never allow them to intimidate us. We can never allow them to bully us into backing away from our righteous position that African Americans are equal to white Americans.
Yes Nate, it is obvious I do not support your group's boycott or your "movement". I am not a white American. I am just an American. As along as you cannot understand that much, there will be end to your boycott, no end to your bigotry, and no end to your racism.
Columbia Lost: A Special Section of The Enquirer, WCPO-TV9, The Post and Cincinnati.Com
Excellent page and excellent local coverage from the Enquirer/Post/WCPO. I hope yesterday's call for local stories was worth it.

Saturday, February 01, 2003

DeWine attacks police slowdown
Historians say only Nixon could go to China, so could only a Republican get police to get back into gear?
Columbia, The Gem of the Ocean
O, Columbia! the gem of the ocean,
The home of the brave and the free,
The shrine if each patriot's devotion,
A world offers homage to thee.
Thy mandates make heroes assemble
When Liberty's form stands in view;
Thy banners make tyranny tremble

When borne by the Red, White and Blue!
When borne by the Red, White and Blue!
When borne by the Red, White and Blue!
Thy banners make tyranny tremble
When borne by the Red, White and Blue!

The wine cup, the wine cup bring hither,
And fill you it true to the brim!
May the wreaths they have won never wither,
Nor the star of their glory grow dim!
May the service united ne'er sever,
But they to their colors prove true!
The Army and Navy forever,
Three cheers for the red, white and blue,
Three cheers for the red, white and blue,
Three cheers for the red, white and blue,
The Army and Navy forever,
Three cheers for the red, white and blue.

If you can sing along with it and not tear up, you are stone cold and emotion free.
Hail Columbia
Hail Columbia, happy land!
Hail, ye heroes, heav'n-born band,
Who fought and bled in freedom's cause,
Who fought and bled in freedom's cause,
And when the storm of war was gone
Enjoy'd the peace your valor won.
Let independence be our boast,
Ever mindful what it cost;
Ever grateful for the prize,
Let its altar reach the skies.

Firm, united let us be,
Rallying round our liberty,
As a band of brothers joined,
Peace and safety we shall find.

MP3 from USAF Band with an alternate version.
John Glenn reacts to the Columbia Disaster.
Columbia Disaster
I remember the day vividly back on January 28th, 1986. I was in my 8th grade social studies class at Washington Junior High in Jamestown, New York. All day long most teachers keep their classes in the auditorium watching television coverage of the Challenger tragedy. To this day I hate watching the video of the Challenger exploding. Feeling the fear then as I do now is horrible and the pain of the families of the astronauts is unimaginable. Those feelings must be respected and the reason for the loss of Columbia must be investigated fully. However, now that another shuttle has been lost, I have but one thought. Space flight must continue. NASA went 3 years without launching a shuttle. That cannot happen again. The United States must continue with manned space flights, and must work towards new and brilliant goals. We must take this horrible event and the grief it will and has brought to the world and use it to build a new effort to go back to the Moon and on to Mars. Fear cannot be let to rule space exploration. The reaction after the Challenger disaster held back space exploration in an untold number of ways. We must not recoil into the shell of hyper-caution, and instead honor the 7 astronauts and all past space explorers by living the dreams of pushing the envelope and breaking out of confines of our planet and our star system. As a society we must understand the risks of exploration and not let the knee-jerk culture of fear to hold back the progress of knowledge. Humans must strive to better themselves. We must go where no one has gone before.
Seeking informationIf you have any connection to the space shuttle or if you have friends or relatives who live in the area where debris from the shuttle Columbia is falling in north Texas, please call the Enquirer's Metro desk at 768-8600 or send an e-mail to the Editor(s) actually approve this as a front page link? This rubs me as a bit crass.