Monday, November 20, 2006

Count Every Vote

Let no vote go uncounted. The fight for Vic Wulsin to overcome the lead of Schmidt is still a long shot, but it is so very sad to see the news media publishing fool's letters complaining about the election process existing.

I hate to tell Doreen Isett of Loveland, but she really needs to quit her whining. Her Dragon Queen may yet win the Ohio 2nd District, but keep your bitching and moaning in check until all of the votes have been counted.

Morton's Steakhouse Moving to 5th and Vine

Morton's Steakhouse will move its current 4th Street Carew Tower location to a new location in the tower at 5th and Vine across from Fountain Square.

Downtown is just "Dead", ain't it? (cough, cough)

Mallory Alters Budget

Where was the disconnect between what Milton Dohoney issued a couple of weeks ago and then what Mayor Mallory proposed today?

Doesn't the City Manager report to the Mayor? It's like Mallory didn't have any input on what was announced. If that is standard practice, I'll stand corrected, but it just appears odd. Mallory now looks to have done 2 things, caved into certain groups or come to their rescue. He couldn't have done both, but to some people it will look like he caved and to others it will look like he came to the rescue. The game looks transparent, but will it matter?

CEA Winners

Congratulations to all who won and to those who were just happy to be there.

Speaking of being there, if you made it out to the ceremony last night, let me know how it was. A group from Cincinnati Advance headed out, but I bailed and stayed home.

Sunday, November 19, 2006


This episode from Friday Night sounds like something right out of a movie.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

I Guess We Need Fashion Police

I am not one who dresses well, but it appears the local fashion community needs policing, and likely more than one police officer to do it.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Millworks in Oakley Still on Track

Not much as been said about the Millworks project for a while, but word has come out that the project has landed a deal for a new Movie Theater tenant. According to the article the project "could" start next summer and finish in the summer of 2008.

This should be a council issue next year. How about firming up some dates on this? How about firming up the construction of the proposed I-71 exit upgrade?

Budget Forum

Will the Mayor and Council members hear what the people are saying or will they hear what "4th Street" is saying?

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Why Not Annex the "First Suburbs"?

Chris Bortz and Pat DeWine are making efforts to mix City and County services. This smells a lot like the first step in the dissolution of the County's municipalities. If places like St. Bernard, Elmwood Place, and Norwood are in trouble, then why don't they ask the City of Cincinnati to annex them and take advantage of the cost savings in that manner?

What I fear here is the anti-government forces out there trying to make Hamilton County into one big Township and a government with no teeth to do anything.

I would consider a metro type government that created a county wide city. That entity would have an even partisan stance, if not a slight edge for Republicans. That might suck on certain levels, but it would be one where the government would still have the structure to allow a city to function.

Greg Harris Running for City Council

CityBeat is reporting that former Congressional Candidate Greg Harris will run in 2007 for Cincinnati City Council. Greg is a great candidate and has a great chance to get on council. I love this early idea has as expressed in the CityBeat article:
I also see a strong need to create a seamless public transit grid to unify and support the emergence of a central entertainment corridor that unifies The Banks, downtown, Over-the-Rhine, UC, Clifton, Northside, etc.
I would throw in Mt. Adams to that entertainment corridor.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Two Nerds Enter, One Nerd Leaves

The battle of words at Jean-Ro Bistro ending before someone was taken to the hospital, thankfully egos were not so lucky and both suffered a near fatal blows. Luckily the glasses survived!

Monday, November 13, 2006

2007 City Council Race Is On

We are less than a year from Cincinnati City Council's make-up being on the ballot. We are already getting comments on who will be running for office.

We know Tarbell can't, so at least one new person will join council in 2007. Who else has the public service bug?

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Another Strange Occurance

While I hate and despise robbers, I don't believe killing them under these circumstances is a good thing. I can't imagine the man who hit the robber with this truck likely would be convicted of anything but fairly minor offenses, if he is charged.

Friday, November 10, 2006

New Radio in Town

The much hyped format switch for 94.9 FM took place yesterday and produced what is being called a "Hybrid" station targeting 25 to 34 year olds with more taste in rock music than WEBN provides. The station is billed as "The Sound." I've heard a little bit of it so far and I like a large portion. It is going to have a wide mix, so people are going to have to either accept it and broaden their tastes or be like me and just use the pre-sets in the car more often. Yea, some of you will stick to your CDs and I-pods, as I do, but I still like the sense of a live over the air radio station.

New Local Blog

Want a different perspective on culture? Check out The Managed Expectations of Three Cincinnati Women for a take from three locals discussing life, ideas, and what ever else comes to mind.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Smoking Ban Wins

December 7th is the day the ban goes into effect. Will this hurt bars in Cincinnati and Ohio? One bar owner says it hasn't hurt him yet:
Nick Sanders, owner of five restaurants locally, including the Pub at Crestview Hills Town Center in Northern Kentucky, Nicholson's downtown and the Pub at Rookwood Commons in Norwood, said he will be watching closely. He owns a restaurant in Lexington, which enacted a smoking ban in 2003, and said that law didn't change sales much.
In the short run, there may be some problems, but I don't know about the long term. Thoughts? Will an outdoor patio now become the norm for a bar?

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Oh Yea, Dems Win Big!

I left early this morning on business, so I haven't blogged on the news but the Dems won the Senate and the House! Locally Pepper Won, and on a state level the Dems won really big.

Wulsin Not Conceding

In the race of the OH-2 the fat lady is not singing. The dragon lady is singing, but she should hold her tongue until all the votes are counted.