Friday, May 06, 2005

Volunteer For Fringe

I have added this linked graphic on the sidebar. It will lead you to the Cincinnati Advance website and will provide all the information you could need, at least for now, for getting signed up as a volunteer for the Cincinnati Fringe Fest. Lots of shifts are available and there are perks if you work even one shift!!

Exhibit B

I wonder how long before this type of action takes place here in Ohio. I think in many churches it has happened more subtly and over time. Mainline churches I don't think would stoop this kind of extremism, but once you start down that path, how would it end?

No, this is not going to be the start of a full fledged politicization of churches, well no more than exists now, but this action will not be the only one we hear of, assuming this news story catches fire. Stories on religion generally do.

Fire Station segregation?

The facts as to how integrated the Cincinnati Fire Houses are is an open question. It is a bit of a loaded question as well too. When words like segregation and integration have traditionally be used to show that people were forced to segregate, as opposed to self segregation. If the fire houses are segregated one could argue logically that it is self-segregation. One could argue it is not and it is wrong. No one has yet claimed that blacks or whites are being forced into racially separate fire houses.

What I wonder is why is this a major issue for council to bring up? As the article points out it is Union contract time again, so I am sure that has something to do with it, but with recent fire coverage brownouts plaguing the city, wouldn't funding be better topic? It may be true that the way firefighters are assigned to units plays a part in the coverage, level, but as far as I know, that was not mentioned in the article.

What we got instead was a campaign salvo from Chris Smitherman:
Smitherman believes where and how Fire Department personnel are assigned is a policy decision that should be made by city administrators, not a contractual issue.

The city's negotiating team is discussing the topic in the latest contract talks, which began two weeks ago and should be completed by late this month.
So, City Council knows better when it comes to who should be stationed in what firehouse? Does Mike DeWine know best what Airman should be manning the gates at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base?

U.S. Rep. Strickland May Be Back In

Ted Strickland is reportedly set to announce his candidacy for Governor next week. This puts two names into the Democratic primary that are formable candidates and with the organization and funding could defeat any of the Republicans currently running, especially after a bloody GOP primary where the extreme Conservative backed Ken Blackwell wins, which I think is unlikely at this point, but if Petro does not get it together, Blackwell will move up quick.

Scrambling for Signatures

The battle for the 2nd district will heat up this week when every candidate will be begging for signatures. The need them quick. I wonder if they will even try going door to door if they get desperate enough.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Theocracy on the March: Episode #555

A wiccan witch lost her bid in federal court to be allowed to give an invocation at a County Board meeting, taking her turn with ministers and other monotheists. It you are not in the phone book, I guess you are not a religion is what the ruling says in part. Its trust is that having only Judeo-Christian religions represented is fine, and the minority religions can pound sand.

[VIA Pandagon]

Mason Does Discriminate

Well, another argument goes out the window disputing the discrimination at the Mason Rec Center. A non-married heterosexual couple was issued a "family-pass" while the lesbian couple who have a civil union from Vermont were denied such a pass.

I give credit to NixGuy for bringing the inconsistency to light. Does it break the law? Well, under equal protection requirements it might be ruled as unconstitutional. I think it is in violation of the equal protection under the provisions of the U.S. Constitution. Under the anti-homosexual State of Ohio Constitutional amendment passed last year, giving a pass to the non-married heterosexual couple violates that law based on the interpretations I have read.

CiN Weekly - Bar Guide

Any opinions on CiN Weekly's much touted Bar Guide? It appears to be a good summary of the bars. At this point I guess I have my favorites and I know most of the well know bars they profile. The out of the way small bars I guess are what I would like to know about, but I am not their target. I am helping write the CA Wire, so I actually may get some use from this.


Happy Cinco de Mayo!

Please keep the rioting down to a slight pillow fight.

I hope to see everyone down at Neon's tonight for the Cincinnati Advance After 5 Walk!

Some Fun at DeWine's Expense

I wonder who is publishing this blog? The link is from the Blower, so Jimmy might know who is behind it. It could be him too.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

National ID? Papers, Please.

Is this the direction we're moving? With the need to get a passport to get back into the USA being a requirement for US citizens in a few years, what is holding this concept up? What additional harm will occur when we already have little or no information privacy? Unless you literally live in a cave and use only cash, and don't have a bank account, the government can track you, as well as the business community. Why not make the Federal driver's license bill into a national ID? If we are going to end up like a police state, why not do it cheaper with less strain on the states?

How Not to Motivate Your Base

Jeff Sinnard may appear across party lines with some of his stances, but is not going to motivate would be the Democratic base with comments like these:
Sinnard, who was born and raised in the Cincinnati area, said he is a civil engineer by profession, but has taken time off recently to be a stay-at-home dad.

'I think I have a unique message,' he said. 'I'm a pro-life Democrat. I'm pro-life from conception to natural death and everywhere in between. I also have concerns about the environment, workers right, child safety and poverty. Politics needs to go back to the people.'

Despite a Democrat not holding the seat for 31 years, Sinnard said this is a winnable race.

'There's a group of people who are disenfranchised,' he said. 'When you touch them, they'll mobilize and show up.'
Leading off with an anti-abortion stance will play well with Community Press readers. The rest of his views are not going to sell. Playing to the Republicans is the only way Democrats can win this race, but it will not motivate the Democratic base when you push right-wing issues. His website has a much more nuanced stance on abortion. He will get attacked for this from both sides. It is a reasonable stance and his quote in the paper could be leaving out his nuances that make him look much more conservative. I wonder if this guy is same camp as Leslie Ghiz?

That was Quick: Special Election Date Set

The Special Election will be on August 2 with the primary on June 14. That leaves a short window to get on the primary ballot. I don't know what it takes to get on, but that leaves maybe a month. It also only leaves less than two weeks to get registered to vote in the primary.

More from the Enquirer. More also on Polstate.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

The Devil

The man behind the man, aka the devil, aka Karl Rove was in town ginning up the GOP troops. Any reports of his speech? Lots of red meat I would guess. Will Pat DeWine get a Bush visit?

I ask for it and Bronson provides it.

Yes Virginia, a PR Junket in Iraq does get you positive coverage. Preaching to the choir doesn't cut it. Only Nixon could go to China. Someone who is a knee jerk war supporter is not going to provide you anything but what the Pentagon wants, that is all is was exposed to, so why would he know any different.

They went on about not getting the whole story and something about using terrorist vs. insurgent. Well I don't call this column journalism, I call this column propaganda.

Did Mike even leave the presences of the military and talk to any Iraqis who were not working for the US government? Did he walk around any areas that were not part of a military base without an armed escort? If he answers yes, then I hope to hear about it, if not, then how can he say things are great over there? What kind of situation is so horrid to require armed guards for right wing guys who would not face any harm walking on the worst street in the America?

For those saying this was not a screen press tour, I really want to wonder what troops are going to be sent to talk to the guys hanging out in a press tent.

Exhibit A

If you are looking for an example of the extremism of Tom Brinkman look no further than his attempt to outlaw all abortion, even in the cases of rape, incest, and the life of the mother. Furthermore his law would make it a felony to transport a woman to another state where abortions were legal. The last bit likely is against Federal law anyway. This is his only way to get elected, gin up the right, get the mouth frothing anti-woman, anti-abortion voter to come out an vote.

What is sad is that this man who is supposed to be all about saving tax payer money is doing this with the intent of it getting overturned in Federal Court. This is a ploy. He wants to use Ohio tax payer money to wage his political cultural war. If you want to do this kind of thing, raise your own money, don’t use mine. I hope that is what the other half of his brain is saying. He only has two issues: cut all taxes which will destroy all governments and end all abortions. I wonder if he thinks the using the pill is an abortion. I would guess yes. I wonder if his law would outlaw the pill too.

Extreme positions will be used by most candidates running in what will be a low turnout election. You have to get out the vote with hot button issues. Nothing gets the right wing excited like controlling women.

Monday, May 02, 2005

Dems Deal Making?

While reading the Post Article on the Dem weekend meeting, which does not even mention the controversy that Damon Lynch will introduce on the party, we get words that sound like a deal or maybe a ramrod plan was forced through to get a full slate of six candidates to add to the incumbents.
During Saturday's closed-door nominating committee meeting, Burke refused to allow the committee to vote on endorsement recommendations for candidates individually, members said.

Burke insisted that the committee vote on two different slates of six non-incumbents.
Anyone know who was on the losing slate? I assume the Berding was the focus, but I will put out that adding Lynch may have been the deal to appease enough people to get them both endorsed.

This meeting was just for recommendations, but they historically have been listened to. This year we could see a fight inside the Dems. What will be sad is if people are only fighting of Jeff Berding and not Damon Lynch. For all of the pounds heaved on Berding, Lynch deserves more and before he gets my vote he will have to eat many words he has said or put his name on and reverse himself on issues he endorsed.

Lynch a Dem?

Joe Hansbauer is reporting the recommendations of the Cincinnati Democratic nominating committee and they include Damon Lynch III, Jeff Berding, Eve Bolton, Cecil Thomas, Wendell Young, and Smantha Herd.

I just don't get the Damon Lynch recommendation. I mean to say that I understand the politics of it, but not the actual logic of it. He has a following and will get votes. That is Realpolitik. I just don't see how this will do anything but tear apart the city and drive many otherwise moderate or even liberal voters into the hands of the GOP. Lynch is viewed as anti-city. Anyone who leads a boycott with the sole purpose of hurting people who live and work here can't honestly be viewed any other way.

His views on race relations are championed by many and I will of course agree that race relations need a lot of work in this town, but is a man who demanded an "Afro-centric" curriculum be taught in City schools going to be one to bridge the gap?

Cecil Thomas has far more credible credentials on race issues and I think would have strengths in that regard if he was on council. The Berding controversy appears to be over.

It is good that this time around the Dems appear to have filled out all nine slots. Not doing that two years ago was one reason for losing a seat to Charter.


I am surprised I have not seen much about this year's Cinco de Mayo historic date. May 5, 2005, 05/05/05 is surely gain attention from end of the world types. The Police and UC are prepare for the worst just off campus for what has been called Cinco de Stratford in prior years. Mini-riots akin to an Ohio State football victory riot have plagued prior year events. Will this bring out the hooligans? Yea, I don't see it being avoided, but I see police being out in force and ready to clear the streets at the first sign of anything.

If anything does happen, this will be an interesting test of Robert Wilson and Andrew Warner, two UC students running for city council. They walk a fine line on this and will have to make choices in how to reactive if anything happens and most importantly they should leap in front of the local TV news programs who will be out in force just in case something happens. Calling for calm does no good for the calm, but it can be free advertising if they news crews credit you as a candidate.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Mid-Day Mike in Iraq

I wonder if a military controlled Junket to Iraq by WLW's Mike McConnell will be what he says is good enough for him to judge the situation there? If he was unable to go off on his own, then how can he say they country is safe? If an average person has to take extreme actions in order to travel around the city of Baghdad or if foreigners are such danger that they can't leave the Green zone without a military escort, then how is the situation considered moving forward?

In the article most all of the comments attributed to Mike related to the troops, their quality of life and morale. He has not yet, to my knowledge, commented on state of Iraq, based on his visit. The issues he was quoted on are far different than the state of Iraq. I do have to wonder if Mike is naive enough to think the troops he met were not screened for his junket? The military is not going to show him the grunts just off the line. Also, the soldiers are smart enough to know that you don't rock the boat, especially with a bunch of conservative talk radio hosts who would likely happily point out any solider complaining to his superiors for being disloyal to Dear Leader and buying every last bit of propaganda the Pentagon can produce.

I can't listen to Mike during the week, and rarely catch him on the Weekends. If any listeners of his show can summarize his comments on his visit, please chime in. Mike in the past was willing to not just spout off GOP propaganda, unlike most other Talk Radio hosts, but when it comes to issues of War and the military he is one who is unwilling to question the President (generally any president) or the actions of the military. That is a head in the sand attitude that many on the right have, and often leads to a lack in oversight of the military.