Sunday, December 12, 2004

Liberal Radio Takes Shape in Cincinnati

Rick Bird, with his excellent Jacor connections, gives a rundown of the line-up that will be hitting the air waves on what will likely be called 1530 WCKY.

9 AM to Noon: Jerry Springer
Noon to 3 PM: Al Franken
3 PM to 6 PM: Ed Schultz

Other possible Air America hosts/shows that could make it on are:
6 AM to 9 AM: The Morning Sedition with Mark Riley and Marc Maron
3 PM to 7 PM: Randi Rhodes
7 PM to 10 PM: The Majority Report with Janeane Garofalo and sam Seder
10 PM to 1 AM: Mike Malloy

There are other liberals and moderates out there, but likely these will be the main choices, unless they go for locally based shows. They have plenty of Clear Channel liberals doing music and such, so maybe we'll find another new personality to counter the other Clear Channel mouths on WLW. I vote for Duke Sinatra.

If you want to listen to what this will likely be like, check out WTPG in Columbus.

What I wonder, will Mike McConnell and Jerry Springer ever do any simulcast programs where they go head to head in a debate?

Also, who will do the news on the new 1530? FOX?

Bad Boys, Bad Boys

Because of UC Basketball Cops: Cincinnati premiers tonight at 11:00 PM on WXIX.

66 Pound Tumor Coverage

I have been avoiding posting on this story, but Channel 5's report with photos of the women before the surgery and photos of the surgery is so over the top, I had to comment. It is just tabloid coverage. This is exhibit A for why local TV news coverage is bad. Now, for Cincinnati TV stations to cover this, I really can't complain too much. This is a local story, so I am happy they are at least covering local news. I wish they would cover a little state politics instead, but it beats a car cash video from San Diego. If you do a Google search on "66 pound Tumor" check out how many of the links are Local TV stations. This is why local TV news sucks. They take these stories from other cities and show them, instead of showing actual local news.

Also, please hold the Arnold "It's not a tumor" Schwarzenegger jokes to minimum.

Saturday, December 11, 2004

Half Mad Spinster

While I was Drinking Liberally this week I met Half Mad Spinster. Had a very nice time chatting up politics. A good Blog and good group.

Ah, Yeah

The paranoid side of myself has the feeling that many people think I am paranoid when I go off on the rise and intent of fundamentalists. Greg at The Cincinnati Group links to the rantings of an extremist Catholic, William Donahue, who sounds every bit of a bible thumping theocrat as Jerry Falwell or Phil Burress. I am slowly ridding myself of my paranoia.

Friday, December 10, 2004

Pushy Teenage Preachers

Glad to see this kid admit he was wrong to manipulate teachers to hand out his religious propaganda. He might want to reflect on what his religion says on misleading people into doing what you want. On the other hand, I guess his Mom is happy is just trying to push his religion on others via dishonest means. As longs as they get Jeebus, I guess it doesn't matter how they got there. Infringe on other's rights, mislead them, what ever it takes, just get the 'Lord's' propaganda in the hands and then the garbage cans of as many people as possible.

If this kid wanted to do 'God's' work, why did not take the money he spent on the letter he had created and buy food with that money and donate it to a food bank? Then verbally ask his friends or classmates to do something similar. What a crazy idea, it could actually change someone's life for the better, and he would gain praise from nearly everyone.

Jerry Radio

Jerry Springer is launching a radio show 9AM to Noon on 1530 WSAI when the station switches to a talk format next year.

Let just hope we don't get nuts calling and trying to make it into his TV show.

This article gets it from the horse's mouth on WSAI where Darryl Parks, AM programming director for local Clear Channel stations, confirmed 1530 will be changing to a Talk format. No official comment on the use of Air America, yet. I think it’s a safe bet to guess that some of Air America's programming will be heard, Al Franken especially.

Tarbell Mugged

Councilman Jim Tarbell fights crime. This is what I would call leading by example. If you are a 'victim' of crime, work with the police immediately and do your best to stick back to the criminals.

Now, the downside to this crime is that is happened in the middle of the afternoon around the area of Tower Place Mall, where a couple of the arrests were made. This is a positive take a on a negative story. Three teenage kids were stupid enough to try and rob someone in the middle of the day with a knife.

The response the police made should happen the same way if it had happened to Joe Public while in Price Hill, OTR, Avondale, or the East End. It doesn't happen that way though.

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Murder Rate Down

It is not down much, but any reduction is a positive sign. It still could rise before the end of the year, so the police report may have to face the wrath of Karma, if such a thing were to exist.


Someone climbed on stage at a rock show in a Columbus night club and shot at least one band member and people in the audience. At least 4 are dead as well as the gunman.

Free Press Restored!

It appears that the Warren County Governmentwill allow a free press at the BOE. That is they will let it happen next time. We still don't know why someone in the County's Emergency Services Department thought the Warren County BOE was being threatened. Ohio Homeland Security and the FBI did not issue a warning for Warren County. It might have been nice, you know truthful, for the County to come clean with the threat information they relied upon. I'll be dutifully waiting for a press release letting me know.

Forgotten By the Powerful

MIA/POW Soldier's Family Asking For Help

Theocracy In Action

The Bush Administration is supporting the posting of the 10 Commandments in courthouses. Ah, where were they on the Roy Moore case? This is red meat for the fire breathing fundies out to establish a theocratic state. It gets little attention, mostly because the courts will not rule in their favor, unless they continue to put extremists on the bench.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

I'm Shocked!!!

In a poll commissioned by David Pepper, David Pepper won. In other news a dog bit a cat.

Is this the same phone poll that called Tom Brinkman?

Marked Man

This young kid is undoubtedly being demonized by the right wing. What will be missed by most are any answers or investigation of a point the man made:
An American seeking to become the first U.S. soldier granted refugee status in Canada after refusing to serve in Iraq told immigration officials Tuesday that the Army was drilling its soldiers to think of all Arabs and Muslims as potential terrorists.

"We were being told that it was a new kind of war, that these were evil people and they had to be dealt with," said Pfc. Jeremy Hinzman, 26, who fled from Fort Bragg, N.C., on Jan. 2.

"We were told that we would be going to Iraq to jack up some terrorists," Hinzman told the Immigration and Refugee Board on the second of his three-day hearing for political asylum.
Most of the right wingers who will likely come close to call for this man to be shot on sight, share the view that all Arabs and Muslims are potential terrorists. That is viewed as truth rather than at best an opinion.

This is the bottom line psychosis that I believe is the basis for much of the support of Bush and of the War in Iraq: hatred of Muslims for the attack on 9/11. Revenge is a powerful tool in the fighting of war. It being used for Iraq is not a shock and I wonder how many will doubt it is being done.

Mike Allen, Esq.

Mike Allen reportedly will enter private practice as a lawyer once he leaves the prosecutor's office next month. What kind of law will he practice? Will we see civil law or criminal law? I would assume a former prosecutor would make a great criminal defense lawyer. Maybe a Deters v. Allen capital murder case will happen.

Fighting Terra

Guest Columnist Tim Holloway pens a plea to fight "terrorism."
Every day terrorist-sponsoring nations such as Iran, Sudan, Syria, Libya and North Korea work to undermine and threaten the security of Americans and freedom-loving people around the world. They do this through genocide, supporting terrorism, and proliferation and development of weapons of mass destruction.
In the list of countries we seem to be missing someone: Saudi Arabia. He also might want to revise his list with recent changes in Bush policy towards Libya. Got to get in line with the man now, don't we?

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

The Diner to ReOpen?

The Cincinnati Post is report that the Diner on Sycamore will reopen this month or early next year.


I think someone needs to let Peter Know that TiVo is not a "WayBack" machine.

Also Peter, Merry Fucking Giftmas! I know how you love to embrace your fellow Jews this holiday season by trying to shove Jesus down their throat. I guess they are not grateful enough to show praise to your deity. Sorry. I guess that is why you're going after the retailers this year. I guess attacking a company originated mostly by Jewish merchants is your way of showing how much you love Jesus.

4 Years

When will the usual conservative suspects start attacking Don Rumsfeld for stating he foresees an American pullout from Iraq in 4 years? It seems to me that someone else said something similar and was lambasted for 'aiding the enemy.' I guess the bad guys can just hold the ball for four years and then win? Oh, sorry I guess those are 4 years in Republican Time, not Democratic Time. Republican Time is like biblical time, where six days is about 500,000 million years each.