Thursday, February 12, 2004

Big Comment Thread

I was amazed how big this comment thread on Bush & WMD got, 38 commenters. A record for this blog. Thanks to all the readers! Now, I will asked that you make sure that you try and keep your tempers in check.

Seekies on Trial

Miami police powers are being questioned. One thing you learned while at Miami, the Seekies (campus police) were nothing to worry about. Oxford Cops were people you could not mess around with at all. I once saw a single Oxford police officer clear out a 500 person party all by himself.

Spy vs. Spy vs. Spy vs. Spy

Todd Portune will face one of four Republicans running in the GOP Primary: Former Cincinnati Councilman Chris Monzel, Blue Ash Councilman Jim Sumner, Anderson Township Trustee Russ Jackson, and financial planner Sandra Hall. I would give Monzel the edge in name recognition, but a City guy verses suburbanites in the GOP primary might be difficult. I know nothing about the other three, beyond Russ Jackson's signs in my neighborhood and his regular mentions in the Whistleblower.

The wide field of challengers should be a plus for Portune. He has a slight edge, but the anti-Democrat elements outside the city will make it a battle.

Say it With Me: Peter Bronson is a Bigot

Ok, I am throwing around the word again, which I am sure will rile up the conservatives, but Bronson's latest column is nothing but a one sided "keep the anti-gay amendment in place" article. This column really is meaningless. Bronson tries to say, why bother? Well, Peter, WHY BOTHER? All he said was that it was political suicide somehow because the issue one 11 years ago because people believed the Phil Burress slogan of "Equal Rights, Not Special Rights," one of the best manipulation of ballot issues I have ever seen.

Bronson, if you oppose the repeal, tell me why homosexuals should be discriminated against. Come right out and sing your anti-homosexual tune. When you start singing to repeal the hate crimes ordinance that protects people based on religion, then maybe you could argue a principled position, until then your bigotry is clear as Stained Glass.

Wednesday, February 11, 2004


John Kerry is one week away from running away with the Democratic nomination. He has a huge lead today with yesterday's wins. Dean is the only one left who could turn it around, but that is asking a lot. Kerry has the momentum. Kerry has the press pushing with him, for now. Kerry has Bush reeling with the AWOL issue. Kerry should stay above the fray of the smears on Bush. These smears should not be new. These should have been made in 2000, but the press was on a break at that point.

More Spy vs. Spy

Dowlin and DeWine are not debating, but they are appearing together at candidate forums. I guess that is like almost having sex.

The laugher of the article is this section:
DeWine is taking on Dowlin in a primary that's tantamount to the election in majority-Republican Hamilton County. Kabaka Oba and Erich Streckfuss are contending in the Democratic primary.
Kabaka Oba is not contending for anything but Hamilton County's Racist of the Year. There is hot competition for the award. The Westside has many contenders, but Oba faces the biggest challenge from his own quarter from Nate, Amanda, and Ms. X.

Candidate's stance's are here.

Bush Back's the Bigots

Via Kevin Drum: WaPo is reporting that Bush will back the anti-homosexual marriage amendment.

We have here a confluence of clarity. Bush, the oh so honest and fair man, the uniter, the President for "all" Americans is using religious and social issues to gin up his troops and cover his ass all the while he diverts attention from his National Guard scandal and the WMD failure. Nice, really, nice. Bush embraces the anti-homosexual movement with both arms. I hope his ultra-conservative religious following has a hard on now, but that would be a "sin." Damn, what a conundrum.

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Plame-Gate Gearing Up?

Kevin Drum links to a New York Times article that reports the investigation is going well. Indictments might be coming any day now.

Spy vs. Spy

DeWine is hitting Dowlin. Is Pat DeWine a shoe in? Missing 17% of commission meetings is not going to help Dowlin's reelection cause.

Ohio Sniper

If this shooter moves closer to Cincinnati, then headlines like this, "Columbus Highway Shooter Strikes Closer To Cincinnati," will become common place. What better way to gin up ratings with fear, then with a situation where everyone should be at least a little bit fearful?

More from the Enquirer.

Article XII Repeal

Here we go! I am hopeful that the folks at can defeat the bigots working with the local bigot in chief Phil Burress, who seems to care about laws in the City of Cincinnati, but does not even live inside the city. I guess we have to many of "them" here.

I am unsure what will happen with this effort. It depends on the media and money. If Phil Burress has the money, he might be able to spew his bigotry enough to get homophobia running in the religious communities. If the media gives him or other national bigots to sound off their bigotry unchallenged, then the same might be achieved. If the anti-article XII group has enough money, they might make it with a good margin. If this was a Hamilton County issue, the anti-homosexual provision would stay. Anti-homosexual bigotry in this area is strong and growing. It is not always overt, but keeping gays down is a idiotic fear of many ignorant people.

Monday, February 09, 2004

Your Are Forgiven?

This puff piece on former Asst. Police Chief Ron Twitty suggests that his image is on the mend. Should it be?

If Anyone Ask's We're from Kentucky

That is my commonly used joke and jab at Kentucky. Someone else can use it now too, but with a different meaning:
THEY SAID IT: "I am from Kentucky. Have you heard of Kentucky?"

Elaine Chao, labor secretary and Sen. Mitch McConnell's wife, to a group of Iraqi schoolchildren in Baghdad last week. According to the Louisville Courier-Journal, the question was met with "blank stares and some shaking of heads to indicate no."
What I was most ignorant of was that Elaine Chao was married to Mitch McConnell.

I don't mean to bash KY, but hey, when it works, it works. Ohioans are snobs and we know it. I am just glad I am from New York.

Outlet Mall Sniper?

There has been another shooting on Ohio Highways. This time it was in Jeffersonville. Yes for those who have traveled from Cincinnati to Columbus this was near the outlet malls. I am skeptical this was the same shooter. This guy reportedly used a handgun, not a rifle. I had assumed the first guy was using some type of rifle. That assumed that the shooter was not riding along side the cars or locations shot. I really hope this guy is not from or moving his way towards Cincinnati.

Sunday, February 08, 2004

Jellybeans for Jesus

Why kind of parent pushing religion on kindergarteners? Also, why would you give a 6 year old kid a prayer to read and expect them to be able to read it? I support the school's policy. Feeding upon the gullibility of children in a controlled setting is shameful. A child should not be subject to a ploy to get them to accept exposure to religion via a Pavlovian trick.


This article makes good points, but the headline seems oddly bad: "Gay-lifestyle laws could backfire." I don?t' see homosexuality as a lifestyle. I see it as a reality for some people. A minority of humanity is homosexual. Most of them live their lives just like everyone else. They mostly I think would just like to do the same things others do, like not be discriminated against, and get "married." The latter I say in quotes because of my openness to compromising on the gay marriage issue with by using civil unions. The issue of Gay Marriage is one I still don't grasp. I still have not heard anyone give a rational way in which heterosexual marriage is endangered or threatened by homosexual marriage.

Bush on Meet the Press

The latest spin:
President Bush: Well, because he had the capacity to have a weapon, make a weapon. We thought he had weapons. The international community thought he had weapons. But he had the capacity to make a weapon and then let that weapon fall into the hands of a shadowy terrorist network.
As I have said before, the University of Cincinnati has the "capacity" to make weapons of mass destruction. When does the Delta Force jump into Coryville?

Bronson's ID: Intellectually Deficient

I swear I am not the one bringing up the issue of Evolution this often, so I hope no one blames me for being obsessive. Bronson might deserve a bit of flack for pushing this issue a bit too much. I really don't grasp the meaning of Peter's column. Is he trying to promote ID (Intelligent Design) as a biological concept? He has supported that kind of thing in the past, and his ignornce on Evolution speaks for itself.

Let us recap the spin of Peter today. He claims this
Roadruck collects examples of "evidence" of evolution. Many have been exposed as frauds - but they are still in textbooks, which evolve slower than flatworms.
OK Peter, show me some of the frauds of evolution. You claim to know of them, where are they?

More from Roadruck:
He argues that DNA and the incredible complexity of life - especially humans - contradict Darwin. "They're teaching evolution as truth - microbes to man. But this is not true. If they were stockbrokers, they'd be in jail" for fraud, he said.
OK Peter, I am sure this guy said this, but it misstates what evolution is. There is the process of evolution, which is fact. No scientist worth anything disagrees with that concept. The other element of evolutions involves the origin of species and then the origin of organic life. Those types are not "fact," or rather are no more "fact" then the concept of gravity.

Bronson's worst in the column is his spew that ID is science. ID is a philosophical argument. ID is one of classic arguments for the existence of a "God." There is no science to back this up, other than playing with mathematical probabilities.

This section I found laughable void of support, just conjecture:
"If you support this, you are labeled a Pat Robertson, fundamentalist wacko,'' said Owens-Fink, who has taught scientific research methods at University of Akron. "What's so bizarre is that they never attack the science part, they just attack the people.''
Ok, first off, where is the "science" that no one will attack? The only theories are to say that evolution is wrong and ID must be true because of the "complexity" of everything. So, they can't support their theory, they can only try and negative other concepts.

Second: Well, look who is supporting your movement and then try and guess why you might be considered a "Pat Robertson, fundamentalist wacko." Religion is at the core of the argument. Specific religious sects fear a society where people don't submit to the will of their religion. They fear that individuality and freedom from Christian will cause chaos, or at least a decline in collection plate receipts. The Roman Catholic Church does not fear science, why do Evangelical/Fundamentalist churches fear it?

Roadruck gives away his motives with Bronson's final quotes,
Roadruck says evolution is the cornerstone of a worldview.

"We've been indoctrinated,'' Roadruck said. "If you teach a generation that we all evolved from pond scum, then everything is relative. There is no truth.''
The worldview they fear is secular humanism. One where religion is not law, but instead a personal choice. Roadruck is in my view the one who has been indoctrinated with religious dogma so much that he fears anything that contradicts it. He blames other for fearing contradiction, while not really saying what is wrong with Evolution. If he had more than a philosophical answer, then maybe it might be worthy of debate, but he has none. Roadruck's problem is that he thinks "truth" is divine. Truth is a philosophical concept, one filled with opinion and perception. Fact is what science deals in. It tries to stick to logic and reason, and leave hunches, emotional dogma, and most of all religion out of mix.

Friday, February 06, 2004

Calpundit: On Iraq War Justification

Kevin Drum has a point that I don't think many war supporters have come to grips with:
"War supporters need to face up to this squarely and provide an honest answer to this question: In order to gain public approval, is it OK for the president of the United States to massively misrepresent a foreign threat merely because he believes that we ought to fight a war?"
I wonder if Tim Russert will ask Bush that question himself this weekend on "Meet the Press?"

Sad Day

Today is a sad day for me. It is my last day working downtown. If you don't know I was laid off last month from my job, but was able to work out a transfer to a different division of the same company. The problem is I will be working out in Mason.

Today is my final day in my office. I will be in cubical out in Mason. I will likely not be able to blog much out there. I hope that is not one of the reasons I was laid off. (It wasn't, just joking). I also will not get to listen to the radio during the day, so I will be working in a news free bubble.

It is sad saying goodbye to my co-workers who are leaving the company today. I have been working with a great group of people and we really got along well. The new group I am working with is a great group too, but I will be a new guy, so it will take a little while to fit in.

My blogging might decrease a little bit over the next couple of weeks while I get used to the longer commute, but I still plan to post everyday. I have been posting in the mornings quite a bit, which I like to do, but that might suffer if I can change my sleep schedule.

I have been working downtown for over 9 years. I love working downtown. My life will of course go on, but I will feel a bit more isolated from Cincinnati.