Not sure who Greg Hartmann (R) thinks he is fooling but his idea to move the Hamilton County Board of Elections from Downtown to Mt. Airy is little more than an attempt to suppress the vote of non-Republicans by making it more difficult to vote. Bus routes to the West Side are not plentiful.
Additionally, by putting part of County Government in a remote part of the County it makes it far more difficult for people to have access. Government should be located where travel is most convenient for everyone, not just a few. Downtown is that place.
Where will they hold training for poll workers? How do they expect poll workers get to Mt. Airy if they live in Avondale?
Plus, if the BOE is keeping a location downtown, why have a second location?
If they need more space, find something else in Downtown. There are plenty of options.
Republicans are shameless in trying to suppress voting rights. They don't even hide it. Where they can't win honestly, they will happily use deceit. It's disgusting.