I think everyone, even fellow Democrats, would call Portune's call for cheaper parking in Downtown the bi-product of too many visits from Mary Jane.
The problem is that the City has no funding to cut the current prices of parking and then increase the funding to maintain the expenses behind those parking spaces.
The cities of Ohio are being punished for not support the GOP, mainly the governor, so their governments have had millions of State funded cut.
Hamilton County owns the nearly biggest parking garage in the damn world, I don't see Portune making efforts to cut the prices to 1 dollar there.
I don't know what Portune's angle is here. It is the most impractical thing to consider at this point. I'd like to give my family all a new car for Christmas this year, but unless the PowerBall comes through, it wouldn't be a good idea to send an email telling them it would be a good idea if I did that.
I will at least give someone like Chris Seelbach credit for coming up with a plan that does not lease the parking spaces out and still has a theoretical way of balancing the budget. Portune seems to not like to live in the theoretical world of basic math. He wants some magic parking beans to make everything alright.
I think you're giving Mary Jane a bad rap. I'm a smoker and have no problem with basic math. I would blame his lack of brain power on the fact that Portune has been huffing republican mantras for so long.