I am not shocking anyone when I call mayoral candidate John Cranley a liar. When I say John Cranley is lying about his budget 'plan' I think anyone knowledgeable about Cranley's shady city financial management past would be chiding me stating the obvious.
Yesterday I think he crossed into charlatan territory with what he billed as a 'Structurally Balanced Budget.'
There is nothing Structurally balanced about his budget and anyone saying there is lying.
His plan takes money from other city budgets to plug holes, something that is not valid and got us into the trouble we are in now when he did the same thing when Charlie Luken was mayor.
His plan uses money from the Casino that is uncertain, at best. Why not just use a rosy project that tax revenue will rise and call that structural?
He takes already dedicated Parking revenue and yanks it from another city budget to plug a hole in another (The good Catholic boy knows how to Rob Peter to pay Paul).
He then just cuts most everyone else by 10%. Well, not everyone. He doesn't touch the Police and Fire budgets. The biggest parts of the budget. Yep, that's a world class act of pandering. He also carries the tool of fear along and drives it through the West Side.
He also doesn't say what gets cut in those departments with that 10 %. Is he just mimicking Charlie Winburn's salary cut plan? Does he want a 10% staff cut in everyone else? What other programs will he gut? Where's his courage to name what he would reduce? Is he willing to layoff other works but not cops or fire fighters because that means it would cost him votes?
So, Cranley creates the most insane budget plan I've ever read (actually worse than Winburn's). No one in the media will likely question much about it, least not at the Enquirer. He and his surrogates will run around lying about this plan and few will call them out on their lies.
Well, I'm here to ask you to call them out. Ask John Cranley why he is lying about his budget plan. Ask him to explain how his plan will not destroy the city.
While you are at it, ask him to explain how his plan differs ideologically from the budget plan of the House Republicans? I mean they want to cut everything in the Federal budget, except for Defense. The comparison to Cranley is either eerie or intentional.
Ask Cranley if he plans on getting the Republican endorsement? He so far is running the same campaign Brad Wenstrup ran 4 years ago. Brad was suburbanite Republican. Does that make Cranley a suburbanite Republican? I'm going to say yes, yes it does.
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