Friday, July 19, 2002

Fight at cinema prompts security
Sounds like a big nothing of a fight. I want to know what movies everyone was going to or coming from.
CityBeat: Block Power (2002-07-18)
I think this should be called "Black Power", which may have been the intent of the writer. "Black Power" is what consider similar if not synonymous with "black nationalism" or "black separatism." I don't think equity is sought by Lynch III, I think segregation from whites is what he would be happiest having. Some extremists in the black community want to be control of the society. I feel that a majority of blacks today do want some kind of "revenge". That revenge would take many different forms for many different people. The boycott is revenge, the riot was revenge, reparations are revenge, and making whites feel guilty for what some whites did over 100 years ago is revenge.
CityBeat: Porkopolis (2002-07-18)
Flannery seems to be on a "process" kick in covering local news and politics. Whenever you mention Robert’s Rules of Order you are getting technical with your readers. I doubt most people know what those are and what they are used for, other than Mr. Robert's Order.

Thursday, July 18, 2002

Congregations oppose boycott
I am surprised that the at the split in this generally liberal Christain church, but I welcome those who have seen the light.
RADEL: Blame it on wind
A small chuckle, but not even close to a belly laugh.
Channel 9's Case to take job at CBS
Local TV news will still suck.
Channel Cincinnati - Statement From Twitty, Attorney
Attorney Sharon J. Zealey: Lt. Colonel Twitty has asked me to make this statement as his counsel in order to speak out regarding the recent suspension and investigation.

Lt. Colonel Twitty left his home just before 7 a.m. on the Fourth of July. He found damage to the front driver's side corner of his police vehicle. He immediately reported the damage to the police by telephone and waited for them to arrive. An investigator and a supervisor arrived about 40 minutes after the initial report. Lt. Colonel Twitty gave the officers information about himself, about the vehicle, and about his discovery of the damage to the vehicle. He stayed to see if investigators needed anything further from him and they did not. He then departed to join friends for a round of golf while they continued the investigation.

He was not interviewed further about the damage to the car until yesterday, almost two weeks later. The only bits of so-called incriminating evidence are the lack of debris at the scene of the damage and Lt. Colonel Twitty's failure to report the damage to the chief directly. The lack of debris proves nothing. Failure to report the damage to the chief is not a crime, nor is it proof of a crime.

Police policies on discipline require both fairness and consistency. We don't believe that the pubic announcement of these allegations coupled with Lt. Colonel Twitty's suspension and referral for criminal investigation is consistent or fair based on past similar incidents.

A reasonable person need only look to the flat tire as proof that Lt. Colonel Twitty is innocent. Since the tire was flat, how could he have driven home without damaging the tire rim? It's a fact that the tire rim was not damaged. The police report itself states that the damage to the vehicle was disabling. This generally means that the vehicle cannot be driven. If Lt. Colonel Twitty had anything to hide, why would he go golfing as the investigators spent hours investigating the damage to the vehicle? Why hasn't the possibility of vandalism been investigated? There have been many innuendos about Lt. Colonel Twitty's activities the night before the damage was discovered. That night, he was with numerous friends who are also employed with the Cincinnati Police Division. One thing is clear: sobriety is a non-issue.

Lt. Colonel Twitty has devoted 29 years of his career to upholding and enforcing the law. He has been suspended and his career damaged based on the flimsiest of inferences. It is hard to imagine that his career will not be permanently damaged by this criminal referral and suspension by Chief Streicher. We expect the criminal investigation by the Sheriff's office will be completed quickly and fairly with no finding of criminal conduct by Lt. Colonel Twitty. Thereafter Chief Streicher should conclude any internal investigation forthwith. Lt. Colonel Twitty wants to return to work.

Justice demands and we fully expect that when the investigation is closed that Lt. Colonel Twitty will be publicly exonerated, with an apology, and that he will be promptly returned to duty.

By Lt. Colonel Twitty: First and always, all praises to the father. I deeply appreciate the prayers and support of so many members of my family, my church family, my police supporters, friends and agencies and groups like the Community Action Agency, NAACP, and Urban League. I have placed these troubles in God's hands and have full confidence that I will be able to return to my important duties very soon.

Comments: This is sad, nothing but a PR stunt to taint the jury pool. Twitty has lost all respect. I will be amazed to hear how the black community eats this up like lemmings.

Wednesday, July 17, 2002

Political Junkie : Information and Analysis untainted by partisanship or editorial bias
I just found the "Go Getter's" blog. I will have to look it over and see how I like it.
Boycotters hope to silence Soulfest
This does nothing for the boycott but take away from the black community. There would not be any large number of non-blacks at this event. The only ones losing are those who would have attended the concert.
SMITH AMOS: Making progress
This is not progress. This is making a bad situation worse. The black community seems to see only one thing according to Ms. Smith Amos, white man bad and is out to get the blacks. Ms. Smith Amos seems to be in favor of the boycott and appears to think it is good for business. When the Ad revenue drops more as business dries up, her employer may be looking to lay off a columnist or two.

Tuesday, July 16, 2002

Luken 'embarrassed' by Twitty case
Twitty should be embarrassed by the Twitty case. Chaz should just let the fascist Leis do what he has to do.
Twitty's suspension 'total attack,' daughter says
Putting your family out to run interference for you? Twitty is quickly losing the respect he had for his 29 years of service to the city. If Twitty has nothing to hide he would not need to place the race card, he would only have to rely on the truth. I think his problem is that the truth will convict him of a crime and remove him permanently from the police force.
Nat. Urban League calls off Ohio meeting
UPI's Take on the Urban League's Flip-Flop

Monday, July 15, 2002

Urban League backs out over black cop's suspension
Wow, this group is nothing but a weak kneed ninny. They buckle under tiny protest and over a bogus issue. I am amazed at the double standards with the black community. They appear to more often than not assume blacks are innocent while whites are guilty. Twitty's suspension is the correct thing for the City to do, but they don't care about right, they care about politically positive.

Sunday, July 14, 2002

Dozens fight outside Springdale theater
Well this got attention, little but more than zero. The race of the participants was not given. I wonder why that information was not listed? Conventional wisdom would say they were mostly white, and the name of the arrested person, Brandon Hughes, would most likely be white, but it is not know. I assume that race was not an issue in the mini-riot, but I wonder why it is called a fracas/fight and not a mini-riot?
Twitty's suspension under scrutiny
If Twitty was white the NAACP and Urban League would be calling for his immediate termination. The BUF and Coalition for Just Cincinnati would be calling for his head on a stick. Instead the two afore mentioned are defending him, and the latter two are quietly saying this might be a good move, but shows inconsistency.
Fangman attacked; man arrested
Fangman is a conservative wanker, but I wonder how long before the boycotters take this and turn it into another Inglewood type case?

Saturday, July 13, 2002

Boycotters suffer a setback
A Texas newspaper picked up this Cincinnati Post story on the Urban League's announcement of their National convention being held in Cincinnati. This is not a positive for the boycotters. They look to keep everyone out of the city, part of their extortion plan, or terrorist plan as I see it.

Friday, July 12, 2002

Buzz Rant
I often feel amazed at the level of out right bigotry that one hears on 1230 the Buzz, mostly from the callers. The hosts and accompanying sidekicks usually are not bigoted, but they really see race as a rally point to rile up their listeners. Today's Jay Love Show on the Buzz was a great exception. When news of Lt. Col. Ron Twitty's investigation hit the
radio, the conversation swayed from the actions of the Police and why this was being done to a conspiratorial hootenanny containing claims that maybe CPD Chief of Police Striker was about to resign and "they" wanted the second in command Twitty out of the picture as the next chief, since Twitty is black. This is a symptom of two things. One is a small radio station's
attempt to be "off the hook", different or even outlandish, just to gain ratings in a radio market dominated by Right Wing ditto heads. The second is a lack of education, often a fear the educated, and various cultural differences in the "black community." I hate using the term "black community." I use that because many callers on the Buzz use the term the "White community" which is a perceived reality, but in fact it is a myth. There is a "mainstream community", but it is not based on race. It is based on class.

If you are middle class or higher you fit into the mainstream. If you are working class (lower middle class), you are on the edge of mainstream. The poor are the "them" to the mainstream. However, this mainstream community is not close knit. It's only basic vast commonalties are the core "American beliefs." Those generally being the belief the in rule of law, democracy, justice, honor, respect for others, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and freedom of and from religion. Now again in the real reality what these beliefs really mean are subject to individuals perceptions and perspective. My justice is your crime in some cases. Your democracy is my mob rule.

Thursday, July 11, 2002 - Mom: Daughter In Pledge Case Saddened By Ruling
What a lousy article based on bad reporting. This has no place on the front page of the website. I guess some Christians working at are up in arms of this story. I would prefer they do a better job of reporting the news, but this is local TV. They don't know what news is, they only know what gets ratings.