Christopher Smitherman has a plan to win a seat on the Hamilton County Commission. The former member of Cincinnati City Council has gambled that a perfect storm will occur that if he takes the right steps could lead him into a win. His wager is one that requires many moving parts to align perfectly. Call this the Smitherman Gambit, his path to "victory", at least if all of it happened, without a hitch. Here's my interpretation of the list of steps needed for the Smitherman Gambit to work.
- Obfuscate: Smitherman's first step is to pretend to be many things to many people.
- Subtlety and not so subtlety align with Conservatives and Republicans: This includes voting in the Republican Party Primary, gaining the support of right wing extremists like COAST and publicly supporting Republicans just short of Trump. This is easy for a Conservative like Smitherman to do and why he is a Republican in all but name only.
- Attack the Democratic Party and anyone not directly aligned with John Canley: This was highlighted by Smitherman's participation the promotion of the text messaging scandal manufactured by Republican lawyers and the cooperation from a sympatric Republican judge.
- Give up on being the Mayor of Cincinnati: This one hurt. The ego of Smitherman so desired the title of Mayor. His overuse of the unearned title of "Vice Mayor" is case in point.
- Rebuff invitations to declare himself a Republican: Being labeled a Republican will hurt his standing amongst a segment of African-American voters that don't know he's aligned with the extreme Conservative Republicans.
- Bank on a Republican Wave Election in 2022: The politics 101 conventional wisdom states that the1st term midterm election will be a significant win for the party out of power.
- Target a Democratic Woman Opponent: Stephanie Dumas fits a type the typical Conservative Republican campaign would target. The logic presumes Republicans would pick a man over a woman 9/10 times. There is truth to that logic, as Republicans seek to have power over women’s bodies. What also would appeal to Smitherman is trying to gain the support of Conservative black male voters. He may gain that support, but Smitherman may have over estimated how many Conservative black men there are in Hamilton County.
- Attempt to finesse the Hamilton County Republican Party into not fielding a candidate for County Commissioner: Smitherman needs to face any Democrat one on one. This is a must have to ride any Republican wave.
- Beg and plead for Republican Support: Even without a Republican running against him, Smitherman would run like a Republican and would depend on the campaign contributions from big GOP donors.
The clear answer is not so good.
He has done pretty well on steps 1 through 5. Alas, those were the easy ones. They didn't require him getting help from anyone else outside his own supporters.
Steps 6 and 7 are not working out so well. The Republican wave is not going to happen in Hamilton County. The SCOTUS abortion decision has vastly reduced any GOP wave. That wave would have needed to be strong in Hamilton County for Smitherman to do well in a one on one race against a Democratic candidate. A black woman candidate is the type of candidate that many Republicans want to run against, but that pushes a niche tactic that just turns off voters from a campaign that even hints at pushing those buttons.
The pipe dream in the Smitherman Gambit was from the beginning focused on step 8. He couldn't stop anyone from running in the Republican Primary. That by itself is what makes his chance of winning VERY low. He has to convince Republican voters to vote for him over a candidate with the word "Republican" next to his name. Matthew O'Neill is the Republican candidate and got a formal Hamilton County Republican Party endorsement. If O'Neill get's 5% of the vote, that alone would likely be enough to doom Smitherman’s campaign. Depending on how well Democratic turn out occurs, it may not even matter, as Dumas could win an full 50%+ 1 majority. It is going to take a massive campaign to convince the average Republican voter to go against their party and for Smitherman. I could imagine O'Neill getting 20% or more of the vote based on party ID alone, even without the Republican donor money Smitherman is getting.
Smitherman’s chance relied on the full support of the Republican Party and he would have to cross over and get some of the past voters going to the Dems. That along with a less than stellar Democratic turnout, where elements of the perfect storm that has failed to materialize for Smitherman. His miscalculation has been epic. The rest of his campaign will be one for him to demonstrate if he has any sense of grace or if he will go down in a fire pit of dirty politics, clawing at his opponents in vain. His reputation is not as a graceful person, so I fear the display of pettiness and animosity he and his campaign team displays towards the rest of the county will be grotesque. I hope I am wrong about that, but hope is wasted on Conservatives too scared to publicly declare they are a Republican.
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