- Trump took office as President.
- Trump obstructed office.
- The Republicans obfuscated the Congressional investigations of Trump.
- Trump stayed in office.
- Tie: Trump spoke/Trump lied
- Trump continued to push hate, racism, and sexism.
- Trump Tweeted.
- Trump acted like a petulant child.
- FOX News solidified is standing as propaganda for Trump.
- An increased number of Americans (Right-Wing and Left-Wing) believe they are informed on politics.
- John Cranley was elected to a second term as Mayor.
- Republican Chris Smitherman was elected to another term on City Council.
- Democrat John Cranley appointed Republican Chris Smitherman as Vice-Mayor
- Cincinnati Republicans overwhelming supported Cranley.
- The Ohio Democratic Party Supported John Cranley for Mayor, despite his reliance on the Republicans to get elected.
- Voter turnout sucked once again.
- People are still incredibly ignorant on how government and elections work.
- Republican Amy Murray joined the Governor's race ticket as a Lt. Governor candidate for a Trump supporting candidate for Governor.
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