Sunday, December 31, 2017

In Case You Live in a Cave: 2017 Sucked in Politics

Anyone paying attention knows that 2017 sucked, bigly.  Here are the worst things politically that happened nationally and locally:

  1. Trump took office as President.
  2. Trump obstructed office.
  3. The Republicans obfuscated the Congressional investigations of Trump.
  4. Trump stayed in office.
  5. Tie: Trump spoke/Trump lied
  6. Trump continued to push hate, racism, and sexism.
  7. Trump Tweeted.
  8. Trump acted like a petulant child.
  9. FOX News solidified is standing as propaganda for Trump.
  10. An increased number of Americans (Right-Wing and Left-Wing) believe they are informed on politics.


  1. John Cranley was elected to a second term as Mayor.
  2. Republican Chris Smitherman was elected to another term on City Council.
  3. Democrat John Cranley appointed Republican Chris Smitherman as Vice-Mayor
  4. Cincinnati Republicans overwhelming supported Cranley.
  5. The Ohio Democratic Party Supported John Cranley for Mayor, despite his reliance on the Republicans to get elected.
  6. Voter turnout sucked once again.
  7. People are still incredibly ignorant on how government and elections work.
  8. Republican Amy Murray joined the Governor's race ticket as a Lt. Governor candidate for a Trump supporting candidate for Governor.

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