Saturday, October 05, 2002

The Immutable Laws of Maureen Dowd
Wow, it is so obvious why conservatives and Bush-fans no longer like Maureen Dowd. However, it is only obvious to those who can understand conservative rhetoric, let me translate the laws “ordained” in this Weekly Standard Column:

Law One Translation: You can make fun of Bill Clinton all you want, but you can't make fun of George Bush, after all we are in a war.

Law Two Translation: Life is Black and White. Either you are with “us” or with “them.”

Law Three Translation: Coherence is best illustrated with Dick and Jane. Literary devices are only for the intelligent, and the magnanimous thinker must lower oneself to the lowest common denominator. If you must use things like satire, make sure it is obvious enough for uneducated blue state voters.

Law Four Translation: Consumerism and truth are only good if you are buying from a conservative who is selling the word of “God.”

Law Five Translation: Non-Monarchist Europeans are bad, except for the Spanish and Italians who elected conservative governments.

The bottom line here is that if you are a popular columnist for one of the greatest newspapers in the world, that happens to have a liberal editorial page, and your opinions do not agree with the conservative viewpoint, you are not a good columnist, no matter how many Pulitzers you win. This widespread attack on Ms. Dowd by conservatives is just an element to their propaganda campaign to profess the myth of a “liberal political bias” in the media. The more they say the media has a “liberal bias;” the more people will think it is true. The more they say she is incoherent; the more people will think it.

This post is originally from my other blog PulpStalag.

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