Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Council Predictions

I still see the field wide open. Natelists his updated predictions. Nate is placing heavy emphasis on prior indicators of who will contend (money, name recognition). I still think things have lots of room for new face on council, with few incumbents safe and few locks for challengers. I would agree that there will be 4 to 5 easy predictions for council, but who that will be won't be set until October. At the same time we'll know who of those with a chance now, will have lost their chance based on how their campaign stand closer to the election.

Tarbell Can't Run as a Write-In Candidate

I never knew it was Ohio law that individuals who try to get on the ballot, but fail, can't run as write-in candidates. I don't know why this would be needed? What is this law trying to prevent? If you failed to get on the ballot because of fraud, then sure, I see why you should be a write-in candidate. If you just turned in signatures and didn't get enough, why should you not be allowed to file as a write-in candidate?

Drunken Fools

I myself took in most of the game while at Fountain Square last night and I walked right behind the WKRC van parked on Vine near the Square. I walked by on my way home early in the 4th Quarter. It had it's remote satellite hook up hoisted up in the air and was running.

It really sounds funny that some drunk guy tried to steal the van, I say he was drunk because real thieves would know better than trying to steal a TV van. In the end some normal guy with a job will likely face jail time.

Friday, September 07, 2007

Bold Fusion and Agenda 360

Yesterday many gathered for Bold Fusion. I've not be a fan of the event in the past, but this year the inclusion of Agenda 360 is something with actionable ideas, not just more talk about talking with same people who always to the talking.

Did anyone go? What's your take on the event and on Agenda 360?

On Time???

Someone thinks the Banks Project is on time?

Journalist Creep

In this article in the Enquirer: NAACP says sentencing in dog case was racist, there is not a quote from anyone in the NAACP saying the ruling was "racist." One could infer that from part of the article, but did anyone from the NAACP or even at the rally say that for the record? If they didn't use the term "racist," then why did the Editor at the Enquirer add that to the story? Do headlines with the NAACP calling someone or something racist catch more eyes?

If the NAACP did in fact make that claim, why didn't the article include a quote? Calling someone or something a "racist" is a pretty harsh claim, even for hyperbole rich Chris Smitherman (the King of Grandstanding in Cincinnati). It sounds like the editor was looking for the situation to creep up into a full borne racism debate, one that makes for better eye catcher.

Unoriginal Schmidt

Rep. Jean Schmidt allegedly copied word for word a document prepared by an Ohio State Highway Patrol Officer, without giving the officer credit. A Blog first identified this, Kudos to the Daily Bellwether.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Tarbell Running as Write-in Candidate

Former Vice-Mayor Jim Tarbell has registered as a write-in candidate for Cincinnati School Board. That seems like a bite of a long shot. Jim is running as a team with Anne Power and Sally Warner in what I imagine is a way to save expenses. Without money, they stand little chance. They need to buy TONS of advertisements or create multiple mass mailings letting people know they are write-in candidates and then educate people how to correctly write-in someone using the new voting system. They have a long way to go to actually win. I don't know the last time for anyone to ever win an election as a write-in candidate in Hamilton County. I wouldn't be surprised if it hasn't happened before.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

20/20 Schedule Announced

Get your arts in massive doses this year at the 20 Days 20 Nights Arts Festival, which has announced their schedule for 2007. The event kicks off on September 28th. For more information check out Enjoy the Arts.

Cincy Dems Straw Poll

The HC Democratic Party will sponsor a Presidential Primary Straw Poll next Tuesday, the 11th, at 6:15PM at the 20th Century Theater in Oakley. The event is open to "anyone who supports the election of Democratic candidates."

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Mr. Racebaiter

Chris Smitherman wasted no time in using the death of a child as fodder in latest crusade. Can't Smitherman might a point about in justice without making it about race? This was just just not necessary to try and compare.
"Here today, we have a white woman down in Clermont County who killed her daughter, clearly endangerment of a child and we have the prosecutors saying not one charge will be levied against this woman," said Smitherman.

"And, at the same time, we have a an African-American woman in Avondale who's locked up right now for leaving her children in the closet," said Smitherman. "We have a prosecutor saying he's going to lock her up for 100 years."
This does NOTHING to improve race relations and it instead divides people more.

Mom Beats the Wrap

In what is driving people across the tristate nuts, the mother who left her young daughter in her car in 100 heat will not face charges.

I just don't understand why no charges were brought. If this woman was poor and black and living in the West End, would she be locked up right now? I'll just wait now to see who uses this to push their own agenda.

Sunday, September 02, 2007


Brian Garry has been off the deep end for years, but lhis atest claim of being the victim of a Watergate style break-in at HC Democratic headquarters sends him into tinfoil hat territory.

There is a little smoke to the story, however, so let's start with the general facts: someone broke into Hamilton County Democratic Headquarters (also his campaign's headquarters) and stole two computers. The computers were his campaign's and according to Garry no other campaign's, nor the party's, computers were taken. Other candidates use the offices as their campaign HQ.

What are the possible theories:
  1. Someone broke into the building with the intent to steal Brian Garry's computers because they wanted to damage his campaign.
  2. Someone broke into the building with the intent to disrupt the Democratic Party and happened to pick Garry's computers to steal, not knowing who they specifically belonged to.
  3. A thief broke into a building and stole the computers, having no clue they belonged to Brian Garry or that they were in the HC Democratic Party HQ.
There is another theory I didn't want to include in the list, because it points the finger someplace else : someone from the inside of the Garry campaign did this on purpose to gain much needed attention for Garry. There is no evidence to support this, but there is no evidence to support the claim that someone was trying to hurt Garry's campaign specifically.

There are two points that would lead me to favor one view over another. First is that in the article it was reported that an air-conditioner was "kicked in" to gain access to the building. That indicates to me that it was someone not worried about being caught as much as stealing something they need. The second point is unknown by me: were Garry's computers the closest to the air-conditioner or did the thief walk past other computers to get to Garry's?

The only other thing worth investigating, if a suspect is caught, is to determine if they have any connection with anyone who is involved in Republican or conservative politics. That might provide a lead for the theory that this was an attempt to disrupt the Democrats.

More from the Enquirer.

The Future of the Enquirer?

This appeared to be a test run on Youtube (instead of the full daily update on cincinnati.com, but I think I liked the effort. I don't know if this will build viewers and ultimately readers, but I give the Enquirer credit for expanding their use of technology.

On a side note: This version is much funnier:

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Follow the Money

Will Justin Jeffre do the right thing and record the political ads running on the Beacon as an in kind contribution to his campaign? If they didn't include the graphic it might not fall into the advocacy category, but hey, I don't recall the Beacon crowd being sticklers for details on what they do, only on what others do.

Friday, August 31, 2007

More Banks Protests

First we had Chris Smitherman, now we have the 4th Street Crowd complaining about certain proposals for the Banks project.

MIAMI 14, Ball St. 13

Love and honor to Miami,
Our college old and grand,
Proudly we shall ever hail thee,
Over all the land.

Alma mater now we praise thee,
Sing joyfully this lay,
Love and honor to Miami,
Forever and a day.

The Enquirer - Close game goes Miami's way

I didn't get to do this must last season, since the team was very bad. This year I have hope, at least after the first win!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Brinkman Defeated in His Anti-Gay Lawsuit

Ohio Representative Tom Brinkman had his case thrown out. Brinkman has sued to end Miami University's domestic partner medical insurance program. Brinkman's efforts were among the more cruel and hate filled efforts to hurt gays and lesbian in Ohio. Here's hoping Brinkman stops his anti-gay crusade. Not likely, I know.

Harris Anti-Poverty Plan

The Enquirer Politics blog has word on Greg Harris's plan to curb poverty in Cincinnati.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Hard Times, Hard Times Come No More

Here we have the downside of getting valid population count, we find out that over a quarter of the City live in poverty. These statistics show the real battle that is being waged in large cities across the country, one of class.