Saturday, November 16, 2002

Retiring justice could quiet city's racial woes
This appears to be the boycotters choice du jour, while according to the Post Vice Mayor Reece has Judge Jones in Mind.
Chris Anderson puts the racial conflict square on both sets of shoulder's responsible, the City leaders and the boycotters, while Denise Smith Amos from the Enquirer wants to lay blame on the City, and presumably the "white community," what ever that is supposed to be.
Marshall won't change security
Typical response from Marshall, their shit doesn't stink. Marshall needs to keep its Alumni off the field, namely 36 year olds who should know better.

Friday, November 15, 2002

Fifth Third under scrutiny for $54M 3Q charge - Nov. 15, 2002
All of this without a chairman of the SEC.
National Underground Railroad Freedom Center has re-launched its website in hopes of adding more attention and more donations.
When the whole tale is told, many are responsible for incident
This is a must read for all College Football fans, but especially for Miami, Marshall and all MAC school fans.

Wednesday, November 13, 2002

Miami suspends two assistant football coaches
I don't know what to say about this. I felt I had to bring it up here, but where I stand on the issues involved are not simple and not totally set. I am disappointed with the over coverage of this incident, but I am more disappointed in my alma mater's football program. I hope they can get past this incident with honor and dignity. I do also wish the opponent Miami played last night will learn something from the atmosphere they have created around their football program. The program and the fans of that program need to take a second of self-introspection and see that they have gone over the edge into a chasm of incivility. I sincerely hope Miami gets past this situation and continues on a path of excellence that is has, up to this point, achieved. I would rather go undefeated and never appear on TV again, than have this kind of embarrassment to the University ever again.
Protester arrested outside Springsteen concert
This is not the first report I have heard regarding Dwight Patton's behavior at protests. According to an affidavit filed by the victim, Dwight Patton bit his thumb. Does Dwight have some kind of odd fetish? Does Dwight need anger management classes?
Concert goes smoothly
As expected the chicken little press was wrong about this molehill. I hope similar concerts can go on in Cincinnati with limited festival seating. The fear of possibility should not be confused with probability.
Kalmanoff resigns as monitor of police reforms
Will he be paid the $55,000? Will he get a big settlement? Will the city retain custody of his beard? Stay tuned Cincinnatians! Same blog time, same blog channel.
CityBeat: Your Negro Tour Guide "Head Job"
Based on her column, Kathy would fit the stereotype of a hypersensitive black activist who is none to keen on white people that touch her. I guess if a white driver cuts her off on the highway, it was because of her race. If I were to not hold the door open for her, is it because she is black? If she gets turned down for a job, is it because she was black? If she is the only black person in an elevator full of white people and a white person puts his hand on her head, is it because she is black? It has nothing to do with him being drunk?

If this column is supposed to be satire, I guess because I am white it went over my head.

Tuesday, November 12, 2002

High court's integrity hangs by thread
You will not read this in a Cincinnati Newspaper. The Ohio Medical community appears to have purchased a Supreme Court Judgeship for their gal. CalPundit has more on this subject.
Ch. 9 stands for more changes
Musical chairs will not make the fluff go away. Stop reporting the weapies, and start back up with hard news. For the record: News is not the latest diet from Kathy Lee or the new movie staring the network sitcom star. Try telling me what City Council voted on, or the County Commission, or even the General Assembly.
A Top Ten worth reading from Chris Anderson.
Boycott backers: Bruce is hypocrite
Mike McConnell points out that the lyrics to the song in question is not a song that really fits they boycotter's "cause." The song is a lament that you must make sure you act in a way to avoid being killed. The lyrics do indicate sorrow and trepidation that such a situation exists, but to call Springsteen a hypocrite is a factitious argument of a desperate group. The BUF is and has been attempting to puff up their situation to that of New York or Los Angeles, but the analogy is a malevolent attempt at gaining national attention. The boycott was established for the express purpose of extorting money from the City of Cincinnati and local Businesses. The underlying police-community relations that were the alleged basis for the boycott are being addressed by the CAN commission and the Collaborative Agreement. I wonder if the boycotters will protest Bruce and how many racial slurs will he be called during said protest. Maybe I should start a pool.

Monday, November 11, 2002

Library drops planned closings
If this means fewer hours open at the rest of the branches, along with a reduction in acquisitions, then I say close the small branches.
Artist captures cow to Max
Did this cow ever get an official name? Charlie Mooken was a popular favorite of many. I am no expert on art, but this painting is nothing I would hang in my bathroom.
BRONSON: Team up to fire the monitor
Mr. Kalmanoff comes from Berkeley, Calif. - which is as far from Cincinnati as Mars.
That is true, but Cincinnati is Pluto in the analogy of planets.

Side note: I give Bronson credit for correcting his Detroit murder rate, but he should have rescinded his column. His attempt to scare Cincinnatians to fear the City becoming another Detroit was obviously an example of false propaganda. Peter jumped on a number that fit his presupposed position and got burned. I guess pressrooms need to rehire fact checkers.
If linear political theory is your idea of ivory tower musings, then this is right up your belfry.
Monitor no stranger to controversy
Yet another mess. This monitor sounds like a Prima Donna that sucks up cash for getting his beard trimmed.